The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

January 9, 2010

I choose, I make a choice


I choose, I make a choice as to what I do, read and write as well. So do all of us continually, daily now too, the Cops and Professionals, Civil and Public Servants AS WELL and I am really getting tired of all the bad people who do wrongs and try to blame the other persons.. THE DEVIL DID NOT MAKE YOU DO IT, AND THE BOSS DID NOT MAKE YOU DO IT, OR YOUR SPOUSE, RATHER YOU WENT ALONG WITH IT EVEN WHEN YOU LIED OR WHEN SET OUT TO MEET YOUR TRAFFIC TICKETS, SPEEDING QUOTA FOR EXAMPLE and you alone were to blame when you had a few drinks and still decided to drive the car or when you had committed income tax frauds…. So stop lying to me and to all of the others saying even that the Liberals alone are to blame for all the bad things now the Conservatives Minister do too.. for you are lying only to yourself when you try to blame any  others for your own immoral, poor acts. As simple as that too.
Our PM Minister Stephen Harper also can blame no one but himself now too for his bad acts, mismanagements, prologue of parliament.. “Grassroots fury greets shuttered Parliament  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to once again suspend Parliament is being regarded by critics as a self-serving attempt to sidestep opposition questioning about the Afghan mission “. “So judgments of Harper boil down to his ability to implement innovative policies and his behaviour. The behaviour traits that make me distrust him are many. He’ll drop a platform promise, or adopt an opposition plan to stay in power. Remember, it was the threat of election that forced Harper to act on the economy, adopting opposition demands, to avoid an election at a time when he and his ministers swore there was no economic crisis. He cannot debate an issue on its merits: everything is ALWAYS spin. He shames all opponents. He controls media access. He refuses to accept the supremacy of parliament and augments executive powers. Harper lacks the character to be PM. It’s that simple. In short, Harper is a controlling demagogue who hasn’t the intellectual or personal skills to manage by consensus; he can only divide and conquer. Well, he’s dividing us too, and that is something we should not tolerate any longer.”
Jobs picture unchanged in December CBC – Fri Jan 8, 10:16 PM Employment was flat in December and the jobless rate remained at 8.5 per cent, Statistics Canada says…  and yet we continue to read, to hear the lies, the false spins.. the recession is over, the stock market is great, homes are selling again.. or that the GOVERNMENT IS DOING A GREAT JOB..  as major concern over unemployment still is ongoing and clearly a very lot more has to be even done. “I don’t think the Conservatives have ever really had a job-creation strategy.” NDP MP Glenn Thibeault

August 15, 2009



PAST Top Quarterly posts
l care.. CANADIAN HEALTH CARE medical cartoons  
swine flu – influenza A (H1N1)  
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Church  
Mickey Mouse RCMP, Police, Canada  
3 of Canada’s Top News Stories relating  
It is getting worse for the RCMP  
Christian and Missionary Alliance Corporation  
QUEBEC the second largest PROVINCE in CANADA  
Drunk driving arrests jump and much more  
Basic Contract law  
Cops, RCMP, Brian Mulroney, Harper Update  
Canadian-editorial-cartoons IV  
Unlawful use of authority  
third Police vehicle impounded under hypocrtical laws  
Bell throttles internet speeds  

No Surprise here self centered Stephen Harper and the Conservative clearly, often do not care about the good welfare of anyone but themselves.. Feds lack urgency in face of isotope crisis, MD says
The research studies are  in and they’re saying texting while driving is not only illegal — it’s really dangerous, distracting to good and safe driving .Texting, also known as SMS (short message service), refers to the 160-character messages sent and received on modern mobile phones. Distracted drivers are too often the cause of road accidents all the time, many of which lead to serious injury, even death. A recent study has shown texting while driving is proven to increase your likelihood of having an accident while drive by more than 23 times.  Now no matter what age, even while using a phone familiar to them, and with no traffic, road signals, or pedestrians, drivers are seriously distracted when they are typing out a tiny 160-character message. Texting while driving is a distraction,  so is eating the lunch you just grabbed from the drive-through, reading, checking navigation systems or making CD changes. The list is also limitless. It’s up to us all to serioulsy recognize what we should and shouldn’t be doing while we are driving. Along with a year around ban on driving and texting, drunk  driving too, must come education. Much the way “don’t drink and drive” has become a phrase everyone knows, “don’t text and drive” needs to be just as well versed. At the very least, when texting is the cause of an accident the case should be prosecuted criminally, much the way a DUI case is handled.
 Nicholson, the member of Parliament for Niagara Falls and a senior Conservative cabinet minister, sent brochures out to hometown voters boasting his government’s response to the global economic crisis is “today’s plan for tomorrow’s success.”  Impeccable timing. These flyers, extolling the successes of the Conservative government, always seem to land in mailboxes just as election talk heats up. This time, Nicholson cites the International Monetary Fund saying “your Conservative government acted early to tackle the global economic crisis; delivered the right stimulus at the right time.”  Interesting spin, but most Canadians will recall Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty introduced stimulus spending with a political gun to his head. 
 Oh, the irony: Nicholson and Harper, champions of stimulus – A typical lying lawyer’s spin and I was once naïve to believe that Justice Ministers especially were honest persons who did not lie.. but no longer naïve, we need now to appoint a new honest justice minister for sure.
  A white policeman  falsely  arrested  the renowned black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his home  Massachusetts.  Gov. Deval Patrick, once the top civil rights official in the Clinton administration and now, like Obama, the first black to hold his job, labeled Gates’s false arrest as “every black man’s nightmare.”  This also happens to many white men who oppose police brutality and injustice though, me included now, The governor told reporters: “You ought to be able to raise your voice in your own house without risk of arrest.”  and you can add to that the Natives now as well… EVEN IN Canada. Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. had just returned from a trip overseas and, upon arriving at the property with a driver, found his front door jammed and had to force it open. By the time police arrived at the house, he and the driver had managed to get inside the property. According to police, Prof Gates shouted at the officer and accused him of racial bias. Police Officers were called to Prof Gates’s house after a woman reported seeing two black males – the professor and his driver – trying to force entry.  Prof Gates was still falsely arrested outside his home after providing the officer with identification. As the court records will show I also was arrested and fined in the Calgary Chief of police office cause I had said out loud rightfully you cops are crooked..  In reality too Cops are not the only one who resort to violence when their authority is threatened, so do some bad pastors now too..   as I do also know. …  and we all should by now know the RCMP also do lie.. the actual number of unsolved criminal cases would be a lot higher if the police actually investigated all the citizen report they do receive. I have sat in police stations and watched the police lie and refuse complaints brought to them by the other citizens too… never mind those phoned in.   I think only one of over 5 criminal  complaints about the criminal abuse of me or others was ever reviewed with even, and even that one took months of complaining to the police.. and that was the charge of physical assault of me by  a rogue Pentecostal pastor who punched me , in front of a witness, cause I had refused to go to his church.
 At the RCMP too, the thin blue line is alive and well as the Robert Dziekanski case  best still  exemplifies it. this poor, abused  Robert Dziekanski, who died, or rather was murdered,  after a continual Tasering by four RCMP officers in the Vancouver airport in 2007. Next  the evidenced to all perverse RCMP lineup at the inquiry was a study in rehearsed. lying fabrication supported by also perverse senior brass, including a false police-testimony soundtrack completely out of sync with the reality of what was happening, all done  in spite of the evidence of  the famous video of the RCMP Dziekanski takedown. Certainly now without that video of the same  Polish immigrant’s death, any internal RCMP investigation would undoubtedly continued to  have determined to all that this matter again too  was a another justified police response instead of the now much too  obvious case of RCMP incompetence, and overkill. And   despite the undeniable need, logic now of putting all of serious RCMP allegations under independent investigations to ensure, enhance the reliability of real Justice, RCMP  findings and to improve its transparency, the false, perverse  RCMP foot dragging now continues but also not one of the Dziekanski murders, and accomplices have yet been convicted of any criminal wrongdoings as well. Now how much more perverse can this all get now too still all while the also perverse federal justice Ministers sit on their hands and do noting again about it all?
 EDMONTON – Alberta is to announce new rules on when police can use conducted energy weapons such as Tasers. Solicitor General Department spokeswoman Michelle Davio says the changes will include setting up tighter boundaries on when Tasers can be used and the need for ongoing testing of the weapons – which deliver an intense electric shock. Davio says the changes expected to be announced later this week by Solicitor General Fred Lindsay will apply to all police in the province, including RCMP. Last week the B.C. government ordered all police in that province to severely restrict the use of the stun guns following the release of the Braidwood Inquiry report. The report, which looked into the death of a Polish man in Vancouver in 2007 after tussling with four RCMP, says that 25 Canadians have died after encounters with Tasers. Saskatchewan’s Police Commission says it is considering the Braidwood report as it completes its own Taser review and will decide this fall whether to change its policies.
CALGARY – Tasers in Alberta will be tested annually under new guidelines released by the provincial government.  Police officers will only be allowed to use the conducted energy weapons under certain circumstances set out by the document. It also says an officer who believes a suspect may cause injury to him or herself or a bystander can use a Taser, but someone who is simply running away isn’t enough of a reason.  A use-of-force report must also be written every time one of the weapons is deployed.  Alberta has been reviewing its Taser policy and also looked at the report into the 2007 death of Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver International Airport after he was repeatedly zapped by a Taser.  The B.C. government responded to the report by ordering all police to restrict the use of stun guns.
Aug. 11 — Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec, Canada’s biggest pension-fund manager, had an unrealized first-half loss of C$5.7 billion ($5.2 billion) on real estate, wiping out a 5 percent gain by other investments.  The Caisse’s real estate debt holdings declined to C$8.6 billion on June 30 from C$10.8 billion at the end of 2008. The fund lost a record 25 percent in 2008.   The Caisse had unrealized losses of C$2.2 billion on real estate debt, C$1.8 billion on declining values on properties, C$1.3 billion related to private equity and infrastructure, and C$400 million on asset-backed commercial paper. Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec had C$120.1 billion in assets on Dec. 31.  Last year, the Caisse lost $39.8-billion or 25 per cent of its assets, making it among the worst performing pension funds in the country. The pension fund stubbornly refused to release its financial results, despite numerous reports of its losses, and the Caisse’s performance became a hot-issue  in Quebec political circles and the province’s election campaign. No wonder the ex Quebec Liberal finance Minister Monique Forget resigned suddenly and unexpectedly
“The job market is nowhere close to swinging back into the positive and Alberta and B. C. are among the worst,” Canada is seeing many good jobs replaced with costly self-employment part-time work lacking the full time dental, health benefits too and face it these people will pay a lot less federal taxes and dig deeper into their savings,  or  DEBTS.. and you can for sure include  the associated rising health costs, as many person’s health will also worsen by the related job, family stress now too.  Canada lost three times as many jobs as economists expected last month, led by construction and tourism-related businesses, signaling the country’s recovery from a recession may be slow.  No matter what the much too many lying Conservative spin doctors now do try to say to us all I rightfully no longer believe anything automatically that any Canadian  Conservative Cabinet Minister or Conservative member of parliament says, especially when they now do  lie to us and say that they are looking equally, and fairly after all the citizens of Canada, the Canadian persons of all race, nationality, all ages, all sex now too.. We already have ample proof that the Conservative Job creation program has been guilty of false partiality towards Conservative ridings.
Liberals continue to enjoy wide support in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, while the Tories have a commanding lead in the Prairies. The two parties are more or less neck-to-neck in Ontario and British Columbia.
I also do do not believe them rightfully and especially when they say the big recession is ending shortly when these same fools initially would not even firstly admit that Canada was facing a recession now too.. they the Conservatives clearly and simply  cannot be trusted at all based on their poor performances to date. And I would not believe them just as much as I would not believe the much too often lying RCMP, Police Commissions now as well. Canada lost 45000 jobs in July: Statistics Canada  
 Ontario is calling on the federal government to stop the transfer of the next generation of wireless technology developed by troubled Nortel in its sale to LM Ericsson since the taxpayer’s money have been used to develope it. 
Ha Ha ha Joke of the year..


Calgary’s last-minute strategy to challenge Edmonton for Expo 2017 is beyond the pale, beyond rude and beyond belief. The political gambit is so offside–so off the decency dial!
“Prime Minister Stephen Harper attended the recent G8 meetings in L’Aquila, Italy. He spoke with reporters following the meetings and openly admitted he favours a one-world government. He joins many other heads of countries voicing the same slogan and implementing policies to force us in that direction. Oh, to be sure, he tried to pre-qualify the statement, saying each nation would remain sovereign, but arguing there is a need for “global governance,” a nice, soft word meaning one-world government. Wake up, Canada. This is like being just a little bit pregnant — either you are or you are not.  Either we are sovereign or we are not. By the actions of this and former Canadian governments, one can only conclude the latter. Harper, his Conservative government and the rest of the actors in Ottawa continue to commit treason. I call for his immediate resignation.  Harper and almost every other MP, regardless of political party, are facilitating the demise of Canada. Whatever happened to personal integrity?” G.McIntosh Ashcroft
CRTC to look at how Internet traffic is managed to avoid congestion – THE TRUTH, REALITY? is that  this hearing is a farce.
The serious loss of trust of the RCMP NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED AS WELL!
 Harper, Ignatieff reach deal to avert summer election  OTTAWA – CANADA’S Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff have reached a deal to avert an election – at least until the fall.  
 Now it is no secret that most of Stephen Harper support comes form Alberta and not at all from central or eastern Canada… and it is no secret that when they were not in power the hypocrtical Conservatives had said elect us into power and we will be different, we will be a better government, but now once elected they repeated most of the bad things the other parties did, such as lying, putting their friends into good paying governmental jobs, discrimination, partiality, giving more money to the Conservative ridings but what is surprising is that the hypocritical Conservative supporters who now are silent on all of this, still falsely approve of their rather non Conservative government and leader Stephen Harper.. who even now still does not have a democratic federal government, a majority government, cause he did not get 51 percent of the votes even..”More important still, the increasingly entrenched notion that Canadian prime ministers, more or less like U.S. presidents, draw their power directly from the people would have been exposed as what it is: A self-serving fraud.” And more LIES AND FRAUD TO STAY IN POWER ARE  MORE CORRUPTIONS.
“Of course, the Harper Conservatives came to power decrying the abuses of previous Liberal governments and promising a new era of openness. But in office Harper has undermined the democratic process in alarming ways. He has imposed a culture of secrecy and virtual one-man rule that makes a mockery of our parliamentary system. This is not what Canadians voted for. Instead of greater transparency, there is opacity. Rather than MPs being empowered, lobbyists are being enriched. In power, the Conservatives promptly made a mockery of Parliament’s committee system by compiling a secret playbook for blocking opposition MPs who might want to examine government operations. Out of a pathological fear of cabinet ministers or public officials going off script, the Harper PMO has also stifled individual ministers and senior bureaucrats. Departments such as Foreign Affairs, once quick to share news with the public, have gone into a deep freeze. ”
 “MPs, for too long, have used tax money as a means of distributing ingratiating largesse to their “favourites.” The public can’t afford such lax and despotic control over their hard earned taxes any more.” and “Where MPs got the idea they are above submitting details of all their spending of taxpayer money, is unknown. MPs are our servants. It is not for them to tell the taxpayers to go “fly a kite.” It is for the taxpayers to direct the MPs to divulge details of all expenditure of tax monies.”
Prime Minister Stephen Harper seems contemptuous at worst and indifferent at best to the role of Parliament. We all need to be Concerned about the federal government’s ability to manage the economy too. The Conservatives have had it wrong from the start when they said there wouldn’t be a recession and that there would be a surplus. Today we have a recession and an ever-increasing $50-billion deficit. A different reality indeed.  The Conservatives  had promised to get money flowing for jobs within 120 days of the budget.  The deadline has come and gone, with not much to show for it.   The Conservatives   had  DONE LITTLE. Instead we’ve lost over 350,000 jobs while infrastructure money from last year’s budget that could have stimulated growth and created jobs  never made it out the door. Adding insult to injury is that their stimulus plan is not working. Their infrastructure program is paralyzed and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost. The Conservatives still have no plan to restore fiscal responsibility. Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff blamed the Conservative government for promising to help municipalities and the economy with infrastructure money and then not coming through with it in time to fund most projects for this summer.
Mayors say construction season slipping away with no sign of stimulus cash Thu Jun 4,  WHISTLER, B.C. – Canada’s big city mayors say this summer’s construction season is slipping away with no sign of the economic stimulus cash promised by the federal government. 
A trade war between Canada and the United States over “Buy American” policies would hurt both countries, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said Sunday, a day after Canadian municipalities passed a resolution that could shut out U.S. bidders from city contracts. At the annual general meeting of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities narrowly passed a motion on Saturday to bar bids from companies whose countries impose trade restrictions with Canada. Ignatieff said he’s not in favour of retaliatory action to shut American companies out of the multibillion-dollar municipal and provincial procurement market,  “A war over access to procurement at the state and local government level on both sides of the border is bad for Canada and bad for the United States,” said Ignatieff.  AND WHERE IS OUR USELESS PM STEPHEN  HARPER IN ALL OF THIS?
 In general in the more  liberal society of Canada both the wife and the children tend to have much more freedom, rights, make their own decisions,  over many other countries , Such as central and eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa  and as a result the culture shock after moving to Canada can be  a very real problem for some new immigrant husbands  where the husband sees his family role as being obeyed, and being the sole head of the home.   Thus  it’s not altogether uncommon for some of the new Canadian immigrant  home situations to become  unacceptably violent when the dominate husband feels his authority is being undermined.  Wife beatings as a result are common, and children who witness it are severely traumatized, can develop both bitterness and hatred. And it tends to make  the home matters worse where the husband now is also an alcoholic on top of all that.   In reality too Cops are not the only one who resort to violence when their authority is threatened, so do some bad pastors now too..
Monday June 15,2009 Canadian Press  VANCOUVER — A judge has decided the inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski will be allowed to make findings of misconduct against the four RCMP officers involved. The officers who stunned Dziekanski with a Taser at Vancouver’s airport challenged Commissioner Thomas Braidwood’s authority to make findings of misconduct against them. Braidwood had warned the officers he would consider allegations made at the inquiry — that they acted improperly and then lied to cover up their actions. The officers claimed those allegations amount to criminal offences, which public inquiries can’t do. They also argued that federal police officers are outside the jurisdiction of a provincial inquiry. But Justice Arne Silverman rejected those arguments, which means the inquiry can resume as scheduled this Friday with closing submissions.
 What kind of Judicial Banana Republic is the R.C.M.P. hoping for? The finding of Self-serving testimony is sure a nice way of saying perjury. When an organization limits judicial findings, or tries to stifle it, that organization has to be dismantled.
Mother of man shocked by RCMP Taser wants Poland to investigate son’s death Sun May 31, 9:38 PM VANCOUVER, B.C. – If she can’t see justice done in Canada – the mother of a man killed after being shocked by a police Taser wants Poland to dispense justice to  responsible RCMP.
CANADA  WHERE THERE IS A SEPARATE JUSTICE, TAX SYSTEMS FOR THE RICH AND POWERFUL SUCH AS BRIAN MULRONEY, CONRAD BLACK.  INCIDENTALLY THE RCMP CLEARLY FAILED ALSO TO GET ANY OF THESE BAD GUYS TOO.  Now a good name is worth more than silver or gold and these men’s reputation has gone down the drain and their money will not next buy it back too.. they are the laughing stock of many Canadians now and that is life. The RCMP included now. 

Here is a basic simple introduction to the context of many of my messages, in Canada there are much too many liars, crooks, cheats, perverts, ungodly persons everywhere, in the church, police stations, in politics,  and elsewhere. There are too many also who are disguised as wolves in sheep clothing, including crooked, dishonest professionals, doctors, lawyers, accountants, business persons, cops, RCMP, pastors, priests as well.. dream on if any of them wrongfully do think I will accept their evil deeds quietly.. Exposure and prosecution of the bad, guilty persons serves everyone’s best interest.

Clearly Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper  is still popular in the West, cause he pretends to be a Westerner, advocating  independence, family, relgious, moral, democratic,  fisical restraint values, and he was supposedly a non Liberal too. 

but Harper is despised now  in  Quebec because he clearly seen as just another Anglophone out to get what he can for himself and  who to me would likley rob his own mother to get richer. 

  You need also to get used to this fact  people lie, and often too, so does our PM stephen Harper, so do  many of the politicians, ministers, civil servants and cops, RCMP  now too as well as you do know.. so do the statistics, polls as well.. and when you read about 10 percent uemploynment presently , 10 percent of reduction in manufacturing in  Canada this year, thus  you  now can easily, safely double those figures and that is how bad the Canadian situation really is too..  

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) – Canada’s Liberal Party, which has been climbing in recent opinion polls, is also regaining its financial footing and the political unity it needs to fight a new election, leader Michael Ignatieff said on Thursday.But Ignatieff added he was still in no rush to force an election so soon after last October’s vote, and told party activists they still had hard work to do to regain the Liberals’ standing as a “national institution” that could elect candidates in all parts of the country..”We have a unified party. We have a party out of debt. And we have a party basically ready to fight an election,” he told reporters in Vancouver at the start of the Liberal’s Party national convention.

Bashing the Americans may get some Canadian  politicians elected or re-elected, for it may appeal to the people who love to hate others, especially any  Americans but the sad truth, reality is that it will not bring more food to the Canadian tables but it will only make matters worse for all Canadians.
The House of Commons should spend the next couple of months focusing on reforms to employment insurance and pensions, not electioneering, says NDP Leader Jack Leader.
  little doubt that we remain deep in the heart of the recession, but didn’t our Prime Minister Stephen Harper say not long ago there wasn’t a recession and the Canadian economy was strong?
Every day police officers leave their homes and families and put their lives on the line for a salary, cause this is what they are being paid for, hired for and this does not mean that they are now even free of any negative criticism while they are doing their paid  duties, especially when there are so many outstanding questions regarding their    inappropriate use of authority, force by too many police officers,  plus the unacceptable false  cover ups of their wrong doings and their unacceptable lying now  too.  Plus basically  nothing has even changed in the Vancouver airport customs area since the RCMP’s death of the police immigrant Dziekanski. And there are still concerns about Liberal candidate Kash Heed and his former role as West Vancouver police chief and his unexpected retirement from the force less than two years into his contract, “There’s still a lot of anger about a $40,000 severance payout even though he voluntarily quit in February, leaving many unanswered questions about his status on the force,”  to supposedly avoid legal prosecution too. “The cops have a responsibility to follow moral leadership and let me tell you, the cops do not have that here [in Abbotsford] “NDP candidate for Abbotsford South, Bonnie Rai. These are all valid issues, concerns too.
If what we have been told about the fatal shooting of a Vancouver man by a female police officer is true, it appears front-line cops have learned little from the Robert Dziekanski incident at Vancouver International Airport in 2007.
It is ironic this happened just days before the Braidwood inquiry resumed with testimony from the RCMP officer in charge the night Dziekanski died. There are striking similarities to both incidents.   In both cases, we have a witness who disputes the official police version of what happened. And in both cases, a witness apparently caught the incident on camera. Adam Smolcic claims police seized the cellphone he used to record the fatal shooting. He also alleges that police deleted the video capture. In the Dziekanski incident, Paul Pritchard also had his video camera seized by police, and only got it back after he threatened a lawsuit. (Police say they needed to hang onto it until all other evidence they were looking for was in their possession.) Smolcic is making some pretty serious allegations: that police shot and killed someone who could have been subdued with pepper spray or a baton, and that police then tried to cover their backsides by tampering with evidence.
Abbotsford Police have now been tasked with investigating the shooting. That investigation should also delve into Smolcic’s allegations. Smolcic is reported to be a marijuana activist. In the past, the word of a pot advocate wouldn’t have counted for much when weighed against the word of a police officer. Sadly, it may be easier for the public to believe Smolcic than the police. That’s how badly the Dziekanski incident has shaken the public’s trust in the police.
” I noticed that some Americans have two traits. One is gullibility, they believe everything newspapers, radio, and TV news Medias tell them, and some even hold the media more sacred than the Bible and the word of God. Others are incapable of keeping an open mind, or in having the interest to investigate further if what they are being told is true. Secondly, there are some that don’t like to hear the truths. There is that famous Jack Nicholson’s movie line in A Few Good Men, “You don’t want the truths, and you can’t handle the truths!” But maybe, is it because the truth hurts and that’s why some people stick their heads in the sand?” Like so many Canadians now too.. even the evangelical ones..    
As I have already posted on the net many times my own direct personal fellowship, undeniable witness in Calgary , Alberta   with key conservative, evangelical pastors , leaders  of the Calgary Christian Center, Bearspaw House of prayer, Calgary First Alliance Church, Salvation, Evangelical free church, Bowness Full Gospel Church, FGBMFI, Don Ross Ministries, and others …, was that many of them did not hesitate to cheat, lie, steal, slander, or to put their family members on the church payroll, or even to abuse  others and they also did  much more bad things. So why would I be surprised if Stephen Harper and his colleagues now are unacceptably not much better?
 Canadian “Christians constitute less than half of the proportion of the population that their counterparts represent in the U.S. Even at their best organized, therefore, they could never match the strength of the American Christian Right. Nevertheless, the battles over lesbian/gay rights, particularly from the mid-1980s on, and even more so from the mid-2000s, very much energized the political voices of conservative Christianity – Protestant and Catholic. The capacity of the Christian right to mobilize constituents, largely through the willingness of clerics to encourage followers to contact politicians, has no real parallel in other social movements, and can provide a wave of public response intimidating to politicians of various stripes. The real strength of Christian mobilizing at this time was the capacity and willingness of local church leaders, particularly on the Protestant side, to mobilize a religious flock that met weekly in worship. At the federal and provincial level, they were able to mobilize letters, petitions, phone calls, and personal visits to politicians in unprecedented numbers.These organizations have grown significantly not only in the resources they can marshall for applying political pressure, but also in the sophistication of their approach. In a parliamentary system, they recognize the huge significance of having a government in power that is open to their concerns.  ” and what would that mean now if they were misled by a wolf in sheep clothing such as Harper.. too?
Imagine that now our Canadian Conservative  Prime Minister Stephen Harper who could not foresee, predict the recession, has his own opinion on what had caused it, and why should any of us believe him now too?
  Conservative’s one sided  attack on others, by Harper as well are most unfair. Telling the truth about the Conservatives immoral, bad acts is often falsely rejected as being hateful.. but it is not hate when the Conservatives do it???  The ” people who act irresponsibly in the name of freedom are almost never willing to take responsibility for their actions.” – Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who now also should apply this firstly still to himself and his own Conservative party and not merely preach it to others. It absolutely amazes me still as to how Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are so ready to preach about, to see the supposed sins of the Liberals, and yet they cannot firstly see their own sins, when they do the very same thing that they are accusing the liberals, others of doing.. and now why is that?
Note FIRST to the evangelical ostriches who deny back to me  the negative reality, as per the  witness at the Western  Standard blog who had REPORTED in Writing AS WELL ON this event below  sponsered by Preston Manning, and Stephen Harper as the surprise speaker,  some of the people present there were now Getting DRUNK ON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. This was NO CHRISTIAN, CHURCH GATHERING for sure, but a main political event. How dumb evangelcial Conservatives can believe any of these two guys are now supposedly Christian is beyond me.
“March 13 (Bloomberg) — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a speech yesterday that Wall Street, consumers and homeowners caused the global recession, the National Post reported, without saying where it obtained the text. Harper said the belief that people could live beyond their means led to the recession, the Post said. Harper was speaking in Ottawa at an event organized by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, an Alberta-based research institute. Harper’s office declined to provide a copy of his remarks when contacted by Bloomberg. ” Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper should look into his own backyard. It was the price gouging oil companies who caused the recession, forced 50 percent of our American consumers, car exports, to stop buying.. because it was too costly to own a car.. so how come he cannot see the truth.. he is in the pocket of the oil companies still too?
 I have also  clearly said that to many Conservative party supporters, the professing Christian ones included now  are big  liars, hypocrites, and that is undeniable now as well for decades too especially in the West and elsewhere. Canadian Conservatives loudly they claim they believe in democracy, their  rights, their freedom of speech, their own right to be heard, their right to govern, but they next do too often do rather deny me my own right of free speech, my rebuttal of their lies, my detail post of their immoral acts, on the net and elsewhere openly under some false excuse, and that evidently to all now makes them liars. They also to often tend not to hesitate to abuse me, slander me, bully me, and that makes them perverts too. They really do not care about the truth, other people’s rights but mainly and solely their own it seems for sure.  I too have now learned along time ago that the bad men and bad women like to disguise themselves as good persons too and they like to ,  want to have all the sole rights, the rights to do all the talking as well, and all it takes for these evil persons to continue to prosper is for the good persons to do nothing, well real  life does not work that well, I thus do not mind, do not hesitate to tell the truth, even if they falsely label is hate, vile, and I do not mind to expose the liars, cheats, thieves, con men, imposters and to rightfully demand their persecution and incarceration too, no matter who they they they are, or how important they now do think they are. 
Believe other people’s lies, spins or
be  truly  informed or be ignorant and  it is still your choice too..
Liars and Ostriches who cannot deal with the facts, trust resort to false person attacks, bashings
and say thenonconformer is an angry man, well God is angry himself with the wicked everyday..
and Jesus said beware when people say nice things about you, for you likley became one of the bad guys?


Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says Ottawa hasn’t been upfront with Canadians when it comes to unemployment and the crumbling economy. ” Prime Minister Stephen Harper is misleading, LYING TO  Canadians on the real scope of the economic recession, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said. Contrary to Harper’s claim Canada is better off than the United States, 300,000 jobs have been lost here since October 2008.  Mr. Harper is telling the country that we are in less worse shape than the Americans. We know, in fact, that for every 10 jobs lost in the United States per capita, 15 are being lost in Canada. Bottom line, Canada is losing jobs faster at the moment than the United States.” Ignatieff added, the Liberals opposition recently discovered the Conservative government had budgeted an additional $3 billion in infrastructure spending in last year’s budget but never got around to spending it. “Who knows what the number of lost construction jobs would have been this month but it would not have been 42,000, I can tell you, it would have been lower,” Ignatieff said. the Liberal leader believes Canada likely wouldn’t have shed as many jobs as it has if the Tories had spent that money. New figures show Canada lost another 82,600 jobs in February, pushing the unemployment rate to 7.7 per cent, its highest level in more than five years. Speaking in Montreal following a meeting with the city’s mayor, Ignatieff said the Conservatives have also failed to “deliver the merchandise” when it comes to municipal infrastructure spending.
Prime Minister Harper’s view that Canada will pull out of a recession faster than other countries  have been greeted with skepticism by many forecasters, who think he may be far too optimistic OR WORSE UNREALISTIC. Although Mr. Harper made it clear that Canada will not turn the corner until the U.S. banking crisis is fixed, he did say “we will come out of this faster than anyone and stronger than ever.” But many economists are leery of the view that Canada will turn around more quickly than the United States. FACTS ARE WHAT IS NEEDED NOT MERE SPINS, FALSE SPECULATIONS..
PS anyone who is naive to say to me from Alberta now too  that a professing Christians do not drink alcohol, get drunk just should read all the letters I often do get from professing Christian pastors acknowledging they drink wine, alcohol and trying to justify it.. I have often written about this too
I can quickly sum up my political experiences in Canada.. for decades now most people in Canada  seem to elect liars and alcoholics for politicians, and we have had now much too many of them elected as well.. Of course  it seems natural for alcoholics to lie, they seen to often lie that it is is ok to drink alcohol in the first place, and it seems natural for many lawyers who run for political offices, and many want to be politicians to lie to get elected.. Yes most people elect liars who tell them the things they want to hear.. we all know that had Stephen Harper told the truth that Canada was going into a major depression next, he very likely would have never got elected. so he said there was going to be no election or recession, he clearly lied. After he was elected he admits Canada was facing a big recession of course, how could he deny otherwise. I openly express the truth that we should stop electing any liars and alcoholics, even in the police forces, civil and public services now too,  and when it is confirmed that they are thieves, cheats,  liars or alcoholics they should be immediately fired, recalled.. as simple as that too. Some professing ostrich evangelical totally deny that the professing Christians drink alcohol, they have a problem with the alcoholics rather and not me I merely reported the truth, facts, that many professing Christians drink alcohol and falsely try to justify it as well.. Alcohol does a lot of brain damages, negatively affects your ability to work, to live normal, alcohol is a major cause of car accidents, tends to destroy your family life, so of course I have no use for alcohol or alcoholics anywhere. Neither should any of us not just MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. and a  bad immoral Conservatives is not better than a bad immoral Liberal, especially firstly the alcoholic ones.
 (Rom 12:2 KJV)  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Rom 8:29 KJV)  For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Two individuals, one company plead guilty to fixing gas prices in Quebec Tue Mar 17, 5:13 PM MONTREAL – The federal Competition Bureau says two individuals and a company have pleaded guilty to criminal charges for their part in gasoline price-fixing rings in Quebec
and why are the names of the firms, the persons involved not being provided for to the public? Exemplary prosecution of the guilty serves everyone best interest
RCMP dismiss sex harassment case by female officer because case took too long 13 minutes ago REGINA – An RCMP panel in Saskatchewan has dismissed a sexual harassment complaint filed by a female officer against her male supervisor because the case took too long to be heard.
Feds slash RCMP watchdog funding Tue Mar 17, 6:18 PM OTTAWA – The Harper government is slashing nearly half the funding for the watchdog agency that monitors the RCMP and recently helped pressure the national police to craft a new policy on Tasers.
This is Harper’s promised accountability, transparency in action again?
We can and must uphold biblical values upon all persons like the ten commandments only  but Let me be clear there is no Biblical injunction that a political ruler,  leader must be a Christian, and secondly you cannot force a person to become a Christian, he or she  has to do that  using his own free will, choice, voluntarily submitting to God. Church Pastors need to set exemplary behavior firstly as well.
The other  significance of our pretentious, hypocritical, imposter Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s speech last week to hard-line conservatives was he was revealing his true colours.. his hatred of others included.
last week when Harper delivered a speech to a gathering of true blue conservatives at a fundraising event for the Manning Institute for Democracy, a think tank headed up by Preston Manning, founder of the Reform party.

The press was not given notice of the speech in advance, so it went mostly uncovered, which may explain why the Prime Minister sounded more like the Harper of old. His speech was highly partisan and littered with snide references to the “left-wing fringe groups” and the “liberal left.” Others targeted by the prime minister include:

  • The Senate, the judiciary, and “countless other federal institutions and agencies,” which are filled with “Liberal insiders and ideologues.”
  • The Obama administration in the United States. “Unlike our friends to the south, we are cutting taxes, not raising them.”
  • Wall Street financiers and individual homeowners and consumers, who caused the economic meltdown because they “bought into a very unconservative idea that they could live beyond their means.”
  • The CBC. “We as Conservatives inherit an incredible legacy, (although) you would forget this sometimes listening to the CBC.”
  • Parliament. “I would never use Parliament and reality in the same sentence.” The opposition parties were described as “that toxic coalition brew of Liberals, socialists and separatists.”
  • The United Nations. “Instead of polling the General Assembly of the United Nations, we are taking principled, unequivocal positions.”

Harper also took a stab at defining conservatism. ” “I like to summarize my idea of conservatism in three Fs – freedom, family and faith.. ”

but when we are clearly head for a church, Harper  induced Police  state where is the real freedom

PM Stephen Harper has been accused of abandoning basic Conservative values. I maintain that he and his cabinet never had any, for  they are still sleeping in their stone age caves practicing the survival of the fittest..

Only 39 percent of the Americans are truly informed as to what is going on around them, and a  whopping 46 percent of Americans don’t know what’s going on with the economy, and they cannot give any opinion about it.. But the  recent Pew  Survey had showed that 80 percent of Americans had still next cut spending because of the economic situation and only 30 percent of them had to cut cost because they were faced with worsening financesPew had asked a random sample of 1,000 Americans whether they had started to tune out the dire economic coverage. Fewer than 15 percent said yes. Forty-six percent said that they don’t have enough knowledge and background information to understand the crisis or evaluate the proposed solutions. Many People just keep brief attention to economic news because it affects them, 40 percent of the respondents have been touched by job worries over last year, layoffs, reductions in pay, hours or job loss by family members and friends. 

Budget officer forecasts major decline in GDP –   Parliamentary budget officer Kevin Page delivered more bad news about the Canadian economy Wednesday, saying the GDP will drop 8.5 per cent this quarter — the biggest decline in at least four decades.

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July 27, 2009

I was really saddened to note

art (13) 


Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that people are not to be trusted, need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, amongst professionals and politicians as well.
Here still  is what I cannot understand about the federal job creation programs carried out under both the liberal and conservative governments, is the necessity it seems to give money firstly to the municipalities, as though they have a direct effect on voters.. Nothing can be farther from the truth for  neither the police themselves, nor the municipalities have a significant vote as to how the citizens will vote on election days. The only group  that can likely have any effect on the voters are the news media, pastors, and priests in fact.
 Here is what I know for sure in Canada proper policing, management ,  supervision  human rights commissions are a real fact of life, society, in schools, life,  in churches, governments, commerce, institutions, civil and public services, professional services too,  and elsewhere, even on the net,  for you will always have those 30 percent at least of the persons who will try to cheat, lie  , steal, bend the rules, falsely believe they are above the laws, Self  regulation alone is too often pretentious, farcical, often not applied as well. That applies especially to the professionals, civil and public services, police, municipalities, politicians now as well..

Now as I was reflecting about my many past posts on the net  in the last few years I was really saddened to note that too many of them were about bad , greedy people trying to steal , trying to get other people’s money for themselves, stealing the money, or getting  it under false pretences. The love of more money is still the basis of what many of the wrong doings is, was all about..(Eccl 8:11 KJV)  Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

MONTREAL – The alleged victims of Montreal financial adviser Earl Jones plan to rally in the city today to demand stiffer penalties for white collar crimes.
Here is the basic Problem I still do have with too many of the elected politicians, besides the fact they tend to lie like   so many of the rest of us, also do commit  tax evasions, steal as well, the main problem is that they do not tend to do the job they were hired for, rather they take their offices and positions, resources and use it for something else, like instead of looking after all of the citizens good welfare they are working hard instead trying to build up the Conservative political party instead… undeniably using their constituent office now falsely for that as well. And don’t any lie to me and say that our PM Stephen Harper is different now as well. Now if I hired gardener to cut the grass and he cut the neighbor’s grass instead I would have rightfully fired him immediately and that is now what we should do with  any of the politicians who abuse our resources, clearly do fail to do their jobs. 
“After three-plus years in power, Stephen Harper’s party is more proficient at politics than policy. Whether waiting patiently for a majority to impose core beliefs or accepting compromise as the price of power, the result is the same. Decisions that change the country for better or worse are influenced more by the search for partisan advantage than the public good… Prime Minister is rushing public billions to the rescue of the multinational auto giants while making it easy for foreigners to buy what’s left of Canadian icon Nortel…a foreign firm, with $300 million in help from Export Development Corp., is allowed to own Nortel’s most valuable wireless assets.    ”  James Travers
Canada economy may be on the mend very shortly according to the too often lying spin doctors, but in reality, in fact it will not be so in the province of  Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, New Brunswick,  Nova Scotia  or in Ontario?  for even many reasons.. firstly the price of oil and gas  is not rising significantly nor is it predicted to raise much in the near future, but the price of the gas pumps will always rise though due to greedy firms.. Next the problem of the border crossing and US protectionism policies seriously has negatively affected Canada’s trade and this is not about to go away, plus Canada’s rising dollar value will not help matters.
The federal Conservatives should need no lessons on the dangers of pouring public money into local festivals and parades, given that their 2006 election victory resulted to a significant degree from public disgust at the Liberal sponsorship scandal. But Stephen Harper’s government chose to ignore that example and, as a result, finds itself caught once again in a political bind of its own making.  The recurring nature of this brand of teapot tempest should be enough to make our government rethink the very idea of event subsidies. A fundamental failing of such government giveaways is that political gains from recipients are almost always outweighed by the resentment of those who are refused. No matter how big the budget, there will never be enough money to satisfy all the demands, and any group left off the gravy train will interpret it as evidence of political bias rather than the pressures of a limited budget.  By trying to buy popularity in Ontario and Quebec, Mr. Harper has slighted the rest of the country and fuelled the usual charges of favouritism. He has offended supporters of Ms. Ablonczy, and provided ammunition to critics who view every action of his government through a political lens. Does this sound like a good use of a taxpayer-funded slush fund aimed at pumping up national morale and civic engagement?
Catholics, REAL Women of Canada, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) are key supporters of Stephen Harper and his Conservative Government and why? Besides expecting governmental grants?
 REAL Women of Canada (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life) is a non-partisan, non-denominational organization of independant women which was federally incorporated in 1983. ” We come from all walks of life, occupations, social and economic backgrounds. Some members work full or part time outside the home, while some mainly work in the home. We represent a broad spectrum of Canadian women who, until our formation, did not have a public forum in which to express their views.”

“Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). A national church agency founded in 1964 to foster co-operation among evangelical Christian denominations and individuals. With headquarters in Markham, Ontario, and an office in Ottawa, this group includes affiliate denominations, ministry organizations, post-secondary educational institutions and individual congregations. The largest affiliate church denomination is the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Others include the SALVATION ARMY, the Mennonite Brethren Church, Canadian Baptist Ministries, Christian Reformed Church, Christian and Missionary Alliance, and the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches.  Bruce J. Clemenger took up the position of president of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada on June 1, 2003. He has served with EFC since 1992. In 1996 he established the EFC’s Ottawa office and became the founding director of the EFC’s Centre for Faith and Public Life. He has served on the board of the Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg, as an adjunct faculty member of Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, and at Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C.”

 SADLY anyone who thinks OUR Stephen Harper and his Conservatives are any kind of Christians was or  is blind.. FROM DAY ONE, in fact this party is becoming more non Christian everyday..  now all the money, energy supporting this party has certainly gone done the drain.. I would have thought all you guys and  gals were a lot smarter than that too.

“Like many Conservative party supporters, I have been contributing to the Harper political party for a number of years.  However, with the recent revelation that our government has been granting large sums of taxpayers’ money to fund indecent expositions like “pride” parades across the country, I will no longer send donations to this political party.  Such misuse of taxes shows a serious lack of leadership or a deliberate statement of policy by our prime minister and his associates.  Indeed, promoting such parades “for tourism” confirms for Canadians that there’s little difference between a PC government and what would happen under a Liberal or NDP regime. Mark B. Toth”  First he  Stephen Harper offends evangelicals by giving out alcoholic drinks.. next he supports the gays.. and next he endorses the catholic pope of all things.. he is losing more and more evangelical supporters every day it seems.. 

By the way I am no fan of the Salvation  Army in Canada they are too crooked for my liking in Canada, they tend to be hirelings and not real Christians..
 Telling lies, half truths is too  too difficult, for you have to remember the lies you had said, and the truth as well, and most people cannot do that , thus they rather do as a result go crazy.. So Me I do not write to please men or women, to be politically correct, and I prefer the truth to deal with, write the simple truths, I also do readily share the good things I have learned freely.

 Here are some of my most favorite or most read posts

.. do see also

(1 Tim 6:10 KJV)  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  (Prov 22:16 KJV)  He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.  (Prov 23:5 KJV)  Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.   

(Eccl 8:12 KJV)  Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: 13   But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.

Until something changes, the road to majority is blocked

July 22, 2009

crime down in Canada – report

While crime is down in Canada police report – at a loss to explain why western Canadian cities have ranked highest …     


…for the most part Calgarians are safe but not all… Calgary’s violent crime severity index score was lower than Winnipeg (162.5), Edmonton (131.4), Vancouver (125.0), Montreal (106.0)and Toronto (95.8). The only western Canadian city with a lower rate than Calgary was Victoria at 79.6.Regina had a score of 169.9 while Saskatoon sat at 164.8.  John Turner, chief of the policing services program for Statistics Canada, said the nationwide survey found crime is decreasing across the country. He is at a loss to explain why western Canadian cities have ranked highest in the country for some time.” People have been asking that question for years; it seems it has always been that way,” said Turner. Brookwell attributes it to western prosperity. “That tends to draw the attention of illegal activity, organized crime, that go to where the money is or where there is more disposable income,” he said.
“or where there is more disposable income” this is the biggest pile of manure, crap I have read in a long time… DON’T EVEN THINK FALSELY FOR ONE SECOND that the provincial and municipal  Governments in Alberta have not lied often about the true state   of Alberta’s economy. 

  00cops (3)

and what too ignorant or fearful to admit that also  the cost of living is higher in the western cities, the rate of divorce is higher, more eastern  rejects do go west, and people in the western cities have tended  leave their relatives, families, morality in other places, the west do have MORE INCOMPETENT COPS TOO.. RCMP included now..   
Crime continues long-term decline, study shows Globe and Mail – Statistics Canada’s new Crime Severity Index reports both the number of crimes nationwide, and the seriousness of those crimes.
Police-reported crime drops in 2008: statscan The Canadian Press 
Abbotsford-Mission has highest per capita homicide rate in Canada Vancouver Sun
Low crime rate, but high anxiety Toronto Sun
Times Colonist – Calgary CTV
all 85 news articles » 
I guess many of you have not had any real experiences with dealing with liars, or the incompetent, pretentious  too often police in Canada because in daily reality and often the police as well now  do  lie on their reports, even in regards to   the actual number of criminal complaints, as witnesses , or in the cause of vehicular accidents.. and we all should by now know the RCMP lie.. the actual number of unsolved criminal cases would be a lot higher if the police actually investigated all the citizen report they do receive. I have sat in police stations and watched the police lie and refuse complaints brought to them by the other citizens too… never mind those phoned in.
I think only one of over 5 criminal  complaints about the criminal abuse of me or others was ever reviewed with even, and even that one took months of complaining to the police.. and that was the charge of physical assault of me by  a rogue Pentecostal pastor who punched me , in front of a witness, cause I had refused to go to his church.
I also had reported to the police that two middle age men had tried to break into my house, in the front door in the afternoon when I was at home, and the detective’s conclusion was this was likely a drug deal gone bad and I owed them money.. me a preacher, an abstainer now as well.. how absurd and ridiculous
Now I have had the police false reject, with false reasons my other complaints.. such it is not in their jurisdiction, or I did not have enough proof, and they would not go looking for it.. or whatever!
and we all do know or should by know that spouses in court,  lawyers, police, and statistic Canada lies, and so do samplers and their polls.. statistic Canada  also never shows the true state of the unemployment or the inflation rate too.. for lie is a daily ongoing fact of life by many in Canada… which leads to lying news reporters too.,, and many Canadians have many complaints now about that too. 
“OTTAWA – Most Canadians support the idea of Internet traffic management as long as all users are treated fairly, a new poll suggests.”
Meaning that Most Canadians would support the ISP, internet service providers breaking their promises, contracts as long as they do the same thing to everyone else… wow, that is a complete absurdity.. get real… and if that is how THEY all now conduct their  dishonest polls then no wonder so many people think THEY are con men, liars  rather.. In reality even here unless you know and fully understand firstly the exact questions being asked. The Poll wording itself can very much influence the outcome, example do you still beat your wife, yes or no? This even falsely implies everyone bats their wife. That’s a crude example, but it makes the point. ” What “60% of Canadians” think is completely immaterial, about as significant as what I think about the arrangements of the airbags in a Rolls Royce. What counts is, what the paying customers think of cartel like arrangements by the providers of having their services “throttled”.” Will give you a very different Poll answer.. Amazing how many non technical Canadian news reporters skirt the truth and distort it here too.  And the American public is likely similarly confused on the topic. Valid Education on the issue is a problem.  Over 54 percent of Canadians had  said that they did not understand the topic and how the issue affected their use.  Only 15 percent said that they understood that were affected (or would be affected) by such actions. 22 percent voiced strong opposition, saying such practices were wrong regardless and if you mention internet throttling on a P2P forum that is generally composed of more technically minded computer nerds and you’ll instantly evoke  strong emotion opposition. The Survey  shows public’s overall ignorance of the effects of traffic management on their connections for the majority of average Joe or Jane in the public, the issue is poorly understood and falsely not a worry at all. 
NOTE: This really is a hypocritical and dishonest poll firstly  again.. for the basic truth, reality is that most Canadians firstly still do not EVEN yet know for sure if they are actuality getting their promised internet upload and downloads speeds FROM THEIR ISP..  even because they still  firstly do not even  know how to measure the speed.. so  now their polled opinion realtedly does not count much when their real ignorance FACTOR IS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. Here is what you all do need to first do to to check the computer’s network speed at
The RCMP should be out of politics, out of Cabinet, accountable to civilian oversight, and investigated by other forces, perhaps international forces arranged by treaty. Failing that, this anachronistic institution should be mothballed or sold to Disney Corp .
(1 Tim 1:9 KJV)  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10    For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
(Rev 21:8 KJV)  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that people are not to be trusted, need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, amongst professionals and politicians as well.
Here still  is what I cannot understand about the federal job creation programs carried out under both the liberal and conservative governments, is the necessity it seems to give money firstly to the municipalities, as though they have a direct effect on voters.. Nothing can be farther from the truth for  neither the police themselves, nor the municipalities have a significant vote as to how the citizens will vote on election days. The only group  that can likely have any effect on the voters are pastors, and priests in fact.
 Here is what I know for sure in Canada proper policing, management ,  supervision  human rights commissions are a real fact of life, society, in schools, life,  in churches, governments, commerce, institutions, civil and public services, professional services too,  and elsewhere, even on the net,  for you will always have those 30 percent at least of the persons who will try to cheat, lie  , steal, bend the rules, falsely believe they are above the laws, Self  regulation alone is too often pretentious, farcical, often not applied as well. That applies especially to the professionals, civil and public services, police, municipalities, politicians, corporations now as well..

Honour killings, assults

An Afghanistanian Muslim Family had  plans to murder daughters, and the first wife  months before: according to the police. The alleged murder of three sisters and a father’s first wife, was preceded apparently by an unfathomable scenario in Canada where the girls’ both parents and brother had conspired in these premeditated murders. Montreal’s Mohammad Shafia, 56, his wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 39, and their eldest son, Hamed Shafia, 18, all of Montreal, are charged with four counts each of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder. A relative of the parent   has told the police and reporters that she believes the murders were carried out as so-called honour killings. Many Islamist  extremeists are already well known for their false violent, brutual. murderous terrorsts acts towards any so called opponnets of thier Islamic relgious views.


Most Canadians express rightful, complete outrage at the barbaric murders, “honour killings,” but some in the Muslim community react  in the most predictable fashion: distortions defensiveness and false denial saying  “This has nothing to do with Islam,” FOR the religion of Islam  does not sanction  honour killings.  It is true that Islam’s holy book, the Koran, does not sanction honour killings. But to deny the fact that many incidents of honour killings are conducted by Muslim fathers, sons and brothers, and that many victims are Muslim women, is to exercise total   dishonesty, perversoty for  it is true that the Koran does not sanction such murders, but man-made sharia law, which has been falsely imputed divine status, does allow for the killing of women if they indulge in pre-marital or extra-marital consensual sex. This is exactly  why so many professing Canadian Muslims have opposed the introduction of sharia law in Canada. There is no denying that Islam, in its contemporary expression, is obsessed with women’s sexuality, and considers it a fundamental problem. The hijab, the niqab, the burka and polygamy are all manifestations of this phobia. The mullahs and the mosque leadership may even falsely deny their role in ensuring that Muslim women are second-class citizens within the community, but the undeniable place they reserve for women in the house of God, the Mosque, reveals their actual conviction that Muslim women  are considered not as our mothers or daughters and sisters, but as sexual triggers that may ignite the male passions. Honour killings take place because many  Muslims have been convinced by their mullahs that the burden of their family’s honour and their religion is vested in the virginity of their daughters and sisters. Most mullahs do still acknowledge that according to sharia law, a woman who has consensual sex with a man outside marriage deserves to be lashed in public or stoned to death by an Islamic State or an Islamic court. Not until Muslim clerics and imams seriously abandon their false  notion about women being the possession of men will they really  begin to address the cancer of honour killings, which take more than 5,000 lives in South Asia and the Middle East alone.   At some bookstores, the title of  was : Women Who Deserve to Go to Hell. The book, which is also widely available in British libraries and mosques, lists the type of women who will face eternal damnation. Among them are:
• “The Grumbler … the woman who complains against her husband every now and then is one of Hell.”
• “The Woman Who Adorns Herself.”
• “The Woman Who Apes Men, Tattoos, Cuts Hair Short and Alters Nature.”
 But they cannot have it both ways: proclaiming  women as the source of sin as well as deserving of death for consensual sex, and then try to claim the men who do carry out the death sentence are acting against Islamic law.

In general in the more  liberal society of Canada both the wife and the children tend to have much more freedom, rights, make their own decisions,  over many other countries , Such as central and eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa  and as a result the culture shock after moving to Canada can be  a very real problem for some new immigrant husbands  where the husband sees his family role as being obeyed, and being the sole head of the home.   Thus  it’s not altogether uncommon for some of the new Canadian immigrant  home situations to become  unacceptably violent when the dominate husband feels his authority is being undermined.  Wife beatings as a result are common, and children who witness it are severely traumatized, can develop both bitterness and hatred. And it tends to make  the home matters worse where the husband now is also an alcoholic on top of all that.  
 In reality too the Cops themselves, RCMP included, now   are not the only one who resort to violence when their authority is threatened, so do some bad pastors now too..  
I have already experienced in Canada  a  direct physical assault of me by  a rogue Pentecostal pastor who punched me , in front of a witness, cause I had refused to go to his church. An another Pentecostal pastor was attempting to physically abuse me to stop my public revelations of his unacceptable acts, thefts of money too. So  did another member of my family  experience physical attempt  by a Plymouth Brethren pastor.
A rogue  RCMP police officers had now also threatened  to shut me up for good because of my public revelations, exposures of their wrong doing as indicated by me  in the Canmore Canadian Court records .
NOT EVERYONE HAS A HIGH REGARD FOR THE CLERGY, POLICE, RCMP IN CANADA,   Hidden agendas, the world is full of it, many people have hidden agendas, Pastors,, Ministers, politicians, cops  too. Sadly some people they tend  present their own “facts,” but fall short in truthfulness  for they tend to falsely  have a hidden agenda, and often they want to be falsely personally worshipped and live in sin too.  Is 2:22 Cease to trust in [weak, frail, and dying] man, whose breath is in his nostrils [for so short a time]; in what sense can he be counted as having intrinsic worth? 


May 13, 2009





do see also

March 17, 2009

PM Stephen Harper is doing whatever he can to stay in power,

Self centered PM Stephen Harper is doing whatever he can to stay in power, and still really is not looking after all of Canadian’s good welfare, to me sadly typifies what a Conservative really is, Conservatives basically they don’t care about anyone else but themselves. The word liberal in contrast means to give generously to others in real need.
“Henry Mintzberg, who teaches at McGill University, has published an article, America’s Monumental Failure of Management, that wipes the floor with the elites of management and business. For starters, Mintzberg calls taxpayer-funded bailouts for companies such as the Detroit Three automakers “cash for trash”: “We hear now about ’too big to fail.’ ’Too big to succeed’ is more like it. General Motors has been going slowly and painfully bankrupt for decades, managerially as well as financially. The new money will only put off its demise. Canadians and Americans will have to face this reality sooner or later.”
Harper’s attempt to stay in power is costing   the Canadian taxpayer’s billions and billions of dollars.. ” It’s generally conceded that Stephen Harper lost his chance for a majority government by alienating Quebec with a $45 million arts cut. Seen there as a glimpse into the Conservative soul, that petty parsimony restored the flagging Bloc, costing the ruling party badly needed seats. Now this  Harsh political and economic realities is  forcing minority Conservatives into decisions inconsistent with their past ideology. Rescuing corporate failures, picking industrial winners and protecting losers from creative economic destruction are not policies Conservatives would normally support. Harper facing an early election against a more credible Liberal leader and with two of the Big Three automakers in Canada in imminent danger, Harper faced brutally difficult choices… toss many billions at General Motors and Chrysler, praying they don’t fail, or come back for more before the next federal lections. Or he can stand back while the shrinking auto giants restructure under bankruptcy protection, risking a broader collapse carrying away dependent parts suppliers and even more jobs, particularly in vote-sensitive Ontario and Quebec.” Of all appeals for public support, Chrysler’s is most instructive. Controlled by a private equity firm, the company is essentially begging taxpayers to take a risk it won’t ask of its investors. That pokes a gaping hole in the argument that Chrysler, along with the rest of the industry, just needs some time and money to weather the current crisis, while raising serious doubts about how much long-term protection public money will provide for auto jobs. In a different political environment a majority government, Conservative or Liberal, with a four-year mandate, would have been be inclined to look harder at other more practical  solutions. Instead of falling back on bailouts,  It would focus spending on stimulating vital demand, not specific rescues, and on retraining workers for the jobs that will exist in five or 20 years. Either way, that $45 million in arts cuts now looks like the most costly money the federal Conservatives ever promised not to spend… James Travers Toronto  Star

March 16, 2009

QUEBEC the second largest PROVINCE in Canada holds 75 seats AND cannot be ignored.


Jean Charest the bad Quebec Premier did not listen to good advice so he lost his relection, and even lost his own seat.

Too many people are ignorant about the truth in Quebec especially those outside of the province it seems. The truth about Quebec.. 

I do  write many letters openly Canada wide  to our elected officials, and to say that I get effective replies from them would be mostly a lie… I am lucky if 2 persons out of 1000 MPs, MLA , Aldermen would reply to them. They only take a superficial   at best  interest in us only at election times. But I have to say I have been surprised that the province that responds the least is Quebec. These Quebec officials, Ostriches in denial, are very sensitive to any criticism, and they really cannot handle it at all.
 Quebec  is a nice place to live in, Montreal is a clean city now too.. Better over a lot of other cities in North America too.. They do not lie about the true state of their economy like they tend to do in Alberta. They tell you their is money to be made in Alberta. Then they show you a both working couple with 3 children on the news who now realty cannot afford to live in Calgary, due to the extremely high cost of living there too.

No I do not believe that the corruption in Quebec is worst over any other provinces.. Ontario or Alberta, BC included now.. it likely is all the same. Quebecers also now are friendly when they get their way like anywhere else in Canada. Our government administration in Quebec is no better.. and our Medicare also here needs serious improvement still too. Quebec is soft on crime, white collared ones included now but so is Ontario, Alberta, BC…


I have found it very surprising that Most Canadians are still really ignorant of what Quebecers, Quebec is really like, and they do falsely rely on distorted third party information, myths, and most, actually the majority of English speaking Canadians have not spend a significant time ever in Quebec. To learn more : Culture Québec, A culture that travels the world, from the ministère de la Culture et des Communications. I was surprised how my Quebecers refuse to speak English but have no problem speaking it in the United sates when many go there for their vacations..

About Canada’s constitution A poll showed that 73 per cent of Quebeckers would like to see the recognition of Quebec as a nation in the Canadian Constitution, while only 17 per cent of respondents in the rest of Canada agree. There are twice as many Quebeckers (82 per cent) as people in other provinces (39 per cent) who favour a new round of constitutional negotiations designed to get Quebec’s signature on the Constitution. In addition, 90 per cent of Quebeckers feel that the province’s language law should be enforced in federal institutions in the province, against only 26 per cent in the rest of Canada.

Intro to Quebec, Quebec outwardly is fairly typical of most Western societies in many regards, with, however, a few significant particularities of its own. A French Language, most Quebecers even younger ones do not still speak English , and a Culture of it’s own that has been very significantly influenced by the Catholic Church beliefs.. The influence of the Catholic Church has decreased significantly but has not been removed. While Montreal was once the centre of Jewish culture in Canada this is no longer true, nor visible as much too. Quebec was a major Roman Catholic society until recent years. The Church has maintained itself the protector of the French language and culture. Archbishops of large cities once were very influential at all government levels. In small towns, the influence of the priest was often equal or superior to that of the town’s mayor. Before any political decision could be made, politicians made sure that it would be in accordance with Catholic belief and attitudes. Congregations of nuns controlled and managed the province’s education, social and medical service. Simply put, Quebec was one of the world’s Catholic strongholds. Since the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s, Quebec has become much more secular. Nonetheless about 90% of the population still claims to be Catholic, but few regularly attend services or pay the tithe ** ( See note below) which the faithful are supposed to give to the Church. The strong Consumer protection and close social aspect of the French speaking mostly persons is also very evident , Quebec has the highest percentage of unionized workers in North America. Half of Quebecers do also have strong adversarial relationships with residents of neighbouring English-speaking provinces as well as Quebec’s own Anglophones because they rightfully sense no serious attempt has been made to understand, appreciate or to integrate into the French Quebec culture . Such an attitude stems mainly up to 20th century, when the Anglophones dominated the spheres of industry , commerce, ownership and management and they the Anglophones had falsely tended to favour their own for promotion to management-level positions. EVEN TODAY MOST CANADIAN Anglophones, AND NOTE THIS Francophones as well outside of Quebec are generally STILL INDIFFERENT AND VERY UNFRIENDLY TO THE FRENCH SPEAKING QUEBECERS. One notable vestige of the Catholic Church’s influence of Quebec culture is that francophone curses and expletives are nearly entirely composed of religious references and vocabulary. While the majority of Quebecers still have not been to the rest of Canada, starting probably in the late 1940s and reaching its apogee in the 1970s, many Quebec residents have been known to vacation or spend the whole winter months in southeast Florida, and in Cuba as well. And many Quebecers have obtained jobs in the US and also had moved there as well.. There are as many ex Quebecers in the US as there are presently in Quebec. But in a direct contrast Quebecers have not moved to the other parts of Canada because they have not been treated very nice there as they have been in the United States..

Racial profiling also is a serious problem in Quebec and like in the rest of Canada too much more needs to be done to address it, even the province’s human rights commission said. A recent investigation, focusing mainly on young people’s experiences, was launched after the commission said it had received 100 complaints involving allegations of racial profiling since 2005. More than half of the cases involved police – and seven of those are currently before the province’s Human Rights Tribunal. Yes the MUC cops are too often bigots. .

The Canadian federal Parliament formally recognized Quebecers as a “nation united within Canada” but often fails to act accordingly still too.

OTTAWA, March 17 2009 (UPI) — Canada’s Conservative Party, which leads a minority government, has a 35-31 percent popularity edge over opposition Liberals, a poll released Tuesday indicated. The Angus Reid nationwide online poll of 1,002 adults last week for the Toronto Star said Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives had lost 3 percentage points since January. Opposition leader Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals gained 2 percentage points during the same time period, the report said. The socialist New Democratic Party posted 16 percent support and the Green Party had 7 percent, the poll indicated. The balance was scattered among the separatist Bloc Quebecois or others. The poll had a 3.1-percentage-point margin of error, the report said. The findings are similar to a poll of 2,002 voters published by the Canwest News Service March 10, in which Conservatives led the Liberals 37-33 percent. That poll suggested Conservative support was steady, while the Liberals gained 2 percent support. This was not unexpected since Harper’s recent negative acts, policies have again continued to alienate a lot of people, especially Quebecers. Hold on – politicians are always saying the only polls that count are the ones on election day, so maybe we shouldn’t put too much stock in this report. Or maybe we should? The Conservatives are definitely losing serious ground..

” Whatever love existed between Quebec and the Tories has turned sour. Last week, two different polls showed the Conservatives are in dire straits in the province they used to count on to gain a majority government. Everything is in the numbers. A province that is the second largest in Canada and holds the key to 75 seats cannot be ignored… Of course, from the beginning the Tories were poorly equipped to deal with Quebec. They had a mediocre roster of candidates and a dramatic lack of articulate local leaders – that’s still the case.,,Mr. Harper’s closest adviser on Quebec and spokesperson for Quebec affairs is Dimitri Soudas. Mr. Soudas’s only connections are with the Action Démocratique du Québec, a small right-wing party that is becoming more and more insignificant. (The ADQ received 16.3 per cent of the vote in the last provincial election and its leader, Mario Dumont, the only Quebec politician Mr. Harper was on good terms with, has resigned from politics.) The Prime Minister wasn’t even able to find a high-profile Quebecker to appoint to the Senate. And since the Conservatives didn’t win any seats in the Montreal area, it’s a young neophyte MP from Mégantic-L’Érable, Christian Paradis, who’s in charge of the metropolitan area. Mégantic is 300 kilometres east of Montreal, and Mr. Paradis candidly admits he hasn’t visited Montreal more than a few times in his life.

Instead of looking for a strong, well-connected lieutenant and broadening his circle of Quebec advisers, Mr. Harper naively thought he could handle Quebec himself and that his goodwill gestures toward the province would do the rest. He’s now reaping the results of his own delusion.”

Harper certainly will never get the support of Quebecer by STILL falsely bashing them for a start. Yes Quebecers ARE VERY different, AND they are a separate WHOLE community and they are NOT just more North Americans who speak French. They have a catholic and not a protestant background too, and they clearly do believe in the spirit of the law over the letter of the law, and they are not easily fooled like the Anglophones often are.


Harper is losing it also in Ontario now too. Mar 21, 2009 04:30 AM Liberal support in Ontario clocked in at 44 per cent while the Conservatives have 31 per cent and the NDP 14 per cent, according to the poll, done for the Star and La Presse by Nanos Research.

The Conservatives are down and out in Quebec – and know it Globe and Mail – While Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the spot decision to recognize the Québécois as a “nation” within a united Canada. They betrayed the Harperites’ lack of touch when dealing with Quebec sensitivities, Then came Mr. Harper’s bad attack on “separatists” during the coalition acts last December …

Other Canadians merely in ignorance Bashing Quebec makes the bashers even bigger losers next still too.


How Quebecers differ from the rest of Canada in their views..

Three-quarters of Canadian voters who attend evangelical churches (such as Baptist, Mennonite and Pentecostal) opted for the Conservative Party of Canada. In general Protestants, who nominally make up 30 per cent of the population, tend to split their vote between the two major parties.

Even though a majority of Quebecers don’t attend church on a regular basis, more than 95 per cent still claim some sort of formal religious affiliation.

Following are the latest figures for Quebec, for selected religions. They were collected during the 2001 federal census. Although the last census was held in 2006, questions about religious affiliation are asked only every second census. The next census will be in 2011.

Roman Catholics 5.9 million

Protestants 335,595

Muslims 108,620

Jews 89,920

Buddhists 41,375

Jehovah’s Witnesses 29,040

Hindus 24,530

No religious affiliation 413,185

Note: Among Protestants in Quebec, Anglicans were the most numerous, with 85,475 adherents; members of the United Church came second, with 52,950. For Canada as a whole, the United Church was the leading Protestant denomination, with 2.83 million members to the Anglican Church’s 2.03 million.

The April 2009 poll, by Angus Reid Strategies for Maclean’s, surveyed 1,002 randomly selected Canadians on religion.


– 70% of Canadians hold a positive view of Christianity

– 41% hold a positive view of Hinduism

– 30% hold a positive view of Sikhism

– 45% believe mainstream Islam encourages violence

– 44% Nationally would not want their child to marry a person of Jewish faith. Even fewer would be comfortable with a Sikh or a Muslim. In Quebec, that number rises

– 62% Nationally think laws and norms should not be modified to accommodate minorities. In Quebec, that number rises to 74%.

Across Canada, 72 per cent said they have a “generally favourable opinion” of Christianity. At the other end of the spectrum, Islam scored the lowest favourability rating, just 28 per cent. Sikhism didn’t fare much better at 30 per cent, and Hinduism was rated favourably by 41 per cent. Both Buddhism, at 57 per cent, and Judaism, 53 per cent, were rated favourably by more than half the population

A mere 17 per cent of Quebecers said they have a favourable opinion of Islam, and just 15 per cent view Sikhism favourably. Only 36 per cent of Quebecers said they hold a favourable opinion of Judaism, far below the national average, and in sharp contrast to neighbouring Ontario, where 59 per cent expressed a favourable view of the Jewish religion. ” .., all religions were regarded less positively in Quebec than in Canada as a whole, including Christianity, which 67 per cent of Quebecers view favourably, five points below the Canadian average. Buddhism’s favourability rating of 57 per cent is four points higher than Judaism, . Buddhism was the only religion, including Christianity, for which more than half of people who said they don’t have a friend of that faith held a favourable opinion of it anyway.

When asked if they thought “the mainstream beliefs” of the major religions “encourage violence or are mostly peaceful,” only 10 per cent said they thought Christianity teaches violence. But fully 45 per cent said they believe Islam does, and a sizable 26 per cent saw Sikhism as encouraging violence. By comparison, just 13 per cent perceived violence in Hindu teachings and 14 per cent in Jewish religion. A tiny four per cent said they think of Buddhism as encouraging violence. By far the highest percentage who viewed Islam as encouraging violence was found in Quebec, 57 per cent. Sikh doctrine is mostly likely to be viewed as violent in the province where about half of Canadian Sikhs live: 30 per cent of British Columbians said they think Sikhism encourages violence.

Angus Reid also took that debate national, asking how far governments should go to accommodate minorities. A strong majority of 62 per cent agree with the statement, “Laws and norms should not be modified to accommodate minorities.” A minority, 29 per cent, agreed with the alternative statement, “On some occasions, it makes sense to modify specific laws and norms to accommodate minorities.” Another nine per cent weren’t sure. In Quebec, 74 per cent were against changing laws or norms, the highest negative response rate on the accommodation question in the country

The Angus Reid poll found 51 per cent oppose funding of Christian schools, and the level of opposition soars from 68 per cent to 75 per cent for all other religions. On even hotter-button religious issues, opposition is overwhelming. Only 23 per cent would allow veiled voting, and just three per cent Islamic sharia law-an even lower level of support than the eight per cent who would allow polygamy. There’s substantial sympathy for recognizing religious holidays, 45 per cent, but a solid majority still opposes the idea.

** Still today Quebec’s official welcome to non-Catholic immigrants in addition to the huge crucifix atop Mount Royal in Montreal are wall mounted crucifix and their public prayers.

Quebec’s Catholics special religious rights goes back to the Quebec Act of 1774, and is central to the asymmetrical features of Confederation in the British North America Act of 1867. This The Quebec Act explicitly guaranteed the freedom to practice the Catholic faith. It also restored French civil law alongside the British common law even till today. Furthermore, the Quebec Act allowed Catholics to hold public office, and removed a reference to the Protestant denomination in the office holders’ oath of allegiance to the king of England. It also allowed the Catholic church to collect the religious tax known as the tithe.

The Catholic church collects tithes, but so do many evangelical churches, and some cults too.. even though tithes is applicable only in the Old Testament and to the Jewish persons only too. The Tithe in the new Testament is voluntary, non compulsive.. but the problem also today still is that many of the people who collect the tithe, violate often the OT laws on tithing and do steal from the tithe as well.. the OT had specified 1/7 of the tithe had to be given to the poor.. something the present tithe collectors do not mention, do not preach nor practice wrongfully in reality..

Quebecers alone in wanting to save gun registry: Poll Wed Nov 11, 12:47 PM OTTAWA – A new poll suggests Quebecers are alone in wanting to save the long-gun registry. This is because Quebecers actually are more peace loving persons over those in the rest of Canada, and the Catholic region tends to preach pacifism, love and forgiveness over war mongering.

Harper recent win in one riding in Quebec. It’s an exception to conventional wisdom that by-election results can’t be extrapolated into a broader trend. Stephen Harper’s first attempt to woo small-town, rural Québécois voters was only a partial success. He then stabbed himself and his party in the chest during the 2008 election with maladroit policies on cuts to arts funding and tough youth-crime measures. Since the setback, his Conservatives have offered rural, small-town Quebec a much warmer and tangible second French kiss. Will it be reciprocated? Yes: There’s more than enough circumstantial evidence to conclude his second gambit might do the trick. The Conservatives have reached out with bags of taxpayers’ stimulus cash, as well as more pandering on the language front.Will this let them rout the Bloc in rural, small-town Quebec to help win a majority? It depends on if and how Gilles Duceppe can counter the steady flow of hard cash in rural constituencies that have fallen on hard times. Neither the Liberals nor NDP can challenge the Bloc or the Conservatives in rural Quebec.

Face it like anywhere in Canada, even in Alberta many people can be bought with cash.. something Harper knows and practices now even though he had first lied and said he never would.. the Liberals also used it successfully for years..

Quebec is “the most corrupt province in Canada when it comes to stealing, tax evasions, bad business practises?

MONTREAL – The Quebec government demanded an apology from Maclean’s magazine on Friday . This week’s cover calls Quebec “the most corrupt province in Canada,” The opposition Parti Quebecois has, in fact, protested the cover. But it also says the current Charest government makes it pretty hard for it to defend Quebec, given of its plethora of political scandals. But Maclean’s wasn’t apologizing…. the magazine said, “but we think that the articles should be read and judged based on their own merits of fair and credible journalism.” Two articles in the magazine’s Oct. 4 edition aim to answer the question of why so many political scandals originate from Quebec – looking at a lengthy list of issues that have dogged the Charest government in recent years and also examining provincial scandals since the 1930s. The article makes brief references to the three B.C. premiers who were turfed by scandal within a decade, and to the dozen members of Saskatchewan’s Devine government who were charged in an expense-account scam in the 1990s. But it offers a far more detailed examination of Quebec’s various scandals while pondering the question of why corruption should be so ingrained in one political culture. The article examines the Duplessis reign, the construction scams of the 1970s, the Mulroney era, and the federal sponsorship scandal. It also points to more recent allegations of corruption at Montreal city hall and the current Bastarache inquiry investigating allegations of impropriety in the naming of Quebec judges. “The slew of dodgy business is only the most recent in a long line of made-in-Quebec corruption that has affected the province’s political culture at every level,” Maclean’s Martin Patriquin writes. “It raises an uncomfortable question: why is it that politics in Canada’s bete noire province seem perpetually rife with scandal?”

Well I know that the Governments in Alberta, Calgary are genereally not any better over those in Quebec, Montreal.. but I do prefer Montreal a lot more.. like in most provinces in Canada both of the police forces are iandeqaute still too.

My local Quebec MLA’s seem to be so busy chasing the mighty dollar they say they are too busy to talk to me and seem too often to forget about me often, they had not even replied to any of my last letter to them the whole last year now too..


Firstly all of the governments needs to allot a lot more money for Medicare, heart and leg surgery and for decades now too as well .. and likely this money will be partially abused again as well.. some thing I still do see too often now too.. doctors and nurses even not properly supervised..

Quebec to address heart surgery delays Quebec Health Minister Yves Bolduc is promising to reduce the waiting list for heart surgery in the province after a 65-year-old patient died while on the waiting list for a relatively straightforward procedure. Jean-Guy Pitre, a retired police officer, died Friday after waiting more than five months for the operation to repair a blocked aorta, which was to take place at Montreals Hotel Dieu hospital. Officials at the University of Montreal Health Centre (CHUM), said it was forced to postpone Pitres surgery because of a lack of beds in the intensive care unit

While Automobile traffic accidents are the number one cause of death for Americans, Canadians ages 3 to 33 ad while Automobile traffic accidents are the most common source of personal injury the real Statistics still indicate that hospital deaths due to hospital acquired sickness, medical errors, medical negligence exceedingly surpass all of these numbers. And yet here not enough is being done about this and why is that?

Anyone stupid to say that the main Medicare problem also in QUEBEC is due to the lack of nurses is a fool.. for the root problem is the fact the Hospitals have a limited annual budget for heart surgery teams overall and for decades now as well, and not just in Quebec. heart surgery at $50,000 plus is a costly undertaking.. so only about 10 percent of the people who need it get it.. and I have been writing that truth now for 15 years now too. In Quebec and in many of the other provinces they do often practice pretentious, token Medicare.. they in the pretentious McGill West Island Health Social Services Centre, McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and in the University of Montreal Health Centre (CHUM), allow the public to think they have adequate medical services only.. but do not have the staff, equipment, resources for it.. especially now for both heart and leg surgeries now.. and as the population in Canada gets older this is becoming even more obvious too.

The police are not the only ones who stall and wrongfully cover-up for their buddies..

Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that people are not to be trusted, need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, amongst professionals and politicians as well.

As I have detailed to all of Canada’s major news media, Members of the legislature as well I still never got this year adequate replay, actions about the much too many bad medical services, bad doctors and nurses, bad social workers I had witnessed, rightfully complained about at the Montreal West Island General Hospital and this is still unacceptable.

The clear fact is that the Canadian federal government, federal Member parliament had voted unanimously this year against allowing euthanasia, the Killing of anyone by even medical persons but who enforces it in Quebec. The clear fact is that the Canadian federal government, federal Member parliament had voted unanimously this year against allowing euthanasia, the Killing of anyone by even medical persons and that now included as have also now complained in writing about my own witness of the unnecessary death of Mr. Ploufe at the Montreal West Island Lakeshore Hospital . In my father’s case the medical personnel had not done all they could to save my father’s life the last 7 months before his death and their unacceptable neglect of his medical conditions by too many medical staff caused some persons wrongfully to allow his early death.

My local Quebec MLA’s seem to be so busy chasing the mighty dollar they say they are too busy to talk to me and seem too often to forget about me often, they had not even replied my last letter to them about bad Bell Canada now too, and in the process they now had by their poor management even lost 30 percent of the Quebecers pension fund.

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:38 PM

To: ;

Subject: Problems with Quebec’s health care systems

Attention: Clement Gignac Ministre du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation Député de Marguerite-Bourgeoys

It is unbelievable that after I had written about it now to our Quebec even Health Ministers, Premiers, major news media too, too even for many years later 15 years even I can go to most local Hospitals or Convalescent homes in Montreal Quebec and there too easily see the typical and mostly poorly supervised doctors, nurse, medical care workers and when I write to you my own member of the legislature too about it, ( hand delivered it as well) what neither you or your staff now do not even bother to acknowledge my emails, correspondences, never mind act upon it and why is that? She was today again too busy to talk to me.. my local MLA’s representative

Do I really now have to write to everyone, all the news editors too, about his next too and post it it on the net before I will now get a satisfactory result too from you? RSVP

And when the citizens ask the politicians to do their jobs better where are they? My very useless Lieberal local Quebec MLA Clement Gignac and his representative they had not even acknowledged or replied even to my last 2 letter to them for they seem to be so busy chasing the mighty dollar, to make up for losing 30% of the Quebecers pension funds they lost. Now they even do say they are too busy to talk me and so they do forget about me, and all of the elderly persons now too it seems.

Now no one by now, absolutely still no one should underestimate me or get complacent with me as I do not hesitate to fully expose to all, to demand full prosecution of all the guilty absolves persons I do run into still to all. I do not accept inappropriate actions lightly too.. It should be obvious to all also that I merely do not write to you too now for the fun of it and not only do I also post my unresolved complaints eventually on the internet even for the whole world to read, and I have been doing this for the last few decades too. I do expect seriously, full appropriate actions on the matter of all of my complaints, and so I do send copies of all of my complaints to key members of Parliament to all of Canada’s major news editors as well now for their further notice and appropriate actions too.

Attention Quebec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux Alain Poirier

Both the French and English speaking Montreal hospitals are undeniably too often pretentious, inadequate and mismanaged still too, all as simple as that too. Self regulation by doctors is just more unacceptable masturbation too..

March 14, 2009

The hypocrite’s APPROACH of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Harper attacks Liberals, Obama in ‘private’ speech to conservatives –

OTTAWA – Stephen Harper made two very different sales pitches for his economic plan this week: one a public pep talk to jittery Canadians, the other a private smoothing-of-the-feathers for uneasy conservatives.

The marquee speech Canadians saw on television Tuesday or read about the next day was about how the economy would recover swiftly and strongly through targeted spending in the budget.

The other was behind closed doors Thursday evening to a group of key conservatives – sharply partisan remarks that ripped into the Liberals, libertarians, the Obama administration’s tax policies and Wall Street.

The prime minister spoke at a conference sponsored by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, a conservative think-tank run by former Reform Party leader Preston Manning.

The prime minister’s office did not signal beforehand that he was giving the speech, and refused to make his remarks available afterward.

In a recording obtained by The Canadian Press, Harper goes after the Liberals in a election-campaign style attack, saying the current situation would be much worse had they been in power.

“Imagine the stance Canada would have taken when Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. Imagine how many Liberal insiders and ideologues would be now in the Senate, the courts and countless other federal institutions and agencies – I should say, how many more,” Harper said to laughter.

“Imagine the costs of going through with the Kyoto and Kelowna accords with no plan to actually achieve anything on either the environment or aboriginal affairs. Imagine what a carbon tax would be doing to our economy in the middle of a global recession.”

He twice pointed disdainfully to tax hikes U.S. President Barack Obama introduced for the highest tax brackets.

Harper urged the crowd not to “forget that Conservatives being in power has made an enormous difference.”

The prime minister has been criticized in some conservative circles for allowing the government to go into deficit with spending programs designed to stimulate the economy. At the conference, which continued Friday, some high-profile conservatives warned against watering down conservative ideas to win votes.

“Conservatives should stop having the internal debate in their head and all the philosophical arguments, and talk about hard specific ideas that make a difference in people’s lives, have the courage to stand up and fight for the things we know are right,” said Tom Long, a former leadership candidate for the Canadian Alliance.

“We have tried going out and selling things we don’t believe in – how’s that working?”

Said Michel Kelly Gagnon of the Montreal Economic Institute: “If you want to vote for a centrist party, you can vote for the Liberal party of Canada. They’re very good at that.”

But Harper vigorously defended his policies, arguing that compromises had to be made to face the economic reality.

“I’m talking about compromises that address the reality of the lives of real people.”

He went on to deride the spendthrift culture in the United States and the recklessness of Wall Street. Harper, who has been described as a libertarian in the past, surprised some in the audience by critiquing those same ideals.

“The libertarian says, ‘Let individuals exercise full freedom and take full responsibility for their actions.’ The problem with this notion is that people who act irresponsibly in the name of freedom are almost never willing to take responsibility for their actions.”

Mike Brock, a Conservative blogger who attended the conference, called the speech bewildering.

“The treatment to classical liberals and libertarians – of which I consider myself – was nothing short of stunning,” he wrote.

“The condescension was literally dripping from his mouth. Was this his response to the disillusionment that libertarians across the country have had to his government and its policies of late?

“If it was, it did not build any bridges. Rather, it burnt them right down.”

  The biggest threat to families in Canada does not come from gay marriage, or abortion, or any of the other traditional social-conservative hobby-horses. It comes from divorce, since in Alberta there is no legal separation.. note this fact 30 percent of evangelical Christians practice divorce even cause many  pastors counsel it often, they are sex maniacs who like to keep their options open, even though God hates divorce.


see also

March 11, 2009

Out of town


The RCMP like to eat well and who pays for it? taxpayers?

Calgary – Chef Rocco Terrigno has cooked for celebrities before, but not until yesterday did the Secret Service show up in advance of his most famous customer of all. When George W. Bush arrived with an entourage of RCMP and Secret Service agents last night to dine at Osteria de Medici, the popular Italian restaurant in Kensington, his arrival shut down the neighbourhood.  Terrigno didn’t know who his customer was until an hour and a half before the 43rd president, in town to give a talk in Calgary, arrived for dinner. “We knew it was going to be someone important,” said Terrigno this morning as he sat in the spot where Bush sat in the private dining room. “Sometimes you get RCMP come by and you know that person is very important, but this time, there was RCMP and the Secret Service.”

It is interesting that that famous historical painter Michaelangelo had painted the last supper painting  he supposedly had used the very same person for the portraits of Apostle John the youngest of the Jesus disciple, the one Jesus loved the most,  and next even for Apostle Judas, the next very bad person who had betrayed, sold out Jesus to death. The passage of time had changed the same model in appearance, character as well.  Better to look at the end of of something than solely looking at it’s mere beginnings.
As it is common in life I have often been separated in distance, contact, from some persons for decades and when I met someone of them they have not changed much, whereas others have changed drastically, some even very disturbingly too. I knew of one person when he was a sincere, energetic young man and decades later when I had met the same person when was become in behavior like a mafia godfather, cold, murderous, ruthless. This same person  did not change negatively now overnight, his negative changes had  started by his own choice now as well with something small even, first at stealing in work expense account firstly, and going on.. escalating to other bad matters.
Often I hear police  expressions like we have found no evidence of wrong doings, sadly too that often means they did not look hard enough, it does not mean the person was not guilty of any wrong doing in reality..
It is also   no more prudent for taxpayers to leave politicians or the RCMP now too  alone with buckets of cash than it’s wise for parents to leave children home alone with the full  cookie jar.
No one seems to thinks they have enough money. Many  are  even obsessed by the need for more it, the love the things money buys for them too and they do not care how they get it… 
Undeniably still too many cops, civil and public servants, employees of crown corporations, politicians and their aides, wives as well, do still  like to make unnecessary out of town trips, eat fine food, stay in nice hotels all wrongfully paid for at the taxpayer’s expense and none, none of it is acceptable. This is still a criminal act of theft.
The general public also sees much of the so called employee  incentive programs as a matter of theft, tax evasion, not just a flagrant waste on the part of mismanaged civil and public servants too. Many persons now also have paid  taxes toward a federal, provincial Pension Plan that might not be fully available when they  retire because much of the money has been abused by the federal, provincial, municipal governments.
“I’m sick and tired of picking up the newspaper and reading about another idiotic abuse of taxpayer money while our country is on the brink,” said the US Senator John Kerry. “It’s an embarrassment that this legislation is necessary, but some companies clearly need a reality check to get their priorities straight.”   
” TACOMA, Wash. — As a technician with the Federal Aviation Administration, Steven B. Smith was paid to work on equipment used to keep the flying public safe.  Federal prosecutors contend the Southern California resident also used his position to steal nearly $3 million in public property, including a 50-foot yacht, a Cessna airplane and a 44-foot yawl once used by Navy ROTC students at the University of Washington.  A federal grand jury in Tacoma indicted Smith and his half-brother, Bradley A.G. Garner, earlier this month on one count of wire fraud and theft of honest services.”
While the God given Jewish old testament Law of Moses is made up of over 600 rules that are mostly inapplicable today , the Ten Commandments were a succinct list of rules from which some of the main ones were developed. They are recorded in two chapters of the Hebrew Scriptures (specifically the Pentateuch): Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. When Jesus was asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”, he replied: “You know the Commandments, keep these and you will live.”  Jesus attests to the importance of the Ten Commandments. This is why Christians still accept them.

The Commandment

The Call



I am the LORD your God, you shall have no other gods before me.

Faith (Trust in God)

All faith in God, freedom from lesser gods: wealth, sex, power, popularity.


You shall not take the Name of the LORD your God in vain.



Respect for God and the things of God: prayer, worship, religion.


Keep holy the Sabbath day.


Not just the day of rest, but setting aside time for prayer, good recreation, quiet reflection.


Honor your father and your mother.


Loving care and respect for all family members, elders and younger siblings, too. Respect for elders in general.


You shall not kill.

Respect For Life

Courtesy to all, speaking respectfully to all, seeking the best for all. Respecting others’ freedom while still defending all human life.


You shall not commit adultery.


Faithfulness (Fidelity)

Faithful actions beyond just abstaining from sexual contact outside of marriage. Respect for sex and marriage.


You shall not steal.

Justice (Honesty)

 Concern for the rights of others, especially when they get in the way of what we desire. A commitment to fairness and a willingness to suffer loss rather than depriving another.


You shall not bear false witness.


 A dedication to what is real and true, even if that reality is against our interests.


You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.


 A desire to want only what God wills. A single-hearted devotion to God’s way.


You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.


 A cooperation in God’s own generosity that sees all goods as belonging to God and freely given for the good of all.


When Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” he responded with two:

Love God and love your neighbor. (cf. Mark 12:28-31)

In accord with this, we see the first three commandments as directed toward the first of these (love of God),

 and the last seven as relating to the second: love of neighbor.

 It is interesting how many people tend to deviate from these basic commandments that they tend to  break many of God’s commandments not just one..


 do see also

January 2, 2009

*Divorce And Remarriage In The Christian Church

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Firstly the Bible clearly says-

(Jer 5:7 KJV)  How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots’ houses.

(Jer 7:9 KJV)  Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;

(Jer 23:14 KJV)  I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

(Jer 29:23 KJV)  Because they have committed villany in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours’ wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, saith the LORD.


Concerning Marriage…  Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.  Proverbs 18:22 and ” I hate divorce,” says the LORD GOD of Israel— Malachi 2:16


Romans 7
2 For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.
3 So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

1 Corinthians 7
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.


Ephesians 5
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.


Colossians 3
18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord


Titus 2

4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.


1 Peter 3
1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:


But most professing Christians even are Bible ignorant and do not practise the Bible. if these verses offend you, you gave a false, rebellious  spirit.


It is hard to know what a spouse really is like initially these  days  since they cover it up  with lies, deceit.


Most women falsely expect the husband to be their servant, slave provider contrary to the Bible.


A man should always rejoice in the wife of his youth   Proverbs (5:18).

A man should not be enticed by an evil woman’s beauty (6:25).

A man should never tamper with his neighbor’s wife (6:29).

A man should never waste his substance on a harlot (7:10, 11, 12; 29:3. See Luke 15:30).

Clamorous, foolish women are empty-headed (Proverbs 9:13).

Gracious women retain their honor (11:16).

Lovely women without discretion are like jewels in a swine’s snout (11:22).

Wise women build substantial homes (14:1).

Foolish women destroy a home (14:1).

Contentious women are like a continual dropping on a rainy day (19:13; 27:15).

Brawling women are not easy to live with (21:9; 25:24).

Angry women are never good company (21:19).

Adulterous women can be self-righteous (30:20).

Odious women ruin the peace of a home (30:21, 23).

Loose women are like snares and nets (Ecclesiastes 7:26; Proverbs 7:10).

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband (12:4).


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also according to the Bible

  1. She forgets  about her old life,  family and serves her husband
  2. She is not  Unrealistic. a mere dreamer.
  3. She is a commendable wife and mother.
  4. She lives for her home and family.
  5. She is constantly industrious.  She works hard, is not lazy .
  6. She is self-disciplined and orderly. Does not lie.
  7. She is a sharp business woman. thrifty with the money
  8. She has good, refined tastes. is not exotic, absurd,
  9. She manifests the grace of hospitality to all
  10. She is charitable in their time of need.
  11. She is virtuous also because she is spiritually-minded.
  12. She does not verbally or physically abuse her children, husband, others
  13. She is not bossy, argumentative, a poor listener, does not bad mouth her husband, does not talk about him behind his back, does not keep  a record of his faults, sins  nor reminds him of them rather she is forgiving,

as per

Proverbs 31: The Words of Lemuel

1 The words of King Lemuel, the oracle which his mother taught him:

2 What, O my son? And what, O son of my womb? And what, O son of my vows?

3 Do not give your strength to women, Or your ways to that which destroys kings.

4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, It is not for kings to drink wine, Or for rulers to desire strong drink,

5 For they will drink and forget what is decreed, And pervert the rights of all the afflicted.

6 Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to him whose life is bitter.

7 Let him drink and forget his poverty And remember his trouble no more.

8 Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate.

9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.

Description of a Worthy Woman

10 An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.

11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain.

12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.

13 She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight.

14 She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar.

15 She rises also while it is still night And gives food to her household And portions to her maidens.

16 She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.

17 She girds herself with strength And makes her arms strong.

18 She senses that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out at night.

19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands grasp the spindle.

20 She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy.

21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet.

22 She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies belts to the tradesmen.

25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future.

26 She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

27 She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:

29 “Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all.”

30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

31 Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates.


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For many years this post has been the most popular post that I have ever written, and I guess it is cause there are so many unhappily married or lustful persons. A reflection of the times we are in… The post is very though, worth while reading..
 My second most popular post is  about the



And really is being someone’s wife and someone’s mother  really worth the  full investment of a life? Does it take preparation of skills,  concentration of energies, and the commitment of both to keep a happy home? Can  she even have a significant input , contribution into her husband and her  children now too? and here too one will reap what one  has sown here as well..


Many persons bring their unwanted, useless baggage into their marriage such as


A Common  Loser’s Strategy is asking to  Look at me! Notice me. See who I am! Pay attention to me.   I am great!  I AM THE GREATEST! Worship me, Praise me. Losers worship the false god of self.


A Common  Low personal Strategy is also to always  Seek Revenge


NOW ABOUT THE “Good and Bad News” AS TO WHO IS A CHRISTIAN?  or What Is a True Christian?  or  Who is a real Christian? For the valid definition of a true Christian?  Do see also


If you want your marriage to succeed, Decide you’re going to stay married, no matter what. Literally,


When a woman first seriously considers divorce she usually  only concerned about her own self interests,  and for sure not those of the children if any, and she isn’t thinking about the theological implications of her desires – AS all she knows mow is that she is desperate wants to get more from her husband. She doesn’t arrive at this state of desperation by a process of calm deduction.


Most husbands have few memories of “hurting” their wives and do not give it any thought. The truth is that a hardened woman only got that way because she was elf centered, selfish. Most women leave their husbands, because they entered marriage with false expectations Such a wife will be consumed by bitterness.


She should realize the negative impact of her bad decisions will have, on her children or others . Her heart is too far hardened, and will not now respond to words of Truth. She falsely blames him for any of her bitterness.


Revelation 218 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Why persons often do tell lies to others, themselves..


That   a Hell exists, there can be no doubt! The term “hell” occurs 54 times in the Bible,


“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4:11–14).


The most common criticism of Christian churches is that “a bunch of hypocrites go there”.  Of course such a condemnation is born personally  from anger and God rejection.


A much more accurate criticism is “a bunch of deceived people go there”.  Most church attendees are so entrenched in their practice of ignoring and even worse,  flagrantly violating Jesus’ teachings on the sacredness of marriage, with their unbiblical violations that are taught from the pulpits of their churches, that they  do not recognize or understand the apostasy they have dedicated their lives to practice falsely divorce. . Yes they falsely  even multiple re-marriages, for the financial gain of the church.


And why do most pastors allow divorce.. in reality they are still sex maniacs who want to keep the option of divorce.. Sad. The divorce rate among Christians exceeds that of non-Christians.  A life of marriage creates extreme dependency upon a human rather than upon God so that emotional desires are met which results in a strong craving and even a psychological need for another marriage after a divorce occurs.  False Re- marriages which also are strongly promoted in many churches, create a one-way death ticket to hell:


Mark 10:11-12 (New King James Version)  11 So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” Luke 14:25-27 (New King James Version) 25 Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, WIFE and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. We must love also now still Jesus so much that we will sacrifice our own lives, family  to serve Him and Him alone. God Himself has now promised to meet all of our needs if we serve Him, not our wants, lusts, desires, wishes.



The Old Testament approved of only the husband’s right  to divorce a wife  that he was  displeased with.  Even though lately it is generally 70 percent of the women filling for divorce there still is no Biblical approval of such acts in the Old or New Testament. The New Testament has no provision for a wife to divorce her husband,  so what?


In the New Testament there is no provision for married Christians to divorce at all generally without committing an act of adultery next..


Temporary Marriage separation is permitted for married Christians .


A woman is bound to her husband AS LONG AS HE LIVES, but IF HER HUSBAND DIES, SHE IS FREE TO MARRY ANYONE SHE WISHES, but he must belong to the LORD— 1 Corinthians 7:39.


To the married I give this command (not I but the LORD): A wife MUST NOT SEPARATE from her husband, BUT IF SHE DOES, SHE MUST REMAIN UNMARRIED OR ELSE BE RECONCILED TO HER HUSBAND. And a husband MUST NOT DIVORCE his wife— 1 Corinthians 7:10-11.
Jesus said:  But I tell you that anyone who DIVORCES his wife, EXCEPT for marital unfaithfulness, CAUSES HER TO COMMIT ADULTERY, and anyone who marries A WOMAN SO DIVORCED commits adultery—Matthew 5:32.
This is what the LORD GOD said to Abimelech in a dream one night:
” You are AS GOOD AS DEAD because of the woman you have taken; she is a MARRIED woman.”— Genesis 20:3


These days it is very likely that you get divorced as likely as you will get cancer or a heart disease, diabetes..




The proper question firstly is not rather what are the main causes of divorces even such as laziness, unrealistic expectations, unforgiveness, sexual lusts or lust for more money, materialism.


A DIVORCE STILL TENDS NOT TO BE A NEW HAPPY START ALL OVER AGAIN EXPERIENCE IN FACT and with no negative personal consequences such as severe health problems and a big  financial losses now too.


Also in a divorce you tend to carry the old baggage and scars still with you on and into a new marriage .


The negative reality also now is that a divorce really does not change anything, it does not turn the clock backwards and merely let you start all over again as foolish, immature politicians, others, ostriches rather, would wrongfully let you to believe.


The Bible tells husbands to love their wives (Ephesians 5:25) and wives to love their husbands (Titus 2:4). But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 5:44-45)


Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. (Matthew 19:6) Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery. (Mark 10:11-12) If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. (1 Corinthians 7:12-13)


One’s Rejection Leads to Depression and Anxiety.


Rejection is one thing, but divorce is another. It is everything of rejection and still more. It is a cruel death to marriage. No funeral service is held. No friends gather to express their heartfelt sympathy. Divorce is one of the most humiliating things that can happen, as your life seems to be a complete failure and you believe that everyone else sees you this way, too. It seems that all eyes are looking at you condemning . Rejection and then divorce are such negative experiences and can become very depressive. A heavy spirit must be dealt with. We must allow God to take charge and completely take over in our lives or else we may be completely devastated. Don’t be surprised if you experience rejection even from someone in your family. ”


Isaiah 53:3-4 says that Jesus was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and familiar with grief. He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. Jesus had a real healing ministry when He lived among men. He wept. He prayed and showed His love to children, to the sick, to the widows, to the Marys and Marthas. Now, He’s right here to touch and heal our hurts also — physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We know He is touched by our hurts and rejection, because He too experienced this from His very own. He too suffered when He was tempted (Heb. 2:17-18). Through all this He is able to help those who are tempted. He will not give us more than we can bear and He will provide a way out so we can stand up under it (I Cor. 10:13).


There are hundreds of false “Christian” reasons for divorce. Divorce Is Never God’s Will for His Children. God goes on record in Malachi 2:14-16, as to what He thinks about divorce: “The Lord is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one. Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. ‘I hate divorce, says the Lord God of Israel. And I hate a man’s covering himself with violence as well as with his garment,’ says the Lord Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit and do not break faith.”


Malachi 2:13-14. God says that in spite of tears, weeping and wailing, he “no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands”because of divorce.


Jesus puts His finger on the cause of divorce when He says, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so” (Matthew 19:8, NKJV).


Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.


Matthew 5:32 has a twofold warning: 1) Do not divorce without cause. 2) Do not pursue a relationship with someone who has abandoned their spouse. Unfortunately, many add, “If you’ve experienced divorce, you cannot remarry—period.” Not only does the text not say this, this statement actually condemns someone for the actions of another: Forbidding remarriage because of the wrong actions of the previous spouse is wrong? Being Divorced is not the unpardonable sin, rejecting Christ is.


Divorce is also still one of the worst possible way to try to get security and happiness. 


 Many people think divorce brings freedom. That is no more true than the serpent’s promises to Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5). Living according to God’s word provides true freedom—the freedom of a clean conscience, freedom from the tyranny and consequences of sin, and freedom to enjoy God’s love.


If you are married to an unbeliever, it is God’s desire for you to stay married (1 Corinthians 7:12-14, 16 and 1 Peter 3:1-6). However, if your unbelieving spouse leaves, you “are not bound.”


To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances. (1 Corinthians 7:12-15)

Divorce Counsel from most Bible-believing pastors tends to be absurd, unbiblical. Firstly Your marriage relationship may have ended but your life has not!


In John 4, Jesus gave the woman of Samaria a new life, and we remember that she had been married five times and was living with a man she was not married to. Yet Jesus did not find that reason to withhold living water from her. He gave her water that was not in the well, and He gave her hope for building a new future.


There are no guarantees that God would someday restore your marriage.


Don’t fall for lies, especcially  the lie that God helps only the picture-perfect family; Scripture reminds us that Jesus lifts up those who are broken, rejected, downhearted and desperate. He will make the tragedy of your divorce one of those “all things [that] work together for good” (see Romans 8:28) as you determine to love Him through it all.


We can choose to go on carrying our heavy hurt, or we can make choices to move forward. Divorce is a death – the death of a marriage. Most experts agree that the grief surrounding divorce is much more complicated than the emotions following the death of a spouse. Friends and family can be insensitive or hurtful after a divorce.


Forgiveness is another choice we need to make: forgiving ourselves as well as forgiving those who hurt us. Realize that rejection is more about the other person’s inability to love than it is about your worthiness for love.


Ask God to show you how you can rely on Him to help you thrive after other people have rejected you. Keep in mind when dealing with the uncertainty of human relationships that you can always count on God’s constant presence with you and steadfast love for you. Ask God to help you learn whatever He wants you to learn from your breakup or divorce, and to help you overcome any struggles with insecurity or jealousy. I wondered how I could now serve the Lord and new doors opened


Psalms 88:
1 O LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee:
2 Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;
3 For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.
4 I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength:
5 Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.
6 Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
7 Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. Selah.
8 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.
9 Mine eye mourneth by reason of affliction: LORD, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.
10 Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? shall the dead arise and praise thee? Selah.
11 Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?
12 Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
13 But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.
14 LORD, why castest thou off my soul? why hidest thou thy face from me?
15 I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up: while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted.
16 Thy fierce wrath goeth over me; thy terrors have cut me off.
17 They came round about me daily like water; they compassed me about together.
18 Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness.


Revelation 21: 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


Falsely even now trying to blame the  spouse for all or most of the marital problems is ludicrous still too. There are still even negative emotional traumas, experiences associated with almost all divorces since you still tend to in real life to reap what you have sown, the personal lies and your acts of thefts included now.


You do still have to live with the negative consequences of the divorce and your own major unacceptable personal negative contributions to the divorce and that is also the reasons so many people tend to have more than one divorce next too.


Now if one spouses lies to the other spouse, steals from the other spouse, or  is lazy, unrealistic that marriage will end and they  can blame the other spouse all you want for the failed marriage but they  themselves have made a major contribution by their own bad acts, and Christian or non Christian now as well. It is also amazing how so many spouses can in the courts too see the other spouses supposed sins while they are doing the same thing firstly too.


In a sadly too common, unacceptable divorce scenario, one of the spouse pictures themselves as the innocent party and the other side is painted as a big bad villain.




Secondly  a wife tends not to file for divorce unless she already has hopes of potential future gains, a present cash reserve, the support of her own family for the divorce, and a pre picked potential future sex partner.  Divorce also clearly is still  not a valid teaching, doctrine of  of the Christian church. When you file for divorce it is very likley cause you are a sex maniac or a control freak.. If you are a Control freak you are not only still an unrealistic, immature, immoral person but you may have a serious mental condition …  – 

I admit I am dumbfounded that most  spouses,  wives  included,  falsely believe they personally will not reap the bad things they have sowed in their marriage. What fools they really still are! Cheat, lie, steal , slander, abuse ,    adultery, there is a price next to pay for it still too. No matter who you think you are.


1 Corinthians 6: -9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. 16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. 17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. 18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Proverbs 6-32 But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.
Proverbs 23-27 For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.
Hebrews 13-4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Galatians 6-7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Revelation 21-8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
I find it really  ludicrous that the wife who says she is perfect, obviously a brain dead ostrich in denial, files for divorce  cause her husband is not perfect.  All Men and women are equal sinners. 




Who’s telling the truth in a divorce dispute .


Without a doubt, many fingers that get pointed at belong to the people who are truthful. it is very hard to determine who is telling the truth with the  salacious false stories, gossip, misinformation and lies about his personal life . So there’s often a big problem in sorting out the truthful accusers from the lying accusers who lie because of  a profit motive. sexual lusts, melding;  in-laws.  The spouse she may look refined, but  she  can get very vicious when angry, she is a gold-digging fantasist, a blackmailer. a liar.   She makes False claims that don’t have time stamps  and have   been doctored.  The estranged wife  is ‘making up’ false claims of domestic abuse in order to boost her divorce settlement.  It is not unusual for the divorce perpetrator’s playbook to include miscasting the victim as the sole villain.’ As she was leaving him she had threatened to ‘lie about him publicly if he didn’t agree to her terms, over a clash over parental rights spiced by  the  in-laws, her parents’ “desperate desire” for her and the children to move  near them, so that they the children can have a closer relationship with their maternal grandparents,”  The “affluent” in-laws are “bankrolling” her litigation so that they could enjoy easier access to the grandchildren. The spouse was also  fighting over the preservation of hidden assets and stolen heirlooms. she is thus accused  of cooking up the abuse story to influence a judge’s decision on spousal support


Most of  the wrong doings, the bad acts that others, even my own family members  have accused me of doing, was mainly, firstly inspired by their own self consciousness of what they themselves were like and they falsely assumed now next that I  was like them. It is a known fact even that crooks often do  think that everyone else is a crook. The liars, slanderers do also  tend to think everyone else lies.. etc.


There are still much too many persons with a big bad mouth even  in my own related families, who got so used to wagging  their big bad  tongues, telling their lies about others, that next  they had falsely started to think they all can and will get away with it for ever.. dream on.. and they are next shocked when they are rightfully not only rebuked, but  fully exposed to all as to who they are really .. as slanderers, liars and human rights abusers..  and rightfuly so. Clearly now I too got really tired of being lied to and abused by much too many professional bullies, perverts, anyone for that matter  that I encounter too often in life now still, even in society, churches too  so I next started to openly, personally expose them on the net  and to make them reap real personal negative consequences rightfully here too..


Removing the beam from one’s own eye seems to be an impossible task for too many blind still persons..  It seems that too may critics, preachers especially on the internet , falsely still do believe that preaching the Gospel to others, is an acceptable alternative to them  living it now, and they do falsely believe that God overlooks their own sins of the neglect, abuse of others, gossip, slander, cheating, lying, stealing, tax evasions.. Now my son  and daughters and my nieces and nephew all do here  need to stop their lies, slander too as well as other family members. and they do also need to be delivered  now from having a demon led controlling spirit.


I have a great big chuckle when a clearly  dumb ex spouse like mine counted on getting rich after a divorce.. dream on.. Imagine this too many people falsely do  love the prosperity preachers who promise them wealth but neglect to tell them to repent firstly, continually as well. And that still includes  the persons who does evil to me, lies  to me, slanders me, even if it is my wife, my son Edward or my daughters, or my nieces or nephew, as they also do  evil very likely as well to others… they still do need to repent themselves, for they will not prosper..


Imagine this even in a so called Christian Church a lazy, no good, rebellious, actually a slut, adulterous, unfaithful  wife OFTEN STILL now files for a divorce, and still demands alimony but she also  often even gets her church support in this matter claiming the Bible says the husband is to be the sole bread winner and too look after his wife.  Well I got GOOD news for you all FOR there is no such verse in the Bible and the same PERVERTED church that says so, let them now  support the wife next.. for the Bible is clear a wife is an equal marriage partner, who now also works even supporting her family .. (Prov 31:10 KJV)  Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies…. 13  She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.


God himself now looks after the good wife, and all of her needs still too but  the husband needs to love her.


Those whom I love I also do chasten and rebuke. For  if a wife does evil and not rather good do expect her to reap her consequences..


30 percent of the evangelical Christians in today’s modern, liberalized Churches now falsely file for divorce even because they are not really true, practicing Christians but imposters, pretenders.  I was also recently amazed at the  local PAOC, Pentecostal church that hypocritically permitted divorce, that God hates, but the same Church  enforces Old Testament mandatory tithing.. doing whatever it takes to keep the  religious empire going.. To continue going to this watered down church I next would have to betray many of my valid Christian beliefs, doctrines too.




Most marriages tend to end up in divorce because of one spouses inability to forgive, laziness, unrealistic expectations, uncontrolled sexual lust among many other things.


Fornication, Adultery, Marital failures, and many other destructive conditions, exist because of personal sin.  They also do exist because humans have decided that their way is better than God’s way.  They have decided that fulfilling their desires is more important than obeying and glorifying the Creator/Sustainer of the universe.  Nevertheless, all persons must  learn what the Bible says about sin, adultery in order to see it the way God sees it.  Only when we change our views to line up with God’s views can we live the full, blessed life He has waiting for us. Personal Sins of commission are also  often the result of One’s sins of omission, even the sin of presumption.


Too often the sex was good but nothing else. There is no love, communication,  spirituality..  Believe it or not when you sin deliberately and do not admit it, stop the sin even, there is still a price to pay.. even now especially for adultery… divorce… One of the undeniable punishment is that your sin is shouted from the Housetops..


There are much too many even too typical Professing Christians now, even among the Catholics, Anglicans, Pentecostal,  Fundamentals, Plymouth Dispensational Brethren, and whether they are open or closed Brethren, that are still deceitful .. and  they are also those same persons who do  still falsely and too often substitute next their own or  men ‘s false teaching for those of  Christ’s, and while the one Bible still does opposes divorce for all Christian persons, even the Plymouth Brethren undeniably, they too do often even encourage  the divorce of any spouse, Christian or not, especially anyone who does not heed to the full brethren doctrines, for solely according to them too falsely the deceived Christian wife does not need to listen to her husband in anything, even from the same husband who was to be the head of the home as admonished by Jesus , especially if he does not jump at their command.. Not only the Brethren, but even bad Fundamental, Pentecostal, bad Baptist pastors also falsely now teach and do this as well all done while they falsely try to maintain a full, crooked control and economic grasp over their religious empires.. The poor wife who is seduced by any of these bad pastors is surely headed for a very severe downfall next ..


I have often really wondered WHY EVEN SO MANY SO CALLED CHRISTIANS  PASTORS and why so many even loudly professing Christians are still not even firstly filled with the Holy Spirit fully, and the most common reason for most  pastors  besides carnality, self serving , unbelief is  is a chosen vocation rather  about seeking fame, power, and  their lust for  Money, even the cheating , stealing and lying related to it. The love of Money and what it can do is the root of all evil The Judas syndrome. Lying, cheating, stealing, income tax falsities, tax evasions are the  common “acceptable norm” today for many.


Yes, just cause you once accepted Jesus Christ even does not even make you still  Holy Spirit filled now.. we  all have to be refilled too all the while we also really still do need to get the full Biblical definition of sin and the understand that one staying in any sin is not an option for any Christian. No such thing as a little big pregnant applies to your sinful acts now too.. Sin grows..  Sin is disobeying God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, not just the Bible. Lying, thieving, even alcoholic, abusive persons, immoral priests, pastors, Ministers too who cannot even change themselves for the good now are of no use to anyone as well. If you are righteous, you will hate Cheating, Lying stealing , tax evasion too – and you will hate the lying spirit that is in them and you must keep your distance from them until they get it right with God.




Generally these days it is the wife who wrongfully files for divorce, and  before that it used to be the men.


These days the too often dirty lawyers who make blood money from divorce, are wolves in sheep clothing now picturing themselves and  the spouse to the courts, as good persons, decent, honest, reliable, falsely claiming her now to be a totally good , honest person, and not another too typical  liar too.




The divorce  lawyers who tend to be too often liars themselves they do like to present the victimized, innocent female spouse before the Queen’s courts, before the supposedly reputable judge, who in my witness, experiences actual too often is also now a liar, pretender himself, even a person  who does not get off the bench cause he is too lazy to ascertain the truth of the facts being presented to him or her. Wives and lawyers often perjure themselves successfully to the courts still while the too often pretending judge pretends to mediate, deal with the matters before him.


It always amazed me the so called perfect wife, actually an economic and physical prostitute and her perverse lawyers, can so easily see all of the spouses’ sins still cannot even see their own,, and why was that? the devil still controls what they do and can see..  The Bible also lists this sin of lying as one that can lead us to hell along with some other grievous ones. (Rev 21:7 KJV)  He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. (Rev 21:8 KJV)  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


The often lying lawyers like to present the wife as a decent, respected, good, moral person who now has provided faithfully  for her husband, even if she did not, and she does not abuse now again  any of them not even her now really bad  husband, and she does not cheat, lie or steal now as well. Ha ha ha  Most of you already do know that is not true.. she does many bad things..


The still mostly  liars . lawyers do like to present her as a good person, whereas more likely in reality  she also is just  another demon. In fact men and women tend to be equal sinners, before God and man. In reality  the same spouse she likely has slandered, lied, committed adultery, even stole from her spouse, and now she will keep on lying, perjuring herself while hoping next to get a good alimony support from her spouse.  The farce goes on. When now the Christians behave like this it is unacceptable..  really bad..


A  marriage has recently become a capstone for the privileged class. The decline of marriage, to the extent that we’re seeing it, is happening almost exclusively among the poor. The lowest-earning men and women (i.e.: the least-educated men and women) have seen the steepest declines in marriage rates,  why? cause it is always about the money -who will get it, keep it, spend it .. 


Sadly too  many divorces are ALSO caused even by outside influences.. such as by the input of bad persons too, even the demons such as bad lawyers, bad judges, bad relatives and the  bad pastors too..





While it is true still that many of the  cops, civil and public servants, politicians, divorcees, priests and pastors  included now,  they are still now mostly liars claiming to be REALLY now here even to mostly serve the good welfare of the people, or saying that they are caring about their own  family too,  yet they all mostly are control freaks   rather still mainly building up their own castle, their own empire, good welfare, doing their own thing,  and they took the job mostly to get more wealth, but they all will not find a full satisfaction, reward in what they do  rather  they next  will reap the bad they sowed ..


and THEY  likely will learn  (Proverbs 22:1 KJV)  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Ecclesiastes 7:1 KJV)  A good name is better than precious ointment; and the Day of death than the day of one’s birth.


In reality still THESE STILL MOSTLY Perverse PERSONS, liars, thieves who are next still expecting personally blessings, rewards, regards, honours like Haman in Esther 7:10  instead they are, will be  reaping the shame, exposures of their own bad doings.. and do see and the creditor has come..





(Gal 5:19 KJV)  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20   Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21   Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.  (Col 3:5 KJV)  Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6   For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:


(Mark 10:29 KJV)  And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, 30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.


Here is a quick Bible study for ALL OF you folks. Go  notice above that wife is singular, and Jesus himself does not. never did promise to replace your old wife with a new wife..   


Hey I expect to be hated for telling the truth here too, most people hate to hear the truth about themselves, for they are in denial, such as the bad wife bashing her husband who still cannot see she firstly likely is doing the things she accuses him of doing in reality


Can people now still next  change on their own for the Better, very unlikely without  God’s direct input. Most people have to learn the really hard way.






Many a person  when they see these people divorcing they really tend next not to recognize them and their behavior, for it clearly is different from what they had known before, were used too in fact.


All of a sudden clearly new now  openly monsters here have arisen.


In reality  the wife is not the mostly   innocent, the sole injured party and the husband is not the sole bad guy, villain too.


All of these mostly immoral,  lying now people, spouses, lawyers, judges tend to first need decent, real, pastoral counseling themselves.


Face IT the single biggest cause of personal depression basically is your own doings and not just a bad marriage.. But don’t expect any marriage to make you happier over having a personal relationship with God still or the new or old marriage to be a false substitute for having a personal relationship with God. I have been recently counseling a person who desperately wants to be remarried, she has been twice married, but she is not interesting in following after God only after her own desires, lusts.. so no marriage for her will make her happy or replace God’s vacuum in her life still too. God has not promised you now even a right of remarriage.. but he promised you peace, joy and happiness and yes you can have that outside of marriage with Jesus..


Mothers who refuse to let separated fathers see their children should have them taken away, a senior family court judge said yesterday. The children should be handed over to the full time care of the father if the mother persistently defies court orders, Mr Justice Coleridge said.He called for a ‘three strikes and you’re out rule’ by which children would be taken away if mothers ignored three court orders.The judge said that family courts are losing their authority because so many people take no notice of their judgments


Don’t by any means get the impression I think that  most of the judges are decent, nice persons, since I have met, encountered too many crooked judges. lawyers and politicians, the basis of most of our judges now too. I think one reasons there are so many bad, useless judges is they refuse to get out of their seats and look at all the facts, not the too often lies presented by the lawyers.


When we’re in a Domestically Abusive relationship we often create temporary “noise.” What you should be doing is calling the cops loudly instead. No abuse is acceptable, not verbal, emotional or physical too.. left alone abuses tend to be escalated..


YES ONE OF THE MOST COMMON, POPULAR TOPICS, SEARCHES ON THE INTERNET is can a Christian next get divorced and remarried, and the simple answer is no! but wait  do not stop reading yet.. if you are married, living to a demon, a control freak, a liar, a lazy good for nothing abusive person then please now do immediately get out of the marriage, do get an immediate separation.. and this not the kind of advice you would expect from a preacher of peace and love, but I am telling you all this for our own good, and you can thank me later.. and maybe next the still good for nothing bum, lousy spouse, he or she will wake up as to what she is really like and they may try to get help to change herself, himself.. but meanwhile don’t feel guilty about the peace you now have in your life.. By the way make sure first you are not the creepy, a good for nothing spouse yourself otherwise by your actions you will be doing your own spouse a great, great service.


More about Control freaks. Fears too. Control freaks do often have a terrible personal, social  life too and do often make all life terrible for those they live with, marry, work with, come in contact with.


Christian Lies, Slanders, Divorce And/or  Christian Divorce  Remarriage, (as well as adultery, fornication , Alcoholism, drugs, smoking, gays)  in the Christian Church are ALL still unacceptable.


When And Why Marriage Came About

It was in the Garden of Eden that marriage began between God’s created beings, man and woman. Man as in mankind, didn’t come up with the brilliant idea, “hey, let’s go get married.” No, marriage was God’s idea and it was for a godly reason, which is therefore why it is a law. Marriage is a law because it refers to the command by God Almighty for a man and a woman to be fruitful and multiply. God chose not to create bunches of people at the same time, but He created Adam and Eve, and He opted to make this one couple to …Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…(Genesis 1:28), and of course this was with His blessing. Man and woman were created for companionship and blessed in marriage union as “one” for procreating godly seeds. And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed [children]… (Malachi 2:15). The law of marriage is a covenant or agreement/vows between a man, a woman, and God their creator. What makes this agreement between the man and the woman binding, is the seal placed upon it, and that seal being God Almighty, in which case the third party witness and the only witness to what is in their hearts.


Question:  What is meant by God being the seal placed upon the union between a man and a woman? Answer:  God has made an end to two individual lives and has now made the man and woman, through agreement/vows, a one-flesh entity. God no longer sees them as twain (two), but as one.


Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, for this cause [marriage] shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave [cling] to his wife: and they twain [two] shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (Matthew 19:4-6; Genesis 2:24). The presence of God Almighty as the Third Party witness in a marriage covenant makes it a lifetime, unconditional commitment between the man and the woman. Because marriage is a lifetime commitment, vows are necessary and must be fulfilled. Marriage Is Vowing And God Is A Witness Wedding vows or promises are most serious. On account of them being made before God, they are as serious as the breath of life itself. Serious because you are promising to God to love and honor your mate until forever and forever regardless of one day awakening to find that the Devil has put in your heart that you two should not be together. The “if and then” clause is characteristic of a vow. If one party will do a particular thing, then the other party will respond to that by doing a particular thing in return. This is what marriage vows are all about – they are conditional or dependent on actions. Some good examples of vows are Jacob (Genesis 28:20-22), Israel (Numbers 21:2-3), Jephthah (Judges 11:30), and I Samuel 1:11 (Hannah). When one makes a vow/promise, he or she binds their soul with a bond (Numbers 30), and is not to break his or her promise. The meaning of a vow still stands, and making a vow is humbling because one has to live up to what has been promised by him or her. To bind yourself with a bond in vowing, in the case of marriage, is to be under obligation to God and the mate you are now “knit together” with to perform all that you promised. (Bond means obligation and bind is to knit together with your mate in marriage.) When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it [you must not breach your promises]: for the Lord thy God will surely require [demand] it of thee; and it would be sin in thee [if you don’t keep your word] (Deuteronomy 23:21). You have vowed to God and your mate to remain until the death of either of you, and if you don’t live up to it or if you are “slack to pay it” as God demands, you are in sin. Saints, when you break your vows/promises by divorcing your mate for other than fornication/sexual sin, you sin. You sin because you chose to be married. God never said, “all must make vows.” God ordained the act of marriage for all to see and as free moral agents, to make the choice to be married or remain single. When you made the choice to be married, you said you were willing to perform the expected behavior required of you in carrying out the marriage vows. God did not make you commit to getting married. It is written that if thou shalt forebear [say no] to vow, it shall be no sin in thee (Deuteronomy 23:22). It is not a sin to be unmarried. The Word of God goes on to say to those who make vows, such as wedding vows, That which is gone out of thy lips [when you verbally committed/vowed] thou shalt keep and perform… (Deuteronomy 23:23). You must carry out your wedding vows or else you are in sin because you have attempted through divorce to undo the miracle of one-flesh entity that God performed at your ceremony. Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth…the wife of thy covenant (Malachi 2:14). You so-called Christians, God was a witness between you and your mate – the mate of your covenant – the mate you promised to be with until death separated you. Don’t you respect God’s Word and promises with regard to your marriage vows? God hates covenant-breakers, therefore He hates divorce, and He says so in the Old Testament. Don’t attempt to ignore what is written there because it still holds. It wasn’t nailed to the cross with Jesus as were the carnal ordinances of the Law of Moses. God made you and your mate one and hates it when you break up the union. For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away (divorce)… (Malachi 2:16).


Troubled Marriage. A marriage is troubled because one or both (usually one) in the marriage has allowed Satan to (1) work on his or her mind, and (2) after much thinking, allowed those thoughts to move to the heart and work there for the committing of the sin of divorce. Saints, SIN is the root cause of divorce. It’s not always sexual sin, but it’s sin nonetheless. I don’t care how you look at your reasons for wanting to divorce your mate (other than fornication), SIN is the root cause for divorce. You can dress divorce with all the reasons in the world for it coming to pass, divorce is still wearing the garment of SIN. The proper attire for divorce is something or someone else is more important that keeping marriage vows to God and your mate.


You MUCH TOO MANY leaders in The Church that are initiating divorce from your mate, but encouraging the mate to file for the divorce since it wouldn’t look right for your to do so, fearing it would hurt the ministry, don’t kid yourself. The ministry was hurt when you let the notion to divorce go from your mind to your heart resulting in you acting on that which was in your heart. In fact, the ministry was hurt long before that. Your relationship with The Lord cooled down as your flesh became more, and more demanding, and pride took precedence. The marriage is troubled because the flesh of one mate wants what is most pleasing to his or her fleshly appetite. Yes, fleshly appetite because it sure isn’t “spirit.” Remember, the spirit is always willing to do God’s will, but the flesh isn’t. The flesh is weak and is always resistant to God’s will by fighting the spirit to get the right-of-way. The flesh is the working of Satan against God’s will for when it comes to putting asunder the marriage of a man and a woman – divorce. You who have divorced your mate for reasons other than fornication, you chose the easy way out – the fleshly way – the sinful way. For divorce brings about confusion and God is not the author of that. Therefore you know you have violated God’s will for your life because you didn’t put God and your mate before what “self” wanted. Grounds For Divorce God has said that what He joins together in a one-flesh entity, let no man put asunder or separate them (Matthew 19:6).


Marriage before God is indissoluble because something miraculous has taken place there – the man and woman have become as one. It applies if you were married before a minister or before a Justice of the Peace as well. God is still in it because it is He who performs the miracle of one-flesh entity. It is He who is the seal on the relationship. It is He who performs the procreation miracle of children from the union. Marriage is holy! Saints, making marriage vows is very, very serious. That cannot be stressed enough. You just do not break vows made to God and your mate, for God expects you to keep your word. If your word means nothing, then you are a liar and cannot be trusted. (Why would God trust you with a ministry?) As was said before, vows are voluntary. You choose to make vows. However, once you make the marriage vows or any other solemn promise, and especially before God, your keeping those vows is compulsory. That’s why marriage is indissoluble. If a man [mankind] vow a vow unto the Lord, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth (Numbers 30:2). When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed [keep your promises]. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5). Remember the immutability of God. Yes, this is in the Old Testament as well, but it wasn’t nailed to the cross. This still stands. You may have changed, but God is still the same – no change in His Word. You so-called Born Again Christians that have or are contemplating divorcing your mate for reasons such as irreconcilable differences, impotency, abandonment, spousal abuse, life in danger, insanity, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, barrenness, or any and all reasons other than fornication, YOU ARE IN SIN. Grounds other than fornication don’t stand with God. Those other grounds – well – that’s where your faith should kick in. You are to cry out to God for change in both you and your mate. In the spirit realm, you are to fight for your mate’s deliverance from those demon spirits of alcohol and drugs. Those are spirits that have these people bounded. In the spirit, you are to fight for your mate’s deliverance from abuse and insanity.


Pray and EVEN  believe God for deliverance from impotency and barrenness – believe God for fertility and wait on Him while you live a life of holiness and righteousness. It’s a demonic spirit behind everything that is not like God, including a brutal stalking mate. Bind that spirit up in the name of Jesus and remain in prayer for God to deliver that person and turn his or her life around. “The ball is in your court.” No, the work is too hard and you’d rather take the quick and easy way out – DIVORCE. Hello! God is not buying that from you. The quick and easy way out is SIN – “death.”


The Biblical reason of fornication or sex outside of marriage being the only justification for divorce is because extramarital affairs weaken or threaten the foundation of family life. When you have sex with someone other than your mate your soul is knitted to that person while you have already been knitted to your mate. Looks like polygamy, doesn’t it? The man for instance, married/knitted with his wife’s soul and now knitted as well with a strange woman. Ugh! Nasty! Not only is disloyalty there, but it’s whoredom and whoredom brings about confusion. The unfaithful mate is confused about who he or she really wants to be knitted to, and the author of confusion is none other than Satan, and out of that confusion comes guilt and unhappiness. The aftereffect of it all is the weakening of the family organization that God established for the replenishing of the earth – family failure. That’s not God’s handiwork. It must be said that even if your mate is a fornicator or adulterer, you should leave room for forgiveness. Look at the number of times God forgave Israel, His wife, for adultery before He sent Israel into Diaspora with partial blindness. By forgiving your mate for that sin, as with God, it does not mean you condone it, but the person is given the opportunity to truly repent – that is, be sorry, not do it again, and start over. Starting over does not mean with a new man or woman in your life, for that is continued adultery.


Remember when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well and He spoke to her about drinking water after which she would never thirst again. She asked Jesus for it, and He replied Go, call thy husband, and come hither. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly (Matthew 4:16-18). She was to go and sin no more as Jesus told the woman caught in adultery in John 8:11. If you left your mate and took on another, God forgives you if you are truly repentant, but part of the repentance package is giving up or coming out of that adulterous marriage and living a life of celibacy if you reject healing and restoration with the previous mate. go, and sin no more (John 8:11). This isn’t saying God will make holy your adulterous marriage, but He is saying, “I don’t condemn you, but don’t do this again.” He is saying, “Stop! Come out of this relationship because this is not your mate. This isn’t the one I joined you with.” Remember, if you don’t want your marriage to be restored, you must live a celibate life until Jesus comes or your first mate dies. The idea of celibacy may be hard for some of you, but even Kathryn Kuhlman realized she had to come out of the marriage she was in. The man divorced his wife and children to marry Kathryn. It must be done the way she did it. (Note: I respect her for having done that, ) The adultery madness has to stop somewhere. You are not happy in that state with the new mate. When you deal treacherously (unfaithfully) with your original mate, you are not happy. If you say you are happy, you’re telling a lie, for God will not allow you to be happy after you have broken your marriage vows. Matthew 19:3-12 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain [two], but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (Matthew 19:3-6). A person must not break in two the bond of oneness between self and mate because God has performed a miracle that cannot be reversed for reasons other than fornication. When God performs the miracle, it is not to be meddled with by mankind. That’s why He says, “let no man put asunder.” So, when one divorces his or her mate on grounds other than fornication, that person is attempting to undo a miracle performed by God Almighty. Who are you, you miserable character? They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so (Matthew 19:7-8; Mark 10:4-9).


Back in Genesis when God instituted marriage, He never intended for divorce to take place. In Moses law, divorce was permitted, but Moses’ law did not prevail over God’s original intent for marriage to be forever. Remember, Moses’ law was placed on the outside of the Ark which meant it could be changed, and did indeed have changes made to it. God’s Law was placed on the inside of the Ark and could not be changed. No, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” was not eradicated or changed in any way. (For a better understanding of the law, go to Are You Really Not Under The Law?) In the beginning God married one man to one woman and that was that. Now you are probably thinking that because God didn’t strike dead the men of old for their quick and easy divorces and the polygamous households that God simply accepted those practices. You are also probably thinking that if I divorce my mate and remarry, God will forgive me and I can go on in this new marriage with this new person. Well, that just isn’t so, especially since Jesus came and showed us all that we can, and must live, holy and obedient lives before The Lord God Almighty. God, in this dispensation, would not even wink at Jacob having his many wives and concubines let alone you. Those days are long gone. In this dispensation even, God would not wink at King David’s affair and murder to cover up his sin of fornication. God hasn’t winked His eye at sin since Jesus Christ came to tell the truth to all people, and God isn’t winking his eye at your sin of divorcing and remarrying as Born Again Christians in The Church of Jesus Christ. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication [sex with one other than your mate], and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb [underdeveloped]: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men [castrated]: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake [chosen to abstain from sex]. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it (Matthew 19:9-12 and Luke 16:18). I rather think eunuch here is in reference to sex organs, and this is why: The word eunuch is believed to have come from the Assyrian language meaning one who could be trusted, but the Hebrew word for eunuch (caric) means to castrate. Our Lord had to have meant eunuch from the position of sex organs and not that of one employed because he could be trusted. How could one be born as “one who could be trusted”? Notwithstanding, one could be born without fully developed genitalia.


Understand that (1) if you divorce your wife or husband, it is only acceptable before God on the grounds of fornication. (2) Divorce is not considered adultery just because you divorce your mate. Divorce is adultery when (a) you who divorced your mate go and marry someone else; and/or (b) you who divorced your mate does not marry, but the mate you divorced remarries whereby that remarried mate and their new spouse are committing adultery and it’s all because of you who initiated the divorce in the first place. Adultery is singled out in the 7th Commandment which is on the fleshly table of your heart – Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). This is serious. Saints, when you divorce a mate for reasons other than fornication (1) you must remain single, which means sex is over with for you because there is no sex outside of marriage – that’s sin; or (2) go back to your mate that you divorced. Marriage is serious business. But, the Word of The Lord to you (both male and female) who divorce on grounds other than fornication, you must become eunuchoid or one abstaining from sex and marriage, unless the other mate dies. It is not physical castration, but it is sexual abstinence. The Word of The Lord to you is, make yourself a eunuch by abstaining from sex for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake, and for the sake of your salvation. As a eunuch you will better serve in the Kingdom of Heaven because you will not have to be concerned about pleasing your mate. Personally, I love being a eunuch and I have been one since August 1983 (currently 2000). August 1983 was when the man whom I thought I was going to be with “until death we parted” walked out on three children and I – never to return. At that time, I wasn’t “Born Again” but yet I knew that though still married to the man, I could not date, let alone sleep with a man, because I would have been a fornicator. So, my prayer to God, with my Catholic mind, was, “Lord, please don’t let me commit adultery” and He kept me from any thought of doing such even until this day. God began changing my life and brought me through every step of the way. Even though I prayed for my marriage to be restored, I learned that God was never ever going to override that man’s will and force him back home, but He instead blessed me to fall madly in love with Him and the work He called me to do, thus keeping my mind and heart on the kingdom. To this day I do not think about the ex-husband nor do I think about being married to anyone else. I don’t even reminisce about so-called “good old days” and I have God to thank for that. I love being a eunuch – abstaining from sex, and it’s easy when you have a real relationship with The Lord. The other things just don’t matter. What God has done for me, He wants to do for all of you who didn’t keep the marriage covenant and are not in another marriage as an adulterer. The Lord said, All men [mankind] cannot receive this saying [being a eunuch], save they to whom it is given (Matthew 19:11). The word given, meaning “presented” to you as an option when you break the marriage vows by divorcing your mate for reasons other than fornication. It’s been given to you but do you receive it?


What It Means To break Marriage Vows. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously (unfaithful) against the wife of his youth. For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away (divorce): for one covereth violence (maltreatment; wrong) with his garment (Hebrew word “bagad” meaning deceitful or unfaithful), saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously (Malachi 2:15-16). “You covereth violence with your garment” means you have wronged your mate by being unfaithful in keeping your marriage vows. To break your marriage vows is being unfaithful to God and your mate. You betrayed their trust in your words and your actions. You are a “liar” and you can’t be trusted. Not only did you lie to God Almighty, but also to your mate. Because you lied, you are not happy and will not be happy until you have personally made amends with God and your mate. The Word of God says, …he that speaketh lies shall not escape (Proverb 19:5). You will not have peace in your soul for breaking your promises to The Lord and your mate. It will not be life as usual until you come face-to-face with both the direct and indirect painful results you are responsible for.


  1. You lied about reverencing God’s presence and His seal at the marriage ceremony.


  1. You lied about not violating your solemn vows before God because you didn’t trust God to keep His part of the agreement – keeping the marriage together. All you cared about was “self” and how “self” felt, so you therefore didn’t believe God to bless the marriage, grant you fulfillment in it, and bless your home with peace. YOU THOUGHT THE GRASS WAS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE.


  1. You lied about loving your mate, comforting, and honoring your mate in sickness and in health.


  1. You lied to God about forsaking all others of the opposite sex and keeping to the mate that He was a witness to your union within one flesh for as long as you live. You lied! You lied to God. You thought the grass was greener on the other side. You lied! You only cared about how you felt, and not God nor anybody else


  1. You lied to God and your mate when you said you wanted your mate to be wedded to you – to have and to hold from that day forward for better for worse, for richer for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish “till death do you part” according to God’s holy ordinance.


You lied! You lied to God. You thought the grass was greener on the other side, but let me tell you, it has to be mowed over there as well. When one makes a vow unto God as in marriage vows, and he or she keeps their part of the promises, God will make sure that the couple stays together. You have to love God more than anything to want to keep your promises to Him and your mate, otherwise you will divorce. You will sin and risk going to hell. Yes, going to hell because you broke the 7th Commandment of God’s High Holy Standard for mankind by breaking your marriage vows.


The Sorrow In Those Second And Subsequent Adulterous Marriages The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it (Proverb 10:22). Sorrow is grief, anguish, pain, remorse, misery, sadness, difficulty, distress, and some. I don’t care how much and how hard you try to make these adulterous marriages work by believing continually that God has forgiven you and has blessed the marriage, sorrow is added to it. I don’t care how determined you are to stick with this mate and the children you possibly have from the marriage, sorrow is added to it. There is much sorrow in these adulterous marriages because you sinned by breaking your marriage vows before The Lord and your mate. You disobeyed God’s commandment to not commit adultery when you became the power to put asunder your mate; you became the power that unraveled the miracle of one-flesh entity that God performed between you and your mate. You made yourself “the power” in God’s place. That’s called pride. It was pride that got Lucifer in trouble and it’s that same pride that has you in trouble until you rectify this whole mess. There is much sorrow in these adulterous marriages but you think it will gradually dissipate. No, you’re dead wrong. God has not, cannot, and will not bless these relationships as long as your divorced mate is alive. These unsanctioned marriages will never be placid, and the more you attempt to draw closer to God for a settled peace, you will not be able to until you come out of the relationship. It is when your desires line up with God’s will that you will experience peace. Worse than that, the longer you are not in one accord with God’s will, you’re just a “faking and shaking” Christian who is on the way to hell. No, it’s not “once saved-always saved.” It’s do it God’s way or burn later. You must make the choice. The Hebrews made the choice when leaving Babylon – they made the choice to give up those mates and children because it was God’s will (Ezra 10), and you have to make the choice.


The  19th-century American Cyrus Scofield  wrote into his Bible notes about the  Israel-past, present, and future. His Scofield Bible is today is a popular  reference Bible amngst the dispensationalists. Plymouth Brethren, Baptists. .   The Scofield teaching is concerned with a literal Jewish kingdom to last for a millennium.    The Bible does not teach it, and the disciples who had been taught it, rejected it after Pentecost.  Jesus warned about it in Matthew 16:6-12. We must ask ourselves if Jesus ever offered or announced himself as an earthly King or claimed David’s throne?  Had he ever in any way suggested he was going to set up an earthly kingdom?  He said to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world, if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom not from hence (John 18:36).    The most reasonable interpretation of the work of Scofield is that it is neither honest nor valid  for it is properly outside the line of valid Christianity. The Scofield Reference Bible did, and is doing, a great disservice to the Kingdom of God. He was a mere Hireling.. Paid to do this..  And as for this second  biggest original proponent of the false rapture, eternal security, zionism…  C.I. Scofield  he was a divorcee, adulterer,  liar, cheat, thief, self-promoter, philanderer, fraud ,  fantasist was also into the Occult as well as pornography and was a drunk. who  concealed his personal sins from view  He died of liver failure due to has alcohol problem and opium drug use.  He was also indicted on tax evasion.  by their own fruits you can tell what they really are said Jesus..


Kathryn Kuhlman was in an adulterous marriage and the guilt of it was heavy upon her. While already an evangelist, she met another evangelist who had a wife and two sons. Apparently they had something going on and he divorced his wife to marry Kathryn. He lied and said that his wife abandoned him by going back to Austin for the children to attend school. Like it was said before, God knows the whole truth whereas ordinary people don’t always know the whole truth. The people in Denver where Kathryn was preaching begged her not to marry the man because of what he had done, and she married him anyway. In those days (1930s and 40s) the people would not sit under your ministry if you had committed adultery by divorcing your mate or marrying someone who was divorced, and they were absolutely right. As a result, word got around and when she and the hubby went to the various churches, they weren’t welcomed so their ministry was going down. Kathryn tried preaching without the husband, but word still traveled and she wasn’t welcomed. Kathryn knew, from her study of the Word of God and her experience with Him as a loving Father, that God was able to take even an impossible marriage situation, one that was born in sin and rebellion [excluding adultery/divorce], and turn it into something pure and holy – without dissolving the relationship…She had seen others do exactly what she and Burroughs [husband, Burroughs Waltrip] had done, and watched as God heard their cry of confession and their plea for forgiveness, and had granted them new hearts along with His allowance for them to remain together. (Daughter of Destiny. Jamie Buckingham. Logos International, Plainfield, NJ p 90, 1976.) This was precisely what Kathryn and Burroughs were believing God for, so they kept trying to make it work for six years, but the sorrow mounted. Finally she repented – as to completely turn around, and left the marriage. It was difficult for her as it was for the Hebrews in Ezra 10, and as it will be difficult for you. But, if you’re going to call yourself a child of God, a Saint, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do and God will bring you through just like He wanted to bring you through a successful marriage before you divorced your mate or committed fornication and became divorced. In the book, “Daughter of Destiny,”


Burroughs Waltrip was referred to as “a man of God” but I beg to differ with you. A man of God is one who walks with God. Walking with God is walking upright before Him in righteousness and holiness, not in adultery – not as a liar. (Bishop Clarence McClendon also refers to himself as a man of God, but yet an adulterer.) These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him…a lying tongue (Proverb 6:16-17). When you commit adultery by divorcing your mate, you brake your word to God and your mate thus making you a liar. You’re slowly but surely destroying yourself. When you commit adultery through divorce you are destroying your soul (Proverb 6:32), and as long as you stay in those adulterous relationships you are steadily destroying your soul because of the continuous sin. That sin doesn’t go away until you get out of it. It does not go away as long as you are in a soul-tie situation.


Peep Into Who You’ve Been Supporting John Jacobs: His so-called ministry was hurt from its inception when he incorporated martial arts into Christianity. He was headed downward beginning with that. John divorced his wife of 16 years, Ruthanne due to irreconcilable differences. She, however, did not want the divorce. Let’s see now, where is that in The Bible? I don’t see it. (That was very familiar. The same grounds charged by the man I was married to.) What does that mean? It means there is a conflict in what the couple believes in or stand for and they just cannot come into one accord, therefore are not capable of being reconciled – inharmonious. Ruthanne was not guilty of fornication (neither was I), but according to John, the irreconcilable differences went back to the beginning of the marriage. Where was Jesus in the individual lives for 16 years? Without a doubt, John obviously did not have a real or genuine relationship with The Lord that he broke the marriage vows that God miraculously sealed. This is what John had to say: There was nothing about this divorce that had to do with a sin problem. Divorce was my last choice. (Charisma News Service, August 25, 2000) John, my dear man, divorce may have been your last choice, but it was that choice that made your action SIN. The Jacobs had adopted a little boy who is now three years old. If the real reason for the divorce was due to impotency or barrenness, that was still no grounds for divorce. Abraham didn’t leave Sarah and God blessed that marriage. The article went on to say that Jacobs had ‘been wounded by divorce, but…returned to his calling.’ Who called him? It sure wasn’t God.


Bishop Clarence McClendon: The Bishop – a Born Again Christian and a minister of the Gospel, in this year 2000, divorced his wife and four children of 16 years. He said, the only reason [it/marriage] lasted as long as it did was because we both loved God (Charisma News Service, Vol. 2, No. 89, July 5,2000). Church, Clarence McClendon shot himself in the foot with that statement – “they both loved God.” Isn’t that what a married couple is suppose to do? If he and his wife both loved God, they would have loved each other and would still be together. Since they are not together, one of them, and it was Clarence McClendon, didn’t love God like he thought he did. He loved “self” above God. He loved what pleased him and made him feel good above God. You see Saints, if Clarence McClendon had loved God, he would still be keeping his marriage vows to Tammera and God, The Seal – the Third Party in the agreement, would have kept them together as His part of the agreement. Bear in mind, God would never override Clarence McClendon’s will to divorce his wife for reasons other than fornication. His so-called ministry was hurt when he began to exhibit himself as “Mister-I-Have-Arrived,” and taking up a second collection during church services just for him. By the way, it was this same fellow who is so special in The Kingdom that while he was yet married to Tammera, he was silly enough to tell her that God had shown him who he was suppose to marry (Charisma News Service, Vol. 2, No. 133,


“Ex-Wife of L.A. Pastor Clarence McClendon Disputes Divorce Account.” September 7, 2000). Clarence McClendon, you were duped by the working of Satan in your flesh. If you had had a real relationship with God, you would have immediately allowed His Word to rise up in you telling you that He hates divorce, adultery, sin, and pride in a person. (Note: After all of that, those churchgoers are still sitting under that adulterous man! God forbid!) Oh, and by the way, he married the woman Priscilla Delgado seven days after his divorce was finalized. Tell me now if McClendon was not already in an adulterous relationship with Priscilla Delgado while married to Tammera. (The Charisma article noted McClendon was accused of adultery and also of having fathered a child by a woman other than his wife.) This ministry of the Bishop’s was in a lot of trouble before he convinced his wife to file so that it wouldn’t look bad for him and the ministry. This Clarence McClendon is also a liar. He said that Tammy just made a decision about what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. No, sir. According to the Charisma report that quoted Tammy, you, Clarence McClendon, made the decision for her. She did not want the divorce even though he had been wanting to leave her for five years. Bishop McClendon said the following about the rumors of his fidelity: It is the work of the enemy to silence the prophetic voice…I’m a holy man of God. I’ve lived my life by the Word of God (Charisma Magazine, August 2000). A holy man of God living by God’s Word! Please! To cast your eyes upon this man you see the puffed-up arrogant specimen of a male whose mannerisms are those of one who thinks he’s “the fairest of them all” – “STUCK ON ‘SELF.’” The so-called holy man of God said, I have a calling to preach, not to be married. Imagine that? That being the case, why did he immediately after the divorce get married to Priscilla? He further stated, My calling is between my heavenly Father and myself. It doesn’t affect my ministry. Dear man, you’re a liar. You don’t have a heavenly Father that you reverence. If you had, you wouldn’t be an adulterer in an adulterous, unsanctioned-by-God marriage. Yes, you’re absolutely correct – your divorce and remarriage doesn’t affect your ministry because that preaching you’re doing in that building is not The True Church of Jesus Christ. So, no, you’re not affected.


Richard Roberts: His so-called ministry was hurt when he teamed up with his dad, Oral, and put his dad before his wife Patty. Yes, his one-flesh entity was with his dad and not his first wife, Patti. Richard’s so-called ministry was hurt when he supported his dad’s worldly-wise fundraising schemes to build up the Oral Roberts University and that medical center, which by the way, flopped. It flopped because God wasn’t in that. Seed-faith offering was and still is one of their biggest fundraising schemes, which Patti spoke against – and she was absolutely right. Giving out of your need is not the same as giving out of your love and obedience to God. Giving out of your need is turning God into a “Sugar Daddy” that will drop anything you want on you anytime you want, and people don’t manipulate God. Seed-faith offering is manipulative and that is not Scriptural. Oral said to Patti, Patti, why don’t the two of you just get a divorce? I’ll just tell my partners you couldn’t make it, and we’ll let the chips fall where they may… (Ashes to God. Patti Roberts. Word Books Publisher, Waco, TX p 129, 1983.) Where was God in this “godly man Oral Roberts”? Sure enough Oral, wife Evelyn, and son Richard went on a fishing trip and upon return the decision had been made for Richard and Patti to divorce. Of course Patti didn’t want this and probably neither did Richard, but because his dad and that ministry were more important than him pulling out of Tulsa with his wife Patti and two children to start anew, he gave in to what pleased his dad. Didn’t the Word say, leave father and mother? Yea, I thought so, but Richard Roberts ignored The Word of God. In fact, he left God out of the marriage. This was another one of those cases where the wife was urged to get the divorce because it would look bad for Richard and the ministry, which she did do. Well, Church, 10 months latter Richard married Lindsey and they started a new family – an adulterous one that is. God only knows, Richard, if you had remained with Patti, perhaps your posterity would not have been cut off.


John Hagee: This man is a very popular preacher in the world of Jews. He and his current wife Diana, pastor a very large church in San Antonio. Before now, he was pastoring a church in San Antonio and admittedly was in immorality. He divorced his wife Martha and two children in 1976 and married Diana Castro, a young woman in his congregation, and started a new family. Mr. Hagee seems to be happy, but is he? His church is a big one, but does that mean God is there? He’s written or rather had ghostwritten, many books, but does that mean he is anointed by God to do so? Is John Hagee’s life and ministry kosher with God?   One day I happened to tune in to John Hagee’s program and he was teaching on love. My heart was stricken when I heard this adulterer say such things as: Marriage is an attempt to find love. Love makes a covenant in marriage. (Oh, really, now! What do you know about that?) Love is loyal. If you want to do something for someone, love someone. (Unbelievable!) If you want to do something for God, either come from behind the pulpit while in your adulterous state, or give up that unsanctioned adulterous marriage and family?


Arthur Blessitt: This man has been carrying a 12-foot cross around the world since 1969. He has gone into about 280 plus countries, doing what he said God told him to do, which I rather doubt. I doubt it because The Lord never ordered The Church to literally carry a big cross around on wheels, but did say take The Gospel to the people. It’s not the visible showing of a wooden cross that reminds or draws people to Jesus, but the all-powerful Word of God. Personally, I rather think Mr. Blessitt was tricked by the voice of the enemy to do such a duncical thing. Satan makes one do stupid things. The cross represents a dead Jesus Christ who never resurrected, when Jesus did in fact resurrect from the dead. The cross symbol is an accursed tree. The cross is symbolic of Jesus’ humiliating and agonizing death (memento mori” – a reminder of death or mortality, or a reminder that we must die). My questions is, why are we to remember death when Jesus didn’t stay in the grave but resurrected, as we will resurrect. So, you see, Satan tricked Arthur Blessitt into parading around the globe with an accursed symbol all these years, and his relationship with Christ was spiraling downward. He had a wife named Sherry and many children – if my memory serves me right, several children (7?), with one of them being mentally challenged. While carrying that old rugged cross he met an English woman by the name of Denise and obviously had an affair with her. He divorced his wife Sherry in 1990 and married Denise in 1990. At that time he was 49 and Denise was about 29. This was a man leaving the wife of his youth to prove his virility. It was all about “self” and forget about the covenant with God and his wife Sherry and those children. But yet he says, “I just love Jesus.” According to the August 1990 Charisma and Christian Life magazine, “Blessitt said he felt this was God’s will for him at this time [to get the divorce].” God’s will for him to divorce his wife! Please! On Arthur Blessitt’s web site, “Some Thoughts From Arthur” reads: I begin the new century with thrilling excitement. I…have been committed to following Jesus all my life…I love God and I love people….I love to do anything I feel Jesus tell me to do. My thrill is to please my Lord. ( Oh, is that right, Arthur. Arthur, do you really think you are pleasing your Lord in that adulterous relationship with Denise? No! You’re not. God is grieved over the fact that you sinned by breaking the marriage vows with Sherry and now by continuing to live in that adulterous relationship with Denise. Should you visit Mr. Blessitt’s site, you will discern how “full of himself” he is. It’s all about Arthur and what he’s done. On Trinity Broadcasting Network’s September 22, 2000 program, I heard Arthur Blessitt say, I love fallen men and women. What do you suppose he meant by that, being that he’s a fallen man whether he realizes it or not?


Sandi Patty: The very popular Christian singer had an affair with Don Peslis who was touring with her as one of her backup singers – “all just singing to the glory of God.” Divorced from her husband in 1993, she married her lover in August 1995 that was also divorced. Sandy committed adultery and her first husband John Helvering has the right to remarry and not be considered an adulterer. Sandi, well, she is currently in adultery in her marriage to her lover who also had a wife. Oh, how complicated, you’re perhaps thinking. But it’s not at all. It’s simply adultery – violation of covenant with God and their mates while they carried on their little love affair. In a 1998 Christianity Today article, Sandi is quoted as having said the following: I am in awe. God still loves me! God still loves me. Sandi, God never stopped loving you, but that doesn’t mean He has sanctified your marriage to the man you committed adultery with. The owning, naming, and confessing of the sin in my life was the beginning of experiencing the freedom that only comes through Christ…. Yes, Sandi, that was only the beginning of freedom, but you won’t have total freedom until you come out of that adulterous relationship with Don Peslis, whom you call you husband when he’s not.


Charles Stanley: The 67 year old pastor of Atlanta’s First Baptist Church was divorced by his wife of 44 years in May 2000. The grounds for the divorce were that the marriage was “irretrievably broken.” Anna Stanley, that’s not found in The Bible as grounds for divorce. In God’s site, there is nothing that cannot be put together again, including Humpty Dumpty. There had to have been something else. But, whatever it was, God knows the truth. (a) If Charles Stanley engaged in “any” kind of sexual act with other than his wife, then she had Biblical grounds for the divorce and Charles Stanley should leave the pulpit because of fornication. (b) If Charles Stanley initiated the divorce but requested the wife to file because it would look bad for him, then Charles Stanley should leave the pulpit because he broke his marriage vows for reasons other than his wife having committed fornication. (c) If Anna divorced Charles Stanley simply because they don’t see eye-to-eye anymore – an “irretrievably broken marriage,” then Charles Stanley should remain in the pulpit, living a life of celibacy, and no dating, until either God restores his marriage or Anna dies. Other well-known household names in the Christian world that are in adulterous relationships are: Amy Grant, Tammy Faye Bakker-Messner, Jim Bakker, Robert Tilton, W.V. Grant, Jr., A.A. Allen (deceased), Larry Lea, and good old self-proclaimed end-time false prophet, R.G. Stair, Prophetess Juanita Bynum-Weeks, Bishop Thomas W. Weeks, III, Bishop Eddie Long and the list goes on.


The ghastly unacceptable sins of ABUSE, infidelity, divorce continues by the Pastors even:


Bishop Eddie L. Long “Last week, the wife of Long, founding pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, filed for a divorce from her husband who has been enmeshed in a series of scandals, including alleged sexual harassment of young male congregants and allegedly being party to a million-dollar Ponzi scheme. Vanessa Long issued a statement Friday, Dec. 2, saying that after “a great deal of deliberation and prayer, I have decided to terminate my marriage to Bishop Eddie L. Long” and that she had authorized her attorneys to do so on Thursday, Dec. 1, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. However, a second statement later that day said Mrs. Long was planning to withdrawn the lawsuit, but the New Birth elder denied she had changed her mind through her lawyer, in a statement released Friday evening by Townsend and Stockton law firm partner Michael W. Tyler, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The statement reads: “Consistent with her original statement made this morning, Mrs. Long continues to hope that this matter may be resolved expeditiously, harmoniously and fairly; however, she has determined that dismissal of her divorce petition is not appropriate at this time.” Meanwhile, the Atlanta megachurch pastor announced Sunday, Dec. 4 that he would be taking a break from the church to spend time with his family. If the divorce proceedings do indeed go through, this would be Bishop Long’s second divorce. “


“Benny Hinn’s wife, Suzanne Hinn, filed her divorce papers Feb. 1 2010, after more than 30 years of marriage to the popular televangelist famous for faith-healing sessions that attract crowds of thousands. The Benny Hinn Ministries’ founder’s wife reportedly referred to irreconcilable differences as cause of divorce. The couple previously separated on Jan. 26. “Pastor Benny Hinn and his immediate family were shocked and saddened to learn of this news without any previous notice,” Don Price, a longtime senior adviser to Benny Hinn Ministries, said at the time. “Although Pastor Hinn has faithfully endeavored to bring healing to their relationship, those efforts failed and were met with the petition for divorce that was filed without notice.”  ( BENNY HINN SAYS HIS WIFE WAS ADDICTED TO DRUGS FOR 15 YEARS?  GOD SPEAKS TO BENNY HINN ABOUT OTHERS BUT NEVER ABOUT HIS OWN WIFE AND FAMILY?) Hinn has often been scrutinized by the media over the practice of preaching his miraculous healings and the lavish lifestyle he leads. He travels to cities across the globe conducting “miracle crusades.” At the time of the divorce filing, Hinn was living in a multimillion-dollar home and flying around the world in a leased Gulfstream jet, according to LA Times.”


“Zachery Tims, the founding pastor of New Destiny Christian Center (NDCC), an Apopka, Fla., megachurch, died in New York City in August. He was married to Riva Tims, who founded the ministry with him in 1996. The couple divorced in 2009, which is when Riva Tims founded Majestic Life Ministries. Zachery Tims, 42, was found dead in a room at the W Hotel in Times Square on Aug 12. As news reports suggest that drugs might have been involved in his death, some observers have been asking whether the popular pastor would have died in such a fashion had he not divorced. It has also been reported that Tims had cheated on his wife for a year with a stripper. Riva Tims honored her late ex-husband during a funeral ceremony attended by Paula White, among other evangelist personalities.“Zachery’s death may have caught us by surprise, but it has not taken God by surprise,” she said at the time in a room packed with church members and supporters.”


“Randy and Paula White of Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Fla., a popular ministering duo, announced they were planning to divorce in August 2007. They founded the megachurch together in 1991 and one of the questions raised over their divorce was that of the church’s financial stability.The couple, which had been married for nearly 18 years, said at the time the split was amicable. They have both been married and divorced before. They also mentioned that the divorce comes after years of visits to counselors.”It’s the most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make in my entire life,” Randy White told the congregation at the time, with his wife at his side at the podium and appearing choked up, according to Tampa Bay Online.Trouble in the couple’s marriage was picked up by The Tampa Tribune in May 2007 as the two were rarely seen preaching together anymore. Both blamed the two different directions their lives were going in. At some point, it was reported that Paula White had been dating Hinn. White denied it in a service in April. “


Paula White. She hosts the popular show, “Paula White Today” on the Trinity Broadcast Network, and has published ten books.:


“Televangelist Paula White she and her husband of 18 years, Randy White, announced in August 2007 that they would be divorcing and yet continuing their respective ministries: Randy as Senior Pastor of Church Without Walls in Tampa, Florida and Paula as an itinerant evangelist and “Life Coach.” “I asked her to justify statements made by members of her church that her divorce would have no impact whatsoever on its ministry. How is that possible, I asked? How is it possible that two high profile ministers could conclude that their own relationship was so damaged that divorce was the only solution, and yet believe themselves spiritually fit to continue their ministries? She had no concrete answers,” White married her first husband, Dean Knight, when she was a teenager. Together, they had a son named Bradley. She divorced Knight after she got saved. Megachurch Pastor Paula White Weds Rocker Jonathan Cain in Third Marriage , She is his 4th wife. ”


Benny Hinn’s brother Sam Hinn steps aside as Sanford pastor, Benny Hinn’s brother accused of extramarital affair,0,4677056.story




Research from the Marriage and Religion Research Institute shows that while only 8 percent of youth who come from intact married families and attend church each week are likely to use tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana as a minor, this number increases to 18 percent among youth who do not live in an intact married family and never attend church. This effect holds into adulthood as well, for only 24.7 percent of adults in always intact marriages who attend religious services weekly drink too much alcohol, compared to 52.1 percent of adults who do not attend church and are not in an intact marriage.  While the life and formation of each person is far from formulaic, there is much to be said for the protective nature of the family, and the wisdom of Proverbs which admonishes that we “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


Divorce and remarriage is rampant among Born Again Believers in The Church of Jesus Christ. It is so cancerous that pastors and other leaders in The Church are divorcing their mates, to all appearances, for reasons other than fornication, and obviously think that God forgives them and they then turn around and marry a new mate whom God supposedly has brought their way. These people honestly believe that God okays divorce and remarriage. They think it’s life as usual.


Using statistics drawn from nationwide survey interviews with nearly 4000 adults…among born again Christians, 27% are currently or have previously been divorced, compared to 24% among adults who are not born again. (Because of the large sample size involved, that difference is statistically significant)… surprisingly, the Christian denomination whose adherents have the highest likelihood of getting divorced are Baptists*. Nationally, 29% of all Baptist adults have been divorced. The only Christian group to surpass that level are those associated with non-denominational Protestant churches: 34% of those adults have undergone a divorce*…. (Christianity Today Online. “Christians Are More Likely to Experience Divorce Than Are Non-Christians. December 21, 1999.)


God joins a man and a woman, He CLEARLY  doesn’t separate them; unless one spouse will hurt the other next, and if basically a divorce is not permitted according to God’s Word, then the remarriage is not permitted as well. God is in the business of restoring marriages. In a marriage you don’t have to become a cow and jump over the moon for it to work. Simply be obedient to the marriage vows and not only will God bless you but He’ll bless the marriage as well. That’s part of the three-fold covenant (you, your mate, and God). God blesses covenant-keepers or people who keep their vows, and He curses those who don’t, including Born Again Christians. The key to being blessed in marriage is to keep the vows – your word must mean everything to God and to your mate. I repeat the following Scripture: When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5). Before Jesus said that divorce and remarriage is the sin of adultery (except for fornication), He made it painfully clear that God’s Word on the issue had not softened and will not soften, when He said, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail (Luke 16:17). The law referenced in that verse of Scripture is not the carnal ordinance of Moses law (Are You Really Not Under The Law?) that were nailed to the cross with Jesus. The Law is God’s Word, His high holy standard – His instructions or His teachings for His people. When it comes to divorcing and remarrying, obey God’s Word only. In His instructions He list fornication as the only grounds for divorce and that’s that. (1) The practice of marriages being annulled or rendered void is not in God’s Word and therefore disallowing annulment as an alternative to divorce. (The only real alternative to divorce is to remain married.) Absolutely no person can say that the marriage bond never existed regardless of the fact that the couple lived as though they were married, which is what annulments declare. Again, annulments are not of God and hence are not recognized by God. (2) For Heaven sake, pay absolutely no attention to the Rabbis of old who wrote in the Talmud that one may divorce his wife if she burned his soup, or even if he finds a prettier woman than she. That goes against God’s Word and is therefore not of God. Pastors and all church leaders who not only win souls to The Lord, but also feed those very same souls, are to be examples of doing God’s will. They are to be examples of righteousness and holiness that equals to obedience to God’s will according to His Word. Jesus was The Church’s example and those in position of Church leadership are compelled to be examples as well by not committing adultery. No one escapes adultery when he or she divorces and remarries; nor when the result of one divorcing a mate and that mate remarries. No one escapes adultery. You in The Church of Jesus Christ, if you are righteous, you will hate lying – hate the lying spirit that is in those who don’t keep their promises. They are covenant breakers and you must keep your distance from them until they get it right with God. But, no, you instead sit under their ministries, invite them to preach and teach in your churches, purchase their recordings, and have them come entertain you. By you doing this, you are supporting their sin and that is a slap in God’s face. It’s a slap in God’s face because you are not taking His Word to heart in judgment of the covenant breakers. Do understand, you are not judging but God and His Word is doing the judging, and all you’re doing is going by His Word which is in you, if it is. You’re so afraid that you might be judging these covenant breakers and not loving them, but when you accept them in their adulterous state, you are not loving God and you’re not loving them because you’re encouraging them to remain in their sin. God forbid! Church of Jesus Christ, it must be put to you bluntly for there is just no other way to say it. When you sit under the ministries of these men and women who divorced their mates for reasons other than fornication, you are supporting them in adultery. Yes, adultery! They are parading before you with a Bible in their dirty hands and Jesus’ name rolling off their filthy lips, and you receive it with an open heart.


Please understand, if they ever had an anointing upon them, they don’t have it now. It’s gone because of the adulterous state they are in. Those preachers in particular know that God’s Spirit isn’t upon them. So they pretend. They lie as they go through the motions of one with the anointing on him or her. These people are not illiterate. They do their homework and put together a fairly decent sermon. But, it takes more than that. If the Spirit of God is not upon that person delivering the message, it is also not on the message. Saints, these adulterous people are fooling you because you can be fooled. Get tired of being fooled and get from under them. Search out the real stuff! You’re dying and you don’t even know it. Those of you sitting under adulterous leaders, you must question your walk with God. You receive those adulterous leaders because your walk is not right with God. Since your walk is not right with God, you see nothing wrong in what they are doing. These people do not have a godly ministry because of the sin of adultery, and God is not winking at this immorality. That’s it. It’s immoral what these leaders are engaging in, and you are letting the Devil make a fool of you by saying “you’re being judgmental” or “that’s not loving them.” If by using God’s Word to point out sin you are accused of being judgmental, then so be it. Better before God to be accused of such than to be approving of such sin as adultery in The Church. Church, it’s time to get it right.


Something had to be said about the sin of divorce and remarriage in The Church of Jesus Christ and God impressed upon my spirit to speak forth on the matter that is out of hand. I am not judging in what has been said because I am not in the position to do so. God alone is in the position to judge, which is why I used the Word of God and the natural facts already public knowledge to say what I have had to say in this message. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is God’s Word that is judging, not I. The word to you from The Lord is to cut loose from these ministries whose leaders are in adulterous relationships because He will never have His people sit in a house of sin. stop patronizing those entertainers who are in adultery, even as this is written. When you patronize them you are telling them everything is okay when everything is not okay. These people are exploiting you. stop having those evangelist come into your churches while they are yet in adultery, for they have nothing to feed you but death. If you hated this rebuke, you are foolish. Jesus is purging His Church.” PS: This is also applicable to all of you sitting in the church pews every week while still in adulterous marriages.


It seems also that lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, pornography, alcoholism, slander, gossiping, etc.,  is something that  too many pastors also cannot give up on these  days too. They are all going to Hell not Heaven as well..   (Heb 3:10 KJV)  Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways. 11  So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.) 12  Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. 13  But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14  For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end; (Rev 21:27 KJV)  And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Rev 22:14 KJV)  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15  For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. (1 Cor 6:9 KJV)  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,10  Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God



Some of the reasons that relationships and even marriages fail are unrealistic expectations, greed, lies,  laziness and a spouse has false personal values, false assumptions, -the myth of the greener grass, and also the inability to handle the sheer pace, stress of   life. And for sure sexual infidelity will tend to kill a marriage, be an immediate grounds for a divorce too.


If you still do have a God shaped vacuum that is unfilled, then no other things, no relationships or careers, goals, next will satisfy you, not any personal, social, community relationships..


Note this reality.. like it or not.. believe it or not..


Both fornicators and adulterers are excluded from Heaven. They are pursuing vanities as far as God is concerned..


“Have you not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? Be not led astray; neither whoremongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, the reign of God shall inherit. And certain of you were these! But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were declared righteous, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor 6:9).


The Marriages that slide downward go through these stages: romance, reality, resentment, unforgiveness – bitterness  and rebellion – divorce.


One’s Sin  still excludes the common realty also that bad friends, bad relatives, others do work hard to break up the marriages too…


Key steps that help to break this cycle and to change marriages are for a start...

-First, open your life fully to God. (Luke 6:27). Without God in control of your life these days it is likely your marriage ALSO  next will fail

-Second, follow God’s ways continually. (Ephesians 5:1)

– Honor each other: be faithful and committed, recognize the dignity and special worth of all others, admire, affirm and celebrate each other, and avoid continual fault-finding.


Our personal beliefs and feelings toward people tend to follow what we believe about them. A judgment is MY interpretation of someone’s life at a point in time, it still doesn’t give the whole picture and becomes a label by which I narrowly view and interpret that person. What are some reasons some people too often “put-down” or judge  others rather than affirm, accept them with Christ’s unconditional love? They firstly do not have the real love themselves. They likely come from troubled, divorced homes or are in a troubled marriage, home.


“A love that cherishes is patient and kind (1 Cor. 13:4). To be patient means “to take a long time to boil” and is the opposite of rudeness and irritability. Patience celebrates  our strengths and validates our uniqueness. Kindness involves being gentle, sensitive, considerate, thoughtful and helpful to make life easier for the other person.


Love delights…

Such love enjoys giving attention to the other, spending time together. (Eccl. 9:9) Such love enjoys expressing affection to the other, including sexual intimacy for those who are married.(1 Corinthians 7:2-5). Such love enjoys growing spiritually with the other, together opening our lives to God  and praying, together getting to know Him better and together following His ways. (2 Peter 3:18).


“How incredible it would be if in all of our relationships–with God, with our husbands and wives, with our families and with our friends–we could experience great delight!”


Have you not read what has been said in the Bible still

(Matthew 19:1 KJV)    And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan; 2  And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there. 3  The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? 4  And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 7  They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? 8  He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. 9  And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. 10  His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11  But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12  For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.


God Himself has now promised to meet all of our needs if we serve Him, not our wants, lusts, desires, wishes.…/god-always-comes-first.html


Sadly too many divorces are ALSO caused even by outside influences.. such as by the input of bad persons too, even the demons such as bad lawyers, bad judges, bad relatives and the bad pastors too..


Now actually my whole bad family were bad slave drivers.. wife, mother and father in law, brother and sister in law, father, twin brother and his had wife too.. step family, all still are..


30 percent of all persons need to be in jail all of their life.. the bullies, perverts, rapists, criminals, human rights abusers


Not surprisingly many prideful people FALSELY STILL DO try to take the place of God in my life too, AND these imposters claim even that they have been chosen, designated by God to command over me, THAT I am required into forced submission to their whims, desires , commands. But funny God now himself has not revealed those facts as well to me BUT only to them. I put my trust in God and not in man.. AND WHEN YOU DO NOT DO WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO THESE SAME RATHER LITTLE BAD CHILDREN NEXT DO INSULT YOU, SLANDER YOU, DIVORCE YOU, OSTRACIZE YOU, BAD MOUTH YOU. WHO CARES I DO NOT CARE TO DEAL WITH THEM FIRSTLY OR ANYMORE TOO..


1 Cor 13:1 KJV) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” -Romans 16:17-18 KJVGod himself clearly does not accept verbal, physical, or human rights abuses(Mat 18:6 KJV) But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.(Mat 18:7 KJV) Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!(1 Tim 6:6 KJV) But godliness with contentment is great gain.(1 Tim 6:17 KJV) Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;


(Psa 37:16 KJV) A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.


I know that even demon inspired persons will next face negative consequences cause so I am in the right asking them next to repent of these their wrong doings undeniably too..


Any Children of God even who are verbally abused they will next be also physically abused if the matter is not adequately dealt with ASAP Your Abusing others is a common reaction of the carnal flesh and is brought on by many different reasons such as 1: unfulfilled lusts or 2: a spoiled child syndrome who tries to get their own way by whatever method it can 3: sibling rivalry 4: people who have no or little moral values, respect of others 5: one’s parental influence and upbringing..6: demon possessed persons, etc. The devil, demons and demon seduced persons, professing Christian persons falsely, wrongfully take false delight in slandering, abusing, bashing others and their evident fruits of hatred alone The sad reality is abusers rarely change unless they are made personally to face some severe negative consequences, and the older they are the more severe it seems it has to be. So first you merely ask the guilty, bad persons personally to repent twice, the first time without a witness, the second time with witnesses THAT you have asked them to repent.. and proof, substantiation is NOT required.. after you have done that you can next post it openly on the net, tell all the others. Next God is fully free to deal with the unrepentant guilty offenders and believe me he will.. I have now been doing for decades how false they themselves now are too. they clearly had, do manifest the opposite of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is love.


(Mat 18:8 KJV) Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.


(1 Tim 5:20 KJV) Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

(2 Tim 4:2 KJV) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

(Titus 1:13 KJV) This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

(Titus 2:15 KJV) These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.…/11/i-am-a-slave-to-no-man/


ONE OF THE MOST COMMON, POPULAR TOPICS, SEARCHES ON THE INTERNET is can a Christian next get divorced and remarried, and while the simple answer is no! but wait do not stop reading yet..


if you are married, living to a demon, a control freak, a liar, a lazy good for nothing abusive person then please now do immediately get out of the marriage, do get an immediate separation.. and this not the kind of advice you would expect from a preacher of peace and love, but I am telling you all this for our own good, and you can thank me later.. and maybe next the still good for nothing bum, lousy spouse, he or she will wake up as to what she is really like and they may try to get help to change herself, himself.. but meanwhile don’t feel guilty about the peace you now have in your life.. By the way make sure first you are not the creepy, a good for nothing spouse yourself otherwise by your actions you will be doing your own spouse a great, great service.


My   own wife divorcing me was the best thing that ever happened to me next,, on many fronts too.. I have even happily divorced the last 30 years.. I can honestly say that the worse things that had happened to me in my own life next had turned out to be the best thing for me.. they caused me to grow spiritually and to grow closer to the Lord too, and we know that all things work for the good for those who love God.. One of the first thing I did was become a church Pastor.. something my wife falsely opposed too.


If you continue to willfully, continually disobey your husband “you are indirectly rebelling against God shaking your fist at God. You even have no faith in the will of God being attained for your life nor will it be.. the best you can hope for or expect next thus is the painful divorce.. NOW THAT IS SO TRUE WHEN SHE WAS WRONG IN SUCH A VITAL AREA HER AND MANY OTHERS THEY ARE NEXT WRONG IN SO MANY CAUSE THEY ARE STILL BEING LED BY THE SPIRIT OF DEMONS AND NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT. In Luke 13:16, Christ cast a demon out of a ‘daughter of Abraham’.…/the-possession/


Beware always of men and women, bullies, tormentors, control freaks, persons, civil and public servants, politicians, pastors, leaders, elders, who falsely do, will try to enslave you, oppress you, exploit you even while they claim they are proclaiming the truth, democracy, trying to help you, etc.,


Is 51:23 ..your tormentors {and} oppressors, those who said to you, Bow down, that we may ride {or} tread over you; and you have made your back like the ground and like the street for them to pass over


Is 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have love, pity, {and} mercy for him, and to our God, for He will multiply to him His abundant pardon. 8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.I am an expert on being hated by others, my family now too, was hated by everyone in my family for decades too”..


Often in life there is a  Joseph syndrome, Joseph on the Bible who was hated by his own brothers, it is a false control, a false power play, a controlling spirit. The Best way to deal with abuse is to shout rape in public at the top of your vice, call the police, tell others about it.. post it on the net.. that is what I do continually too… cause it works!


It has been amazing to me that, as I look back into my own life, half of the oppression I have witnessed in my life, and any oppression all of it tends to be an unacceptable human rights abuse now too, all oppression  are still unacceptable , these oppression now came from the least expected places, from the Bullies within the church , even from bad pastors, bad elders, bad deacons, and also within my related control freaked or despotic family members, all now proving to me that many of these professing Christians persons were still not real Christians in fact. The other half of the oppression , and all of it too was unacceptable, came from fellow employees, bad contacts, acquaintances, neighbour, civil and public servants, cops !


God does not at all not allow, accept any human rights, verbal and physical abuses and neither should we.. And Exemplary public exposure of the Bullies, abusers, the bad, guilty persons serves everyone’s best interest next too. God undeniably himself does not show false partiality . Shout the abuses, sins truth from the housetops..


Let me tell you we do not have to accept human rights abuse for that is a lie of the devil.. in this world we have the same rights as the bully even the right to see that a bully is punished for abusing us.. God is not ignorant about the injustices inflicted upon his people, nor does he accept any of our human rights abuses without punishing the abusers shortly.. see the Bible book of Esther if you have doubts..

Est 9:25 But when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.


There are much too many even too typical Professing Christians now, even amongs  the Catholics, Anglicans, Pentecostal, Fundamentals, Plymouth Dispensational Brethren, and whether they are open or closed Brethren, that are still deceitful ..


and they are also those same persons who do still falsely and too often substitute next their own or men ‘s false teaching for those of Christ’s, and while the one Bible still does opposes divorce for all Christian persons, even the Plymouth Brethren undeniably, they too do often even encourage the divorce of any spouse, Christian or not, especially anyone who does not heed to the full brethren doctrines, for solely according to them too falsely the deceived Christian wife does not need to listen to her husband in anything, even from the same husband who was to be the head of the home as admonished by Jesus , especially if he does not jump at their command.. Not only the Brethren, but even bad Fundamental, Pentecostal, bad Baptist pastors also falsely now teach and do this as well all done while they falsely try to maintain a full, crooked control and economic grasp over their religious empires.. The poor wife who is seduced by any of these bad pastors is surely headed for a very severe downfall next ..


Again, Those unacceptable persons, bullies, abusers, control freaks, liars, slanderers


Mat 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! 8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. 10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.


Abusers are often really deceived persons falsely believing they alone have the right to speak and to be heard.. they are generally the unacceptable bullies as well now.. all unacceptable always, still.. God himself does not tolerate, all such abuses. The right of free speech is never a right to lie about others, to bully them, to slander them, to put them down..


(Micah 2:8 KJV) Even of late my people is risen up as an enemy: ye pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass by securely as men averse from war.

(Micah 3:5 KJV) Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him.


and it should not come as a surprise to you that if the Mothers are unfaithful,  liars, so are the children next too...


and here is a note to the wise persons–


Many mostly still shallow, pretentious persons the   still mostly lying people do now make a great deal about their idols, relationships, the  Family, and Mostly during the holidays such as Christmas, Birthdays, Thanksgiving day etc. while they even  do neglect them the rest of the year..


The Bible itself  does not say too much good about any family in reality still as your relationship with Jesus is what is the most important still to God now..


Hebrews 11

4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.


1 John 3

12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.


Jude 1

11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core…


Proverbs 9

13 A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.


Proverbs 14

1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.


Matthew 10

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.


37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me..


Luke 12

53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law..


Mark 3

35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.


Mark 10

29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, 30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.


According to the Bible, marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Both Divorce and Gay marriage/same-sex marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage and an offense to the God who created marriage.

Malachi 2:16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

Read more: and


While it is absolutely true that the love of Jesus for us, in that while we were yet sinners, he loved us and forgives, is  the biggest personal drawing force to God.. one of the saddest realization of mine next in real life is that half of the once loudly professing Christians will depart from real  faith next due to a variety of false reasons, such as the false pursuit of riches, being seduced, incomplete repentance, false denial of one sins.. etc., finally thus they are unwilling to pay the actual  price, to take up their cross and to follow  fully after God .




Now about tithing… since money is always an isue

Only in the Old testament  1/7 of the tithe collected by the priests was to be disbursed to the local poor people, the new testament equivalent of the churches weekly distribution to the poor persons,  and how many of these church pastors who try to enforce tithing today keep even this obligations? Almost none and why was that? Greed..


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