The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

December 30, 2008

Death in Hospitals



California law requires hospitals to come clean on germs . The strain of a once-innocuous staph infection methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA  that has next become invulnerable to first-line antibiotics kills and more people each year than the AIDS virus which  in most cases is contracted in hospitals. Beginning Thursday, legislation will be phased in requiring all 400 California hospitals to implement tougher infection-control practices to stem outbreaks.   The US federal centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 2 million patients contract an infection in hospitals every year and nearly 100,000 of them die.  As many as 9,600 of those deaths occur in California, according to the state Department of Health Services. Senate Bill 1058 will require hospitals to publicly disclose their infection rates and screen certain high-risk patients for MRSA.  “The heartbreaking thing is this is something than can be prevented with something as simple as hand-washing,”  “Hospitals ought to be safe places to go — you shouldn’t go in and then die from something else.” Senate Bill 158   gives the Department of Health Services additional authority to investigate infection outbreaks and complaints about lax infection control practices. “These important measures will help save lives and health care dollars by reducing the number of infections that people are exposed to while staying in the hospital,” Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared when he signed the bills.  20 states have passed public disclosure laws.  According to supporters of the legislation, hospital infections add a staggering $3 billion to health care bills in California each year. Preventing MRSA infections in hospitals can be as simple as conscientious hand-washing, isolating infected patients and using disposable gowns and gloves in their rooms. Some hospitals do a better job than others at stopping them. But according to the National Quality Forum, hand-washing compliance rates at hospitals are generally less than 50 percent. SB 1058 will require hospitals to report infections such as MRSA to the Department of Health Services, effective Jan. 1. The information will be made available to the public through the department’s Web site beginning in 2011. Screening of at-risk patients for MRSA will begin with the new year. Beginning in 2011, these patients will be screened prior to discharge to determine whether they were infected while in the hospital. SB 158 will require hospitals to provide continuing education and training for workers, including conducting hand-washing campaigns. ”  Sacramento Bee

“This is the untold secret of hospitals. People can come in for some reason and then end up dying from something they caught in the hospital.” Every room and corridor should be equipped with dispensers of foamy hand sanitizer. Blood pressure cuffs should be discarded after use, and each room assigned its own stethoscope to prevent the transfer of microorganisms. Using these and other relatively inexpensive measures, the hospital can be significantly reduced the number of patients who develop deadly drug-resistant infections, long an unaddressed problem in American hospitals.The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projected this year that one of every 22 patients would get an infection while hospitalized — 1.7 million cases a year — and that 99,000 would die, often from what began as a routine procedure. The cost of treating the infections amounts to tens of billions of dollars, experts say. MRSA infections are often contracted by patients who are already in the hospitals. Much more needs to be done to fight MRSA in hospitals and in the community.

Many persons had never even heard of MRSA, shit diseases,  or that there was a risk of becoming infected with it in a hospital and thy now are  surprised by the sometime poor infection control practices  observed during their  hospital stays.  Hospital  hygiene Costs saving measures are one of the man reasons the diseases spread so easily. Hopefully Canadian provinces and the Canadian federal government will follow with similar laws.    

How to get better medical services
Now many of us already do now about the all too-common Medical  PATIENT killers like:
-MEDICATION MISTAKES. Wrong pills! Wrong blood transfusions! Wrong intravenous drips! Don’t bother even  to guessing how often this happens.  It’s worse than your wildest nightmares. Unsupervised Doctors and Hospitals make many mistakes like these every hour. 
-DOCTORS’ DIRTY HANDS. Incredibly, recent surveys show that doctors wash their hands between patients only half the time… and nearly 90% of stethoscopes harbor staph bacteria. 
-UNNEEDED SURGERY.  Surgeons could have used many less costly approaches THAT WOULD HAVE LESS NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS AND QUICKER HEALING TOO   choose instead to do the costly surgery
– DOCTORS FAIL TO PRESCRIBE PROPER MEDICAL TEST . Medical Technicians have to be told what specific blood tests also have to be done first.. they do not automatically check for every possible sickness or diseases thus.

HOSPITALS are filled with infection-causing bacteria that cannot be found anywhere else. Hospitals, which often house very large numbers of sick people, are the ideal breeding environment for the sometimes deadly bugs. Hospital patients generally have a lower level of immunity and offer little or no resistance to them. The hospital staff, due to constant exposure to the bugs, are fairly immune to them, but may pass them on to patients by touching them or their food, bedding, clothing, or medications.* Contrary to common belief, hospitals are among the most contaminated places in the world. In fact  it does not take much dirt to become a breeding place for billions of deadly infectious bacteria.

* Doctors can be the worst transmitters of disease in hospitals. Most doctors do not wash their hands except before an operation, when they wear sterilized gloves and gowns anyway. They may sometimes touch many dozens of patients within several hours, one after the other, without washing their hands even once. Even the doctor’s white gown is not as clean as it looks. It is only clean if it is washed every single day, which rarely happens. .

* Bed sheets may be clean, but mattresses and pillows are not. The chance of being infected by bugs living in them is 1 in 20.

* A hospital patient may receive up to 12 different kinds of medication, all of which produce side effects, SOME  that can lead to serious complications and even death. AND SOME MEDICATIONS GIVEN ARE GIVEN IN ERROR AS WELL

* NOT SURPRISING TO MANY PERSONS hospitals PATIENTS OFTEN  are suffering from malnutrition due to a poor hospital diet OR BUDGET CONSTRAINTS. Malnutrition, even starvation was found to be the major cause of death among older people in hospitals.

Add the toxic side effects of the drugs, the presence of deadly bugs, as well as the stress and anxiety that accompany an illness and a stay in a hospital, and a poorly nourished elderly person NOW EVEN has very little chance of surviving

Anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals work in different ways by providing nutrients which control the metabolism rate and the hormone levels within our bodies. By keeping these two things stable we can provide a better mechanism to cope with stress and anxiety inducing situations. Most of the recommended anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals can be found in the foods that we eat and can simply be attained by eating a healthy and balanced diet covering all the major food groups. And that is why eating proper foods is important.

This also offers a Canadian window into the state’s overwrought preoccupation with making money at all costs, disregarding the citizens concerns too. Sadly Like too many political parties it seems the citizens mainly do not count, their views or needs, desires. they only count on election days. I was once talking to deputy Minister Ken Kowalski of Alberta about this as to why and he replied cause in Alberta they do not pay the taxes. But rather the real reason is the too often lack of respect for the all of citizens still by our leaders, civil and public servants most political parties Canada wide.. Police, RCMP’s unacceptable, poor attitudes towards most of the citizens now as well


A potentially deadly strain of fungus is spreading among animals and people in the northwestern United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia. The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii,   “This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people,” The new strain appears to be unusually deadly, with a mortality rate of about 25 percent among the 21 U.S. cases analyzed,  “Between 2003 and 2006, the outbreak expanded into neighboring mainland British Columbia and then into Washington and Oregon from 2005 to 2009. The spore-forming fungus can cause symptoms in people and animals two weeks or more after exposure. They include a cough that lasts for weeks, sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, fever, nighttime sweats and weight loss. It will likley soon hit all of Canada too.

 Heart Care. Traditionally, strategies for managing cardiovascular disease have focused mainly on the modification of risk factors (poor diet/nutrition, lack of exercise, smoking), medication, and surgical procedures such as angioplasty and bypass surgery, which in reality treat the illness as a major plugged “plumbing problem” and focus on opening or bypassing blockages in the vessels of the heart. Despite these interventions, 20% of patients who receive stents, 54% of patients who receive angioplasty, and 8% of patients who receive bypass surgery require repeat surgeries/procedures within a few years, and a significant number of people continue to suffer from frequent, severe, and disabling angina. And we will continue to fail these people.

December 29, 2008

I admit it

I have to admit I am surprised as to how many persons have not seen from the start what a bad person, unacceptable one, an unacceptable bully Stephen Harper really is. Surely they cannot all be that dumb, inexperienced? 

Hey he is just classical psychology study now of sibling rivalry, abuse  and If you notice the   warning signs in a person  over a period of time, the potential for increased unacceptable physical  violence by them next also exists:
Even verbal abuse left unchecked, unrestrained next tends to escalate and leads to real, unacceptable physical abuses.
Resolving the Conflicts requires still : Admitting, recognizing the stress issue. Effectively dealing with the issue in a positive manner… For the matters left on their own to be resolved   tend to get worse and not better and so far they have.. 

When you recognize these unacceptable future increased violence warning signs in someone else deal with it.   Hoping that someone else will deal with the situation is still false way out.

Be safe. Don’t spend time alone with people who show any of these warning signs and  remove the person from the situation that’s setting them off.

The most important thing to remember is don’t go it alone. Expose the matter to others as well.

a history of aggressive, abnormal, offensive behavior
serious drug or alcohol abuse
gang membership or strong desire to be accepted by the gang, to be in a gang
threatening others regularly
trouble controlling feelings like anger
withdrawal from good friends and from the normal, usual, acceptable  activities
visibly feeling rejected or alone
having been a victim of bullying, or now being a bully themselves
poor school or job performance
history of discipline problems or frequent run-ins with authority
feeling constantly disrespected
failing to acknowledge the feelings  rights of others

or failing to acknowledge  the abuse of others

access to or fascination with weapons, especially guns


I have openly, rightfully only been complaining to all as to how really bad the RCMP now is the last 25 years, Quarter of a century
“William Elliott, a civilian and consummate government insider, succeeded Zaccardelli in mid-2007 with a mandate to revamp the force for a new century.  Just over a year ago, a federal task force on the RCMP called for major changes to the structure, independence and oversight of the Mounties. Toronto lawyer David Brown, who led the review, said the RCMP was hopelessly tangled in bureaucracy and required more authority to manage its own staff and budget.  Drawing on feedback from more than 2,000 Mounties, task force members were struck by employees’ steadfast pride and dedication. But they also saw disillusionment and anger stemming from shortages of people and equipment, sheer overwork, and health and safety problems.  The Brown task force report, Rebuilding the Trust, made dozens of recommendations on everything from recruitment and performance evaluations to public relations and ethics to address the “deep and fundamental” problems.  It said the RCMP needed a civilian board of management to oversee organization and administration of the RCMP, and a refurbished complaints watchdog with more teeth. Elliott embraced the message. “Let me be clear,” he said. “There is simply no other option. The RCMP must change.” A five-member council plucked from outside the force to help guide the overall transformation of the RCMP applauded progress in a November report, but added “a great deal remains to be done.” Despite the emphasis on the future, ghosts of controversies past continued to haunt the force in 2008.  The Mounties closed the books on a probe into damaging leaks that tarred Arar’s reputation without laying charges.  A federal inquiry into the imprisonment of three other Arab-Canadian men jailed abroad found RCMP information-sharing likely contributed to their torture.  And questions persisted about the October 2007 case of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski, who died after he was repeatedly Tasered and pinned to the floor by RCMP officers at Vancouver International Airport. A British Columbia inquiry into the stun guns and the circumstances of Dziekanski’s death resumes in the new year.  An amateur video of the incident contradicted an RCMP assertion that he remained combative after first being zapped with the Taser.”

Cheap talk, RCMP spins, More mere PR, all  is still not acceptable.. fire the whole RCMP force and replace it with a decent one. Everyone by now should know the Mounties are cost infective, too often mostly pretentious, useless.



Top 10 recommendations to RCMP

 The report of the Task Force on Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP, chaired by Mr. David Brown, a Toronto lawyer, are widely believed may one day be remembered as the document that falsely saved the Mounties from extinction. Following are the top 10 recommendations:

  • Give RCMP separated employer status, with full authority to manage its financial and human resources affairs.
  • Create an independent Board of Management responsible for stewardship and administration of the organization.
  • Create a new, independent Commission for Complaints and Oversight of the RCMP.
  • Increase financial resources to the force so it can fulfill its contract and federal policing responsibilities.
  • Launch an efficiency study to improve job specialization and performance.
  • No more voluntary overtime; members must be compensated for overtime work.
  • Implement a national back-up policy to lower risks for members.
  • Implement a new internal discipline system that is less adversarial and more timely.
  • RCMP should pay cadets during their training to increase recruit quality.
  • Implement compulsory performance reviews for all members and replace existing promotion system with one based on performance, knowledge and skill.     


December 26, 2008

Young offenders, Rivalry, gangs


Did you know that sibling rivalry, abuse is one of the most common forms of family violence? Siblings will use physical violence because they have learned it from their parents, a bad mother or a bad father,  or other adults. In fact, one study found that 76% of the children who were repeatedly abused by their parents also abused their siblings.. and their spouse next too
Everyone  needs to set boundaries on what is acceptable behavior. No verbal abuses, no bullying, no lying, no foul languages, no hitting or other violence should be allowed. Another step parents can take to prevent abuse between siblings is to model their own respectful behavior in your family. Children learn how to interact with others by observing them.
Do a check-up on your family and others  this week:
     Do you treat your children. others respectfully?
     Do your children treat each other respectfully?
     Are your children hitting each other when conflicts occur?
     Do you have Home, office, internet rules in place for acceptable behavior?
You may need to call a family meeting to work out problem-solving strategies before rough housing turns to abuse, unacceptable violence
 Info on Sibling rivalry, young offenders, gangs, mafia, war
(Psalm 133:1 KJV)  Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
 Sibling rivalry is a type of sinful, selfish competition or animosity among brothers and sisters, blood-related or not..
  the sibling bond is often complicated and is influenced by factors such as parental treatment, birth order, personality, and people and experiences outside the family. Sibling rivalry is particularly intense when children are very close in age and of the same gender, or where one child is intellectually gifted, or one child has received or attains  a bigger inheritance, earning, position, status in life. Adolescents fight for the same reasons younger children fight,  Fighting with siblings as a way to get attention, power  may increase in adolescence. Events even such as a strained marriage may  drive them seriously  apart. Sibling Rivalry in the Bible – sample cases: Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers., Leah and Rachel, and today’s counterpart is the conflicts between the Arabs and the Jews, gangs, Mafia
(Prov 15:1 KJV)  A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
Sibling rivalry, war is the jealousy, competition and fighting between the unloving and/or  unloved brothers and sisters firstly, and with others next too.  It is a concern for almost all parents of two or more kids. Problems often start right after the birth of the second child.  Sibling rivalry usually continues throughout childhood and even adulthood, it can be very embarrassing, frustrating and stressful to parents.  There some things parents can do to help their young kids get along better and work through conflicts in positive ways and  help you keep the peace at your house.
Sibling rivalry, war  is as old as the children of Adam and Eve and is too often recorded now as a sin in the Bible as well that has negative consequences on the persons involved and even others.
The real sad part is that many adults play also this false game still too.. Conquer and destroy!
 Sibling rivalry can also be caused by proximity in age. Research suggests that siblings that are within two years’ age of one another tend to have more sibling rivalry than other siblings.  Ultimately, sibling rivalry is often caused not only by by blocked goals but by  poor personal communication skills, bad or extreme values,  just like almost any other sorts of adult conflicts and wars
There are many factors that contribute to sibling rivalry:
-Past and present neglect of the siblings by the parents will top it all.. there are overarching sorts of factors and events that can be, ultimately, the root causes of any sibling rivalry. Knowing what these important factors and events are can help you to not only understand the causes of sibling rivalry, but to deal with sibling rivalry more effectively when it does occur. Some of the most common causes of sibling rivalry tends to be jealousy or selfishness.
-Each child, person  is mostly competing to define who they are as an individual.  As they discover who they are, they try to find their own talents, activities, and interests.  They want to show that they are separate from their siblings.
-Rejected Children, Adults too  feel they are getting unequal amounts of your attention, discipline, and responsiveness.
-Children often may feel their relationship with their parents is threatened by the arrival of a new baby.
-A  children’s and an Adult’s developmental stages affect how well they can share your attention and get along with one another.
-Children and adults  who are hungry, bored or tired, nervous, stressed out  are more likely to start fights.
– Too many Children, adults too  do not know positive ways to get attention from their brother or sister, so they pick fights.
– Family dynamics play a serious role here as well when one of the parent  neglect one of their children, or shows a false favoring, partiality,. We are reminded this happened in the biblical account of Joseph and his brothers due to his new coat of many colors,
– Children, adults  will fight more with each other in families where there is no set bounders, understanding that their fighting is not an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
– All Families that don’t share enjoyable times together will probably have more family conflict next exasperated by a jealous immoral, insecure, poor self esteem  spouse(s)  of the siblings now too
– Unresolved Stress, poor health  in the parent’s lives will often  decrease the amount of still need attention parents give the children and thus increase the sibling rivalry.
– Stress in the  children’s lives will next  shorten their fuses, and create more conflict, cause significant home, community  and even health problems as well
So how the good and bad parents do now still treat their kids, children and how they do now react to conflict will  make a big difference in how well siblings get along. 
The degree of existence of sibling rivalry, young offenders, gangs  tends to show how good of a parent, manager, administrator now you really were, are.
“as many as 53 out of every 100 children abuse a brother or sister, higher than the percentage of adults who abuse their children or their spouse. What some kids do to their brother or sister inside the family would be called assault outside the family. As parents, we may be tempted to ignore fighting and quarrelling between children. We may view these activities as a normal part of growing up. We say, “Kids will be kids” or “They’ll grow out of it.”   However, thousands of adult survivors of sibling abuse tell of the far-reaching negative effects that such unchecked behavior has had on them as children and adults. Children often abuse a brother or sister, usually younger than themselves, to gain power and control. One explanation for this is that the abusive child (generally with a poor self esteem) feels powerless, neglected and insecure. He or she may feel strong only in relation to a sibling being powerless. The feeling of power children experience when they mistreat a brother or sister often reinforces their decision to repeat the abuse “ 

What about Bullying?
When any verbal remarks becomes hurtful, unkind to others, and too constant, it now has crossed the line of acceptance, decency and it does needs to stop, to be corrected. Bullying is intentional tormenting in physical, verbal, or psychological ways. It can range from hitting, shoving, name-calling, threats, and mocking to extorting money and one’s possessions. Some persons  bully by shunning others and spreading false rumors about them. Others use email, chat rooms, instant messages, social networking websites, and text messages to taunt others or try hurt their feelings.  It’s important to take bullying seriously for effects can be serious and affect ones’ sense of self-worth and future relationships. In severe cases, bullying has contributed to tragedies, such as school shootings.

Why Do some persons Bully? They  bully for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they bully because they need a victim  to try to falsely, selfishly, sinfully   make themselves feel more important, popular, or in control. Often they do bully, torment others because that’s the way they’ve been treated in the past too. They even may think their behavior is normal because they come from families or other settings where everyone regularly gets angry, shouts, or calls others names. 

Take it seriously also if you even  hear that the bullying will get worse if the bully finds out that your child has  told others. Many states have bullying laws and policies.   if you have serious concerns about your child’s safety, you may need to contact legal authorities. Do not hesitate to expose it too. Verbal abuse  unstopped, unchecked unrestrained often next turns to physical abuse, wrongful violence.

Why Do They even  Hate Each Other? In this society, too many people have the false expectation that they will love others and thus next will get along well with everyone, even in  in their family, Church, community, work. They always expect to feel positive toward their parents, brothers, sisters, spouse and children. This is unrealistic  Most people, themselves however, have at least some times when they don’t feel very loving toward   others. Some persons are even born  really bad, or have become really bad persons now too.

Relationships often can be are close, both emotionally and physically, and thus even very intense.  Because they are   closer at home, communities, church too, the related  members have a greater power than anyone else to make other members feel angry, sad, confused — and loving. This is as true for children and adolescents as it is for adults.

(Mat 18:1 KJV)  At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2  And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5  And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6  But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7  Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
8  Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
9  And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
10  Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
11  For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

 Forced submissions by adults, particularly in the church, or elsewhere, can often rightfully be taken as bullying, enslavement and is still unacceptable too.

Why do we hear of the Russian Mafia, and the Asian Gangs now more increasing, because their parents have neglected them while they were busy trying to get rich, richer.
(James 4:1 KJV)  From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
2  Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
4  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
5  Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?
6  But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9  Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
11  Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
12  There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
13  Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
14  Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
15  For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
16  But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
5:1  Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2  Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3  Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. 
(Prov 22:6 KJV)  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

Why do we hear of the Russian Mafia, and the Asian Gangs now more increasing, because their parents have neglected them while they were busy trying to get rich, richer.
(James 4:1 KJV)  From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
2  Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
4  Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
5  Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?
6  But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9  Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
11  Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
12  There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
13  Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
14  Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
15  For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
16  But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
5:1  Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2  Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3  Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. 
(Prov 22:6 KJV)  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it

.- Train your children firstly in the right way.. neglect any of them and everyone next will pay the negative price..
– Tell them that being self centered, selfish, concerned only about their own needs, desires is still an unacceptable sin, negative approach.
– Don’t play favorites or refuse to forgive, do not take sides as well. Your children need to learn that you will do your best to meet each of their unique needs.
– Never compare your children. 
– Don’t typecast.  Let each child be who they are.  Don’t try to pigeonhole or label them
– Set your kids up to cooperate rather than compete.
– Teach your kids positive ways to get attention from each other.
– Don’t yell or lecture.  It really won’t help at all..
– Listen—really listen—to how your children feel about what’s going on in the family. and next also act upon it positively. They seek the parent’s help first often,  They may not be so demanding if they know you at least care how they feel. “When parents falsely unwisely crash, jump into sibling spats, they often protect one child (usually the younger sibling) against the other (usually the older one).  This escalates the conflict, because the older child resents the younger, and the younger feels that they can get away with more since the parent is “on their side.”  ”
– Celebrate your children’s differences, positive aspects and not mainly their negatives.
– Let each child know they are still unique and special— accept them, you love and care for them, just for whom they are.
– Encourage win-win negotiations, where each side gains something.
– If you are constantly angry at your kids, no wonder they are angry at each other!  Anger feeds on itself.  Learn to manage your anger, so you can teach your children how to manage theirs.
– learn, Teach conflict resolution skills during calm times.
– Personally Model good conflict resolution skills for your kids. 
– Try to Involve your children in setting ground rules.
– Enforced Ground rules, with clear and consistent consequences for breaking them, can help prevent many squabbles.
 Siblings often do fight for a number of reasons:
-They fight because they want a parent’s or other person’s attention, especially where the parent has only so much time, attention and patience to give.
-They fight because they are selfish, jealous: “He got a new bike. I didn’t. They must love him more than they love me.”
-They even fight over ordinary teasing which is a way of testing the effects of behavior and words on another person: “He called me…” “But she called me…first.”
-They fight because they are growing up in a competitive, aggressive, self centered, worldly, dog eat dog,   society that falsely teaches them that to get it, to win is to be better than to be the loser. “I saw it first.” “I beat you to the water.”
Lessons about jealousy, competition, sharing and kindness are difficult to learn, and, indeed, even many adults still still haven’t learned them. Too many adolescent may not recognize, admit still  their needs or may be too embarrassed to express them verbally, so their ongoing fighting with siblings is a way to get their needs,  personal  attention which often next  actually increase in adolescence life.

A Parent’s Checklist
As a parent, do you:
-Set aside some time to be alone with each child?
-Recognize that each child is different?
-Make sure your adolescents realize they are each unique and have a special set of strengths?
-Praise adolescents for being who they are and not just for what they can do?
-Avoid initiating competition among children?
-Realize adolescents and younger children need to be given the right also to decide not to share at least some of the time?
-Be sure older children are not usually forced to give in to younger ones because “he’s little” or “she doesn’t know better?”
-Talk positively to the adolescents about their fighting?
-Falsely encourage, promote the sibling fighting?
So the still mostly useless Albertan Prime Minister Stephen Harper and federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson MP want to get tough on the young offenders, instead of on the parents, show to us all how ignorantly they are and very poor parents now too.. They clearly themselves firstly need to be educated.
Resolving the Conflicts requires still anger management too and  :
Admitting, recognizing the stress issue.
Effectively dealing with the issue in a positive manner… For the matters left on their own to be resolved   tend to get worse and not better
The instinctive, natural way it seems is merely to immediacy, feel anger, to  express our anger and to to respond  immediately aggressively as well.. not much self control obvious.. as opposed to a planed, deliberate, calculated, thought our approach.
When you are angry, you probably feel:

muscle tension
accelerated heartbeat
a “knot” or “butterflies” in your stomach
changes in your breathing
goose bumps
flushed in the face
You can reduce the rush of adrenaline that’s responsible for your heart beating faster, your voice sounding louder, and your fists clenching if you:
Take a few slow, deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing.
Imagine yourself at a better place, the beach, by a lake, or anywhere that makes you feel calm and peaceful.
Try other thoughts or actions that have helped you relax in the past.
“Calm down.”
“I don’t need to prove myself.”
“I’m not going to let him/her get to me.”
This often Aggressive Anger is a  response to  our perceived threats; it inspires powerful, often visible  feelings and behaviors. But we can’t physically lash out at every person or object that irritates or annoys us; laws, social norms, and for most of us our own common sense places valid limits on how far our anger can take us.
Stop. Consider the consequences. Think before you act. Try to find positive or neutral explanations for what that person did that provoked you.  Learn to recognize what sets you off and how anger feels to you. Learn to think through the benefits of controlling your anger and the consequences of losing control. Control your own  behavior, don’t let anger control you.
Identify the problem, problem behavior. Isolate it from the emotions associated with it and evaluate it.  How often does it happen and how long can  it go on?  What is the purpose of the behavior? If it tears down another person, it is abusive.  If you suspect abuse, it’s important to act quickly to stop it. Do not hesitate to bring it into the open, to expose it next to all for what it really is, unacceptable abuse. Get enough fact and feeling information to assess the problem accurately. Restate the problem to make sure you understand it clearly. Figure out alternative solutions to the problem.
We face a choice  to deal with their angry feelings  such as expressing our anger, suppressing our outrage, and submissiveness, calming Ourselves, controlling our outward behavior, but also controlling our internal responses, taking steps to lower our heart rate, calm yourself down, and letting  the emotional feelings subside.
Assertiveness is expressing our anger in love ,without hurting others. Being assertive here doesn’t mean being pushy or demanding; it means being respectful of yourself and others.
Anger turned inward may cause next  hypertension, high blood pressure,  a self pity complex, or depression.
” Unexpressed specific anger can create other problems. It can lead to pathological expressions of anger, such as passive-aggressive behavior (getting back at people indirectly, without telling them why, rather than confronting them head-on) or a personality that seems perpetually cynical and hostile. People who are constantly putting others down, criticizing everything, and making cynical comments haven’t learned how to constructively express their anger. Not surprisingly, they aren’t likely to have many successful relationships. ”
Anger management  reducing  both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. You can’t always get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions, and express, act in a positive manner, for the good of all.
It’s best to find out what it is that triggers your anger, and then to develop strategies to deal with and to keep those triggers from tipping you over the edge. 
Remind yourself that merely getting angry is not going to fix anything, that it won’t make you feel better (and may actually make you feel worse). You need to focus on the problem and deal with it effectively;
Logic defeats anger, because anger, even when it’s justified, can quickly become irrational. So use cold hard logic, Such as ” you’re just experiencing some of the rough spots of daily life. Normal  people tend expect : fairness, appreciation, agreement, willingness, congenital agreements. The first best attitude to bring to such a problem situation, then, is not to focus on solely now finding the solution, but rather firstly on how you handle and face the problem.
Set ground rules to prevent emotional abuse, and stick to them. For example, make it clear you will not put up with name-calling, teasing, belittling, intimidating,   provoking, cheating, lying, stealing, bullying, physical abuses, intimidations and you will firmly deal with it too. Living with bad, fighting adolescent siblings is not pleasant. Clearly show all of the  adolescents the cost of fighting is higher than the falsely expected reward.
Next  tell of the trouble makers, bad adolescents that while it’s normal to have disagreements, the constant fighting upsets you  and you  value peace at home. You also can  can say they will no longer be the judge and jury over the siblings’, adolescents  disputes, wars  and you merely will not stand for it, put up with it and stand by the resolution with firm action!
Timing: use a controlled, well thought out  response to Control the event on your own time, and don’t merely be hastily suckered into facing, dealing with it unprepared. Also now do Give yourself a regular break from the conflicts, stressful situations. Make sure always too you have some “personal time” scheduled for times of the day, the place  that you know are particularly stressful.  One’s Problems and responsibilities can weigh on you and make you feel angry at the set “trap” you seem again to have fallen into and all the people and things that form that trap. Sometimes it’s our unavoidable immediate surroundings that give us continual, ongoing, unavoidable  cause for irritation and fury. If need be do next Remove yourself permanently from the environment, for your own good health firstly . One does not have to put with with these mostly false conflicts forever.
Set clear consequences for broken rules.  What will happen if they break the rules? For example, one husband told his wife he would no longer spoil his wife, indulge in all of her false whims, desires, abuses, but next would not merely give her two  alternative choices beforehand, one would lead to a reward, one whole lead to negative personal consequences for her.  Choice one – resolve the conflicts peacefully, amiably.  Or if she continued to cause false problems, fighting he would merely fire her, terminate the relationship, divorce the marriage. He next  was forced to take the second alternative.

“I agree, that this is a horrible situation and not a marriage – get out before you are seriously hurt. I also don’t believe in an eye for an eye and certainly not hurting anyone. I never believe that violence is the answer to anything. Notwithstanding  she shouldn’t ever abuse you, verbally or physically. She is not stable at all, forget on trying next to figure out why as well, as she needs professional help.  No one needs to stay in an abusive relationship.  This woman is really terrible and with no self control . If you don’t know how to set and enforce your boundaries, please do get help here. You do deserve much better than an abusing wife with mental issues.  I also suspect that she is well aware of her actions. She is conniving and manipulating you too – and  why would you even consider crawling back to her? She is treating you this way because you  have wrongfully  enabled her to do so. .I too  not saying that it is your fault, but I am saying that there are true bad persons, about 30 percent of all persons,  now still  in the world who can sense other people’s weakness from a mile way and they try to capitalize on that vulnerability through abuse. How does she deserve you? Why in the first place do you even  think you deserve to be treated this way? Surely you know by now that she really does does not make a good wife? You really are essentially rewarding her shocking behavior by putting up with her bad acts.  You truly can’t change her behavior but you can now change yours. NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE LIKE, HOW SINCERE YOU ARE TOO, ONE  never does not deserve to have to live like this, to have to put up with living with an emotional/physical  and/or alcoholic  abuser, bad spouse, even a clear control freak too. You first do need to keep yourself safe now, next from this woman and when you  do  leave do not  go back.  You really can’t force, make your wife stop her bad acts, so you need to decide whether you want to try to unlikely  salvage the marital relationship at all. If you do, you need to tell her that you will only stay in the marriage is if she gets treatment for her abusive nature . And also only  if she never does it again. That means no abuse at all, none – the emotional as well as the physical abuse. The  sole likley serious option now is just to call it quits. There’s nothing wrong with this option. Not everyone deserves another chance. She may not, does . If your wife doesn’t accept that she has a problem and isn’t willing to accept help, you do have to get a separation and also now  put everything out in the open, even  in courts, so you can actually get your life back..  She is merely reaping what she has sowed. Leave her and let her sort herself out. It is unlikely she ever will too.  Protect yourself, look after yourself anyway. After finding myself in a similar situation, I left.  Since then, things have never been better.  I met my ex wife 6 months later, and she immediately said to me, I udenerstand that your are happier living without me,  and I replied that no thanks to her that was true. 30 years later it is still true too.”
” In today’s society it is assumed that men are the physical abusers of women and in cases of emotional and/or physical abuse of men it is seen that the man has instigated this so the woman has simply retaliated to abuse of the man and the man is still held accountable.  Unfortunately, as with so many relationship or child issues the woman is more readily believed and the man more readily blamed. I’m a woman in my 40’s and have been through the family court system over the past 10 years and I have seen a lot of what happens in these cases from both the man and the woman’s point of view. ” men and women are equal sinners.”
“I’d like to wrongfully say “beat the sh*t out of her”, but fortunately you wouldn’t get away with it. Instead, do everyone a good service,  just toss her out, she’s an abusive parasite and doesn’t deserve any husband. “
“One father reported that every time a fight started, he would say to his adolescents, “You’re fighting. I’m leaving.” And then he would go out to work in the yard or take a drive or run an errand — but he simply walked away from the fighting. A mother used a similar tactic. When the fighting began, she said, “Call me when it’s over.” Then she went to her bedroom, slamming the door to emphasize her point. Another parent made his adolescents leave the house when they began fighting. ”
In each of these cases, the parents, adolescents  demonstrated that their ongoing fighting would not get their attention and they would not get involved in the fight.
Do not hesitate to Remove yourself  from the problem behavioral  person, or remove the root cause of the problem child , adult
The angered people tend to jump to-and act on-conclusions, and some of those conclusions can be very inaccurate. The first thing to do if you’re in a heated discussion is slow down and think through your responses. Don’t say the first thing that comes into your head, but slow down and think carefully about what you want to say. At the same time, listen carefully to what the other person is saying and take your time before answering.  Listen, too, to what is underlying cause of your  anger. It’s natural to get defensive when you’re criticized, but don’t fight back. Instead, listen to what’s underlying the words: the message that this person might feel neglected and unloved. It may take a lot of patient questioning on your part, and it may require some breathing space, but don’t let your anger-or a partner’s-let a discussion spin out of control. Keeping your cool can keep the situation from becoming a disastrous one.
Instead of doing nothing, which postpones the inevitable anyway. Seek, get sound advice, the valid  opinion of others too. Make a plan, and check your progress along the way. Resolve to give it your best, but also not to punish yourself if an answer doesn’t come right away. If you can approach the conflicts, fight  it with your best intentions and efforts and make a serious attempt to face it head-on, you will be less likely to lose patience and fall into all-or-nothing thinking, even if the problem does not get solved right away.
Remember, you can’t eliminate anger-and it wouldn’t be a good idea if you could. In spite of all your efforts, things will happen that will cause you anger; and sometimes it will be justifiable anger. Life will be filled with frustration, pain, loss, and the unpredictable actions of others. You can’t change that; but you can change the way you let such events affect you. Controlling effectively your angry responses can keep them from making you even more unhappy in the long run.
Negative Results of unchecked Sibling Rivalry or Sibling Abuse : Thousands of adult survivors of sibling abuse can readily tell of the far-reaching negative effects that such unchecked behavior has had on them as children and even as adults. For instance, one person, reflecting back on their relationship with   a brother wrote: “I believed EVERYTHING my brother told me. Even if it was lies to make himself look better.  Children and adults often still do wrongfully abuse a brother or sister  to falsely try to  gain power and control.
Hey it is just classical psychology   that If you notice the following warning signs in a person  over a period of time, the potential for increased unacceptable physical  violence by them next also exists:
a history of aggressive, abnormal, offensive behavior
serious drug or alcohol abuse
gang membership or strong desire to be accepted by the gang, to be in a gang
threatening others regularly
trouble controlling feelings like anger
withdrawal from good friends and from the normal, usual, acceptable  activities
visibly feeling rejected or alone
having been a victim of bullying, or now being a bully themselves
poor school or job performance
history of discipline problems or frequent run-ins with authority
feeling constantly disrespected
failing to acknowledge the feelings  rights of others
or failing to acknowledge  the abuse of others
access to or fascination with weapons, especially guns
When you recognize these unacceptable future increased violence warning signs in someone else deal with it.   Hoping that someone else will deal with the situation is still false way out.
Be safe. Don’t spend time alone with people who show any of these warning signs and  remove the person from the situation that’s setting them off.
The most important thing to remember is don’t go it alone. Expose the matter to others as well.
Even verbal abuse left unchecked, unrestrained next tends to escalate and leads to real, unacceptable physical abuses.
11 Tips for Coping with Personal unresolved Stress
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The prayers of Saint Francis of Assisi
1. First Concentrate on the present.   You cannot change the past, but you can work on having a better future
Don’t needlessly, continually  dwell on the past or worry about a future you cannot control. Have a positive and not a a negative, defeatist attitude now as well
2. Consider, Admit and deal with  your  past, present  problems one at a time.  First personally define, Write down those things that Bother you, do Number them, and do decide what you can and cannot do abut  them too . Prioritize as well Decide which ones are still important and which ones are no longer important to deal with.
If there are lots of items  you want to change, start by focusing on one or two of the most bothersome or dangerous ones. Don’t try to make too many changes all at once. Don’t merely lump your complaints,  problems together, it can make them seem overwhelming.
Anger and aggression are different. Anger is a temporary emotional state caused by frustration; while aggression is often an attempt to hurt a person or to destroy property.
Anger and aggression do not have to be dirty words. We must be careful to tell the difference between behavior that indicates emotional problems and behavior that is normal. Convert aggression to assertiveness, actions done in love as well.
3. Take positive action.  Do review all of your options, such as writing a letter of complaint to the right party, in detail reporting the matter so you do not have to have it repeated on you.
Make sure you have realistic expectations, goals, approaches too. Once you’ve decided what you want to do about a problem, act consistently quickly ,  firmly and follow up on it too.
4. Don’t   merely complain about your problems . Continually complaining is wasteful, and seriously for a stat don’t expect only others alone to resolve them, deal with them yourself .
Talk things over with your family and good friends. Look for the positive, possible, practical  solutions.
5. Occupy yourself and your mind.  Determine what you can and cannot do, how much time you should spend on it, also do go on with your life
Social interaction, alternative activities can help during a time of stress by not continually focusing on the problem
6. Don’t just blame the other people for your problems and their failure at  Resolving them – be an active part of the solution yourself if need be
Frustrated hostility will accomplish nothing and can only make and feel worse.
7. Exercise every day.
Go for a walk and concentrate on your surroundings instead of  just on your problems.
8. Maintain a daily routine. even if you are unemployed, retired, but do not get into a continual rut as well
I have often helped many a poor, depressed person, not by any medications, but by  simply by changing their daily normal activity routine, and next by taking them for a drive into the country, or taking them to see a good film, a comedy, or Giving them some good movies to watch, or by me taking them to a fine food restaurant, or by me taking them for a long  walk through unfamiliar surroundings.. and it worked.. it actually next had broke them out of their long term depression.
Can’t change positively   the person? try first changing their surroundings, environment temporarily?
A familiar pattern of  daily activates can decrease stress and increase your sense of security. Be willing to make a change once a while as well.
9. Avoid taking your problems to bed. Try to forgive and forget.
Clear your mind of the days thoughts so you can get a good night sleep.
10. Talk to your adequate health care provider, helper. Pick and choose, for remember there are still good and bad professionals.
She/he can help you find the right agency or person(s) to assist you in coping with stress.

With God on your side you will always be a winner
St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer in praise of God
You are holy, Lord, the only God,
and Your deeds are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are great.
You are the Most High.
You are Almighty.
You, Holy Father are King of heaven and earth.
You are Three and One, Lord God, all Good.
You are Good, all Good, supreme Good,
Lord God, living and true.
You are love. You are wisdom.
You are humility. You are endurance.
You are rest. You are peace.
You are joy and gladness.
You are justice and moderation.
You are all our riches, and You suffice for us.
You are beauty.
You are gentleness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender.
You are our courage. You are our haven and our hope.
You are our faith, our great consolation.
You are our eternal life, Great and Wonderful Lord,
God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.


Get  educated now, and know more on  how to effectively deal with abuses, Bullies and abusive persons today.

So the still mostly useless Albertan Prime Minister Stephen Harper and federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson MP want to get tough on the young offenders, instead of on the parents, show to us all how ignorantly they are and very poor parents now too.. They clearly themselves firstly need to be educated.


If you are being verbally, physically, sexually abused do not hesitate to bring the matter into the open, tell your colleagues, friends and neighbors about it, your church pastors, elders too, congregation members, ands even do call the police. Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty persons always serves everyone’s best interests. 
Topics include- Verbal abuse is always unacceptable too.
Fret not!
Perhaps the best thing for preserving marriage
there still can be a good life after divorce
The danger of excessive…
Focusing on the Family
Changing yourself first, positively
The too common abusive silent treatment
Messed up…
The false divorce incentives

Understanding Emotional Abuse , Emotional Abuse in the Local Church 

Is your church a safe place for victims of emotional abuse?


Canada’s top news 2008.

Amazing Canada’s news editors selected Bad Conservative Stephen Harper as the news maker of the year.. including his failure to make a majority government again. “Stephen Harper.  What a difference a few weeks make in the political world. Remember when Prime Minister Stephen Harper badly miscalculated Parliament, and plunged the country into a political crisis of his making.  Even the Globe and Mail was calling for his resignation as Conservative leader, such was the over-reach and arrogance of the Sweatered One late in 2008. Steve’s Grinch-like uber-partisan heart was laid bare with his ham-fisted attempt to bankrupt democracy by cutting federal subsidies to political parties. And Harper’s ugly ideological core was exposed with his stimulus-less economic update. We must also mention Harper’s blatant demagogic misrepresentation of the functioning of Canada’s parliamentary democracy. This was beyond naughty. It was inexcusable ” and“The Governor General (and, by extension, Queen Elizabeth). Prorogation was her prerogative, and we don’t even get to know her rationale for giving the Harper government a stay-of-execution in face of a coalition ready to pull the plug. The GG may have set a disastrous precedent where any embattled minority PM can merely padlock Parliament to cling to power..”
The seven-day war. Just 44 days after pledging peace and parliamentary order, Prime Minister Stephen Harper inserted a paragraph into the fiscal update to cancel $30-million worth of public funding for political parties. It was allegedly a cost-savings gesture, but clearly intended to whack less-solvent opposition parties the hardest. Not surprisingly, it unleashed the political firestorm of this century. In less than a week, a coalition of all three opposition parties formed and forced the government to retreat on the party financing cut. When that failed to pacify the trio, Harper delayed a confidence vote and ultimately prorogued Parliament after just 13 sitting days to avoid the government-toppling coronation of Prime Minister Stephane Dion. After Parliament was unplugged and the coalition lost momentum, Liberals shunted aside Dion for new leader Michael Ignatieff and all sides now brace for the return of the re-poisoned Commons atmosphere in late January. Another election lurks on the horizon. The buying opportunity: With the market in meltdown mode and seniors nervously eyeing their cracking nest-eggs, a campaigning Harper declared it a stock-buying opportunity. Never mind that it was a slap to anyone losing their shirts without the financial means to buy back in, it was lousy advice. Anyone who’d followed his suggestion would’ve lost roughly 20 per cent of their investment. Fiscal update: Whatever could’ve possessed Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to add the trickery of cancelled party financing to the rows of imaginary surplus projections in an economic stimulus package and still expect the opposition parties to roll over and endorse his scheme remains the headscratcher of the year. He almost toppled his own government with that recklessly irresponsible, bogus document. No deficit, no recession, no bailouts: So said Stephen Harper repeatedly and defiantly during the fall election campaign. We are now a month away from unveiling a huge deficit to fight a possible depression topped by aid packages for auto, forestry and mining sectors. Oops. The quickie prorogation: After one of the shortest sessions in history, Harper sent MPs home early to avoid his government’s defeat. 
The senate. Senate choices are revolting,  Harper handing Liberals more ammunition by his patronage appointment of senators. There are those like me who think the Upper House is nothing more than a high-priced retirement home for political hacks. it will cost hard-pressed Canadian taxpayers a fortune. Each senator makes $134,000 a year, or far, far more than the average person who toils at a real job. But wait that is just the begining, add on their paid overseas  trips, expense accounts, etc. This was more about saving his government supporters than anything else.  Harper would have had a lot more credibility if he’d left the positions open and kept pushing for reform.  

let us call the Senate what it is: a reward for the party faithful; an occasional arbiter of legislative common sense; and a supreme seat of patronage that looks like a violation of democratic principle to most Canadians, and like its epitome to those who rest their backsides in its cushy red chairs.   ( jmeek@herald.ca

The loser, pretender, imposter, useless  
Hon. Elaine McCoy, QC
The Senate of Canada
Rm 806 Victoria Building
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A4
Toll Free: 1 800 267 7362
Phone: 613 995 4293
Fax: 613 995 4304
still for me is the best prime example of why the senate  should be abolished, or reformed .. she could not make it in politics, get ahead  in Alberta so next she was given a senate seat.. 

“Harper’s broken promises     Dec 29, 2008 04:30 AM  With his appointment of 18 Senators, most of whom are Conservative party cronies, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has added another broken promise to the 27 democratic reform and government accountability promises the Conservatives have already broken since they were elected in January 2006.  In their 2006 election platform, the Conservatives promised to establish an independent Public Appointments Commission to ensure fair, merit-based and widely publicized searches for qualified candidates for the PM and his cabinet to appoint to government agencies, boards and commissions.  Harper broke this promise after opposition parties changed the Federal Accountability Act to ensure the commission would be non-partisan and operate independently of cabinet, and be accountable to Parliament if it did not ensure fair appointments. The Conservative cabinet has gone on to appoint more than 1,000 people to key government positions, many with ties to the Conservatives.  They also broke their promise to “Prevent party leaders from appointing candidates without the democratic consent of local electoral district associations” and Harper showed his dishonesty further by appointing several Conservative candidates for the recent election. He has also made false claims about why he has broken these promises, as usual blaming opposition parties for his failures.  The PM also used his so-called “Accountability Act” to cut the ethics rule that requires him and his cabinet and senior officials to be honest. He obviously wanted to protect himself from being found guilty of breaking the honesty rule.  Canadians deserve better. The Conservatives are practising dishonest, unethical, secretive, un-representative and wasteful federal politics as usual. The key question is, will the opposition parties offer good government to voters? ” Duff Conacher, Co-ordinator, Democracy Watch, Ottawa

In 2004, when Scott Brison left the Tories to join the Liberals, Mr. Harper said: “Leaving a party and defecting to the other side for 30 pieces of silver is part of corruption.” Then, on the day after Mr. Harper won an election campaign on ethics, he was the one handing out the silver. There is a striking hypocrisy in this, and in many of Mr. Harper’s subsequent actions — where he behaves the same as the cynical Liberals he once compared to Judas Iscariot. It continued this week, when Mr. Harper appointed 18 senators, something he had promised not to do, all the while denouncing the Liberals for blocking his efforts at Senate reform. Mr. Harper, an old Reformer, swore he would be different from his Liberal and Progressive Conservative predecessors. But when faced with the same temptation, he behaved in exactly the same way as prime ministers always have — he appointed old bagmen and political organizers who had been helpful to him in leadership races and election campaigns, along with a few high-profile Canadians as a fig leaf.

Also now, He promised to establish a Public Appointments Commission to review all political appointees, then reneged when the opposition sniffed at the man he selected to head it, and has continued to make partisan appointments without scrutiny.  What makes Mr. Harper different from other hypocritical politicians is not his reversals but the withering brutality of his attacks on his opponents, reinforced by a legion of talented spin doctors and advertising experts.   It suggests either a psychological inability to recognize that his actions are morally equivalent to those he attacks — or, more likely, a willingness to be as mean as is useful. That meanness, though, has recently backfired on Mr. Harper, twice, at some cost.First, in the recent election campaign, his harsh comments about culture cuts cost him the Quebec seats he needed to win a majority. Then, in the fall fiscal update, his attacks on the opposition’s funding almost cost him power, necessitating another round of hypocritical attacks that boosted his support in the West and burnt his bridges in Quebec. If Quebecers have permanently soured on Mr. Harper — which would put a majority out of reach — Mr. Harper’s appeal would fade in the rest of the country. Having lived, for three years, by the sword, he risks dying from a self-inflicted wound. 

Quebec singer-songwriter Michel Rivard’s YouTube video sensation, which mocked Conservative arts funding cuts, likely turned enough tide to prevent the Harper majority from emerging out of Quebec seat gains. It’s deadliest satirical shot featured stiff Anglo bureaucrats auditioning the francophone singer and mistaking his use of “phoque,” or baby seal, as a dirty word. As a hilarious attack ad, it had far greater vote-shifting effects than all the Bloc Quebecois and Liberal advertising combined. Arts funding cut: Hopes for a Conservative majority were built on winning Quebec ridings. So by waiting until the eve of the election to announce modest arts funding cuts and then convincing the prime minister to belittle as caviar-gulping gala hosts all those who receive federal arts subsidies, it was campaign brain death. 
– The troubled relationship between Couillard and Maxime Bernier got many people’s attention now too, the Couillard-Bernier scandal
The tempest in a D-Cup. They had allegedly split as lovers, yet Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier jumped off the plane after a NATO conference on Afghanistan, dashed over to glamorous Julie Couillard’s townhouse for a sleepover and promptly forgot a stack of secret documents in the former biker chick’s living room. The woman scorned got even by disclosing his left-behind documents to media. That little oversight cost Bernier his ministerial job, prompted an internal inquiry, landed Couillard a tell-all book contract and ended with her infamous cleavage-exposing dress being put up for charity auction. You couldn’t make this up either.
About face of the year Ian Brodie. Not only did Harper’s former chief of staff leak damaging information to reporters on the U. S. presidential race, revealing that all their bad-mouthing of NAFTA was meaningless candidate posturing, he hasn’t embraced the spirit of Conservativeimposed rules prohibiting former political appointments from lobbying the government. When he “retired” last spring, Brodie swore an “undertaking” he would not lobby his former boss or the cabinet underlings. First stop in the private sector? An Ottawa lobby firm where he will advise lobbyists on how to lobby the government. Unspeakably shameless.

  Remember how it seemed that Harper  didn’t care that he was leading a minority government, next a  single,  monstrous, Harper’s miscalculation caused a chain reaction that,   brought Canada’s economy tumbling down further  and Stephen Harper to his knees and he is now cowling in fear.. for the support a coalition government for Canada is growing and why?. It’s clear that Prime Minister Stephen Harper isn’t serious about helping families and . Harper said he’d make Parliament work better this time. He said he’d do something substantial for the economy. Harper the big liar who still cannot be trusted too. It seems  that it would only be fair if the mostly useless MPs still can shut down Parliament for 50-plus days, that we, the Canadian taxpayers, should be able to rightfully shut down their paycheques for the same period.
Proposed social welfare to big three automotive Car makers – General Motors, Chrysler with all the spins..- Canada’s federal government and three provinces have agreed to provide C$4.45 billion ($3.65 billion) in backstops to support a plan to restructure C$32 billion in asset-backed commercial paper that has been frozen for more than a year. The margin facilities provided by Ottawa and the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Alberta bring the total guarantees for the restructuring to $17.82 billion, the investor committee that organized the plan said in a statement on Wednesday. 
In addition it was clear that the bad RCMP again  this year made major headlines with their use of Tasers and their murder of a polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski   in Vancouver, BC, plus the alcoholic RCMP cops Alcoholism, Cops included   Speed traps  .. Rest in Peace, Robert Dziekanski. How long will we tolerate the cops investigating themselves? How many more families will be denied fair and impartial justice? “
On top of that Canada’s  Bell, BCE made major headlines twice even with their internet download capping, restrictions  admissions and also with the Ontario teacher’s failure of the BCE takeover, and related drops in Bell share prices this year too. Don’t forget the bad “CRTC, for siding with Bell Canada and Big Telecom against consumer and net neutrality. In November, the CRTC announced that they would not force Bell to stop its controversial practice of net throttling. “
Donna Molnar’s husband said Tuesday “God reached down and cradled” his wife — helping her survive 72 hours buried under snow in sub-zero southern Ontario weather.
The world wide recessions, falling oil prices and falling home prices as well made up a serious part of the news in Canada too. so did Alberta’s new deficit..The economic crisis –   How many rich people in Calgary, Edmonton Alberta?
Health – The Maple leaf tainted meat Scandal got our attention as well.. . China entered the spotlight again with their olympics and their a melamine-laced milk products scandal. Canada had its own listeriosis outbreak involving processed meats, Maple Leaf Foods recall  Shit disease continues to kill people in Canada’s Hospitals. The outbreak of listeriosis   killed 20 Canadians last year. It is in ours and in the GOVERNMENTS interests, after all, to ensure that no similar tragedies occur under ALL of  their watch. . On Sept. 3, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had announced that there would be “an arm’s-length investigation to make sure we get to the bottom, on the government side, on the bureaucratic side, of exactly what transpired” in the fatal outbreak of bacteria in Maple Leaf Foods luncheon meats, “and to make sure as we go forward and we make changes to our system that this kind of thing can’t happen again.” Specifically on Sept. 6, the day before the election was called, Mr. Harper announced the terms of reference – including a reporting deadline of March 15, 2009. That deadline may have been a little ambitious, since an investigation of complex regulations and their enforcement could take longer than a few months. But yet now the same federal government does not appear to be making an effort to meet it – or to treat the matter with any degree of urgency. Even Four months later, and nearly two-thirds of the way through its self-imposed time-frame, it is now still being reported that the government has not yet even named a lead investigator. At this rate, it unlikely that the investigation will even be completed this year. Stephen Harper’s government’s apparent failure to launch an investigation it promised early last fall raises the unsettling thought that its pledge was made largely to prevent the issue from jeopardizing its prospects in the election campaign. There is no plausible justification for this delay. Parliament need not be sitting for the government to appoint investigators; it requires no legislation.   If Mr. Harper was comfortable appointing 18 senators while Parliament is prorogued, he should have no qualms about naming someone to help protect.   With the exception of the controversy surrounding some ill-advised jokes made by Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, the listeriosis outbreak played little role in the fall campaign. Canadians did not have much reason to believe the Conservatives bore responsibility for it, and were led to believe the government took the matter seriously. ALL Canadians should now feel differently knowing that  the issue would not be attended to promptly once the federal lection campaign was over. Once again Stephen Harper THE PRETENDER does not keep his promises.
Sports – The defeat of the Montreal Allouettes in football again.The underdogs Calgary Stampeders won the Grey Cup. 
– The unpopularity of the now gone, past Liberal Leader Stephane Dion sure made many headlines now too
– The  2007/2008 long cold winter with plenty of snow was another top sellerseems to want to repat itself..Note this important  brief introduction to road safety and the police .. Yes  you always do have to drive safely, in control, not impaired as well and yes there are many, many different factors that now can cause a vehicular, automotive  accident, including but not limited to the actual daily road conditions, even the type of tires you have .. for  it is a fact that good tires lead to a safer drive, and so does a 4 wheel drive.  Next when you start to first drive at any day do first immediately test the road condition by coming to a planned sudden stop , and see firsthand how your car reacts accordingly.. then next do use this experience to set how you will drive the rest of the day too. And no matter what car, or tires you have, or who is the driver, if you do hit a patch of black ice, due clearly to the failure of others, such as the Governments, municipalities,  to apply salt and gravel on the icy / snowy  road, to falsely try to save money here,  it can be very, very hazardous now too. Give them a fine, ticket, they firstly do deserve it too. Now hypothetical if you do not drive at all you are less likely   to have an   accident, assuming another driver does not hit you while walking..  
– a big meteorite shower in Saskatchewan was also a hit.
– and the Greyhound bus beheading of Tim McLean.
Severed feet washing ashore in BC
Ex PM Paul Martin and Alberta’s Premier Ralph Klien resigned  from politics 
Stories of the year. Yup, it’s been one crazy, mixed-up 2008. The link between government economic policies and the ever-increasing financial woes of millions of Canadians. Brace yourself for 2009?
ESSENTIAL LESSON: Humility, one would hope. All the mainstream parties lost goodwill in English Canada. The Liberals and the Tories lost the most. They just are not connecting with what real people care about. The pre-Christmas power play was particularly disastrous. Unfortunately, because both Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff came out ahead politically, the lesson was likely lost. 



Happy New Year

Filed under: News and politics — thenonconformer @ 7:04 am

Wishing you all happiness, peace, prosperity and good health for the new year

for more see

Wishing you all happiness, peace, prosperity and good health for the new year

Merry Christmas



Wishing you all the best of the seasons
and may all of your good dreams come true

(Isa 9:6 KJV)  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.

Paul Kambulow  


December 24, 2008

The Canadian Political Christmas message

Conservative PM Stepehen Harper has been warned clearly against use of hardball tactics in Parliament . The Coalition had really rightfully unnerved, scared Conservative Stephen Harper and he has not been the same since, he is been running scared, doing things in desperation.. Harper he is not the leader of a democratic elected party cause he did not get 51 percent of the seats firstly.. he is a bully, dictator appointed by a bad  Governor General.
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has issued a warning to Prime Minister Stephen Harper that he won’t tolerate the misuse of confidence votes or hardball parliamentary tactics when MPs return next month to decide the government’s fate.  Mr. Ignatieff had asked Mr. Harper  to instruct Conservative House Leader Jay Hill to try to remove ill will by meeting with Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale. “The ways in which he makes everything a confidence motion is, in our view, unacceptable,” Mr. Ignatieff said.  “He took the wrong signal from the election. The signal he took was that he could try anything he wanted to   and he can’t keep making these misjudgments of the mood of the House and hope to survive.” Mr. Harper has not given him an answer on whether Mr. Hill and Mr. Goodale will get together in the new year, but he said Mr. Harper needs to let parliamentary committees do their job.  “He has been told in no uncertain terms there’s a problem of confidence that isn’t just constitutional, but a question of personal relations across the House,” Mr. Ignatieff said.
Mr. Ignatieff, installed as Liberal Leader earlier this month, expressed pessimism that the Harper government would unveil a budget in January that his party could support. ”  I’m not optimistic that the government will come up with a budget that meets Canada’s needs,” Mr. Ignatieff said.
Ironically, one of the biggest promises Harper has kept — cutting the GST — has been criticized by economists for eroding government revenues and putting the country on course for a deficit.” and PM Stephen Harper became known for one step forward and two steps backwards through out his PM leadership.”
Leftists, socialist,  “Liberal parties have a view that the country needs compassionate, centrist government and, in tough times, Canadians look to government to protect the most vulnerable.” Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff
Hey I learned long time ago that merely telling the truth to some people will not work, they have their false idols, false lies they still want to handle, especialy even Conservatives now too, and they will take the Ostrich approach to the truth, but hopefully the truth will next still help some people.
Harper’s own recent appointment of senators indicates clearly still that Harper  cannot be trusted to work with the opposition parties as a minority government. Harper had once sold himself to Canadians as a different kind of politician, one who’d refrain from using patronage appointments to the Senate. A man who could be trusted to keep that and other promises.. Instead, Harper has fast become the kind of governing politician he once professed to abhor — one who routinely breaks his word.  “Other examples include the $300-million fall election call, which broke Harper’s promise to stick to his own fixed election law and failed to deliver the majority he’d gambled on; Harper also reneged on his pledge not to impose new taxes on income trusts and his vow to exclude nonrenewable natural resources like oil and natural gas from the equalization formula — a decision critics say has cost Saskatchewan $800 million a year. All Canadians saw again now was  yet another prime minister rewarding mostly partisan party loyalists with a plum $130,000-a-year job and lavish perks.

December 23, 2008

Heaven and Earth


God is Creator of Heaven as well as earth

1Chr. 29:10 David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, “Praise be to you, O LORD, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. 11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. 12 Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.

Gen. 14:17 After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley). 18Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, 19and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. 20 And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. 21The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people and keep the goods for yourself.” 22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and have taken an oath 23that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the thong of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, `I made Abram rich.’

Gen. 24:2 [Abraham] said to the chief servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, “Put your hand under my thigh. 3I want you to swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, 4but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.”

Gen. 28:11 When [Jacob] reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. 12 He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. 13 There above it stood the LORD, and he said: “I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. 14 Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. 15I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” 16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” 17 He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”

Exod. 20:1 And God spoke all these words: 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 3″ You shall have no other gods before me. 4″ You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand [generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Josh. 2:10 We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. 11When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. 12 Now then, please swear to me by the LORD that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign 13 that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and that you will save us from death.” 14  “Our lives for your lives!” the men assured her. “If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the LORD gives us the land.”

1 Sam. 2:8 [Hannah’s prayer of praise] He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; upon them he has set the world. 9 He will guard the feet of his saints, but the wicked will be silenced in darkness. “It is not by strength that one prevails; 10 those who oppose the LORD will be shattered. He will thunder against them from heaven; the LORD will judge the ends of the earth. “He will give strength to his king and exalt the horn of his anointed.” 11 Then Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy ministered before the LORD under Eli the priest.

1 Kings. 8:22 Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven 23 and said: “O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below –you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way. 24 You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it –as it is today. 25 “Now LORD, God of Israel, keep for your servant David my father the promises you made to him when you said, `You shall never fail to have a man to sit before me on the throne of Israel, if only your sons are careful in all they do to walk before me as you have done.’ 26 And now, O God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David my father come true. 27 “But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 28 Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. . . . 41 “As for the foreigner who does not belong to your people Israel but has come from a distant land because of your name– 42 for men will hear of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm –when he comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your Name.

2 Kings. 19:14 Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it. Then he went up to the temple of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. 15 And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD: “O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. 16 Give ear, O LORD, and hear; open your eyes, O LORD, and see; listen to the words Sennacherib has sent to insult the living God.

1 Chr. 21:15 And God sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem. But as the angel was doing so, the LORD saw it and was grieved because of the calamity and said to the angel who was destroying the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of the LORD was then standing at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. 16 David looked up and saw the angel of the LORD standing between heaven and earth, with a drawn sword in his hand extended over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell facedown. 17David said to God, “Was it not I who ordered the fighting men to be counted? I am the one who has sinned and done wrong. These are but sheep. What have they done? O LORD my God, let your hand fall upon me and my family, but do not let this plague remain on your people.”

2 Chr. 36:22 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing: 23″This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: “`The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you –may the LORD his God be with him, and let him go up.'”

Ezra 1:1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing: 2 “This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: “`The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. 3 Anyone of his people among you –may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem.

Ezra 5:7 The report they sent him read as follows: To King Darius: Cordial greetings. 8 The king should know that we went to the district of Judah, to the temple of the great God. The people are building it with large stones and placing the timbers in the walls. The work is being carried on with diligence and is making rapid progress under their direction. 9 We questioned the elders and asked them, “Who authorized you to rebuild this temple and restore this structure?” 10 We also asked them their names, so that we could write down the names of their leaders for your information. 11 This is the answer they gave us: “We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and we are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago, one that a great king of Israel built and finished. 12 But because our fathers angered the God of heaven, he handed them over to Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean, king of Babylon, who destroyed this temple and deported the people to Babylon. 13 “However, in the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, King Cyrus issued a decree to rebuild this house of God. 14 He even removed from the temple of Babylon the gold and silver articles of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem and brought to the temple in Babylon. “Then King Cyrus gave them to a man named Sheshbazzar, whom he had appointed governor, 15 and he told him, `Take these articles and go and deposit them in the temple in Jerusalem. And rebuild the house of God on its site.’ 16 So this Sheshbazzar came and laid the foundations of the house of God in Jerusalem. From that day to the present it has been under construction but is not yet finished.”

Neh. 9:5 And the Levites –Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah –said: “Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. ” “Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. 6 You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. 7 “You are the LORD God, who chose Abram and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and named him Abraham.

Matt. 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “`Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. ‘ 14 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. 16 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Ps. 3:4 To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah 5I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. 6I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.

Ps. 9:11 Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. 12For he who avenges blood remembers; he does not ignore the cry of the afflicted.

Ps. 146:5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, 6the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them– the LORD, who remains faithful forever. 7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, 8 the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. 9 The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. 10 The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD.

Ps. 102:18 Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD: 19″The LORD looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth, 20to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.” 21So the name of the LORD will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem 22when the peoples and the kingdoms assemble to worship the LORD.

Ps. 115:14 May the LORD make you increase, both you and your children. 15 May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 16The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.

Ps. 121:1 I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3He will not let your foot slip– he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5The LORD watches over you– the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6  the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7The LORD will keep you from all harm– he will watch over your life; 8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Isa. 52:1 Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Put on your garments of splendor, O Jerusalem, the holy city. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again. 2 Shake off your dust; rise up, sit enthroned, O Jerusalem. Free yourself from the chains on your neck, O captive Daughter of Zion. 3 For this is what the LORD says: “You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed.” 4 For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “At first my people went down to Egypt to live; lately, Assyria has oppressed them. 5 “And now what do I have here?” declares the LORD. “For my people have been taken away for nothing, and those who rule them mock, ” declares the LORD. “And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. 6 Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.” 7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” 8 Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy. When the LORD returns to Zion, they will see it with their own eyes. 9 Burst into songs of joy together, you ruins of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem. 10 The LORD will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

Isa. 66:10 “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. 11 For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance.”
     12 For this is what the LORD says: “I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. 13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”
     14 When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass; the hand of the LORD will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes. 15 See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For with fire and with his sword the LORD will execute judgment upon all men, and many will be those slain by the LORD.
     17″ Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following the one in the midst of those who eat the flesh of pigs and rats and other abominable things –they will meet their end together,” declares the LORD.
     18″ And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see my glory.
     19″ I will set a sign among them, and I will send some of those who survive to the nations –to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to the distant islands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations. 20 And they will bring all your brothers, from all the nations, to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the LORD –on horses, in chariots and wagons, and on mules and camels,” says the LORD. “They will bring them, as the Israelites bring their grain offerings, to the temple of the LORD in ceremonially clean vessels. 21 And I will select some of them also to be priests and Levites,” says the LORD.
     22 “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the LORD, “so will your name and descendants endure. 23 From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the LORD. 24 “And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”

Jer. 23:23 “Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away? 24 Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD. 25 “I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, `I had a dream! I had a dream!’ 26 How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds? 27 They think the dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my name, just as their fathers forgot my name through Baal worship. 28 Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain?” declares the LORD. 29 “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

Isa. 62:10 Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations. 11T he LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to the Daughter of Zion, `See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.'” 12 They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.

Isa. 65:16 Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the God of truth; he who takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes. 17 “Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. 18But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. 19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. 20 “Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; he who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere youth; he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed. 21 They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands. 23They will not toil in vain or bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them. 24Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the LORD.

Isa. 55:9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Isa. 56:6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to serve him, to love the name of the LORD, and to worship him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant– 7these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

Isa. 51:1 “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; 2 look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was but one, and I blessed him and made him many. 3 The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing. 4 “Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. 5 My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm. 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail.

Isa. 11:1 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him– the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD– 3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; 4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. 5 Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist. 6 The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. 7 The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. 8 The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest. 9 They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. 10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.

Isa. 14:12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! 13 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” 15 But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. 16Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: “Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, 17the man who made the world a desert, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?”

Isa. 24:21 In that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below. 22 They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; they will be shut up in prison and be punished after many days. 23 The moon will be abashed, the sun ashamed; for the LORD Almighty will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before its elders, gloriously.

Ps. 33:13 From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; 14 from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth– 15he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.

Ps. 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Selah 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

Ps. 48:1 Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, his holy mountain. 2 It is beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth. Like the utmost heights of Zaphon is Mount Zion, the city of the Great King.

Ps. 50:2 From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. 3  Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages. 4 He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his people: 5″Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” 6 And the heavens proclaim his righteousness, for God himself is judge. Selah

Ps. 15:1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? 2 He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart 3 and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, 4 who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, 5 who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.

Zeph. 3:11 On that day you will not be put to shame for all the wrongs you have done to me, because I will remove from this city those who rejoice in their pride. Never again will you be haughty on my holy hill. 12 But I will leave within you the meek and humble, who trust in the name of the LORD. 13 The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor will deceit be found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid.” 14 Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem! 15 The LORD has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The LORD, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. 16 On that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. 17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

Matt. 5:1 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them, saying: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matt. 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Mark 9:47 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48 where “`their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’

1 Cor. 15:35 But someone may ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” 36 How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. 38 But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39All flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. 40 There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. 41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
     42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
     If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” ; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.
     50 I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed– 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
     58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

2 Cor. 5:1 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. 2 Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 3 because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4 For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

Phil. 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Col. 1:9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 13For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Hebr. 11:8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
     11 By faith Abraham, even though he was past age –and Sarah herself was barren –was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise. 12 And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.
     13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. 14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country –a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. . . .
     35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. 36 Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. 37 They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated– 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground. 39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40 God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

2  Pet. 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. 14So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.

Rev. 2:1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands: 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5 Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6 But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”

Rev. 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. 13 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Rev. 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
     5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
     6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars –their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Rev. 22:1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
     6 The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.”
     7″ Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.”
     8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. 9 But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!”
     10 Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near. 11 Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.”
     12 “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
     14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
     16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” 17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
     18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
     20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
     Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
     21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.


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Isa. 66:1 This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? 2 Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.

What does the Bible actually say about God, earth, heaven as well the dwelling, resting place of God himself, the place where God and Jesus Christ the Lamb live as one. Entrance to Heaven is  by only one way now too, it is through the house of God, the Church of Jesus Christ.

Everything in Heaven and earth is God’s to do with as he pleases and to judge now as well.

Harper again not a man of his word..


Prime Minister Stephen Harper gives out his bad Christmas present to all Canadians

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is facing tough times that now next will be made more difficult by an economy that is heading into a tailspin, and by his own poor personal  negative recent acts now too. Prime Minister Stephen Harper added another notch to his growing list of broken election promises yesterday.  No matter how he next tries to justify it, excuse it, Stephen Harper MP PM is a known liar.. not what you should have expected now from a professing Christian Evangelical especially now too. Stephen Harper acted yesterday less like a respectable  prime minister and more like the bad political party leader he has has said he never would be like.

Many critics accused Mr. Harper of hypocrisy, betrayal  in appointing a list of individuals known primarily for their service to the Conservative Party, including a former Quebec separatist. They also questioned the legitimacy of the appointments, given that Mr. Harper has suspended Parliament until late January in order to avoid defeat in the House of Commons. 

Harper arguably has no right to make the appointments now. While he has manoeuvred to escape a certain Commons vote of non confidence that was scheduled for Dec. 8, the truth is he still doesn’t enjoy the confidence of the House. Appointing senators over the holiday season is simply Harper’s way of  lying his way through while most Canadians are not looking .

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, who now holds the fate of the Conservative government in his hands, said the appointments demonstrate a Prime Minister who can’t be trusted to keep his promises.   “It’s another example of the inability of Harper to keep his word,” Mr. Ignatieff said.  “He’s made very, very clear commitments coming out of his experience with [the Reform Party] to Senate reform and he’s abandoned them. Mr. Harper had steadfastly maintained that he would only appoint senators in rare circumstances. The chamber, he said, was to be elected and he wouldn’t enlarge it, save for the appointment of individuals like Alberta senate reformer Bert Brown or Michael Fortier, who was put in to fill a Quebec cabinet post.

” Yet, for someone who professes to want the Senate to be effective, as well as elected and equal, Mr. Harper seems to have gone out of his way with his appointments to further discredit the legislative body by pandering to the very kind of cynical politics that have so turned off Canadians from the entire process and given the red chamber such a poor image.  In too many of the cases of the latest appointees, their only qualifications for the job seem to consist of being defeated Conservative candidates either provincially or federally, or having a claim on prime ministerial largesse for loyal services rendered to the party, not necessarily to Canadians in the preceding years.  For a Conservative leader who rode into office astride a moral high horse on ethical and accountable government, promising in the 2006 campaign to appoint an independent public appointments commission for positions of public trust, this is yet another blow to his credibility. Senate reform joins fixed-date elections, balanced budgets, income trust taxation and a plethora of other commitments sacrificed at the altar of political expediency. ”

The loser, the Prime Minister Stephen Harper did next again what he said he would not do before, he appointed 18 Conservatives to the Senate on Monday… Two television journalists, an Olympic hero and a covey of Conservative partisans were named to the Senate in Stephen Harper’s biggest volley of patronage since he became prime minister.  Appointees will receive a $130,400 annual salary indexed to inflation until they retire or reach age 75, followed by a very comfortable pension – and both are indexed to inflation.    Most of those appointed to the Senate   18 Conservatives   were not household names, but well-connected Tories such as defeated candidates, campaign organizers and party fundraisers.  Harper’s timing, just before Christmas when most Canadians are preoccupied with holiday cheer rather than politics, suggests the government wasn’t anxious to showcase the appointments. A common Harper occurance.  Opposition parties questioned whether Harper has the political legitimacy for a patronage spree, having averted the defeat of his minority government only by suspending Parliament until the new year.   They also questioned the timing of the announcement – given the dire state of the economy and public finances. They said filling those 18 seats will cost taxpayers $6 million a year. “This business of stuffing the Senate possibly on his way out the door, it’s obscene. It’s the only word. It’s just obscene.”

After insisting he would never appoint people to an un-elected Senate, the prime minister sent a staggering 18 curly-tailed snorters to the Red Room, confirming his election pledges aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.  Harper talks a good talk when it comes to populace issues like balancing the books, Senate reform and fixed election dates.  But when it comes time to stand up and defend those principles in the real world of governing, Harper turns into a mashed potato. 

Take the fixed election dates, one of the bedrocks of democratic reform that Harper sold to voters in 2006.  Under set election dates, no longer could governments enjoy the advantages of incumbency by controlling the logistics of election dates, he said.  “Fixed election dates prevent governments from calling snap elections for short-term political advantage,” Harper said in 2006. “Fixed election dates stop leaders from trying to manipulate the calendar. They level the playing field for all parties. The rules are clear for everybody.”  Sounds great.  But it didn’t take much for Harper to apply the potato masher to that principle. Under the threat of being tossed from office during a set Fall 2009 election, Harper called a snap election — the very kind he said he was opposed to — in September.  He did so because he knew if he went to the polls next year, it would likely be during the trough of a deep recession. Sitting PMs don’t do well amid widespread layoffs and plant closures. So Harper threw the fixed-date principle out the window for his own political benefit.

During the last election campaign, Harper also sang the praises of balanced budgets. Despite tough economic times, Harper said his government would not go back into deficit.  He even warned it was the Liberals who should be feared because it was their planned spending spree that would plunge Canada back into the glue.  “If you look at the tens of billions of dollars of announcements (the Liberals) are making, the only way these can be financed are not simply through big increases in taxes that they’re already promising — carbon taxes, the GST — but it would mean deficits and large deficits,” Harper said during the campaign. “Big deficits.”  Well, the PM took the potato masher to that one, too. Now it’s Harper who’s confirming he intends to mortgage the future of our children with gargantuan deficits in an effort to spend our way out of a recession.

Then there’s the Senate.  Harper was adamant Senate reform was needed and that he would stubbornly refuse to make any appointments to the upper chamber until there was reform.  “I don’t plan to appoint Senators, that’s not my intention, so we will be, in some cases, waiting upon an election system,” Harper said in 2006.  Well it appears there are no cases in which it’s appropriate to hold off on any appointments. Harper just stacked the 105-member political brothel to the rafters with 18 new pork-barrel appointments.  So much for the principles.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper has officially named Thomas Cromwell of Nova Scotia to the Supreme Court of Canada, forgoing a promised public hearing into his appointment pending a public hearing by an all-party parliamentary committee – a process Harper had promised to follow for all his nominees to the Supreme Court

Prime Minister Harper now sleeps in the bed he himself has made..

Prime Minister Stephen Harper certainly can be trusted not to keep his word, or his promises, but only to lie.. Fire Him, Get rid of him ASAP!

December 22, 2008

PM Stephen Harper again

Filed under: News and politics — thenonconformer @ 3:59 pm

Harper continues to break many of his promises and as usual the conservative  national post and Alberta  again covers it all up, accepts it falsely.. for they clearly are just as bad as him.

Harper Canada’s political “patronage king” and liar, hypocrite has been invoking a long term war, campaign, and he has systematically hired, placed in the government key Conservative party supporters, organizers paid for by the Canadian taxpayers and RIGHTFULLY they must be all fired, removed, or at least take away all work from them and give them an empty desk, and you can ALSO  rightfully start with Preston Manning now as well. Pigging out, living high on the hog, or patronistic hiring practices, getting drunk  are clearly an unacceptable abuse.  He has declared to the Canadian public that he would not name unelected people to the Senate. … His word means less and less every day he’s in office, and he’s behaving more and more like the Liberals,” NDP Leader Jack Layton said of Harper. Stephen Harper once said he had no plans to stack the Senate with unelected representatives, suggesting it was “a dumping ground for the favoured cronies of the prime minister.” Next when he’s actually a prime minister, he’s done exactly what he said he wouldn’t do. Harper continues to lacks integrity too and thus patronage and croneyism continues to rule to this day in Canadian politics and taxpayers are still the big losers. Conservative supporters  go along with Harper’s lies again too.   The Harper cabinet unleashes flood of patronage . Conservative appointments to courts, boards, quasi-judicial tribunals and Crown corporations… It also further fuelled opposition claims that the prime minister has abandoned election promises of transparency and merit-based public-service and judicial appointments.

Cops lie too


 Even our Canadian evangelical Christian Missionary Alliance Church Prime Minister Stephen Harper is already known to be a liar so why not anyone else?  Cops lie too and often..     so does the RCMP..

  Look at this, due to the undeniable Recession, budget and tax cuts,  Municipalities across Canada have  been cutting back even on their services, snow clearing now too, which has been leading up to more car accidents, and cause the police cannot tell the truth about their employers, the police now lie, and divert the truth, saying that speeding vehicles were the cause of most of the accidents. In reality now also  speeding also still is not the main reasons for accidents but driving while impaired is..

Note this important  brief introduction to road safety .. Yes  you always do have to drive safely, in control, not impaired as well and yes there are many, many different factors that now can cause a vehicular, automotive  accident, including but not limited to the actual daily road conditions, even the type of tires you have .. for  it is a fact that good tires lead to a safer drive, and so does a 4 wheel drive.  Next when you start to first drive at any day do first immediately test the road condition by coming to a planned sudden stop at a slow speed too, and see firsthand how your car reacts accordingly.. then next do use this experience to set how you will drive the rest of the day too. And no matter what car, or tires you have, or who is the driver, if you do hit a patch of black ice, due clearly to the failure of others to apply salt and gravel on the icy / snowy road,  it can be very, very hazardous now too. Give them a fine, ticket, they firstly do deserve it too.  And  hypothetical if you do not drive at all you are less likely   to have an   accident, assuming another driver does not hit you while walking.. SEE ALSO
It also seems that  the statistical numbers  for drunk drivers, accidents too  are still startling, too high — and split it seems almost evenly for inside the main cities and in the outlying area where there is less policing too. —   While maybe the police, RCMP may  have a strong feel for the trends on the roads, for speeding, accidents, drunk driving and the impaired numbers maybe are still not causing the police great concern, due to their own priorities and even due to the differing, often in a not fully reliable way that the Police, accident data is collected year to year, Canada wide now too, still the  actual Police statistical values, comparisons are very difficult,  erroneous still and these statistics reporting they need to be seriously improved, and the Police themselves even better managed.
Now I do often rightfully  complain about things that matter, are important to all of the  citizens, such as the unacceptable abuse of Consumers, citizens by large or small corporations.. or even by civil and public servants, so called professionals, bad cops now too,  or by pretentious politicians for that matter.  Now we here firstly need to look firstly at the meaning of two  words, “Minister”, and “Service.”. while to me these words are clearly simple to understand, their meaning as well.. a Minister is elected to serve the citizens, not himself or his party..  Now the same thing applies to the police they are here to serve the citizens, not themselves or  their superiors, or the political masters. A Minister still also is not our Lord, or Master, and we the  citizens not here to serve him or to serve any other civil or public servants, professionals now as well.   
And  do you really think that the the majority of the police  who  now are one of the highest paid professionals are firstly doing their Jobs cause they really firstly serving,  are looking after the good welfare of the citizens as they often lie to us and claim they do .. and not cause of the monetary job, fringe benefits ? I would not bet on it not  even on your life..
It is an admitted fact we have hired too many bad police officers Canada wide, even in the RCMP.. because exisiting bad mangers hire bad people next too.. thus the police recruitment , hiring, supervision  approach stinks badly.. 
“In reality the too often self serving, money hungry, promotional and empire oriented police, and their superiors, bad justice ministers, bad politicians  really do not care about the citizens good welfare but only their own”
Hey also now you get unionized and you set up a union to protect the workers from corporate exploitation but even here is is much too easy to exploit the system, it is still only common sense that it is cheaper to buy of a union leader and exploit the workers.. now the same corrupt practice principle applies to legislators, commissions, civil and public servants, regulating bodies,  or what ever.. and this is still why justice often fails, cause some people take bribes….  
Here there are 2 main concerns, issues even related TO ACCIDENTS, DRIVERS
1: The rising alcohol consumption, and the rising taxpayer’s costs of alcohol related sickness, accidents
2: The  still inadequate police, RCMP response to impaired drivers, year around.
Now I have said it for over 3 decades in writing to all too so now call it what you want but police services generally  it is not about public safety, for it is  a self employment, empire  building, a false money grab, revenue generation, hidden taxes..  for if  the cops, the mad RCMP  were now really worried about public safety THEY WOULD FIRSTLY ARREST THEIR OWN KIND, THE BAD COPS WHO OFTEN DRIVE HOME DRUNK AFTER WORK, COMING HOME FROM THE POLICE TAVERN, and they would ALSO FIRSTLY  go after the people who drive reckless, who  fail to stop at the stop signs, or the  traffic stop lights, and go seriously after the impaired drunken drivers, deal with the unsafe cars whose brakes are squealing cause they need to be repaired.. etc. Cops , civil and public servants too often become perverse persons, unacceptable bullies still too. You and I still do not have to accept such crap.
Funny majority  of the accidents still do happen outside of the city but most traffic cops are in the city still too.. 
Paradoxically, despite all the dangers, warnings ,  most people continue to drink beyond safe levels on a weekly basis that is more than 14 units of alcohol for women and 21 units for men. At the heart of this strange contradiction is a false belief, best encapsulated by the former Prime Minister in his introduction to the first national alcohol strategy. In the document, Tony Blair assured readers that “alcohol misuse by a small minority” was responsible for the rising levels of social and health harm. In short, problem drinkers are “other people”, spoiling it for the rest of us. In reality this is not so.. Drinking alcohol  has become too common amongst too many people. There is “no failsafe guide” on staying under the legal alcohol limit. It’s also worrying that motorists are continuing to ignore the drink-drive message.  
 “Reality too many of the binge drinkers., if not already are likely to become hard core alcoholics. The real problem of alcohol misuse was much wider than previously thought   We are drinking more now than we have ever done since before the First World War. We must transform attitudes towards alcohol.   Alcohol, though legal and embedded in our society, is no ordinary commodity. It is very harmful .. never mind the lies, spins,  distortions of the alcohol industries, alcoholics themselves. 
Attitudes To Alcohol Must Change. A health Minister  has called for a change in attitudes towards alcohol by both the public and the drinks industry all year now too. Statistics which show an increase of in the number of people   binge drinking, getting drunk  and that the statistics also show that we still have a long way to deal with this major problem. 81% of people who choose to drink are still exceeding the recommended daily limits. The cost of alcohol misuse to our society is very real. In just over 10 years, there has been a startling 86% increase in the numbers of people dying due to alcohol related harm. “Now, more than ever, we should all be working together to really tackle this issue head on and I believe the drinks industry has a key role to play. Supermarkets in particular sell alcohol far too cheaply. I am extremely disappointed that despite having met with each of the major supermarkets, and received their personal assurances that they take this matter extremely seriously, those words have not as yet translated into meaningful action. “On the contrary, they are flooded with festive drinks promotions that will only encourage people to indulge further in binge drinking. This, in my view, is totally unacceptable.   Action speaks louder than words. On this occasion, profit is being put before public health.”  “The harsh reality is that although alcohol misuse is known to be damaging and harmful to health and well-being, many people still drink to excess. This must change, and in this respect we all have a collective responsibility in tackling this issue – individuals, society, government and the drinks industry alike.” 
 Perhaps the most worrying aspect of all is  the frightening age shift in alcohol use. A generation or two ago, the first experiments with binge drinking were at university or during National Service. The “victims” of those generations who started drinking in their late teens and 20s were perhaps better able to cope with the consequences than 10-14 year-olds today.
 The international evidence is quite clear that the health consequences of alcohol misuse are closely linked to a nation’s total alcohol consumption and the main drivers of this are price and availability. 

For liver disease and other medical conditions, there can be a time lag of 10 or more years from the onset of serious drinking to reaping the consequences. Now we are seeing patients, particularly women, in their 20s with advanced alcoholic liver disease – a real tragedy for their family as well as themselves.” 

Holiday stress, along with getting laid off, has caused too many a person to start drinking heavily and this situation is not unusual.. Sadly when most people think about the upcoming holidays, they think about friends, family, food and good cheer. And for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are still particularly difficult. Financial problems are tough to handle for most people at any time, but they can seem overwhelming during this season of giving. Due to unresolved stress Feelings of loneliness, isolation and despair may also intensify but alcohol and drugs are never the answer still. Unfortunately, your friend’s   Many people turn to alcohol falsely believing that it helps them to relax and to cope with stress and worry. And because many people think that New Year’s Eve and similar occasions must always be celebrated with alcohol, it’s often readily available, providing another excuse to drink. It actually will likely cause more problems, and not effectively deal with the ones still not resolved Many people next tend to go to excess, extremes, and   drinking larger amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of a deadly form of liver damage called cirrhosis, heart disease, some types of cancer and injuries. And even moderate drinking can often have harmful consequences in the wrong setting, such as one should not    drink and drive, and drinking alcohol during a pregnancy may  seriously harm a developing baby. Alcohol dependence, also called alcoholism, often  means that if a person tries to stop or cut back on drinking, he or she may experience anxiety, sweating, trembling, trouble sleeping, nausea and vomiting. Drinking can be risky even for people who aren’t dependent on it. It may seriously still interfere with sleep and productivity, strain close relationships and get in the way of spending time with loved ones. It not only also puts the drinker at risk for becoming alcohol dependent as well as developing alcohol-related health problems. Too many people who really do now suffer from a drinking problem claim still don’t believe that anything is wrong. They faley try to justify that they’re drinking to cope with a particularly stressful time. In their mind, suppposedly the basic stress is the unresolved problem, not the drinking. They say they can stop drinking whenever they want, but they don’t. Two wrongs do nto make one right here too.  Denial is a common obstacle that prevents many people from seeking help.
More alcohol use is a concern for health-care professionals, since it means more deaths, illness, injuries and hospital visits, meaning added strain on the health-care system, and additional cost. “There’s 60 different ways in which alcohol can cause premature death and illness,”  Too many cops are alcoholic themselves these days it seems too. Showing justice and compassion is rightfully prosecuting all of  the guilty alcohol and drug offenders. Now we know that more people have accident due to road rage, impaired driving, driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol  over speeding too and we still do need to review how much time and resources do the police deal with that firstly? ” 
Despite plunging sales in almost every sector, alcohol sales are on the rise in Ontario, British Columbia and in other provinces over last year . If you drive at twice the legal alcohol limit you are at least 30 times more likely to cause a road crash than a driver who hasn’t been drinking. Alcohol abuse is a problem that is expected to become increasingly common as baby boomers, who have been found to drink more than previous generations, reach age 65 and beyond. “A lot of folks over 50 are already dealing with diseases associated with aging and medication use that can result in possible complications and drug interactions. And older people who abuse alcohol are consuming an inordinate amount of calories that can displace important nutrients.” It is just a fact, common sense that  “even at lower levels of consumption, alcohol can be problematic for older people.” “Because of an increased sensitivity to alcohol and decreased tolerance as one ages, lower amounts of alcohol can have a bigger effect,” he said. “Older people get into trouble with doses of alcohol that wouldn’t be a problem with a younger person.” Immoderate consumption of alcohol — more than three drinks a day — can be hazardous for people of all ages, but especially so for the elderly, who reach higher levels of blood alcohol faster and maintain them longer than younger people. And people who  have ailments, like chronic liver disease, or take medications, like psychoactive drugs, that would render any amount of alcohol risky.  Alcohol abuse and alcoholism in aging adults  is “a silent epidemic.”  Many older people pursue drinking patterns established earlier in life and may not realize that continuing to drink the same amount of alcohol as they did when they were younger may place them at risk for health problems.” They all rather should be using diet and exercise to reduce cardiac risk; trying alternative relaxation methods to reduce stress,  exercise more ; and, for those who drink, cutting down on the amount of alcohol consumed by mixing it with water, taking an hour to finish one drink and alternating alcohol with nonalcoholic drinks. Because alcohol consumption is a  too common practice, questions about drinking are necessarily part of a general medical health assessment.”   Health experts  warn  that drinking too much alcohol, too fast can be dangerous.  The Department of Health defines binge drinking as over six to eight units of alcohol in an evening for most adults. Their  unit of alcohol depends on the strength of what you’re drinking.  One unit is half a pint of ordinary strength lager, beer, or cider; a 25 ml measure of spirits; or a 125 ml, small glass of wine. Also children often copy their parents when it comes to their attitudes towards alcohol. All parents can reduce the risk to their children, such as avoiding drinking alcohol on every occasion.  Too many  people   are getting into trouble with alcohol. Potential hazards include an increased risk of falls and vehicular accidents, a decline in short-term memory, a worsening of existing health problems and interactions with medications that may diminish the effectiveness of some drugs and increase the toxic effects of others.
Nearly twice as many liquor stores, relatively cheap booze and a pricing system that effectively discounts drinks with more alcohol are contributing to a rise in hazardous drinking, says B.C.’s provincial health officer. The same is true in Alberta and other provinces. A 2003 study found that 79 per cent of youth in school reported drinking at least once by age 17, and 20 per cent of those reported binge drinking three or more days in the previous month. While booze prices have risen in recent years, they have not kept pace with other consumer goods, a trend likely to continue with more competition among stores. Kendall recommends that pricing should reflect alcohol content, with discounts for low-alcohol alternatives and a price premium for stronger drinks. Current pricing creates “clear price incentives for consumers to choose higher-strength alcohol products in all major beverage classes,” As of 2007, government liquor stores accounted for 39 per cent of B.C. sales, with private stores up to 33 per cent. Bars, clubs and restaurants served most of the remainder. B.C.’s biggest average booze consumption occurs in the Interior Health Authority region, which includes the Okanagan and Kootenay regions, at 11 litres of pure alcohol per person per year. Vancouver Island was second at 10.71 litres, and also had the largest increase, 15.2 per cent between 2002 and 2007. Northern Health region was third at 9.73 litres per person, followed by Vancouver Coastal at 8.61 and Fraser, the lowest at 7.03. The Central Coast region of Vancouver Coastal has the highest consumption in the province, 13.69 litres per person in 2007.
More drunk drivers,  motorists are hitting the sauce before hitting the road this holiday season too. About 1 percent of  the drivers stopped are charged  with impaired driving offences during the generally only one month long  Police province wide drunk drivers check stop campaigns . Sadly there are plenty more drivers who often still do drank like fish  get away during the rest of the year due to the limited number of police officers participating in check stops the rest of the year. We do thus know that very few of the actual people who are impaired and on the roads are caught by police. “The average person who is prepared to drive while impaired will do it about 80 times a year, repeat offenders causing the most problems.” “Drunk drivers are still; not  getting the message, quite frankly, “The average blood-alcohol reading of those charged was .165, twice the legal limit of .08. The highest reading was .25, more than three times the limit, ” The drivers range between 19 and 59 years old. The average age is 35 but a dozen are over 40. (Older drivers) too seem to be more set in their habits and  risk-takers also tend to be   resistant to all education campaigns,” And during the same period over generally ten times more people now are being charged with failing to to wear seatbelts and Highway Traffic Act offences over impaired driving, even though it is drunk drivers,  that causes many of the accidents?  All now still Unsatisfactory.
In 2006, 232 Ontarians were killed in traffic accidents in which alcohol was a factor.  “We’ve had an increased number of impaired driving fatalities in Ontario though we’re still seeing a downward trend in Ontario,” is still not enough policing here.
An Australian study estimates that about half of all traffic accidents in Australia may be due to road rage and most of the others related to alcohol, impaired driving and yet the police falsely tend to pursue revenue generating speeding traffic tickets still and why?   Road rage is a relatively serious act; it can  be seen as a violation of human and property rights , an endangerment of  other’s personal well being, security. 

“Now I recently had called the Police in Toronto to report a crime.  The sergeant I assumed at the other end on the phone, by how he treated me, got the wrong mistake that he was my boss, that  I had to do what he said, and he could order me around, and even lecture me , as the police recordings will show.. and we even got into a disagreement where he had said to me that ” the police were not here to serve the citizens” ..  and I reminded him stil that he was not my boss, nor my superior, nor my doctor, nor my pastor, nor anything else to me, and that I did not call him to get his opinions, advice, to get a lecture, but I had called him to report a crime , and for him next  to get on with taking down the particulars of the crime, such as my name, addreds etc..  clearlyt something that after 15 minutes of trying to lecture me he had firstly had failed to do. Now  I am an old man, retired now  too, and still it it was, inappropriate is too late for Him to  try to lecture or boss me around. “  

“The Canadian Press TORONTO – The head of the Ontario Provincial Police says drivers who crash in bad weather because of their own negligence should have to pay the bill.  Commissioner Julian Fantino will propose absolute liability legislation today under the Highway Traffic Act to hold irresponsible drivers accountable. This essentially means making drivers pay for accidents in which they were driving aggressively in poor weather, not insurance companies  Fantino says at least 40 per cent of crashes are caused because people are going too fast in poor conditions and not paying attention.  He says his proposal targets people “who could care less” about how they are driving when the roads are bad.   Fantino says his proposal mirrors laws currently on the books in almost every state in the U.S.”
A study of the figures in the British Medical Journal showed a  gap between police and hospital data  showed a wide divergence in these figures   said one of the authors of the article, Mike Gill, professor of public health at Surrey University. The Police are known  to lie, and  they try to please their political bosses , to get a raise by generating revenue from traffic tickets too..
Now drivers getting better winter, all season tires would be also a better move.. brakes repaired regularly too. and while automotive  death rates have fallen drastically in the last decade in Canada too , the ubiquitous use of cell phones and BlackBerrys while driving pose a serious danger to drivers and others still too. 
Furthermore I call Commissioner Julian Fantino a liar and I do ask him SPECIFICALLY to prove with Honourable statistics  that at least 40 per cent of the ROAD crashes are caused SOLELY because car drivers, truck drivers  are going too fast in poor road conditions, unrelated to any other factors now too.
We all can play on statistics anyway we want, but let’s us have the whole truth rather  here too.. while
” official statistics showed that only five per cent of crashes are caused by drivers breaking the speed limit. Drivers who let their attention wander cause more than six times as many accidents.” Driver error accounted for 66 per cent of accidents.. and add the road rage, impaired, drunk drivers, bad poorly maintained vehicles to that too .. Most reasonable and reasoning people have seen the folly of speed cameras for decades now too. 
Many people Canada wide do now often complain about still being harassed, bullied by Traffic cops and getting unecessary traffic tickets, especialy it seems in Ontario, Alberta too. Cops are no angels themselves for sure.
 The insurance industry itself too  often sleeps with legislators, cops because it wants to make loads of money by finding out reasons not to pay out as well.. they support traffic tickets even though they do not reduce the car accidents significantly cause it gives more money to the insurance firms,  this is immoral gouging of consumers too often rather too.. now what about having some honest watchdogs and legislators rather. Go after the drunk drivers, raise the price of the booze firstly..
Hey even  many cops are lazy, they also do want to be paid for doing nothing, but merely driving around , speeding too for they get a rush doing this as  I  have often  witnessed it myself. Too bad for them they are paid to work still too. Maybe we can outlaw citizens driving any cars all together that way the cops and legislators too can still  get paid and not have much to do.
 Conservative controlled Swindon Council has decided that it will no longer make it’s contribution towards the cost of speed cameras in Wiltshire, preferring instead to plough it’s £400,000 into real road safety measures.
Like I wrote“  Some cops guilty of reckless policing . So why is that so many police officers go brain dead when assigned to traffic duty? Answer me that.  Case in point: Last week while testing a bunch of different motorcycles in Vancouver – read about it Thursday in Globe Auto – I was shocked to see a cop jump out into the middle of traffic. He was waving down two cars for allegedly speeding.   I was riding in the opposite direction and what I saw so shocked me, I almost turned around to give the pink-vested cop a piece of my mind. What he did was reckless and endangered not only himself but other drivers.  As for the people he pulled over, they might have been speeding, but if they were it wasn’t by much. We’re not talking street racing here, folks. Not possible in the middle of a busy workday morning in a crowded city like Vancouver.  This was all bout revenue collection, not safety. What the cop did was, in fact, anything but safe.   The next day, returning from Whistler down the Sea-to-Sky highway, I witnessed another piece of brilliant police work. At the bottom of a long, straight downhill stretch near a place called Lions Bay, the cops had set up another speed trap.  The posted limit there is 80 km/hour. It’s pretty easy to slide past 90 km/hour on that bit of downhill, but it is so straight and so wide open, with two lanes in either direction, well, going a bit past the limit does not in any way pose a danger to society.  No, I was not nabbed there; I know it’s a likely trap and always watch my speed. Others were nailed, though. They all looked like normal middle class folks to me. No obvious criminals, no reckless lunatics at all.  Again, this speed trap was obviously about revenue collection, not public safety.   My advice to anyone caught in an absurd speed trap is to fight it. I did and won my case in July. I had been pulled over more than a year ago for allegedly speeding on a Sunday afternoon. I argued with the cop that I was not speeding, that we were just two middle-aged guys going to play golf, driving along in the most modest of family sedans.    And then I said I’d see him in court. Which I did.  Two cops showed up, one of them a detective who had been doing traffic duty the year before. He was the witness. The other acted as prosecutor.    I acted in my own defense. When the judge asked me if I had any courtroom experience, I replied: “Only what I’ve seen on Law and Order.” He laughed and so did the gallery, though the two policemen remained stone-faced.   Long story short, the two cops were an embarrassment. They failed to present evidence properly and the judge was unhappy that they appeared to be discussing their testimony outside the courtroom during a break in the proceedings.   In the end the judge – who was not at all sympathetic to their plight — said the policemen had made a major blunder in presenting evidence. He told me he’d dismiss the case if I made the request.  I did. Case dismissed. The incompetence of the police was not rewarded.   Like any sensible person, I am all for safe driving. But when the police set up speed traps only to collect revenue, then I see it as my civic duty to do what I can to discourage them.   If nothing else, I hope we’ll see fewer police officers with their brains turned off, playing in traffic “
Even Premier Dalton McGuinty at it again?
Premier Dalton McGuinty says he won’t be forcing Ontario motorists to use snow tires during the winter.  not following the lead of Quebec, which introduced mandatory snow tire legislation.. so he uses another back door.. that will costs the citizens a lot more money… liability legislation today under the Highway Traffic Act to hold the supposedly irresponsible drivers accountable,, Shortage of governmental money means rather  another hidden Ontario tax too.
Red faced “Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty says his government erred when it tried to put heavy limitations on young drivers. Every once in a while you step in it,” McGuinty told reporters Tuesday. “We clearly overreached ourselves.” The McGuinty-led Liberals tabled legislation last month that would have prohibited teen drivers from having more than one passenger under the age of 20. Family members were exempted as passengers. The legislation included other measures targeting inexperienced drivers, such as automatic licence suspensions for speeding offences and a zero blood-alcohol limit for all motorists aged 21 and under. It was the measure restricting passengers, however, that prompted an overwhelming backlash. A Facebook group protesting the action attracted nearly 150,000 members.”
Ontario backs off restrictions for young drivers
Toronto Star,  Canada – 8 Dec 2008
Last month, the province introduced legislation designed to reduce the number of accidents involving young drivers by limiting drivers 19 and under with a …
Premier stepped ‘in it’ on young drivers Windsor Star
McGuinty admits mistake in new driver restrictions
Ontario backs off passenger restrictions for young motorists The Canadian Press
[here] – Imprint
all 132 news articles »
Premier treads carefully
Windsor Star,  Canada – 19 Dec 2008
That’s something Ontario’s Liberal government doesn’t always do — whether it comes to smoking bans or rules for young drivers. Quebecers, meanwhile, face a …
• Province must fix assessment errors Waterloo Record
Ontario won’t mandate use of winter tires
all 397 news articles »

“4. Don’t Believe the Police. It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to get you to make an admission. LIES!!!!”  

 BONNYVILLE, Alta. – Alberta needs tougher drunk-driving laws to cut down on fatal accidents on the province’s highways, says an official with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
“Alberta has refused to move on very strategic legislative initiatives that most of the other provinces have moved on,” Andrew Murie, chief executive of the agency, said Friday.
He recently met with the province’s solicitor general, but said there seems to be little appetite in Alberta to adopt stricter measures.
Impaired driving is being investigated by police as a possible factor in two collisions this week that killed several family members.
In the latest crash late Thursday night, a man, his common-law wife and her two daughters died when their car collided head-on with a pickup truck on a rural highway in northeastern Alberta.
Ivan Charles Paul, 51; Frances (Stella) Yvonne Gadwa, 35; Alexis Josephine Gadwa, 15; and Sarah Margaret Gadwa, 14, were all from the Kehewin Cree Nation near Bonnyville.
The pickup’s driver, a 42-year-old man from Bonnyville, was taken to hospital to be treated for non-life threatening injuries.
Another collision in southern Alberta earlier this week killed five people, including a man and his three young children. The truck they were in collided with a backhoe and both vehicles rolled into the ditch. The truck was filled with beer cans.
Murie said Alberta needs to combine public awareness campaigns with stricter laws to crack down on drinking and driving.
Some provinces such as Ontario and Prince Edward Island give lengthy roadside suspensions for drivers who blow more than .05, even though under the Criminal Code the legal limit is .08, Murie said.
“What happens is, you lose your licence, and, it depends on which province, (it’s) a minimum of three days up to seven days, right on the spot. There’s no criminal proceedings with it.”
“They have made incredible inroads … it makes the public much more accountable before they get behind the wheel of the car when they’ve been drinking.”
Drivers who’ve received their first impaired driving conviction in Alberta should be required to have special equipment in their vehicle, which doesn’t allow the ignition to work if they don’t pass a breathalyzer attached to the car, Murie said.
Those regulations in British Columbia have saved lives, Murie said.
“Right now in Alberta, it’s not mandatory until you’ve been charged twice. Why do you get a free ride when you have technology that stops people from drinking and driving?”
No one from the Alberta government could immediately be reached for comment.
According to figures from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, of the more than 3,000 people killed in collisions across Canada in 2006, at least 1,278 involved impaired driving.
According to statistics compiled by RCMP in Alberta, there have been 28 fatal collisions so far this month – with 13 deaths in just the past few days alone.
Fifteen of those collisions may have involved drugs or alcohol.
The number of impaired driving-related collisions has stayed steady for the last few years in Alberta, something that is of concern for Insp. James Stiles, the officer in charge of traffic services for the RCMP.
“Over 400 people are killed on Alberta’s highways every year for a variety of causes. But a significant contributing factor to that is people who continue to drink and drive and put everyone at risk on the highways, including themselves,” he said.
Police and community agencies have hammered home the anti-drinking and driving message so Stiles isn’t sure why the number of impaired driving-related collisions isn’t dropping.
Alcohol is a contributing factor in 26 per cent of fatal collisions in Alberta, Stiles noted.
“They’re not just numbers, those are families that are affected forever. In some cases we have seen virtually immediate families almost wiped out in one collision,” he said.
Louise Knox, 42, of Spruce Grove, Alta., knows what it’s like to have her world shattered by a drunk driver. In fact, it’s happened to her family three times.
In 1999, her son Mike was killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver near St. Paul, Alta., northeast of Edmonton.
In 2007, her youngest son Eric, who was just 17 at the time, was in a vehicle being driven by a drunk driver. The vehicle rolled, killing a young man who was a passenger. Earlier this year, the driver received a four-year jail sentence after being convicted of impaired driving causing death but will be eligible for parole in September.
That same year, Knox was sitting at a stoplight in Edmonton when her vehicle and several others were sideswiped by an impaired driver, who then fled. Several of the drivers, including Knox, followed him until police could apprehend him. The driver was sentenced to a one-year jail term.
She said her heart goes out to the families in Alberta who’ve lost so many loved ones in collisions this week – collisions that were completely preventable, in her opinion.
Drunk drivers are staying behind the wheel because they’re not taking responsibility for their behaviour and not being caught, despite the best efforts of police, Knox said.
“It’s like Russian roulette. One of these times you’re going to get caught. Hopefully it’s a police officer that’s pulled you over, it’s not because you’ve crashed into somebody,” she said.


“Even so, snow tires are still a wise choice for motorists in southern Ontario, too. However, a snow tire is no surety against the repercussions of reckless or dangerous driving. And that’s the key thing.   More often than not, vehicular collisions on winter roads aren’t caused by the lack of snow tires on a vehicle. It’s (ALSO NOT ) caused by motorists who are driving too fast or not accordingly to the conditions.  This is also what Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino (FALSELY) touched upon this week when he urged the government to increase fines and demerit points for drivers speeding in bad weather conditions – whether it’s snow, heavy rain or thick fog.  Fantino’s pitch came on the heels of a weekend that saw provincial police officers respond to more than 3,000 collisions as large swaths of the province were walloped by two snowstorms. At least 40% of crashes are caused by speeding in poor conditions and not paying attention, Fantino said. (His  unofficial, unreliable statistics, remark NOW  refers to a small period of accidents and not RATHER  the  true statistics for the whole year firstly  since most accidents are caused by rage, impaired driving, poor drivers, vehciles and driver errors). The Highway Traffic Act already has provisions and penalties for speeding and careless driving. Do we really need another section in the Act that specifically addresses bad driving in poor weather?  No, we don’t.  What we do need is the strict enforcement of existing traffic laws – not just about speeding but also signaling turns and taking the proper precautions before changing lanes.”

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 12:13 PM
Subject: RE: So the Cops and others still lie too

Thank you for your email.  Looks like a gift to private insurance companies.


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