The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

December 31, 2009

PM Stephen Harper wastes taxpayer’s money again and again.


 Liberal Party radio and print ads say Prime Minister Stephen Harper has “something to hide” and that’s why he decided to shut down Parliament.  Harper government draws fire for suspending Parliament  and how many times have I rightfully said that the Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s managerial skills are one step forward and two steps backwards, and I can always count on him to shoot himself and his party in the foot.  PM Stephen  Harper has to shut down Parliament costing us taxpayers their salary while they are on vacation because he says he needs to think about what to do next, clearly his leadership is  unsatisfactory. Some of the Conservative MPs have given different reasons than “resetting the agenda” – from needing a majority to senate to needing the time off to spend at the Olympics. Their Boss the PM keeps them in the dark too cause he does not trust them now as well to do the right thing so he also gives them time off from work. Everyone needs to go to work tomorrow and tell their boss that they need 2 months vacation time to set your own work schedule for the next year…. and there would be no wonder as to what your boss would say.. he would give you the pink slip.. fire you. FIRE  HARPER  RIGHTFULLY NOW TOO.


Vent outrage at your local MP Toronto Star –  People are asking what they can do to counter Stephen Harper’s decision to suspend Parliament. … Demand instead that he or she vote against the government when Parliament resumes in March and bring Harper down.

Linda Harris is unimpressed with Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s move to prorogue Parliament. Harris is one of 64,000 individuals who have joined a group on the Internet social networking site Facebook protesting the move and urging MPs to return to work as scheduled.The page, entitled Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament, started Dec. 30 and has gained nation-wide attention with thousands joining each day.

Proroguing is for children (and Stephen Harper) Globe and Mail We elect these men and women to travel to Ottawa and represent us in the House of Commons. Our Parliament has been suspended for no other reason than the Prime Minister simply can’t be bothered with the relentless checks and balances that democracy affords us. He doesn’t want to have to stand in the House of Commons and hear anyone question him on any subject. The problem is, he is the one who appointed cabinet and like it or not, they are supposed to be accountable. A minister’s job is not to hide in his or her riding; it is to be accountable in Ottawa – or at least that was the promise.   This Prime Minister has gone from the promise of an open, accessible and accountable government to a government that is simply closed.

‘They’re not fooling anyone’ Globe and Mail –  If it had been just another Wednesday afternoon, Stephen Harper’s decision to prorogue Parliament until the beginning of March would … Le Devoir, Manon Cornellier agreed that although “Mr. Harper has not broken any rules, [….] he nevertheless has shown a disregard for our democratic institutions.” Ms. Cornellier called Mr. Harper’s decision to shut down Parliament an attempt to avoid having to submit to the “constraints of democracy.” She accused the Prime Minister of trying to avoid “such disagreeable tasks as being accountable and transparent, and respecting the will of the majority of parliament.” Ms. Cornellier went on to contend that, if Canadians read an article about the leader of another country behaving in a similar manner, “we would conclude that the country was an autocratic state or a banana republic.”


Opposition parties object to postponement of Parliament for 2 months The Gazette (Montreal) Prime Minister Stephen Harper has decided to shut down Parliament for two months, a move swiftly condemned by opposition parties as a way to halt investigations into the torture of Afghan detainees. Bloc Quebecois house leader Michel Guimond said Harper had no legitimate reason to suspend Parliament and the decision constitutes an affront to democracy.


 Readers upset with Harper government’s decision to prorogue Parliament Daily Gleaner With Harper proroguing the government for two years in a row, there is little doubt the Canadian taxpayer has paid a whole year of salaries and incidental costs for a Canadian government and a Canadian Senate which has essentially accomplished nothing.Or maybe better said, anything which was accomplished was just wiped out by Stephen Harper with the closing of government.

National Post – Toronto Sun
 Eroding democracy Hamilton Spectator – There is no doubt the Stephen Harper government’s strategic move to prorogue Parliament until after the Olympics is nothing short of self-serving. It is not about what is good for Canada, for democracy, or even for the Olympics. It is only about what Harper has decided is good for his federal Tories. Even sober second thought cannot cast a positive light on his decision to interfere with democracy
“Parliament shutdown wasteful, undemocratic   January 3, 2010   I urge all MPs to return to work on the scheduled date of Jan. 25. If the doors are locked, march right down to Rideau Hall and demand access to Parliament. This is our house. The Harper Conservatives are in defiance of the law. They seek to shut down Parliament to suppress information needed by the parliamentary committee to get to the truth behind the torture of Afghan citizens. They accuse anyone who seeks this information of failure to support the troops. No one has accused the troops of anything. Accused are Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay and other political figures. All of the work currently pending in Parliament will be lost. That means we just paid top dollar for the “best and brightest” to accomplish nothing — all so Harper can attend the Olympics and no one can ask questions about the degradation of our democracy, the continued concentration of power in the Prime Minister’s Office, the corruption of the RCMP and the throttling of freedom of information. Kim Poirier Victoria”

“It’s almost despotic,” Tories trying to ‘shut down democracy,’ “Three times in three years and twice within one year, the prime minister takes this extraordinary step to muzzle Parliament. This time it’s a cover-up of what the Conservatives knew, and when they knew it, about torture in Afghanistan. So their solution is not to answer the questions but, rather, to padlock Parliament and shut down democracy.” Liberal MP Goodale says.. What a bunch of manipulative cowards.  Proroguing parliament until March? Unbelievable and certainly not in the interest of the country. But since when did this government do anything in the interest of the country? They only look out for themselves and their friends in high places (i.e. big business). Harper He is over due for a permanent Vacation.  He makes the mere mention of the word Democracy sound dirty.



For the second time in 12 months, Stephen Harper is successfully brushing aside an inconvenient, embarrassing opposition  Parliament. Last year it was suspended to save his government from the almost certain coalition defeat. Now it’s to provide paid view of  the winter games, the  Vancouver Olympics but more  basically   to obstruct the further parliamentary probing of the very politically damaging Afghanistan prisoner abuse. The Prime Minister won’t be facing those very  awkward questions anytime soon.

Harper simply telephoned his own puppet, the person he hired, the pretentious Governor-General Michaëlle Jean with his next granted prorogue request and so our  Parliament will be closed for much of 2010’s first quarter, proving that Harper’s  own standards of parliamentary  accountability and democracy are a big, unacceptable sham too……

Canada’s minority government Prime Minister Stephen Harper is too happy to play games with the taxpayer’s money and Parliament, for while he now shuts down the opposition for a few months again, note this they all still do get paid, for restaurants, their travelling, their too  often phony expenses..

and imagine that  free  all paid vacations 5 months  happening next  in the private sector too? Never you say? Why do you all allow it in Ottawa then?

Grassroots fury greets shuttered Parliament Toronto Star -OTTAWA–Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to shut down Parliament for the next two months is facing a growing public uprising, which is building on social networks across Canada and is set to spill over in dozens of protest rallies this month.

20000 join anti-prorogation Facebook group

Prorogation won’t halt bill to scrap gun registry

Globe and Mail – The Barrie Examiner – The Gateway Online – Cape Breton Post

Prorogue ‘slap in the face’: Rudd Belleville Intelligencer – The Liberal candidate running in Quinte West in the next federal election has slammed a move by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to prorogue Parliament until March.

NDP slams Parliament suspension Peterborough Examiner

Harper’s way a ‘dark way’ Orillia Packet & Times

Edmonton Sun – Toronto Star – The Canadian Press – Sault Star

Harper prorogues Parliament, Canadians sigh –  Amidst crumpled wrapping paper, Christmas pudding and stocking stuffers, Prime Minister Stephen Harper pulled his very own Christmas cracker on Canadians …


‘Should the PM have the Power of Kings?’ – MP Hyer  Net Newsledger  In what is becoming an annual tradition, Stephen Harper has chosen to unilaterally prorogue (suspend) Parliament until March. …


This prime minister is thoroughly partisan  The Kingston Whig-Standard –  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s unprecedented action in proroguing Parliament for the second time in a year means that some 35 pieces of pending legislation …


Used, abused and confused: jargon ’09  Edmonton Sun  “Prorogue” was forced into Canadians’ consciousness 12 months ago, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper had to force Parliament to take a time out for having …


Critics say anger is growing over PM’s ‘imperial’ style Toronto Star –  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to once again suspend Parliament is being regarded by critics as a self-serving attempt to sidestep opposition …


Travers: Stephen Harper’s dark democracy creates dangerous legacy  Toronto Star –  Stephen Harper understood that in opposition. As a Reformer he preached the gospel of parliamentary primacy. As a Conservative leader using memories of …


Harper undermining democracy at home Victoria Times Colonist We Canadians have spent billions bringing democracy to Afghanistan. When we asked our elected representatives to make inquiries as to exactly what was going on in Afghanistan, Stephen Harper closed Parliament. What sort of democracy is this? Harper was so contemptuous of Parliament that he stopped his MPs from even attending the committee struck to enquire about the treatment of Afghan citizens after Canadian troops handed them over to Afghan authorities. Now he has closed Parliament to stop the truth emerging. This is our country, not his private club.


Only you can stop the political plunge Victoria Times Colonist –  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to shut down Parliament for his own partisan convenience — no more nasty questions about Afghan detainees, no more challenges from a “Liberal-dominated Senate” — is shocking, but hardly surprising. It is an expression of this prime minister’s contempt not just for Parliament, but for government. So much for those urgent Tory crime measures that will die on the order paper; so much for an adult debate on the deficit, or pension reform or Afghanistan after 2011.


Will public stand for parliamentary holiday? Burnaby Now –  There’s already a perception that work in Ottawa happens at a snail’s pace, and, after last year’s prorogation to avoid a non-confidence vote, it’s looking more and more like Harper makes decisions about Parliament based on what works best for him, not for Canada. Slipping this decision in over the holiday – when many Canadians are too busy travelling or celebrating to pay much attention to the news – may have avoided some public consternation over the delay. But as the rest of the country gets back to business, the question is now being raised: Why aren’t our MPs back at work, too?


Suspending Parliament ‘deplorable’: Julian  Burnaby Now – “This is the fourth time he has shut down Parliament in four years. He seems to have a casual disregard for the work of Parliament, and the reality is he’s now killing 35 government bills in doing this,”


December 27, 2009

top Subjects read by my readers 2009


Actual  top Subjects read by my readers this year.. in order..
1 Divorce And Remarriage In The Christian  Church 
2 CRTC’s Farcical hearings on Internet speed 
3 2009 CANADIAN Political EDITORIAL -Politicians performances
4 l care.. CANADIAN HEALTH CARE issues
5 Canada’s oil sands  – Environmental
6 Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Church Lawsuit
7 QUEBEC the second largest PROVINCE in Canada
8 Christian and Missionary Alliance Corporation. PM Church
9 It is getting worse for the RCMP,  RCMP ALCOHOLICS
10 swine flu – influenza A (H1N1) 
11 Speeding is not the major cause of car accidents
12 Basic Contract law related to cell phones, ISP, bad Bell
14 Skype, Magic Jack
15 Drunk driving arrests -Canada wide
16 Canadian  2009 Federal Budget- Recession  
17 Provincial Liberals no better over the Conservative
18  Stephen Harper, Conservative liars
The Canadian News Headlines  Selection of top stories below now differs from my own real site statistics. My statistics are more accurate over mere Canadian Press polls too. I have thousands of readers. And why DOES  THE Canadian Press survey AND THEIR SELECTION  DIFFER SO MUCH FROM MY SITE STATISTICS? THE Canadian Press survey It was, is just a personal survey OF EDITORS and not actual facts, or real statistics   still.. No wonder many people believe many of the big news media in Canada have lost credibility and they do not buy now their newspapers, or watch their TV news..  and why so many news media are facing great finiancial  losses too.
H1N1 flu virus voted top news story of 2009 in Canadian Press survey  was number ten on my site.  The Canadian Press  TORONTO – An influenza virus that scientists believe migrated from pigs to people before touching off a global pandemic was the runaway selection for the top Canadian news story of 2009. The H1N1 virus was chosen by 70 per cent of the newspaper editors and broadcast news directors in the annual year-end survey of newsrooms conducted by The Canadian Press.    “There isn’t a Canadian out there who isn’t affected by or interested in the virus and how it may affect their families,” said Sandy Heimlich-Hall, assistant news director at CFJC-TV in Kamloops, B.C.    “It was a coast-to-coast story that people followed with interest no matter where they lived in Canada,” agreed Lesley Sheppard, managing editor of the Moose Jaw Times-Herald, in Moose Jaw, Sask.   H1N1, also known as swine flu, was the runaway pick as the issue that made the most headlines over the last year.
The inquiry into the tragic death of Robert Dziekanski, who died after being Tasered by RCMP officers at Vancouver International Airport, came a distant second with just nine per cent of the vote. But it got a lot of negative emotional reaction against the RCMP and the real, negative Consequences are still going to be felt for a lifetime too

Overall Results of the annual survey of newspaper editors and broadcasters conducted by The Canadian Press to determine Canada’s top news story of the year for 2009:

– H1N1 (swine) flu: 70 per cent

– Dziekanski inquiry: 9 per cent

– Afghanistan mission: 7 per cent

– Economy bounces back: 6 per cent

– Corruption in Montreal: 3 per cent

– Liberal party woes: 2 per cent

– NHL off-ice battles, Obama visits Canada, Olympic fever, Vancouver gang wars: all less than 1 per cent 

There are  other stories that seriously caught the a significant amount of Canadian’s interest though since my own site statistics show it too. Understandably   the mostly upper, middle class news editors tend to be out of touch with a lot of the majority poor Canadian’s concerns..

– The Conservative federal Budget and what it was doing specifically to help the unemployed..

– The CRTC hearing on Bell throttling the internet speeds.. This was the second most popular topic read on my sites.

– Divorce in the Christian Church.. was by far the most popular topic read on my sites.

– The New Entries into the Canadian Cell phone market and cell texting rip offs, related new laws

– Canada wide  Police abuse, Corruptions and the realted too often useless internal reviews

– Health care inadequacies, Shit diseases, Food poisonings, Food recall

– Equal pay for women now too


– the Ontario and BC tax grabs.. condemned by many as the biggest cash grab in the province’s history, the harmonized sales tax

– Quebec buying out New Brunswick hydro..

– The Alberta recession and the electric transmission upgrades too.

– Suspension of freedom of speech in BC during the winter Olympics

-“The Treatment of Canadians Abroad Suaad Hagi Mohamud’s despicable treatment by the Canadian High Commission in Kenya was in the headlines for weeks. When asked what Canada was doing to secure Mohamud’s return, Harper admitted that he had only recently learned about Mohamud’s case.”

“Harper’s Patronage Appointments For a man who has long expressed loathing toward patronage, Harper seems to actually delight in appointing Conservative Party apparatchiks. In 2008, Harper made at least 148 party faithful appointments to federal boards and agencies. In 2009, he continued to reward friends and insiders and even upped the ante. In November 2009, the Liberals revealed that since Harper was re-elected, he appointed 233 “former Tory MPs, cabinet ministers, campaign workers, past candidates and top donors…to the Senate, courts and government boards and agencies…” This year, Harper appointed another nine Conservative Senators (he appointed 18 Conservative Senators last December), including his former campaign chair (Doug Finley, husband of Conservative cabinet minister Diane Finley), a communications assistant (Carolyn Stewart-Olsen) and the president of the Conservative Party of Canada (Don Plett). Since December 2008, Harper has appointed 27 Senators; the most appointments in one year by any Canadian Prime Minister. Impressive for a man who once thundered: “They are ashamed the Prime Minister continues the disgraceful, undemocratic appointment of undemocratic Liberals to the undemocratic Senate to pass all too often undemocratic legislation.” (Stephen Harper, Hansard, March 7, 1996).”

“Torture of Afghan Detainees Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin testified that Canadian soldiers handed over Afghan detainees to be tortured, the Conservatives launched into personal attacks on Colvin. The Harper government next falsey smared  Colvin and denied the charges, plyus it firthermore suspended parliamentary hearings into detainee abuse (worth mentioning: Colvin states that most detainees were innocent) and had ignored a special order of Parliament to release uncensored documents pertaining to the transfer of detainees.  The Opposition MPs and commenta­tors  think Stephen Harper should fire Peter MacKay as de­fence minister for his handling of the Afghan detainee issue, but senior Tories say Mr. MacKay can relax. He’s not going to be fired,” for Stephen Harper does not apply accountability to how own. Harper needs a liar he can trust to do his dirty work


Funny but deliberate spelling mistakes and poor grammar are proven undeniable techniques to get many a readers attention and response now too.. over a politically correct, perfect grammar presentation often too.


I daily have read many news presentations and have tried to present The most accurate accounts of key, critical Canadian issues, events.. As many Canadians do also know what has too often passed on as journalism in Canada in the last year has been too often unacceptably more spins, lies, distortions, contradictory presentations and unsupported  facts, very unprofessional now too,  where different news media  media often do differ significantly in their accounts of the same event.. Just cause someone is being quoted as saying something does not make their statement a  valid truth even. A good example of this was the issue of speeding and car accidents. For a long time the news reporters in Canada were falsely quoting the police in saying that an accident was caused by speeding, when we all can know that in the majority of cases speeding is not the main cause of accidents, but rather impaired, drunken driving is the most significant factor still even Canada wide.
ANOTHER GOOD recent EXAMPLE OF FALSE SENSATIONALIZING NEW Reporting was when some some reporters tried to make a big issue over BlackBerry Users Suffer Two Outages in a Week  neglecting at the same time falsely to also now mention to all that  that in Canada Bell’s iphones, email system was also affected, and Bell’s internet services were greatly reduced..
Then you can clearly note how the various  news media do  differ on the subject of recession, Real estate and also the stock market. One news media says the recession is over and another one at the same time says it is still ongoing.. One must be a Conservative biased news media, and the other one a Liberal one. One news media says it is good time to buy a home, and others say it is dangerous, a wrong time to buy a home.. and similarly one says it is a good time to invest in the stock market and another one says it is a bad time.. of course realtors, stock brokers, loan managers, always say it is a good time to buy for that is how they make their money, even by lying, conning people to buy.
and who can you really believe these days still seems to be the main question, issue here too.
In passing the subjects surrounding   Israel and Arabs clearly still does not generate much Canadian interest..

December 26, 2009

Canadian-editorial-cartoons VI

Give them an inch and the crooks next take a mile, including bad pastors, bad civil and public servants, bad business persons, bad professionals. Now Health care, Justice, Police, Consumers affairs, are the last places I accept any of their wrong doings quietly now as well.

Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that generally most people still are not to be trusted, they always do need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, amongst professionals and politicians as well. Here is what I know for sure in Canada that the proper policing, management , supervision human rights commissions are a real fact of life, in our society, in schools, life, in churches, governments, commerce, institutions, civil and public services, professional services too, and elsewhere, even on the net, for you will always have those 30 percent at least of the persons who will try to cheat, lie , steal, bend the rules, falsely believe they are above the laws. Self regulation alone is too often pretentious, farcical, often not applied as well. That applies especially to the professionals, civil and public services, police, municipalities, politicians, pastors now as well.

for more see cartoons

December 23, 2009

about time that a Life sentence in Jail meant a life time in Jail.


I am really rightfully still no fan of the too often pretentious, inadequate Canadian Courts and the related bad, often lying Attorney generals, Solicitor Generals as well
I continue to be amazed that almost no one any more is being prosecuted for perjury, lying to or  in the courts, It is like the judges themselves  know that even the judges and lawyers are liars too often themselves and if they prosecute the other liars they next would have to deal with themselves as well.
It is also really  about time that a Life sentence in Jail meant a  a life time in Jail. Most of us already seem to know that to many Judges are too lenient on the real criminals, those persons  guilty of rape, sexual and physical abuses, robbery, major tax evasion, violence, and major economic, white collared crimes too.. All the convicted the criminals should pay back all they now have stolen as well, yes they should be deprived of any keeping any of the benefits of their wrong doings too.
It is also time that all bad, crooked cops now also get what they really do deserve, real punishment, job dismissal as well
It seems very perverse too that  the only courts that are efficient and do not hesitate to prosecuted, punish the accused offenders are the revenue generating traffic tickets courts.

It is an undeniable historical  fact of life that if you try to tell the bad people what they do not want to hear, or what they do not want others to know they next often will try to suppress your right of free speech, by any means, by your false oppression now as well, and that yes includes crooked persons, bad cops, bad politicians, bad elders, bad pastors.. even in a democracy. 

December 22, 2009

Supreme Court creates new public interest Free Speech, libel defence for press and bloggers


I am glad you have agreed that the Charter of right forbids personal discrimination and allows any person to write to any news editor and to any elected official any concerns, but yes you all do still have the right not to read the material and the right to  delete it. If you as a news editor or a politician do not want to receive any emails from others still , please do take your name off the internet, and do stop asking people to contact you, to write to you.. and no one can bother you. Well at least next you cannot say before God you were not warned, did not receive the material too.  And yeah I do get rightfully upset when the Hypocrites, Pastors, Church Elders, Catholics, Evangelicals, Protestants, News editors, Jews, Conservatives, red necks, liberals, bad guys, bad cops too now  want the courts to insure their rigth of free speech protected but they do not allow other people the same right , a too common Canadian event still too..
Supreme Court creates new public interest libel defence for press and bloggers  OTTAWA – The Supreme Court of Canada offered journalists and bloggers a new defence against libel Tuesday in a pair of rulings that were hailed as a landmark victory for free speech.  The rulings effectively exonerated the Toronto Star and Ottawa Citizen newspapers and created the new “responsible journalism” defence that will give reporters more leeway to pursue controversial stories as long as they are deemed to be in the public interest.  Media lawyers hailed the creation of the new defence as a major step towards reducing so-called libel chill, which prompts journalists to back away from contentious stories for fear of being sued, often by powerful interests with deep pockets to pay their lawyers.  The rulings also saved the two newspapers from paying out more than $1.5 million in damages, including $1 million for punitive damages against the Star, one of the largest such awards in Canadian libel history.  The Star story in question was about controversial plans for a golf course, while the Citizen’s articles scrutinized the activities of a former police officer.  The rulings mean journalists can make factual errors, but as long as they take a series of steps to ensure fairness in stories that are deemed to be in the public interest, they cannot be successfully sued for libel.  Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, writing for the unanimous 9-0 court, said the existing libel defences were too restrictive and contrary to the free expression guarantees in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  “To insist on court-established certainty in reporting on matters of public interest may have the effect not only of preventing communication of facts which a reasonable person would accept as reliable and which are relevant and important to public debate, but also of inhibiting political discourse and debate on matters of public importance, and impeding the cut and thrust of discussion necessary to discovery of the truth.”  The rulings were hailed by media lawyers and journalism organizations as a major step towards modernizing Canada’s archaic defamation law, bringing it in line with other jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and Australia.  A broad coalition of organizations, including PEN Canada, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the CBC, the Globe and Mail newspaper and others supported the high court appeal by the Star and the Citizen.  “It’s probably the most important decision the Supreme Court’s ever decided on the law of libel. It modernizes our laws to better reflect freedom of speech and that’s in the public interest,” said Paul Schabas, the Star lawyer, who represented the newspaper in the defamation case brought by Ontario businessman Peter Grant.  “It means that the media and anybody else who’s acting responsibly can put something out for public debate and not be chilled because they can’t ultimately prove that it’s true in a court of law years later.”  “There’s now room been made under the Charter of Rights for freedom of expression, that if you don’t prove every fact true in a court of law there’s still room that your public interest story, done responsibly, is protected and you can’t get sued for libel,”  Dearden. 
 Good news: Adults diagnosed with diabetes in Ontario are living longer as death rates have fallen by more than 30% in the last decade, a study shows.
Bad News: Nurse shortage hits St. Amant Centre  in Winnipeg, and many other places still?
Here is some more free speech of mine…
In accordance with my rights of free speech too … Anyone who has read my blogs I rightfully still do not give an unconditional support for Israel’s past, present, future actions or reactions and I am not an anti Semite and you can tell that to Prime Minister Stephen Harper now too
What about the CANADIAN charter right OF FREE SPEECH, to speak, to be heard in reality include  now all Canadians and not JUST  the selected few.
(Titus 2:15 KJV)  These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
Jason Bain I find it strange that 1 or 2 person alone of the thousands of email I send to all the major news editors, provincial members of the legislatures object to receiving email that they had asked others to write to them.. I often conclude they now rather are lazy, pretentious, control freaks or have some other issues that I too would be glad to fully discuss and help them now freely too..
(1 Cor 14:29 KJV)  Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
(Col 3:15 KJV)  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, 

I know that a minority group wants LIKES to talk and be heard all the time, like the Toronto Star, and a few others, such as the National Post, Global, CTV, even the CBC, .. and when you write a letter to them they even often ask you not to write back to them, they do not want it or appreciate others  USING THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH..

It has always confounded me as to why the crooks, abusers  too often do still do think they can get away with now, next and forever.  Unlawful use of authority, obstruction of justice, home visits, bullying, false intimidations  by even the politician’s watch dogs, the cops  is nothing new to me.
I have been often bluntly truthful , even that while 70 percent of the citizens are average good people, 30 percent are liars, thugs, criminals and you can find them at work, school, hospitals, real estate, police stations, politics, churches too, and these bad people they do belong in jail, jail is what they deserve. I myself have often been threatened by lawsuits from clearly bad or crooked bad Corporations like Bell, Royal LePage, and falsely intimated by even bad  cops, RCMP, and even politically biased  news editors, as well as bad church pastors…
While God loves all of his children equally and fairly and does not show partiality, Stephen Harper the evangelical, as we  all should know by now he does not, he discriminates and shows false partiality. Cause he really is still a phony Christian
I have to say there so many hypocrites in Canada.. the major media deleted the bloggers personal comment about a Gay Mp.. so much for free speech in Canada.. Gays want acceptance, THEIR RIGHT TO SPEAK AND TO B HEARD NOW AS WELL  but they and the news editors, news media do not allow other person’s free speech? Such hypocrisy

December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New year

A very Merry Christmas amd a Happy New Year is my wish for each and everyone of you.
 PS for all you RCMP fans


Wishing for Peace on earth still too.


Don’t drink and walk, doctor urges  Metro Canada – Toronto –  Alcohol impairs many of the faculties that normally keep you safe, says trauma surgeon Dr. Thomas Esposito at Loyola University in Chicago. So do not do also  the bad drugs now too.. they life you are  saving now is even your own. And stop killing your brain cells now too..


 Chrismas Wine list long, but beer offerings slim at Canadian Embassy in Washington – Yahoo! Canada News  The Canadian Press  WASHINGTON – Canada has a reputation for producing a wide variety of excellent beers, but tipplers visiting the Canadian Embassy had just three choices of brews recently – Molson Canadian, Alexander Keith’s Ale or Blue Light,   the gleaming embassy on iconic Pennsylvania Avenue offers up a long list of Canadian wines to visitors, among them pinot noirs, merlots, Gewurztraminers and rieslings from an array of vineyards across the country.
Kind of foolish encouraging people to become alcoholics at taxpayers expense, for while a few corporations will get richer in the process, the Canadian government will not, cause the costs due to job dismissals and related tax losses, Medicare cost increase, car accidents, policing, domestic violence, all associated with alcoholism is extremely costly.. No taxpayer’s money should ever  be used to buy alcohol  at any federal, provincial, municipal government functions nor enourage any alcoholism too. Really!
How does this all sit with Stephen Harpers’ professing hypocritical evangelical religion, beliefs still too?
Wishing you peace on earth, good will towards all men, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all of your loves ones, friends, nieghbours too.
Islam is not a religion of peace but one of Holy wars..
Psalm NIV  78:56 But they put God to the test and rebelled against the Most High;  they did not keep his statutes. 57 Like their fathers they were disloyal and faithless,  as unreliable as a faulty bow. 58 They angered him with their high places; they aroused his jealousy with their idols. 59 When God heard them, he was very angry; he rejected Israel completely. 60 He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent he had set up among men. 61 He sent the ark of his might into captivity, his splendor into the hands of the enemy. 62 He gave his people over to the sword ;he was very angry with his inheritance. 63 Fire consumed their young men, and their maidens had no wedding songs; 64 their priests were put to the sword, and their widows could not weep.
Now what right can Israel today use to claim again their God promised land when they have as in time pasts also openly, undeniably rejected God, even Jesus Christ as their  their God, Messiah, King, Savior, Healer, Lord, and the same Jesus who clearly predicted the expulsion of the Jews from Israel under the Romans next did not spell out the date of their return 

December 19, 2009

A real stupid move a Liberalized divorce solution still it only seems like a cheap solution


  besides the fact spouses of divorce and their children tend next to have more costly too health problems… many divorce women and their children end up on social aid too.. 
 How many of you do now know that Politicians, not just many people, can be realy stupid, they can offer stupid advice in reality.. such as go on with your life..


Well the so called cold, indifferent experts now say have an easy  divorce and just move on.. but the too often grim reality in the news  is not so.. for when one spouse unexpectedly files for divorce the other one often can get violent, as well as the spouse who does not like the future as she sees it.. and next the damage done before anyone can deal with it .. a more  easy divorce will not help here.  Dead kids’ dad in bitter divorce CANOE –   EDMONTON – The father of two young children found dead in the bathtub of their Millet home was so worried his estranged wife would take them to her hometown in Australia that he took their passports, according to court  Boys found dead on floor of Alberta house  Police were called to this house in Millet, Alta., on Monday afternoon after a family member discovered the bodies of two children inside. (CBC) A woman who lives near a house that is the focus of a suspicious-death investigation in an Edmonton-area”  Father discovers boys’ lifeless bodies in Millet home: family friend  An unnamed friend of the family tells CTV News the father of two young boys discovered their lifeless bodies inside a Millet home where police are currently investigating two suspicious deaths. A friend of the family, who wishes to remain anonymous,   Dead tots’ parents in custody battle Calgary Herald – T hey were born 12000 kilometres and just 18 days apart — one in a suburb of Sydney, Australia, and the other in Calgary. They were both 27 when they met in November 2005,  Parents fought over slain kids Victoria Times Colonist -A neighbour put a bouquet of flowers next to two teddy bears on the front yard of a house in Millet, Alta., where two young boys in a custody dispute were found dead. The parents of two young boys found dead in their home southeast of Edmonton were  Reports say two Alta tots found dead in bathtub; police tight lipped The Canadian Press -MILLET, Alta. — Two boys found dead in a quiet farming community south of Edmonton were reportedly discovered by their father in the bathtub of their family home. RCMP are only confirming the discovery of two bodies in the town of Millet.”  Bodies found in home Vancouver Sun – Taylor Bendig – A van leaves the scene following a report of two suspicious deaths at a home in Millet, Alberta, on Monday, Feb 1, 2010. EDMONTON — The RCMP major crimes unit and a forensic team are investigating  Freind  identifies two boys found in Alberta home –  A family friend has confirmed that the bodies found in a small-town Alberta residence Monday afternoon are that of two young boys, discovered by their father in the home’s bathtub. The friend, who asked to remain unnamed, confirmed to CTV Edmonton that Neighbour recalls dead children ‘horror’ Edmonton Sun  Jayden and Connor McConnell in an undated photo. The boys were found dead in their Millet home Feb. 1. Curtis McConnell and sons in an undated photo. Allyson McConnell inset. Two boys were found dead in their Millet home

EDMONTON – Autopsies have confirmed that two young boys found dead in their Millet home were slain, RCMP said  in the double-homicide that has rocked the small town about 50 km south of Edmonton.  The boys’ father, Curtis McConnell, had found them apparently drowned in the bathtub shortly after 3 p.m. Monday.  The 31-year-old dad was estranged from his wife, Allyson McConnell, also 31. She’s recovering in hospital from an apparent suicide attempt around 2:30 p.m. Monday in south Edmonton.  Allyson had suffered broken bones after jumping from the Gateway Boulevard overpass onto the eastbound lanes of Whitemud Drive. The parents were going through a bitter divorce that revolved around custody of their boys. Allyson wanted to take the kids to her native Australia to live likely with her parents, while Curtis was against the idea, according to court documents.  “The questions go through your head. How do we move on? Why did it happen? Why now? Nothing can undo what has happened.  .”  McConnell  wrote late Tuesday: “I need answers to unanswerable questions.”   

  Imagine this stupidty also that the cops who as many of us do know already themselves are some of the most screwed up persons in the world will be offering marriage advice, counseling..


The B.C. government needs to make fighting domestic violence a greater priority, a Victoria police officer said for too many people are dying as a result of domestic violence,  and  negotiations are currently underway to develop a very costly and very likely infective still too  regional domestic violence team that includes members of the area’s four municipal police departments, the RCMP, legal officials and members of anti-violence service groups and there is not a lot of extra money available anyway from the governments.  Alberta is now spending $1.5 million over three years to pair police with social workers to intervene in situations of domestic abuse. It is hoped the extra resources under the pilot program will provide a tailored response to families identified as high risk for repeated domestic violence. The team will focus on families who have had repeated incidents of domestic violence reported to police and who want to make changes before the courts become involved. “We want to provide support and resources before violence occurs and before they find themselves entering the justice system”.. Dream on..  the losers, the Police providing  martial support, they themselves are the ones with one  of the highest divorce rates amongst the professionals. Physician heal thyself first applies here too.  But that is just a beginning of the many extra costs too.  An Alberta threat assessment report says that between 2000 and 2006, more than 500 Canadian women were shot, stabbed, strangled or beaten to death by their intimate male partners. Those numbers are five times more than all of the Canadian soldiers and police officers killed in the line of duty during that same time period, the report said. The ministry of the Attorney General has been reviewing changes to the way the province addresses domestic violence, but isn’t convinced a single province wide model is the correct approach, it is very costly to put all of these people in jail. Domestic violence cases represent the second-largest share of prosecutors’ files, after  speeding, impaired driving, drugs..

Almost no members of the local police forces have completed specialized training on domestic violence, marriage counselling as their own lives reflect it too. A police Chief had promised his members will complete a mandatory, one-day online training program by next spring… ha ha ha.. really absurd.  How stupid, foolish can the Police now even get for if a one day online computer course can help a policeman, could not the citizens take the same online course? Absurd, really ludicrous. 


Speaking about screwed up cops.. who often are falsely covered up for too.. falsely vindicated.


 Vancouver police chief statement on wrongful arrest Vancouver Sun –  Last night I went to the home of Mr. Yao Wei Wu to apologize personally and on behalf of the Vancouver Police Department for the injuries and trauma he and his family have experienced after he became the victim of mistaken identity.

An outside police force will investigate allegations against five current and former Manitoba RCMP officers accused of offences ranging from fabricating evidence to torture. The charges relate to complaints filed in civil and criminal court by a Portage la Prairie man. Matthew Gray, 47, filed complaints against up to 15 RCMP officers after he was handcuffed and jolted multiple times with a Taser stun gun in June 2003. In October, a provincial court judge agreed there’s enough evidence to proceed with charges against five of the officers.

 It was recently announced that the Police in BC and Alberta would provide marital counseling, family help.. thisnext was, is the expected result of such police activities..  VANCOUVER, B.C. – Vancouver’s police chief has personally apologized to a man who was mistakenly arrested and roughed up by plainclothes officers responding to a domestic abuse call. The officers responding to the abuse call went to the wrong address in the same building, and Wu says he was pulled outside and beaten, suffering cuts and a swollen eye. Two Vancouver plains clothes police officers were responding to a domestic assault call when they knocked on the door of Yao Wei Wu. The officers had the correct building — but the wrong apartment. When they knocked on Yao Wei Wu’s door, they had woken him up. He came to the door — and the police roughed Wu up.  Yao Wei Wu’s said he was hit multiple times on the back, head and face, and he had not resisted them because they were armed. Apparently the officers only realized their mistake when they had cuffed Yao and asked his name. Yao also had said that  the officers failed to ask him for identification before they began to beat him.  Chief Jim Chu is also backing away from an earlier police statement that the victim, Yao Wei Wu, was injured while resisting arrest.  Chu says that information was prematurely released as fact. A Vancouver police investigation of the incident is being overseen by the Office of the B.C. Police Complaints Commission. of course the department will be doing its OWN investigation…..what a joke. Please…….! When are we going to start charging these boozos with assault? I am personally sick & tired of these goons getting away with this kind of behaviour. Like when the RCMP welcomed that poor polish guy to Canada at the Vancouver airport. These people should NOT be above the law! The old boys club is alive and kicking………”Raise a glass boys, once again we proved we are above the law”

Vancouver police retract statement about beaten man

The Vancouver Police Strike Again: Another Citizen Takes a Beating Pacific Free Press  here is obviously a systemic problem with not only the VPD but policing throughout Canada where decades of criminality and impunity on the part of police forces has, in combination I suspect with too much television viewing and alcohol abuse, conspired to produce a generation of police who have no concept of the old saw “to serve and protect.” The situation of out of control cops, who feel just fine going ballistic on hapless citizens, especially ones of the poorer and darker-hued varieties is not helped by the silent complicity of politicians, and the kid glove treatment meted out by the media.

News1130 – – Globe and Mail – Global BC

 WINNIPEG (CBC) – A Manitoba RCMP officer has been charged with assaulting his wife. Const. Dennis Hart, 44, was arrested just before 3:30 a.m. on Saturday after RCMP officers in Gimli, about 80 kilometres north of Winnipeg, were called to the Misty Lake Lodge & Conference Centre. A woman at the lodge told officers she had been assaulted by her husband, RCMP said. The woman did not require immediate medical treatment for her injuries. Hart, an eight-year RCMP member, has been charged with assault, assault causing bodily harm and choking to overcome resistance.  He was released from custody on a promise to appear in Gimli provincial court on Jan. 25. Hart, who is posted at the Fisher Branch detachment, about 95 kilometres northwest of Gimli, has been placed on administrative duties pending an internal review.

Alberta Mountie charged with assaulting man in police cells –  An Alberta RCMP officer is facing assualt charges stemming from an incident at a Lac La Biche, Alta., jail cell. EDMONTON – An RCMP constable has been charged with assault, causing bodily harm and obstruction of justice. . Const. Desmond Sandboe an eight-year member of the RCMP, is has also been charged with obstruction of justice. There were witnesses to the alleged assault.The response team was called in to investigate after a man was injured in the cell area at the Lac La Biche detachment in September.

RCMP officer charged with assaulting man in police cells Edmonton Journal
“Unfortunately, I was in an abusive relationship for years. I called the police in a panic more than once. When the police showed up they forced my children and myself out of the house, into a women’s shelter. My little girl was beat up by a 12 year old boy, who knows what that poor kid has been through in his life. We were forced to leave the Shelter, they didn’t want to deal with what happened to us. The police called social services and they came by to talk to me. when I was finally able to find a place to live. Five weeks later. The only thing the social worker did for my family was to hand us a little pamphlet that says “Street Survival Guide” Where are these magical services? How did a person coming to my house giving me a guide to educate me on being homeless on the street help us? I was disgusted, disappointed and insulted. Was mileage charged? Couldn’t someone just mail me this pamphlet? There are no services for women and children in dire straights. By the way I worked full time during this time and washed up in gas stations and ate fast food. Its hard to eat properly when there is no place to boil water”.    ” Only 1.5 Million Dollars ?   The severance packages of former Health Care employees are have been for much larger amounts. Stelmach, you are such a dummy…. ”  ” $1.5 Million (M) new money to combat domestic violence. $2.5 Billion (B) in new money to oil and gas companies to bury waste (carbon capture). I’m glad to see we have our priorities. ”  ” I agree with you and have seen this sort of thing time and again. The appearance of acting without actually doing anything.  ”

ONE OF THE MOST COMMON, POPULAR TOPICS, SEARCHES ON THE INTERNET is can a Christian next get divorced and remarried, and the simple answer is no! but wait do not stop reading yet.. for if you are married, living to a demon, a control freak, a liar, a lazy good for nothing abusive person then please now do immediately get out of the marriage, do get an immediate  separation.. and this not the kind of advice you would expect from a preacher of peace  and love, but I am telling you all  this for our own good, and  you can thank me later.. and maybe next the still good for nothing bum, lousy spouse, he or  she will wake up as  to what she is really like and they may try to get help to change herself, himself.. but meanwhile don’t feel guilty about the peace you now have in your life.. By the way make sure first you are not the creepy, a good for nothing spouse yourself otherwise by your actions you will be doing your own spouse a great, great  service..

So what is the solution?
Many Spouses usually accuse the other  one of what they are guilty themselves, and that is why they are so conscious of it often.. On the disintegration of Canadian family,  society. Many can see now what’s broken but they  don’t know how to how to fix it.  The diagnosis is much easier than the cure. For  the cure may involve personal changes, actions that many would prefer to avoid.  They all mostly would like to avoid being discomfited personally, verbally and socially. A real valid first possible cure for our nation’s family ills too is neither new nor complicated, it is a very simple concept: Merely first replace those in power. Why? Simply  you must admit that their own  proposed solution is still also clearly inadequate and will not rectify the family problem but rather escalate it. A liberal divorce procedure with good intentions even   may in theory allow supposedly peace next into the broken Home? In reality DO DREAM on  for the root problem of the individuals personal unhappiness has not been dealt with, even their  own laziness ,  unrealistic expectations, negative charactheristics too.  People divorced once are likely next to be divorced 3 times.. and there has to be real negative consequences associated with it now too including their personal real next loss of fortunes, job income, productivity, pension savings, health and life insurance , loss of dental insurance too.
But next not only will the number of family violences increase, so will the number of alcoholics, you will also get  more single moms on social aid, and also the divorcees tend to live a shorter life, pay less taxes overall,  and they  tend to be often more sicker than the long term married couple.. all causing a big costly burden on the social, Medicare system now next too. 
The police  already presently, and the social workers too now are unable to handle the many domestic family calls, and what will they do when the family violence next escalates with the too easy divorce, when  because the husband finds out his wife is considering divorce, he now feels he is being cheated, has been lied too, he now is being robbed, he has been taken in, he has been abused and the negative anger, his rage just increases and builds up.. so  often into family violence. ” the husband was embroiled in a fight over the ownership of the family home,   he was jealous after finding his wife in a bathroom with another man, and   he had a bad relationship with his mother-in-law”…  sadly all very typical these days too…
Yeah in Theory Iraq was going to be free and prosperous when the dictator was removed, but what happened to that  liberalized society next? what the Increase of Violence.. but they were promised peace, prosperity, freedom initially.. and very few divorcees find it too..
A real stupid move a Liberalized divorce solution still it seems like an overall  cheap solution, but it is very costly next overall.. very costly for the state too.. someone really needs to look at this plan and come up with something better. Or are they all there really that stupid still now? The police services are costly, ineffective too often, and a bad solution for most things anyway..
It  firstly is always Better not to have married the fool and next to Learn to live with your spouse.. no one is perfect.


see also

December 17, 2009

The Canadian way of doing business



Economy ready to start creating jobs again, TD Bank says

And we are to believe the same crooked firm which now have been found guilty of unethical business practices by the UK government?

Hey is not just the big three Bell, Rogers, Telus who are guilty of unacceptable business practices.

British watchdog   fines Canadian bank 7.0 million pounds – Yahoo! Canada News LONDON (AFP) – Britain’s financial watchdog on Thursday said it had fined Canada’s Toronto Dominion Bank 7.0 million pounds (7.9 million euros, 11.3 million dollars) for failures related to the pricing of products. “The Financial Services Authority has today fined Toronto Dominion Bank (London Branch) 7.0 million pounds for repeated systems and controls failings around the pricing of sophisticated financial products,” it said in a release. “This is the bank’s second fine for systems and controls failings and the fourth largest levied by the FSA.” The watchdog added that the fine would force the bank to make a negative adjustment to its accounts of 96 million Canadian dollars in July 2008. “The breaches relate to pricing issues that were uncovered on a proprietary trader’s books within Toronto Dominion’s credit products group,” the FSA said in the statement. “Amongst other failings the FSA found that Toronto Dominion failed to follow their established procedures in ensuring the trader’s books were independently verified, and did not have adequate controls in place which could have detected the pricing issues.”

How come Canadians, Canadian firms  still have to be fined by the US or UK government for their wrong doings and not by  their own Canadian Government firstly now too often too. Remember the Canadian Conrad Black sitting in a US jail

I was surprised to find on my internet site statistics that a common search term was “Canadian Liars”..

Quebec-based internet service provider Cogeco Inc. has stopped advertising its services as the fastest in in two Quebec cities after the Competition Bureau ruled the ads were misleading. The federal agency said the misleading claims about Cogeco’s services services in Drummondville and St-Hyacinthe had been clarified, but didn’t didn’t provide details on when the ads ran or say if its probe was spurred by a consumer complaint. The bureau said consumers had no way to compare the speed of Cogeco’s services with those of all of its competitors in the two cities, and it was therefore impossible for Cogeco to claim that they offered “the fastest” service. Cogeco’s CEO Louis Audet defended the ad campaign, saying the firm at the time had used an internet site that rates broadband speeds globally.  Cogeco is now using another method to compare speeds with them. Audet said he considers the Competition Bureau’s investigation to be minor. “I think what we were doing was rather benign. We advertised ourselves as the ‘fastest’ which is really the platform that we use across all of our territories where we compete with Bell and Telus,” he said.

Telecommunication firms, Banks, Real estates firms, used car salesmen, are all in the same class, category, same compartment in hell.. they often lie, deceive , put a facts spin on the facts so next the consumers will to take out loans, will  invest, will  buy.. Buyer Beware.. and many civil and public servants, cops, politicians, accountants too  now are no better.. Claims about speed and reliability are becoming issues of dispute among Canada’s major wireless companies, too. They are fighting legal battles over those issues as they position themselves for more competition as more players enter the cellphone market. On Wednesday, a B.C. court ruled that Bell Mobility could not claim it was Canada’s “most reliable network” after Rogers challenged Bell’s ads as misleading.  Last month, a B.C. court brought an injunction to force Rogers Communications to stop claiming it was Canada’s most reliable network. That was the result of a complaint by Telus.

As the CBC’s Lynn Burgess knows first hand I seriously challenged Bell’s claim of being the most reliable network, as I have often posted on my sites this fact as to how unreliable they rather were . I have often rightfully said it is a very common unacceptable Canadian practice to lie in business and we keep on getting new news media evidence of this now as well.. 

Like I have even said before ” Cellular firms get new customer rules but they still have not honoured all the old ones.. Canada’s mobile phone companies will be required to make sure consumers understand their contracts when they buy a cellphone under a new code of conduct but will the phone companies next fully honour the same contracts? Unlikley. Most Consumer advocates don’t think much of the new code. A code of conduct adopted by Canada’s cell phone service providers is a political answer that doesn’t address real consumer concerns, another competent  critic now has still charged .The code will be administered by the useless, pretentious  Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services, a body set up two years ago by the industry to negotiate disputes between customers and companies.     In its first year, 2007-08,  CCTS was still unable able to resolve about 40  per cent, of the complaints according to its own website. What a very high failure rate.  About one-third of the complaints were related to wireless services. 40  per cent, that is about the number of unhappy Customers with Bell’s Internet services too” 

 What is authentic business or services?  not Canada’s civil and public services, or Bell, Rogers, Telus and the major Banks , major Real Estate firms  or doctors now as well
The head of the Fraser Health authority–who was responsible for cutting programs and closing beds in the region’s hospitals–was paid $466,000 last year, including a $30,000 performance bonus. CEO Dr. Nigel Murray, who also filed expenses of $71,000 last year and $69,000 in expenses in his six months with the authority the year before, has recently cut thousands of surgeries, closed operating rooms, limited MRIs, closed acute-care beds, downgraded Mission’s emergency room, closed a teen psychiatry unit in Abbotsford and a detox unit in Chilliwack, cut mental health, seniors and domestic violence programs and laid off 12 hospital chaplains and other counsellors to avoid a projected $160-million deficit for this fiscal year. The average price of a Canadian Home is  350,000 dollars and many Canadians will take a lifetime to pay it out..  but not our doctors..

All Bad Cabinet Ministers in Canada are also unacceptable.. federally and provincially, and there are much too many of them still

It has always confounded me as to why the liars, crooks, deceivers, abusers  too often do still do think they can get away with now, next and forever. Civil and public servamts, CRTC, regulating bodies, Consumer affairs included.. but there is a lot more, many more reasons so many people despise  them so much. They are Big liars for a start.. next very costly and very inefficient , pretentious as well.. all like a typical bad civil and public service overall!..
FOR WE TEND TO KNOW THAT THEY THE CROOKS, ABUSERS TOO,  NOW ARE NOT ABOUT TO STOP THEIR WRONG DOINGS. RATHER THEY WILL NEXT EVEN ESCALATE, CONTINUE IN THEM. AND THAT IS ANOTHER VALID REASON  THEY DO NEED TO BE EXPOSED, PROSECUTED AND STOPPED. EVEN FOR THE GOOD OF US ALL. These crooks are so predictable now next too for they cannot help but go to their old bad ways, bad habits, lies, and they only way to deal with them is to fire them or incarcerate them.

There are many things wrong with  any health care system. 

December 16, 2009

Police, church, province failed – Ontario abuse inquiry


A $50-million probe into rampant sexual abuse in Cornwall, Ont., ended yesterday without answering the key question it had faced – whether a sophisticated pedophile ring evaded the law for years while its influential members were preying on local children.
CORNWALL – Police, government, the Catholic Church and other institutions failed to respond to decades of alleged and real child sexual abuse here by probation officers, clergy, teachers and others, a public inquiry has found. In a devastating 2,400-word report, Cornwall Inquiry Commissioner Normand Glaude found a combination of systemic failures, insensitivity to historic abuse complaints and an official reluctance to act. “Institutions were reluctant to be forthright and own up to mistakes, fearing scandal or criticism more than they feared the breach of their duty to the vulnerable and the public,” Mr. Glaude said in a speech yesterday while unveiling his four-volume report. “For some, this resulted in revictimization by the institutions from whom they sought help.” He makes it clear, however, he found no evidence of any official cover-ups. Instead, the report says local institutions ill-equipped to deal with allegations about their own employees, whether a probation officer, teacher, priest or child-care worker, acted defensively and often in self-interest.  Mr. Glaude singled out the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for particular censure. The report describes how the ministry took no action against a Cornwall probation supervisor and another employee who failed to properly report two former probation officers who had engaged in sexual and other improprieties with young probationers.
 The report’s recommendations include:
– An internal investigation is needed if a probation or parole officer is suspected or has been charged with sexual assault or abuse.
– Police should be required to inform public and religious institutions and justice partners that an allegation of sexual assault or abuse has been made against one of their employees.
– Bishops, priests, employees and volunteers should encourage people who disclose sexual abuse or assault to report the allegation to police.
– The Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall should have rigorous procedures for evaluating candidates it plans to present for study at its seminary.
None of these recommendations are binding so do not expect any positive changes, related justice to improve, in Canada’s often pretentious justice and police system

December 15, 2009

About time Big 3 put into their place-Bell, Rogers and Telus

How come Canadians, Canadian firms  still have to be fined by the US or UK government for their wrong doings and not by  their own Canadian Government firstly now too often too. Remember the Canadian Conrad Black sitting in a US jail?
How about this…
 Chairman Anthony Lacavera unveiled the company’s pricing plans, which range from $15 to $45. He said the plans represent a normalization with what’s found in the rest of the world, where there are no fees for system access, 911 or activation. The plans also offer customers free caller ID, call forward and unlimited Wind-to-Wind calling across the country. The more expensive plans, at $35 and $45, include unlimited local and province-wide calling, with the top-end plan offering unlimited Canada-wide calls. Data plans range between $10 for access to instant messaging, Facebook and MySpace, to $55 for USB laptop sticks. Wind appears to have introduced domestic roaming charges. Wind customers will have to pay 25 cents a minute for calls outside of their home zones  And speaking of Crap my Bell internet mail has not been working properly the last week still too.. and here is more crap
COMMUNICATE ON CANADA’S MOST RELIABLE NETWORK   – BELL.  As I saw THIS today in a BELL depot this is still an unacceptable false, misleading, lie   for Bell has  the total largest number of unhappy, dissatisfied network customers in Canada, and such false Bell advertising lies lead to more unrealistic, dissatisfied, unfulfilled  customers expectations.

Which reminds me my Bell internet services is still disastrous, unreliable, I have connectivity problems even as of lately periodically when I have no downloads even, I have email sending problems as well.. and what Bell does not know how to fix this still and it wants more money? dream on..


False misleading advertising has long time been made by Telus, Rogers, Bell and others in Canada whole the Ostrich federal consumer department, government did nothing.. I even wrote to you about THIS ISSUE  too and what it takes STILL  the courts to deal with everything now, AND so why do we need the  government ?

Are you having problems with your ISP too?  Bell Sympatico complaints

I have openly rightfully shared with the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper’s office that Bell Sympatico undeniably is one of the most dirty, immoral, abusive Corporation, firm I have dealt in Canada in my lifetime. One that even falsely suppressed my complaints against it, my right of free speech as well. Because Bell Sympatico has UNACCEPTABLY TOO often HAD breached my ISP contractual agreement and NEXT Bell Sympatico had forcibly falsely disconnected my ISP service with them too thus next I have been forced to switch over to the Canadian -Residential High Speed ADSL without any Limits and No Blocked Ports or Traffic Shapping, plus Unlimited Downloading 100 GB of Online Storage Up to 5 Mbps Download and 800 Kbps Upload $18.95 per month This offer is available on a 1 year term and the first year of service. Call Tel: 1-866-281-3538 , 1-416-849-8520 On top of that I repeatedly do ask why Bell is now so expensive in comparisons to it’s competitor that uses the same TROUBLED EVEN Bell internet lines..( Acanac is an independent subcontractor of Bell so Bell will still cap the bitterest downloads during peak hours, something Bell does not readily advertise to all customers. But Acanac offers a solution to this Forum Index » Common DSL Problems » Official workaround to the Bell throttle: Utorrent )

Here is 2  very popular past helpful posts of mine you may find useful to consumers.. Many Consumers do not know  how to choose firstly an ISP provider, and what their options are too.
The pretentious new conservative federal government also now has   known about the much too  many customer abuses, false misleading advertising by the big three , Rogers,  Bell and TELUS since it came into office and now next  had they been willing they could have done more about it.. including the fderal  consumer affairs department, CRTC as well,.  Most Canadian government bureaucracy still do a pretentious job, they do a minimum token job, just pretending to d something so they can’t get fired and still get paid for it too.  Consumers also now have to take part of the blame for their own inactions, they have not cried out loud enough for all to hear, have no demanded forcibly that all these crooks be punished, dealt with now as well. Wel I certainly do!  I guess PM Stephen  Harper’s mostly lying past promises of accountability and transparency does not apply to the fderal  civil and public servants, RCMP and consumer affairs inluded now..
Quebec to end automatic cellphone contract renewals, surprise fees –  The Quebec government has tabled legislation to better protect consumers in the province when they sign cellphone contracts. Justice Minister Kathleen Weil said laws aimed at protecting cellphone users were written in the early 1970s and don’t address current consumer habits. She said Bill 60, introduced Tuesday, would revise outdated rules. There can be “very onerous penalty fees” to pull out of a contract once a service provider automatically renews it — usually for a period lasting three years, Weil said. The bill would prohibit the renewal of cellphone contracts without a customer’s written approval, she said.  It would also force merchants to disclose the total cost of the goods and services offered, a move Weil said should prevent customers from being caught off guard by hefty fees for services they don’t want, such as text messaging. In addition, companies won’t be able to suddenly increase fees during the life of the contract. “Consumers often don’t understand everything that they have agreed to when they’ve signed that contract,” the minister said. “The contracts are a little vague, and there are services that are added over time without their knowledge and without their consent.” “The first thing that [merchants] do is offer you a free cellphone, and it’s sort of the lure that gets you into that relationship,” Weil told reporters. Merchants will have to explain existing warranty protection Weil said the new law would make it illegal for merchants to sell extended warranties before telling customers what the manufacturer already offers for warranty protection. It would also put an end to expiry dates on prepaid cellphone gift cards. The minister said the bill, amending the province’s Consumer Protection Act, would correct an imbalance in an evolving industry. “In consumer protection you often have an imbalance that happens over time and in the whole field of telecommunications. There is not a jurisdiction in North America that hasn’t noticed this imbalance.” Michel Arnold, head of the non-profit consumer rights group Option consommateurs, said Quebec is the first jurisdiction  in the country to introduce this kind of consumer protection. Weil said officials in the province receive nearly 700 formal complaints about cell phone contracts each year — about 10 per cent of all consumer complaints — as well as thousands of inquiries. Bill 60 is expected to be adopted before the end of the year…    and what about in the rest of Canada too?
It costs a cellphone company a mere third of a cent to transmit a text message that it charges customers as much as 15 cents to send, estimates a University of Waterloo professor.
Also see
lies, the too common acts of civil and public servants, consumer affairs, justice ministers, lawyers, politicians and business persons, pastors too..

BC mom warns consumers of changing cellphone contracts that could rack up costs Winnipeg Free Press –  VANCOUVER, BC – A British Columbia mother is warning consumers not assume their cellphone contracts are written in stone after new charges started appearing on her bill a year into her three-year agreement.  Rosanna von Sacken, who bought a Rogers Wireless plan that included phones for her three teenage children, discovered her contract terms had changed last summer allowing new charges for incoming text messages.Rogers started charging 15 cents for incoming messages not included in texting plans about a year after Telus and Bell implemented the same fee. That’s despite her original contract signed in September 2008 stating that all text messages are free. Each child also has a plan for unlimited texts for 10 numbers.With three teenagers, von Sacken said the extra charges started to add up quickly on her bill this fall.She complained to the company and the Better Business Bureau, but both said nothing could be done because of fine print in her original contract which states  Rogers can change the contract terms “upon notice.”   “The p oint here is the way their billing practices go. It’s wrong for Rogers to be allowed to change these fees and services,” in the middle of a contract, von Sacken said.   Bruce Cran, president of the Consumers’ Association of Canada, said  complaints such as hers are “chronic” across the country. “It’s quite disgusting that you have to read through the fine print with a magnifying glass to understand what you are signing,” Cran said, adding that Rogers isn’t the only company consumers are complaining about. “Too much of this stuff goes on in Canada.”Cellphone service and equipment also ranked the highest on the list of complaints nationwide by the BBB in 2008. 


Like I have even said before ” Cellular firms get new customer rules but they still have not honoured all the old ones.. Canada’s mobile phone companies will be required to make sure consumers understand their contracts when they buy a cellphone under a new code of conduct but will the phone companies next fully honour the same contracts? Unlikley. Most Consumer advocates don’t think much of the new code. A code of conduct adopted by Canada’s cell phone service providers is a political answer that doesn’t address real consumer concerns, another competent  critic now has still charged .The code will be administered by the useless, pretentious  Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services, a body set up two years ago by the industry to negotiate disputes between customers and companies.     In its first year, 2007-08,  CCTS was still unable able to resolve about 40  per cent, of the complaints according to its own website. What a very high failure rate.  About one-third of the complaints were related to wireless services. 40  per cent, that is about the number of unhappy Customers with Bell’s Internet services too”


Rogers charges for ‘free’ text messages The BBB in Burnaby, B.C., has received 581 consumer complaints about Rogers Communications in the last three years. It has given Rogers an “F” rating for failing to resolve many of those complaints to the customer’s satisfaction. Rogers also has an “F” rating at the BBB’s Toronto and North York locations, where 1,045 complaints were logged in the same period. Approximately half of those complaints were about billing. The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association brought in the Code of Conduct for Wireless Service Providers in August of this year, which Rogers and the other major providers voluntarily agreed to abide by. Industry code not enforced The code states consumers like von Sacken, whose contracts change, should not be forced to accept those changes.”In the case of such material changes that are unfavourable to customers, we either give them the right to terminate the contract without any additional fees for early termination, or allow them to remain on the unchanged contract.” “Nobody [from Rogers] has mentioned that I have that option,” said von Sacken.Spokesperson Holland insisted by email that Rogers does not consider its cancellation fee to be a penalty.  “We don’t charge a penalty, but rather in accordance with Section 8 of the Rogers terms of service any cancellation of service before the end of the customer’s commitment period (i.e. term) is subject to any applicable early cancellation fee. In this customer’s case, the fee is $20 per month remaining in her term,” Holland wrote.”I don’t feel protected by the clause at all,” von Sacken said. “Part of the problem is the wireless companies haven’t made a huge push in telling people that exists,” Von Sacken has a simple message for Rogers, about charging extra fees: “Other companies doing it does not make it right.”… , but this clause basically says that they can change the contract anyway they like, anytime they like? And if you want out you’re paying a large fee? That’s insane.  If Rogers can change the terms of thie contracts then consumers should be able to change them also. IE Change my contract, take your phone and shove it. ” I’m a serious, UNIX coding, network engineering, server maintaining Sysadmin computer geek. However after getting screwed by Rogers for two years and seeing Telus and Bell are even worse I’m looking at dropping our cell phones completely. Welcome to 1998 and the land line. It absolutely galls me but Canada is the land of the highest cell phone rates and abysmal service. ” ” It’s about time that the consumers in Canada stand up to these Rogues like Telus,Bell, RODGERS . Canadians pay the highest cost in the world for these services and then let them get away with fudging their contract obligations. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE CONTRACT!!! The contract is a two party agreement Rogers and Customer; not a chain around the customer. Rogers has the right to change its service at any time!!! No you don’t, not before both parties in the contract agree on the new terms, and if they don’t the contract is terminated. This is sick! and they (Rogers Telus and Bell) are teaming up to stop WIND (GlobeAlive) from entering the market. SHAME ON YOU. and what’s their excuse, WIND is not a Canadian Company. I am a STRONG supporter of ensuring that companies in Canada are Canadian, but if this is how our Canadian companies act (Greed Deception Manipulation), Foreign Companies should be allowed to Enter the Market to teach these “Canadian Based” companies a lesson

Rogers Wireless Comes Under Fire, Charges for “Free” Text Messages Mobile Magazine

 OTTAWA  “Ever since the invention of cell phones and teenagers, the three Canadian giants — Bell, Rogers and Telus — have had the consumer by the wallet with a monthly hell of incomprehensible billings. As a result, Canadians pay some of the highest cellphone rates in the western world. The  Conservative government had the right objective when it recently allowed a new player into the cellular field.  Stephen Harper’s government announced that, by cabinet decree, it was effectively approving the entry of Globalive into the Canadian cellphone market.  The move overturned a previous ruling by the federal regulator, the CRTC, that Globalive was effectively Egyptian owned and controlled, and therefore not eligible to operate a Canadian telecommunications venture.   Industry Minister Tony Clement declared “Globalive is a Canadian company,” and welcome to the cellular market.  Globalive long ago went through a lengthy ownership review process by Industry Canada, and was approved as a Canadian company to bid for a piece of the cellular broadcast frequencies put up for auction by the feds last year.  The company successfully won a piece of the bandwidth set aside for new entrants to the Canadian market (including Videotron, a subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc.,).   Government insiders say that no matter what happens down the road, the Harper administration wanted to send a message to the CRTC and all players in the telecom biz — namely, that consumers are going to get a break from past monopolistic behaviour, even if it is by cabinet decree. A Conservative strategist says it was also “a shot across the bow” of the television broadcasters and cable companies that are locked in a dispute over compensation for local TV stations. “The message is a warning of what the government may be prepared to do if they think they can resolve their dispute entirely at the expense of consumers.”
Bell, Rogers and Telus are still not about to give up their greedy, immoral  ways
MONTREAL – The federal Competition Bureau says cable provider Cogeco (TSX:CCA) has clarified advertising claims about the speed of its Internet services in two Quebec cities. Cogeco was promoting its Internet services to residents in the cities of Drummondville and Saint-Hyacinthe, as being “the fastest”. The federal agency had accused Cogeco of promoting its Internet services to residents in Drummondville and St-Hyacinthe, both east of Montreal, without basing the claims on fair comparisons.  The Competition Bureau says the claims were misleading under its legislation because they didn’t allow consumers to compare the speed of Cogeco’s services with those its competitors and because there was no way to verify the claims   “In the Internet services field, speed and price are key factors in consumers’ purchasing decisions,” said Andrea Rosen, Deputy Commissioner of Competition, Fair Business Practices Branch. “It is important that all representations in this regard be clear and truthful so that consumers can make informed purchasing decisions.”  The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency that contributes to the prosperity of Canadians by protecting and promoting competitive markets and enabling informed consumer choice.
Enquiry / Complaint Form
Contacts: Public Affairs Branch Greg Scott Senior Communications Advisor 819-953-4257
Competition Bureau Information Centre 819-997-4282 / Toll free: 1-800-348-5358 TTY (hearing impaired): 1-800-642-3844
Do Complain about this pretentious Bureau now as well
Bad apples STILL do not fall fall  from the tree..  HALIFAX, N.S. – The head of a civil liberties group is accusing the police of using privacy legislation to block public scrutiny of their actions, a day after the RCMP refused to reveal details of a fatal shooting involving one of its officers.  David Eby of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association said he’s seeing more police agencies cite the federal privacy law as a reason for not releasing information about investigations into officers’ conduct.  “It’s really not about privacy rights,” he said from Vancouver on Tuesday. “We feel they’re using it as a shield to avoid accountability.”  His comments come in the aftermath of a decision by Nova Scotia RCMP to not charge an officer who fatally shot a reportedly intoxicated and suicidal man who was in his home alone in Cape Breton.  John Simon died Dec. 8, 2008, after he was shot on the Wagmatcook First Nation reserve. His family argue police didn’t need to enter the residence, where Simon was reportedly sitting on the toilet when the officer is believed to have climbed in through a window.  RCMP said at a news conference Monday that a probe by the Halifax police department determined the officer who fired the gun did so in self-defence.  But they refused to answer questions about the incident, including why Simon was considered a threat, who made a 911 call, whether the officer was authorized to enter the house and how many times Simon was shot.  RCMP Chief Supt. Blair McKnight said Monday he wasn’t “permitted to release a copy of this investigation or the details” because of the privacy law.  When asked on Tuesday to explain how the law prevents the release of more details, the RCMP issued a news release reiterating its position: “Under the privacy law of Canada, the RCMP cannot disclose the specifics of any criminal investigation.”  Eby said there have been other cases in British Columbia where police have cited the federal law to withhold the release of information into cases probing police conduct.  “They’re taking a certain interpretation of privacy law that most benefits them in avoiding having to explain difficult circumstances,” he said.  Lisa Austin, a law professor at the University of Toronto, said the federal law is so discretionary that it allows forces to use it liberally to decide if personal information needs to be protected.  “That is a huge problem with the federal legislation – there’s so much discretion built into it,” she said.  “You can exempt things for privacy reasons and then there’s a discretion to take into account the public interest. Well who’s exercising the discretion? The people who want to keep it hushed up.”   Simon’s common-law spouse, Patsy MacKay, said police revealed some details of the case to her, but said they were limited by the federal legislation from answering all of her questions.  MacKay said she still has no clear understanding as to why the Halifax police, which investigated the RCMP’s conduct, determined that the officer acted appropriately.  MacKay said police told her she could file a request for the report through the federal Access to Information Act, but that it would be largely blacked out.  Supt. Mike Burns of the Halifax police said the officer who entered Simon’s home fired his pistol at him “after reasonably perceiving that John Simon posed a threat of grievous bodily harm or death, and believing that he could not otherwise preserve himself from grievous bodily harm other than by using deadly force.” Eby said the case adds to a growing demand for civilian groups to be in charge of investigating police conduct rather than having officers do it themselves.  Halifax police led the investigation into Simon’s death, but RCMP spokeswoman Brigdit Leger said RCMP officers were involved in the year-long probe. The RCMP would have no input into the final report or the decision to charge, she said in a news release There are several different models in place across the country to investigate the conduct of police, but provincial oversight bodies have no authority over the RCMP.  Ontario created a Special Investigations Unit, made up of civilian investigators, to handle cases involving police that result in death or injury to civilians.  In Alberta, cases are handled by a unit headed by a civilian director and made up of 10 active police officers and six civilians.  Nova Scotia Justice Minister Ross Landry has said he will develop a new arms-length, independent unit to investigate police actions sometime next year.
 . Mad Canadian telecomunications giants slug fest

and what about them also going after the big guys like Bell, Rogers, TELUS too?


Now this Mis-advertisement of the actual speeds attained  also reflects the common  problem we tend to  have also in Canada with the false, misleading advertising, trade practices by Bell, Rogers, Videotron in regard to the speeds of their iphone and DSL, ADSL, cable internet services. These Communication, ISP firms amongst others are known to inflate, advertise substantially higher speeds than the consumer will actual get next get on the average, and the  next related internet congestion cause web connectivity problems, and also reductions of the downloads speeds too..
Now what about having now the much needed real consumer protections for the citizens of Canada here as well from the greedy, lying, no good corporations? fully enforced when? not more lies saying it exists…




It is very obvious that Bell considers cable Videotron also  a very severe threat, a big competitor to it’s own profitability and is the  main reason  that Bell has  to lie so much in it’s SALES, marketing APPROACH , and why Bell tries so hard falsely  to discredit the cable firms.
and don’t you dare get sick and go to a Hospital you might have to find out what the doctors, nurses, hospital and Medicare are really like now too

Emergency  Wards in Hospitals can be a deadly place.. many people pick up all kinds of sicknesses there too.. shit disease included..

December 12, 2009

A NO WIN SITUATION for the federal Conservatives


A NO WIN SITUATION for the federal conservative government THAT CAN ONLY END  IN DIVORCE, A FUTILE DISCUSSION TOO.. THE HUSBAND FALSELY ARGUING NOW  IF THE WIFE HAS ANY RIGHTS IN THE HOME… ABSURD , SHE HAS FULL RIGHTS TOO.. SHE IS THE VITAL PART OF THE MARRIAGE. PM Stephen Harper and his hypocritical,  double talk about democracy he does not know the first thing about it.. nor about transparency and accountability still.. By far the most outrageous NON FUNNY gag in the PM’s show is the Conservatives’ promise to usher in a new era of government openness and accountability.  .
We seem to have again elected liars and fools into THE Cabinet as well..

Parliament in showdown with Harper government over Afghan documents CP  Fri Dec 11, 6:38 PM  OTTAWA – MPs  discussing the unmerry possibilities of everything from a court battle to a confidence vote that could bring down the Conservative government  The opposition parties voted to force the government to release all documents – uncensored – to a parliamentary committee. The parliamentary law clerk backed up the move, underlining the primacy of the chamber over laws passed by the government. But  cabinet ministers dismissed the parliamentary motion, saying laws governing the classification of certain documents will govern their release.  It all leaves the country potentially in the grips of another constitutional melee over which body should reign supreme: Parliament or the (MINORITY) government.   Commons might be forced to rule the government in contempt of Parliament, which would eventually entail a confidence vote. Or Defence Minister Peter MacKay could be called to the “bar” in Parliament to answer questions, and be removed of his seat if deemed in contempt. ”  That’s how our democracy works,” Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff  “So this is an issue about fundamental democracy in Canada and we see absolutely no reason why the government of Canada can’t just do what Parliament says it ought to do.  NDP defence critic Jack Harris said he’s “looking for ways to ensure that the principle of the supremacy of Parliament is honoured.”  “No government in Canada could challenge that and we’d be surprised if this government or any government would want to override that.”  The opposition insists MPs could be bestowed security clearance, and trusted with secure information for the purposes of their study. Otherwise, a public inquiry would be the best option, they say.

December 11, 2009

Ex Toronto police chief Julian Fantino is one of those bad apples



Ex OPP police chief Julian Fantino  caught my attention when he clearly lied about the causes of car accidents in southern, he lied when he had said speeding is the main cause of car accidents in Ontario , he should have known better, distracted, drunk and impaired drivers, road ragers rather are the main cause of car accidents..  so next it came as no surprise to me when the Devil PM Stephen Harper himself asked Julian Fantino to become a Conservative federal MP candidate He should be right at home with the too may liars we have elected.. it seems we like to continue to elect Liars.


Although he rightfully had lost his job as Ontario’s top police officer…

Nov 30, 2010- VAUGHAN, Ont. – “Ontario’s former top police officer, Julian Fantino, won a   federal by election victory for the Tories . He supports Prime Minister Stephen Harper in his battle to scrap the federal gun registry, calling it an “obscene waste of taxpayer money.” The Vaughan riding, which is just north of Toronto and is home to a large Italian community, had been held by the Liberals since 1988.  Fantino, himself an Italian immigrant,  Fantino garnered 19,260 votes — 49.1 per cent of the vote.  A career cop, Fantino rose through the ranks of the Toronto police and served as police chief there, in London, Ont., and York Region — which includes Vaughan — and later served as commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police. Fantino came to Canada from Italy at the age of 10. In 1969, the 27-year-old Fantino became a cadet with the Toronto Police Service. He later became a beat cop, working his way up through the ranks to undercover officer, homicide detective and division commander before his times at the helm of the Toronto, York Region and London, Ont., forces. But his storied law enforcement career was not without its share of controversy. Some of his most dogged opponents accuse him of enforcing two-tier justice in favour of aboriginals in Caledonia, Ont., the site of a long-running native occupation. Fantino was recently embroiled in a messy internal disciplinary hearing that stretched over two years and saw him accused of vindictiveness and witness tampering. The hearing came to an abrupt close last year when police prosecutors dropped misconduct charges against the two officers named in the case. Critics called for his dismissal after wiretapped conversations between Fantino and Ontario aboriginal activist Shawn Brant about First Nations blockades were released. They indicated Fantino told Brant he would do everything he could to “destroy” Brant’s reputation. In 1989, when he was a staff inspector, he apologized after releasing statistics suggesting black people commit most of the crime in Toronto’s Jane-Finch neighbourhood. He stood by his decision to release the data to a race relations committee, but said his mistake was to do so without knowing a reporter was present.”


Julian Fantino HAD LIED AS TO THE REASONS MANY PEOPLE HAVE CAR ACCIDENTS, HE SAID FALSELY IT WAS SPEEDING AND  HE LEFT OUT ALCOHOL AND WHY? TOO MANY COPS ARE ALCOHOLICS? As a police chief he should have known the truth… that speeding is a money making generator and not the major cause of car accidents,  impaired driving, road rage are the major causes of car accidents  still.


Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters

“”A few bad apples.”  That’s how former Toronto police chief Julian Fantino described the force’s problems when six former officers were charged with conspiring to beat and rob drug dealers of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The officers, all members of Team 3 of the Toronto Police Service’s Central Field Command drug squad, are still awaiting trial after almost six years. “I am deeply saddened and disappointed,” Fantino told a news conference in January 2004, commenting about the charges against the six. “I can, however, tell you that the allegations are isolated and confined.” His comments came at the conclusion of an internal probe headed by RCMP Chief Supt. John Neily into the allegations or wrongdoing, which led to 40 criminal charges against the officers.

But police documents that surfaced for the first time this week in a Toronto lawsuit show anti-corruption investigators repeatedly briefed Fantino about similar allegations against other drug officers. These warnings came several months before Fantino made public assurances that alleged wrongdoing was isolated to Team 3 of the drug squad. A joint CBC News/Toronto Star investigation has found that Toronto police did not allow Neily and his team to complete their investigation into those allegations.

“Truth Honesty , justice, Integrity, where have you flown where are you gone, when alas did u die  ” “Dear God, must we find corruption at every turn? I recently welcomed my first child into this world, and whenever I look into his face, I get sad.” “I don’t think this is anything new, unfortunately.”  “This is what the war on drugs gets you. Too much money and there is temptation that will corrupt honest men. It happens to Judges, Crown Attournies, Prison guards, Border guards, Airport security and many others. When will we learn?” ” People across Canada are disillusioned with the police forces. We don’t trust them because men at the top of their brotherhoods care nothing for the people they are sworn to protect. Their concern is to protect cops from facing the justice they deserve.” ” Come to think of it, even the Judges are corrupt, especially the ones in Traffic Court! Just take a look at the Judges’ Offices at Christmas time and watch the number of Turkeys and Bottles of Booze being delivered to the Judges Chambers at Old City Hall! Don’t believe me? Take your video camera down there, or better yet, your Cell ‘Phone, and record it.” ”  police forces are like most every other brotherhood in existence, be it the military or street gangs. Covering one another’s butt is the code they live by, like it or not. And if you are in the ‘gang’ you’d best abide if you plan on sticking around. To ‘serve and protect’ applies as much to themselves as it does to the ruling establishment. ” “We Canadians are a trusting and appreciative lot and worship the ground they walk on. No surprise that secretive and self-serving police cultures persist and flourish.  I doubt that we will ever see a successful prosecution on these charges or any other against our police until the public demands better ethical standards for the police that match Canadian ideals.” “If there was ever a need for a public inquiry this is it.” ”

This is the result of past bad Housekeeping.. Nothing that a good sweeping cannot clean, solve..   


We rightfully  seem to hold the police in Canada as one of the lowest forms of inadequate personnel..


Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty is one of the best approach serving everyone’s best interest too.  


People in leadership office do have to face higher penalties as an example now too. It is clearly established, accepted fact by most people that those in leadership civil and public servants cops, teachers, ministers, politicians included  are always to be exemplary in behavior,  conduct and they do need to maintain their high standards even out of their working hours, thus to do so they are also to be exemplary  judged, prosecuted  for their own wrong doings with a higher standard over those of us ordinary folks. Too many police officers are now too often guilty of their most serious neglect of public trust and their duty. The related truth is that neither an independent police investigation, a new police commissioner,  a promised provincial or federal investigation, or just more politicians promises too often still   will not bring the much needed justice. All of the governments can prohibit the initial and further employment of any known racists for any jobs, and can  punish them for their racists acts, views.


Police managers continue to promise the reforming of bad cops and the bad cops keep killing, abusing  innocent persons. The possible retaining of bad  police officers is always anyway a false myth. What thus is always needed is the real  the dismissal, criminal prosecution, of the guilty cops. So where is it? Speeding is not the main cause of car accidents, impaired driving is, but too many cops are alcoholics it seems who wrongfully do sympathize with drunks and as a result do not arrest drunks all year.


It is always the same old problem, Professionals, civil and Public servants, Doctors and medical staff too often bad continual indifference to the need of others.


Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that people are not to be trusted, need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, among  professionals and politicians as well.


.Bad Hospitals  waste the taxpayer’s so the Doctors can get more money, even the same very bad who Doctors fail to define the sicknesses soon enough.


Law suits and the related bad publicity have been proven to be one of the most effective weapons in dealing with medical inadequacies.


Do see also

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