The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

September 8, 2017

Justin Trudeau a traitor destroying Canada

Filed under: JUSTIN TRUDEAU PM,Liberals,News and politics,Politicians,PRIME MINISTER — thenonconformer @ 12:57 pm

  “A  54 per cent now disapproves of the performance of the Liberal government under Trudeau while a minority of 46 per cent approves. Twenty-eight per cent said they strongly disapprove and 26 per cent said they somewhat disapprove. This is really people evaluating the government on its own terms and the Liberal Party on its own terms. If a federal election were held tomorrow, the Conservatives would win. Liberals would win 33 per cent of the national popular decided vote if Canadians went to the polls this weekend, while Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives would receive 38 per cent of the same vote and win the election.  According to the poll, 40 per cent of Canadians think the Justin Trudeau  trip to India had a negative effect on Canada-India relations. Just 16 per cent think it was a positive step forward while 21 per cent think it had no impact on relations. Only nine per cent of Canadians gave the federal budget “two thumbs up.” In contrast, 23 per cent gave it “two thumbs down” while the vast majority of 69 per cent said they would merely “shrug their shoulders” at it.   Support for the  Liberal party in the Prairies has plummeted.  This Ipsos poll on behalf of Global News was an online survey of 1,001 Canadian adults conducted between Feb. 28 and March 1, 2018.   ”   ” Global News 


We have in Quebec in the last few years had a religious climate, Catholicism, protestant  which, for a variety of good  reasons, shone a lot of bad light on the Muslim community. Muslims have a hard struggle to find a place in Quebec. Many Muslims were born there, go to school there, but as visible Muslims, do not feel included in the fabric of the province, one that is often openly hostile to their  Muslim religious identity. Muslim students also report that Francophone CEGEPs do not allow their students to create Muslim Students’ Associations (MSAs). Quebecers are no more racist than their English Canadian counterparts, the same is not true regarding a negative conception of Islam. 48 per cent of respondents from Quebec had a negative view of Islam, compared to 28 per cent of the rest of the country. Muslim, known to be crybabies, Community leaders have been complaining about harassment, vandalism, even physical threats directed against them. Women especially have been targeted when wearing devotional headdress or body-covering clothing like the niqab.  


The crisis, which began as part of the Muslim “Arab Spring” uprisings, disintegrated into a hellish civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands.   The Muslim issue has shown the moral bankruptcy and cowardice of the international community.  Russia and  the US  are among the few countries that have tried to deal with it. The Kremlin sees progress here moving in its direction, especially in Crimea, Syria and evidently there is a little likelihood that European countries  possess the  serious will to deal with it and  Canada included.


Regardless of whether Muslims are victims or perpetrators of reprehensible acts, PM Justin Trudeau,  liberal lawmakers, do sleep with the enemy,  falsely rush to smooth things over with the Canadian Muslim community.  THE LIBERAL PARTY  TRYING TO INSURE VOTES AT ANY COSTS IS IMMORAL



 Islam is incompatible with Western civilizations. To defend our liberties by educating people on the Islamist threat is also not a hate crime now. The same hatred as from Nazis is coming from Islamists and their politically correct allies.  We have to recognize that Islam is no longer (if it ever was) ‘a religion of peace’. It is a religion which, for a variety of reasons, is unable to coexist with other groups in the modern world. We must recognize the inability of Islam to peacefully coexist with alternative belief systems and that the Muslim violence and conflict which is now commonplace is simply a continuation of a struggle which has been continuing for the past fifteen centuries. The problem is a religious belief system which cannot accept pluralism. There are no politically acceptable solutions to this problem but pretending it doesn’t exist will not help.  Islam, Islam may best be understood,” not as a religion, but “as a world-wide cult.” It is not a religion in the common acceptation of the term as a community of believers dedicated to the loving worship of the Divine, the sanctity of life, and the institution of moral principles governing repentance for sins and crimes, making life on earth a stage toward a higher reincarnation, an ineffable peace, or a confirmatory prelude to eternity in the realm of a righteous and merciful God. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism and a host of lesser religions, have all learned, to a greater or lesser extent, to coexist. They have recognized that they have no alternative. This is a lesson which Islam has yet to accept.


The number of police-reported hate crimes against Muslims in Canada jumped by 60 per cent in 2015 compared to the previous year, according to Statistics Canada. New data released Tuesday show there were 159 anti-Muslim incidents reported to police that year, up from 99 the year before.



 Telling the truth such as too many Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers as well as being anti-women is not a hate crime still. The majority of young Muslims in Canada  feel Muslim first and Canadian second. Are there any Muslims who feel that polygamy is not acceptable, that homosexuality is not a crime, that converting to another faith or insulting Islam or the prophet is not punishable by death? Or that honor killings or female genital mutilation is not good?


Is saying I am against Female Genital Mutilation hate speech?
Is saying I am against Misogyny hate speech?
Is saying I am against Polygamy hate speech?
Is saying I am against honour killings hate speech?
Is saying I believe in gay rights hate speech?
Is saying I think girls should be able to go swimming without being molested hate speech?
Is being against a refugee going back to school after committing a rape at that school hate speech?
You can also add a  Muslim wife beatings or imams, who openly call for the Jews and other infidels murder or subjugation,
“There is no more room for Islam , white supremacy, or fascism!” Quran must be banned and mosques must be shut down. Muslims support liberalism when it serves them and reject it when it does not. They use the religious freedom in the West, for example, to seek converts to Islam, while condemning converts from Islam to another religion as “apostates” who deserve death. Or ask for the right to freely organize political rallies in Europe, while you are crushing opposition rallies at home — as the Turkish government recently did. Most Islamists   see Islam as a political system and  still believe that non-Muslims must remain dhimmi. They think Christians should “know their place” as second-class citizens, and if they do not, they should pay a price. This Muslim supremacist attitude, shared sometimes even by secular yet autocratic governments in the Middle East, lies beneath many acts of the non Muslim  persecution.  Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by formally threatening to kill anyone who leaves. 

 Islam is incompatible with Western civilizations. To defend our liberties by educating people on the Islamist threat is also not a hate crime now. Freedom of religion does not apply to Islam, cause it is a cult, it demands blind loyalty, obedience to it’s false teachings. The dividing line between extremism and civility, authoritarianism and democracy, today is increasingly drawn along this line: For lack of any coherent ideologies, many of today’s extremists are fuelled on pure demand for silent adulation and blind faith.


 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is putting Muslim feelings above free speech.  Regardless of whether Muslims are victims or perpetrators of reprehensible acts, liberal lawmakers falsely rush to smooth things over with the Canadian Muslim community. Justin Trudeau is a traitor and is destroying the Canada as he has the back of the leftist who hide under  black masks and claim to represent the people while shutting down even with violence  all those with opposing their liberal views. People are losing their freedom due to politicians, pandering, and this insane political correctness. We are losing our country along with our security The Liberals (Justin Trudeau’s party) cultivate immigrants assiduously for reasons related to election demographics and other more important matters. Muslims are largely an immigrant demographic in Canada. Encouraging immigration and fostering it makes sense in Canada for any political party, but Liberals pursue immigrants with zeal. Their election planners regard it as importing voters, importing Liberal voters to be exact. Western politicians should stop pretending that extremism and terrorism have nothing to do with Islam. Instead of worrying about what effects our criticisms of Islam might have on Muslims, it might be better to worry about the effects of our silence on ourselves. The rules of political correctness were supposed to make the world a less threatening place, but they have only increased the danger. There is a clear relationship between fundamentalism, terrorism, and the basic assumptions of Islamic orthodoxy. Too many Muslims view civilization, and the peaceful co-existence of people of different faiths, as something they must combat.  The ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom is undeniable.



Jewish persons  remain  the most targeted religious minority, and it too is not a hate crime or anti-Semitic act to tell the truth as to what Israel is really like, Sadly the  Gays, Jews,  Muslims, and some others tend to define any negative criticisms of their behavior falsely as hate speech.


All , everyone, Jews and Christians as well have a right to live peacefully world wide and have to be subject to the laws of the countries they reside in too.


Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic. 


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