The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

January 29, 2018

Not related to the New Testament.


Most  politicians, even Pastors, do these days still do  have ungodly values, even towards lies, stealing,   Jesus,  drugs, smoking , alcohol, Pornography,  Divorce, Abortions, Polygamy, Adultery,  Gays, Muslims, life, Hell, Afterlife and it has nothing to do with Jesus, the Bible, it is still their sole personal choice. Sad! Isn’t it.




January 24, 2018

Demand for a public inquiry into sales practices at Bell


“Bell delivers the highest quality to our customers on-time and within budget. Bell’s performance is driven by experienced on-site management, the best trained craftsmen in the industry and a workforce focused on safety and quality.

“The call to hold a public inquiry into sales practices at Canada’s major telecommunications service providers is growing, on the heels of more allegations of wrongdoing inside the industry.

Two consumer groups — OpenMedia and the Consumer Council of Canada — say they support a call earlier this month by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), which urged the federal telecom regulator to investigate high-pressure sales tactics by telecom employees.”

A “technical support” employee working for Bell at a third party call centre in Orillia, Ont., that’s owned by Nordia wrote to say he’s frustrated that he’s expected to push a service called “Bell Tech Xpert” even to customers who need help fixing something as simple as connecting to their home Wi-Fi.

Employees from both Bell and Rogers retail stores have also contacted Go Public, describing managers’ unscrupulous tactics they say are used to get them to push products that customers don’t need and often can’t afford.

They write about being encouraged to hide fees attached to products, tack on services that aren’t requested, and to prey on people who seem vulnerable — including low-income and older people — to hit sales targets. ”

Many Bell customers are on a limited income, and selling some of the company’s products to such people who clearly cannot make use of them isn’t a concern for the “higher-ups.” It’s a lot like those scammers who prey on the elderly.

Bell’s shareholders’ happiness is the most important thing  for them in the whole world. Out of the big 3, Bell is the most aggressive on selling products to customers. It is like  dealing with a salesman from a car dealership. It’s always, the deal ends soon, buy now! or bundle your services to save more!  A too common travel agent , real estate practise too.

No one should think that the bad press that Bell gets because of stories like these will encourage them to change their behavior. . The way they do business based and the consumer complaints   is unlikely to change the way this company behaves.  The Canadian government should do something about this as it is unacceptable that Bell is allowed to get away with bad, poor, immoral behavior like this.


A Coalition that includes Bell, CBC, Rogers, Quebecor Inc  and Cineplex wants to end illegal streaming of content, urge CRTC to establish agency to help locate piracy websites, to locate and shut down websites that are portals for illegally obtained video and audio content,  have banded together to create FairPlay Canada.


They want to forbid  access to TV shows, movies and music from websites that don’t pay for the content that they stream to consumers, should lower their own prices first. They first should get their own houses in order, stop the lies, false misleading advertising, bribes, kickbacks and pirating software themselves.   ” Groups who steal and re-sell content without permission are breaking the law “. and so do they as well..


More recently, the companies used a strategy to target TVAddons, a Canadian-controlled website  in which the telcos used a civil search warrant (known as an Anton Piller order) to access the home of Adam Lackman, a Montreal man who owns the site, as well as the copyright issues in the case. Their actions are documented    which chronicle abusive conduct that included hours of interrogations without the ability to consult a lawyer along with efforts to obtain new evidence (as opposed to preserving existing evidence).   A  judge’s findings indicate that the telcos went far beyond acceptable conduct in their efforts to shut down the sites.

They now want   the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications   commission to use its power as a regulator to require Canadian internet service providers to shut down access to the pirated material. They also want the CRTC to set up an independent agency to help locate the pirate websites.  Critics expressed concern about a lack of court oversight in deciding which websites would be banned  and the suppression of a free net. “It will undoubtedly lead to legitimate content and speech being censored online, violating our right to free expression and the principles of net neutrality, which the federal government has consistently pledged support for.” The proposal “would essentially create an official internet censorship committee within the federal government, and open the door for overreaching censorship in Canada.”


January 16, 2018

Most read posts

Filed under: Bell,cost ineffective RCMP,DOCTORS,JUSTIN TRUDEAU PM,Police — thenonconformer @ 10:43 am



Divorce And Remarriage In The Christian Church

Canada’s BAD police forces

Canada’s bad police officers

Should we deport all Muslims from Canada

Drink Alcohol and Die

Christian and Missionary Alliance Corporation C&MA 

The pretentious, useless, cost ineffective RCMP

Too many Doctors are mainly selfish, self centered, want to get rich fast

Justin Trudeau a traitor destroying Canada

Greedy, immoral Bell Canada lies, misleads, is crooked


It is interesting that I have not changed my views on these posts

Here is another popular blog of mine


January 15, 2018

We are better than this.

Canadian hly_M

An 11-year-old girl reported that a man tried to cut off her hijab with scissors while she was on her way to school in Scarborough,Ontario.


News outlets rushed to cover the story, and politicians of every stripe put out statements condemning the alleged attack.   Some of the social media attention  came from prominent Canadian politicians including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,  who condemned the alleged attack.  “My heart goes out the young girl who was attacked, seemingly for her religion,” a big liar, Trudeau told reporters in London, Ont.   “We all need to remind ourselves of today and every day that we are better than this,” the prime minister added.


The False reports   by Muslims fuel anti-Muslim sentiment.  Even before the  police announcement, right-wing persons were quick to accuse the 11-year-old of lying. “Taqiyya is the Islamic doctrine that allows Muslims to lie to non-Muslims,”  and  So can we trust what any Muslim or a Liberal, Trudeau says? No.


Regardless of whether Muslims are victims or perpetrators of reprehensible acts, PM Justin Trudeau,  liberal lawmakers, do sleep with the enemy,  falsely rush to smooth things over with the Canadian Muslim community.   People in Canada  are losing their freedom due to politicians, pandering, and this insane political correctness. We are losing our country along with our security The Liberals (Justin Trudeau’s party) cultivate immigrants assiduously for reasons related to election demographics.  Western politicians should stop pretending that extremism and terrorism have nothing to do with Islam. There is a clear relationship between fundamentalism, terrorism, and the basic assumptions of Islamic orthodoxy.   Today Islamic supremacists are demanding more accommodation of Islamic principles and practices than ever, and daily growing more aggressive in eroding our freedoms.  More than half of Canadians (54 per cent) either moderately or strongly opposed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plan to bring 25,000 refugees over by Jan. 1, 2016


The ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom is undeniable. By dehumanizing non-Muslims, Islam diminishes the value of human life. Islam is more than a private religion, and two facts point to Islam not being compatible with democracy. First, there is no country where Islam is dominant that can be considered a democracy with freedom of speech and equal justice under law.  Islam is also a political ideology, a justice system (sharia) and a specific culture that has rules for virtually everything in a person’s life: how to dress; who your friends should be; which foot  should go first when you enter the bathroom. Granted, not all Muslims follow all these rules, but that does not change the fact that Islam aspires to control every aspect of human life — the very definition of a totalitarian ideology. 


Muslims want to eradicate Christianity as well.  Muslims   do “bully, persecute and harass” Christians.  Islam and Christianity “clearly do not worship the same God” . Islam denies that God has a Son. They deny that Jesus is God. They do not believe in a Triune God– Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Real reason many do want the Muslims to be kept out and eliminated is because the Quran ( The muslim holy book.) contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.  Muslims and Christians were and are never in the same boat Christians who clearly follow Christ would never support the killing of innocent lives and condemn any atrocities done in the name of God. The other People who use the Bible to do evil are not told to do so by the Bible to do evil; they’re already evil with a sick mind, and only use the Bible as a means to continue their wickedness.

Islam is not primarily a religion but a political control system for economic and territorial domination.  Islam is not a race and Muslim is not an ethnic group.  A great many Muslims around the world are for Sharia law. You know what is in Sharia laws. Cutting off the hands for thievery. Putting women to death for adultery. Putting people to death for leaving their religion. Women are not equal citizens. These are not criminal activities in Muslim society, these are their normal activities.  Under sharia, it’s OK to rape  women because they are considered ‘infidels.’”Sharia law, a law based on Islam, is uniquely terrible to women. Her testimony is worth half of a man’s, she has little to no rights over her children, her husband is permitted to hit her if she is disobedient, and she has no unilateral right to divorce.”  Everywhere that Islam has gained any influence, the women suffer because of it. The Sharia family law is “wholly incompatible” with basic human rights, precisely because of its treatment of women especially.”  Sexual misconduct among the Muslim   men is too common.  All Muslim  men  need to take responsibility for their actions, and treat  all women as equal human beings. All  the people who believe that all Middle Eastern and South Asian Muslim refugees would conform to their way of life and values their own understanding of the Muslim world was limited and flawed .  Muslims are most disliked group in North America, says new study.  


“Pedophilia is permitted in the Qur’an, was practiced by Prophet Muhammad and his companions, and some Muslims today continue to commit the crime, following their prophet’s example.”


“Too many Muslim clerics  also do  preach violence and terrorism. The local mosques and clerics thus will continue to produce people who will be attracted to the message of radicals. And as long as the governments do not stand against their radical factors and principles prevalent the  ISIS  and other Muslim terrorist  groups will continue to find a  breeding ground for their recruits.” 


The Imams, mosques, and electronic methods are simply vectors for spread of a sickness we know as Islam. It has all the classic negative associations  including distortions of reality, a collective loss of memory where every mindless revision of history goes unchallenged, delusions of grandeur, and homocidal as well as   suicidal thoughts, support of killings.


No surprise that the number of police-reported hate crimes against Muslims in Canada jumped by 60 per cent in 2015 compared to the previous year, according to Statistics Canada.   Telling the truth such as too many Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers as well as being anti-women is not a hate crime still. The majority of young Muslims in Canada feel Muslim first and Canadian second. Are there any Muslims who feel that polygamy is not acceptable,   that converting to another faith or insulting Islam or the prophet is not punishable by death? Or that honor killings or female genital mutilation is not good?  


“There is no more room for Islam , white supremacy, or fascism!” Quran must be banned and mosques must be shut down. Muslims support liberalism when it serves them and reject it when it does not. They use the religious freedom in the West, for example, to seek converts to Islam, while condemning converts from Islam to another religion as “apostates” who deserve death.  Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by formally threatening to kill anyone who leaves.  


 Islam is incompatible with Western civilizations. To defend our liberties by educating people on the Islamist threat is also not a hate crime now. Freedom of religion does not apply to Islam, cause it is a cult, it demands blind loyalty, obedience to it’s false teachings. The dividing line between extremism and civility, authoritarianism and democracy, today is increasingly drawn along this line: For lack of any coherent ideologies, many of today’s extremists are fuelled on pure demand for silent adulation and blind faith.


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