The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

July 26, 2013

Canada’s hogs get richer at the Citizens expense

MONTREAL – As Montrealers fumed about fare hikes and repeated métro breakdowns, several of the Société de transport de Montréal’s top managers were enjoying big pay raises last year. The salaries of 12 top STM managers jumped by more than 10 per cent in 2012 compared with 2011, according to a Gazette analysis based on information obtained under access-to-information. The data pertain to the STM’s “extended executive committee” — the agency’s 40 or so highest-paid employees. Salaries range between $120,000 and almost $300,000. In 2012, the average annual pay in this group jumped by 5.6 per cent or $9,200, increasing the average annual salary to $173,000. During the same period, the salaries of Montreal bus and métro drivers increased by two per cent. The average Canadian saw a salary increase of 2.8 per cent in 2012, according to Statistics Canada.


You know why these big execs all who rather should have been fired they did not care about the  Metro Breakdowns? they likely too their cars to work, and could afford the parking downtown too ehh..  and how many Managers also go useless pay raises elsewhere now too?


MONTREAL — For years, Canada was regarded by international experts as one of the most protected and most expensive wireless markets in the world. Canadian consumers weren’t well served by mobile operators and that only began to change a few years ago when new entrants like Videotron and others came in and the market became more competitive.  Now, the federal government wants to continue the push toward greater competition and choice by auctioning off additional spectrum in September to attract a new player. From the perspective of consumers, what could be wrong with that?


Well if you are Bell, Rogers, Telus, etc.. everything is wrong.. as they can never have enough money for a start..  Bell is one of Canada’s most hated Corporations still even because it too often abuses it’s customers still..


You did notice that CTV News support Bell, BCE here? oh I forgot Bell owns CTV…




April 30, 2013

Canada’s monopolistic , self serving, greedy , immoral telecommunications firms

Bell Canada Slapped With  $1M Fine For Faking App Reviews. Canada’s Competition Bureau is imposing an a  $1.25 million fine on crooked  Bell Canada for posting online reviews of its products and services. The posts were   made by the company’s own employees who did not disclose their relation with the company. Bell employees encouraged by the company to post good reviews and give five star ratings to the MyBell Mobile and Virgin My Account apps. 

The alleged fake posts were found out by Scott Stratten who already knew how the apps performed poorly in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Then suddenly, he noticed how the apps started to increase its rankings which made him curious. He decided to do some research at LinkedIn and learned that most of the reviews came from various staff members of Bell such as the company’s IT Executives, Marketing Managers and Project Managers.   These reviews and ratings created the “materially false or misleading” general impression that they were made by independent and impartial consumers and temporarily affected the overall star rating for the apps.   This  misleading advertising under Canadian competition law is prohibited  as it creates the false impression that independent consumers have had positive experiences with that product or service . The Competition Bureau said certain Bell employees in November 2014 posted positive reviews and ratings of the new version of the free MyBell Mobile app and Virgin My Account app on the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store, without disclosing that they work for Bell. The Commissioner of Competition announced that it had entered into a Consent Agreement with Bell Canada in connection with certain Bell employees posting misleading reviews and ratings of the company’s mobile applications. Under the terms of the Consent Agreement, Bell must not “direct, encourage or incentivize  its employees or contractors to “rate, rank or review apps in app stores.” Additionally, the Consent Agreement requires Bell to enhance and maintain its compliance program and pay a $1.25 million administrative monetary penalty. Many companies plant reviews to bolster products and perhaps now they will think twice knowing the Competition Bureau could take serious action.”It’s sending a message to everybody, saying ethics are important and we will be watching over it.”. Bell says positive employee-planted reviews will stop, but critics unsure



Canadians can access broadband using either wire line or wireless facilities but in order to meet the high demands of cell phones, Canada’s major telecommunications firms and their subs they are  failing to deliver the capacities  as originally promised, Canada’s major telecommunications firms and their subs they are  not keeping their contractual obligations, are falsely  cutting back on internet capacity and speeds,  so all of this is still a major issue with Canada’s major telecommunications firms and their subs..  while  they advertise a certain speed but likely you next still only get half of it as they cap their downloads and speeds..


Five Canadian consumer and public interest groups say that Bell and Astral’s new proposed merger is not in the public interest and should be denied. Five Canadian consumer and public interest groups say that Bell and Astral’s new proposed merger is not in the public interest and should be denied. The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), who also acts as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC), Council of Senior Citizens’ Organization of British Columbia (COSCO), National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation (NPSCF) and Option consommateurs (OC) filed comments with the CRTC on Friday opposing the proposed acquisition of Astral Media Inc. by Bell Canada, a division of BCE Inc.  “Increased media concentration into the hands of few large vertically integrated telecommunications and media companies will not result in more competition in the market,” said John Lawford, PIAC executive director and general counsel, in a statement. “The loss of Astral in the marketplace does not deliver more competition for consumers. Any increases to Bell’s size will further threaten the ability of independent broadcasters and broadcasting distributors to effectively compete against the highly concentrated, tight oligopoly of large media companies that own both broadcasting and distribution services.”  The groups stated the deal would be bad for consumers and outlined several concerns, including:
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), who also acts as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC), Council of Senior Citizens’ Organization of British Columbia (COSCO), National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation (NPSCF) and Option consommateurs (OC) filed comments with the CRTC on Friday opposing the proposed acquisition of Astral Media Inc. by Bell Canada, a division of BCE Inc. The
 consumer advocacy group is asking the CRTC to turn down the Bell-Astral merger for a second time, saying a bigger Bell won’t be better for competition or choice.    The advocacy group says the market already isn’t meeting consumers’ expectations for choice, flexibility and affordability, and approving the deal doesn’t promise to make the situation any better.


Cogeco also still opposes revised Bell-Astral deal, saying it’s not good for consumers. “Canadian consumers of television entertainment can only expect rising costs for their viewing options on fixed and mobile platforms, more forced packaging of BCE services and less choice in the selection of services they actually wish to use,” the company said in a news release.

In Canada these days there is a big public outcry about legal tax avoidance by big firms.  It also now seems obvious in retrospect that self regulation also does not work. Effective supervisions, vigilance , controls are  always needed.. I also do still  think it’s time to break up the telecom monopoly in Canada as these mostly  still robber barrons cant be trusted with freedom on the internet or with our phones…


Firms  that hire expensive lobbyists and seem to hand out extravagant gifts including golf outings, trips, and even opera tickets to legislators willing to vote their way. These firms   with their false one sided contracts do  still for  freedom from regulation, oversight and pursue  the right to abandon their full responsibility to their customers, even with their immoral price hijacks  rates for any false excuses now too. I have already rightfully, often written Posts about our too often bad telecommunications firms, Internet firms  and Bell, Rogers and Telus are still not about to give up their greedy, immoral ways .  These rather too often price gougers too still do seem falsely to like to find any excuse to stick more charges to the customers even


One sided contracts are illegal  as any contract is illegal when it is either contrary to a statute or is contrary to public policy.   and all illegal contracts are not enforceable. Thus if you enter into an agreement with another person and you know or have reason to suspect the bargain has some taint of illegality or immorality merely don’t take the risk and exposit it to all.




These big firms that offer these now essential services too  they are too often useless, pretentious, immoral even, and the words “customer care” here clearly are misleading, false, they rather are paid company employees who look after the customer’s sole interest who quote the firms own policies, rights, demands.. These same mostly self serving firms and department, persons tend to disrespect even the federal and provincial laws, the consumer protection laws included as ai have found out myself many times now too. They all tend to firstly really not care about any of the customer’s personal abuses, hardships, losses, pains, concerns for almost all of these corporations solely care only about the firm’s own profitability, and their sole, bottom line for them is making more of the almighty buck not matter what the costs, even to the customers.  Still sadly almost all OF Canada’s telecommunications firms have a grossly one sided contract terms, definitions that mainly dictates out the rights of the firms only and not the customers rights, and this is grossly both illegal and immoral. Public exposure and prosecution of the liars, bullies, abusers, guilty firms serves everyone’s best interest.

According to Canada’s Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services 2011-2012 report, wireless services topped the complaints list. In the rising flood, Telus was the only company among Canada’s big three that had a drop in complaints — 13 per cent. Bell chalked up a hike of 17 per cent and Rogers Communications complaints rose by a whopping 112 per cent. Among cable service providers, Shaw saw complaints climb 335 per cent.”


Those sly subversive foxes at the CRTC TEND STILL TO  SOLELY FOR THEIR OWN INTEREST and all very very far from the pretense that is to the consumer benefit. To promote competition and to prevent market abuse by the largest players there needs to be a mix of effective oversight, and regulation   to allow real competition in the marketplace to take hold with real price decreases now too


It is clear the rich do continually get richer by satisfying their immoral  greed by drastically creaming off profits, and not fulfilling their promised responsibility by investment in adequate Customers  services. It seems obvious in all retrospect that self regulation does not work where the main  motive is  monetary  profit.  Also these Profits do leave the country, that’s the problem! They tend rather to go off to tax havens and we don’t see their further benefits. The  past privatisation of any of our basic essential service  needs, such as telecommunication and also Medicare,  in order to provide  profits for a few was and is always  foolish, destructive approach.  We must not tolerate any further citizen suffering caused by selfish profits, and it is time to bring back all of the basic  utilities and essential services back into democratic control, and to renationalise them.  it’s time all of the essential services, water, energy, rail, airlines  and communications were all taken back into public ownership without any recompense to those who hold the shares. They have already taken more than enough in profits and dividends.


Rogers, one of the largest telecom companies in the country, has found a way to block our access to affordable mobile services. We’re now looking at a future where just three mobile telecom giants could control a monopoly of the Internet and phones services, holding back progress and innovation. This is totally unacceptable.


So Now still who really protects the ordinary Canadian citizens from the too often bad, immoral  firms in reality, now  holding the much too many crooked   firms to accountability and next falsely  if there is any justice  it takes years to do so.. and for decades  or  not much good  tends to happen next anyway..  as “We Have a Coin-Operated Government”  Now you would think that our public and civil servants, politicians would by now know how to deal with all of these crooks without me having to tell them and all about it still.



October 26, 2012

Bell, Shaw and Rogers still can’t seem to provide good customer services! why?

It is basicaly cause they still do not care for the customers as they still are too greedy soley for the customer’s  money..

Wireless complaints on the rise for two of Canada’s top three telecoms “According to Canada’s Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services 2011-2012 report, wireless services topped the complaints list. In the rising flood, Telus was the only company among Canada’s big three that had a drop in complaints — 13 per cent. Bell chalked up a hike of 17 per cent and Rogers Communications complaints rose by a whopping 112 per cent. Among cable service providers, Shaw saw complaints climb 335 per cent.”


“Bell, Virgin and Solo had 31.5 per cent of complaints, compared to 34.3 per cent for Rogers, Fido and ChatR, and 13 per cent for Telus and Koodo.

Billing accounted for a 51 per cent of issues raised by clients: bills for services they didn’t request; bills at a higher rate than quoted; being billed twice for the same services; and being billed for wireless service after their devices were lost, stolen or taken in for repair.

In 231 complaints, customers found that disputes with a telecom provider ended up on their credit reports. This can often result in last-minute denial of a mortgage, loan or credit card application.

The CCTS breaks down the number of complaints by service provider. Here’s how the major players, along with their discount wireless brands, stacked up in 2011-12:

Rogers (2,881); Fido (824); ChatR Wireless (16)

Bell Canada (2,749); Virgin Mobile (491); Solo (176)

Telus (1,211); Koodo (202)–telecom-watchdog-scolds-firms-about-bill-errors-roseman


see also

September 14, 2012


add to that the oil companies…  

The Competition Bureau is suing Canada’s three biggest wireless carriers and  an industry association for allegedly misleading consumers about the cost of  premium texting services.

The watchdog accuses Bell (TSX:BCE), Rogers (TSX:RCI.B) and Telus (TSX:T),  along with the industry group that represents them, of enabling third parties to  sell trivia questions, ringtones and other services without adequately  disclosing the cost.

Those can cost up to $10 per transaction and up to $40 for a monthly  subscription over and above standard texting plans, the bureau said in a release  Friday.

“Our investigation revealed that consumers were under the false impression  that certain texts and apps were free,” said bureau commissioner Melanie  Aitken.

“Unfortunately, in far too many cases, consumers only became aware of  unexpected and unauthorized charges on their mobile phone bills.”

Read more:

First   Check your phone bill: You’re probably being overcharged for data or anything else since  customers  are still too often ABUSED. Overall, the average overcharge can be at least  about 5-7% for most users and in the end it’s typically no fault of yours.  

Canada also already has bandwidth caps that are too low, and too expensive. When it comes to taking full advantage of the opportunities the Web opens up, Canadians are are being falsely priced gouged at every turn still by these clearly greedy, immoral Communication firms here.

There are many Canadian ISPs with download caps as low as 15GB for a month, with  excess billing charges if you burst through the 15GB limit.

The Netflix stock itself is still smarting 1 year after their severe service price hike. The unexpected twist that Netflix unveiled a year ago had triggered mass customer cancellations and a sell-off in its stock, which had wiped out more than $11 billion US in shareholder wealth. Netflix Inc. has bounced back this year to revive its subscriber growth. But even after a recent rally, its stock remains more than 70 per cent below its peak price of nearly $305 about a year ago, largely because of concerns about what Netflix has been spending to attract and retain subscribers. Many Canadian telecommunications firms have to do the same, pay continually very high amount of advertising to try to make up for the much too many customers they offend and lose

While Canada’s major telecom companies — Rogers (TSX:RCI.B), Bell (TSX:BCE) and Telus  (TSX:T) — and consumer advocacy groups all support the idea of national  standards that would apply to wireless devices that alone will not deal with the much too many consumer complaints here too. Even Canada’s wireless services needs more serious and valid regulation since they seem to be robbing, price gouging  the citizens at every point they can, Canada’s service providers are not competitive enough,  and Canadians pay too much  compared to telecom users around the worl. Thier broadband caps to a ‘human rights violation’. Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos has blasted Canadian internet service providers (ISPs) for their low caps and excess usage charges . Sarandos minced no words when speaking of Canada’s ISPs, stating: “It’s almost a human rights violation, what they’re charging for internet access in Canada.”and he is right. Canada’s internet access  is”third world”, and  Netflix business in the country has suffered as a result too. Organizations like OpenMedia have been rightfuly  battling for Internet openness and fairness to consumers for years. And, of course, Bell, Telus  or Rogers have been named the worst throttler in the world. 10% of Canadians use Netflix But Netflix’s Ted Sarandos thinks that number would be a lot higher if it wasn’t for Canadian ISPs. So could likely many others.

Bell Canada, Bell Aliant and Télébec, dominant phone, pay phone providers throughout Ontario, Atlantic Canada and  Quebec, all have applied to double the cost of a pay phone call—from 50 cents to a dollar. The cost of using a prepaid debit card would rise to $2 a call. These prices were even previously doubled five years ago.  And where else can uou see such a great rater of price increases, inflation under any exuse now to? And is this still  a really big issue.. when you consider that the telecomunications firms are not only known big advertsing  liars, making loads of money in the processs but they falsely also tend to use a bait and switch policy.. they tend to advertise great, compartive rates but you likley will find next escalting, greedy, price gouging price increases on their servcies with plenty of extra charges,   known reasons why they are also hated so much by so many Canadians ..  and explaining  still simply why they are also making so much money and have become rich, and all this is never acceptable still. It is all sad when you do consider even that Canada drops entirely out of the top 10 when it comes to cellphones,  internet infrastructure. Canadian citizens not only do suffer from relatively slow Internet speeds but they are falsely price gouged for using the services too


and where else do they also abuse us now????

January 20, 2012

Once again the Big firms like Rogers tend not to respect the laws..

OTTAWA — Rogers Communications Inc., is breaking Canada’s Internet traffic management rules by deliberately slowing down certain online traffic, the country’s telecommunications regulator said Friday. In a letter to Rogers posted to its website Friday, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commissions said it is “of the belief” that the telecom giant is in breach of the rules governing how Internet Service Providers control the flow of traffic on their networks. “Within two weeks, I look forward to you either presenting us with a rebuttal of our evidence or providing us with a plan to come into compliance with the (Telecommunications) Act,” writes Andrea Rosen, CRTC’s chief compliance and enforcement officer. “Failure to provide a meaningful rebuttal or an effective plan will result in my recommendation to Commissioners to hold a show-cause hearing.”


So who realy protects the Canadian citizens from the too often bad, immoral  firms in reality, now  holding the much too many crooked   firms to accountiablity but if there is any justice  it takes years to do so.. and for decades then not much good  tends to happen ..


see also

January 14, 2012


Get ready for price increases, more bureaucratic red tape, and disrespectful customer service.

We have reports that the Big Three cell phone giants (who control roughly 94% of the market) are trying to trick the government into shutting out independent competitors. Some of them are going so far as to use high-priced lobbyists and a fake grassroots campaign1.

If the Big Three succeed, they will:

  • SqueezeCanadians into tighter contracts, with disrespectful customer service.
  • Squeezemore money out of your wallet every single month.
  • Squeeze independent providers out of the cell phone market.

In short, they will be the only game in town, and that means you and I will pay more for our cell phones. It will lock Canada behind the rest of the world on mobile communications, cripple essential innovation, limit social progress, and drain your wallet every month.

Sign the Stop The Squeeze petition before it’s too late!

Canadians already pay some of the highest cell phone fees in the free world2. This is a gut check for Canada. Will we let price-gouging big telecom companies squeeze every last penny out of our wallets before we stand up for ourselves? Will we let them slow-walk our economy into disaster?


We’ve heard that the Industry Minister is about to make a decision that could rubber stamp this cell phone nightmare into reality. Please join Canadians from across the country in signing this urgent petition to send him a message.

Let’s not put up with this anymore.

see also

December 22, 2011

Once again the Big firms like Bell tend not to respect the laws..


Rogers has promised to stop throttling internet traffic on its network by the end of this year, in response to an investigation by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Rogers has promised to stop “throttling” internet traffic on its network by the end of this year, IF YOU BELEIVE THESE CONTINUAL LIARS WHO LIED THEY WERE NOT THROTTLING ALREADY.. AND ROGERS IS NOT T MUCH BETTER THAN BIG BAD BELL..


Bell Canada and the Evenko promotion company could face fines for violating lobbying rules while they negotiated for the rights to the city’s proposed $400 million arena. Quebec’s lobbying commissioner, Francois Casgrain, ruled this week that the two companies failed to register as lobbyists prior to the start of talks.  The contract eventually went to Quebecor Inc., owner of QMI Agency and the Sun Media chain.


see also

November 16, 2011

CRTC rejects Bell plan for wholesale Internet billing, CRTC helps to rob consumers

Rogers has promised to stop throttling internet traffic on its network by the end of this year, in response to an investigation by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Rogers has promised to stop “throttling” internet traffic on its network by the end of this year, IF YOU BELEIVE THESE CONTINUAL LIARS WHO LIED THEY WERE NOT THROTTLING ALREADY.. AND ROGERS IS NOT T MUCH BETTER THAN BIG BAD BELL..

With the Help of  the bad CRTC, now Bell and the majors, force a serious struggle even for survival for the independent Internet service providers who have already been struggling hard against giant telephone and cable companies. The CRTC was to improve competion in Canada and not rather to help the big firms to jack up the profits, prices, make loads more money  and to put the other smaller firms out of business 

TORONTO — The country’s independent Internet service providers were hit Tuesday by a regulatory ruling allowing major network owners such as BCE Inc. to charge “significantly” higher rates for wholesale Internet access. Though affecting less than 10% of Canadian retail Web users, the decision holds broader implications for competition in the sector if some smaller Internet Service Providers (ISPs) cannot afford the hikes and are squeezed out of the market.

GATINEAU, Qc – The federal telecommunications regulator has rejected a controversial plan that would have allowed the big phone and cable companies to impose a usage-based billing model on Internet service resellers, a system that the Conservative government and many consumers had opposed.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s decision on Tuesday instead gives the companies a choice of either charging the smaller Internet providers a flat rate per user or selling the ISPs a specific amount of capacity on their networks.

“The net effect of it is that there will be no caps, no limitations, no metering of use for retail customers as a result of this CRTC decision,” CRTC chairman Konrad von Finckenstein said Tuesday.

The issue also led to debate about how Canadians should be charged for Internet services and how much bandwidth they use.

But the CRTC focused only on the wholesale prices independent Internet providers pay for network use — not the monthly retail rates they charge their customers.

It is about time the consumers are protected from greedy ma Bell too and we get real Competetion, close down the useless CRTC  too.

OTTAWA — The federal government says it will review this week’s decision by the country’s telecommunications regulator to allow large Internet providers to use new capacity-based billing for independent service providers. “We will study the CRTC’s decision carefully to ensure that it meets our objectives of encouraging competition and network investment and enabling consumer choice,” Industry Minister Christian Paradis said in a statement following Tuesday’s ruling. “Canadians have been very clear in expressing their concerns about earlier UBB decisions,” Paradis said.

-Pay more? You have got to be kidding me! Canadians are already living in the dark ages in terms of high speed ]service, which by the way we already pay way more for then pretty much every other country on this planet!

-How about…..why is Rogers now getting into BANKING….you think they are doing o.k.?

How about the fact that Bell media had exploded and is buying up huge chunks of our country??

How about the fact that the CRTC is holding open the door for these extortionists to bleed us for all that we can stand

-I believe in getting what you pay for but that’s never been the case with this industry.

It’s infuriating to think I’ll end up paying more for a service that  never delivered what was advertised in the first place. The worst part is, there is no other option.

-Congratulations CRTC on your major contribution to line the big corporate pockets & scewing us but good. Crooks in bed with crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-You didn’t actually think the CRTC was on the side of the avergae Canadian consumer did you??

-Disband the CRTC now and start with a leaner more competitive-friendly regulator that is not staffed with the same out of touch people it currently employs in Gatineau

November 3, 2011

The Rich get richer, Bell included

OTTAWA – BCE Inc. on Thursday reported better-than-expected earnings as its new media unit give it a revenue boost, as did money charged for wireless data.The Montreal-based parent company of Bell Canada said net income was $642 million, or 83 cents a share, in the third quarter. That was up from $454 million, or 60 cents a share, a year earlier. “ Revenue was up 8.7 per cent to $4.9 billion. Much of the gains were driven by its new Bell Media unit, created this year following its acquisition of the CTV television network. Wireless revenue was up 6.1 per cent, which included 34.1 per cent more in wireless data sales.

We can all easily remember when Bell was crying poverty, that it was not making enough money even with their IPS, broadband services so it has to resort to capping the users.. that did not stop Bell from generating larger profits next. TV, Cell Phones rip offs

Montreal Gazette: Bell and Videotron alone do not a competitive marketplace make  Only in Canada, would you have increased competition resulting in higher prices. That appears to be exactly what’s happening as Bell Canada Enterprises and Videotron battle for turf in cell phones, Internet and television service.

Let there be no doubts, Bell lies, steal, does everything it can to get richer and richer at the citizens consumers expense and it needs to be regulated for the good of all Canadians
“At the CRTC’s recent hearing on Internet metering, a lobbyist from Bell stood up before the Commission, looked each member in the eye, and suggested Canadians don’t mind a pay meter on their Internet use. I asked him afterwards how he could say such a thing—nearly half-a-million Canadians revolted against Internet price-gouging by signing the Stop The Meter petition this year. The Bell lobbyist responded with a simple statement: “It’s notpersonal.” I was stunned. Can you afford to have new fees added to your Internet bill each month? I know I can’t. Being price-gouged is personal, especially in these unstable economic times. We at are cautiously optimistic that the CRTC will do the right thing and let indie ISPs provide unmetered Internet access. But we know one thing for sure: big phone and cable companies are working behind the scenes to undo the progress we’ve made. We can’t let them get away with this.”

do see

September 20, 2011

Bell Canada included now

Just cause it is a big corporation now  does still not mean it is well managed, or it  is moral, ethical! The bigger the firms too often means the bigger crimes going unpunished..

Bell’s new network too fast for many phones
Hamilton SpectatorSMARTPHONES Bell Mobility Inc. has launched a  super-fast wireless network in southern Ontario, but users will have to wait  until smartphones are available

Bell beats Rogers to the launchMontreal Gazette
Bell beats Rogers to Toronto with LTE

New wireless push all about CTV, Bell
Financial Post (blog)
The Wire ReportCanada NewsWire (press release)
all 66 news articles

It is an undeniable fact that Bell has to continually advertise, conduct a vast marketing campaign even to find new customers, and new ways to make money because it has a very poor customer services , it is very mismanaged, and very inefficient as well. Today anyone who uses Bell Canada’s services can readily known that Bell is an greedy, immoral firm that practices systematically lies, price gouging, false, misleading trade practices, restrictive trade practices, provides a very poor customer services and falsely tries to monopolizes it’s services and all Canadian Consumers need protection from Bell. The present consumer protection in Canada is not enough not even from the bad CRTC. Bell now falsely caps, blocks the ISP internet services so it can rather encourage all their customer to use their own services such as Bell Satellite TV with a wide selection of programming and receiver options, Fibe TV service is now available in an increasing number of neighborhoods. The Canadian Governments need to provide real on line regulation of all of the immoral, big Bell services on behalf of all Canadians.
Canada’s Internet infrastructure firstly is still is pathetic, compared to many other countries. We are all falsely overpriced for it too and are all being under serviced. The net infrastructure in Canada anyway was built with government money anyway. They, handed it over for free to these Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these clearly crooks,robber-barons so that they could now even milk the consumer for every penny possible, without now even Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these clear crooks actually expending any capital to increase their capacity or effective services. So next we all do DEMAND real action here from our governments on behalf of all Canadians now too It’s what we all pay taxes for the governments to protect us all from the bad firms of Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. and any of these crooks visible Lies from Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc., Their also now is an unacceptable corporate false advertising problem, for we can easily see and know that Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. they here are still mostly telling us all lies to justify still now their false robbery of all of the paid customers, consumers .Rogers acknowledged that equipment on its network used to slow down some kinds of internet traffic in order to prioritize time-sensitive applications such as internet voice calling and video streaming might affect other applications but still all these people paid for it..They falsely cap the ISP downloads to try to make more money form the cellphones usage.The CRTC should not be asking Rogers to fix the problem, they should be demanding that this be resolved now and to those affected should receive compensation until it is fixed. The ISP is here to provide bandwidth, and not to decide which traffic to throttle, filter and block. If their highly pre advertised as being superior, fully capable infrastructures now next cannot handle current demands, then they now next need to use their own funds they earn from their telecommunications monopoly to fix it, improve it. How can anyone now even buy their services now from Rogers or Bell when you know full well everything they do rob the consumers, stifle’s competition, the economy as and progress in the telecommunications industry all for their own selfish, greedy, immoral gains.

Traffic shaping is always still criminal even if Bell, Rogers or anyone else does it. . If the consumer is paying for bandwidth, how are the consumers falsely now even being made to pay for Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these crooks to make judgments about the consumers using that paid bandwidth? Everyone always *should* be allocated the speed they pay for – and do let the consumers, customers use the network as to how they do see fit. I pay a lot of money each month for my unlimited megabits per second download and megabit per second upload. this is what I paid for. When my Internet service provider now next intentionally and even secretly too slows all this down, this is still called theft. It’s fraud. Even if I want to run a peer to peer usage.

The CRTC now realy should now prevent Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these crooks from spying on/shaping/limiting the consumer’s traffic. Now also do add throttling to the criminal code even for the consumer fraud that it is. Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. lying charge a ton for high-speed, but it is only high speed service if it doesn’t hurt their own corporate economic interests This is still basically all unacceptable robbery. Consumers spend the most money for their PCs, pay for their games and software, pay for premium internet and then next get nothing better then a low speed. The Consumers are the people that buy all the services, buy all the new computers, gadgets and yet Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. try to punish those honest consumers who are now even helping the economy, allowing the government to receive more taxes and thus all these bad CEOs should be now still also be put in jail.

Why also now aren’t the CRTC paying full attention to absolutely ANYTHING going on regarding the absolute hatred many many people do now have for Rogers and Bell?

Rogers now has also been asked to fix game throttling problem Rogers says next it had made a few “innocent” mistakes. It is not funny but criminal . Funny how those “innocent” mistakes always seem to work for more money in Rogers’ favour. Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these crooks doesn’t care, and they will drag this on for months (they already have, for about a year now). Their “solution” to the CRTC will be the same as last time. “We’ll have a fix within six months.” and six months later their “fix” won’t work Instead of “asking” Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these crooks to fix the problem, the CRTC should be fining Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. $100,000 per day until it is fixed. Then a a fix would magically appear overnight.Still one week after toothless CRTC ruling, they WILL go back to throttling and use whatever excuse they can find in their policy of no accountability, Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these crooks should all be forced to discount every single customer on their subscriber bases for throttling anything at all. It anyway all illegal, and since they’ve never shown any shred of proof that throttling is necessary, they should now also be fined for breach of contract and their false advertising.

Rogers, Bell, Shaw, etc. these visible crooks continue to abuse the consumers only until they’re next shamed, forced to do what’s proper because firstly it’s not in their best economic interest to change. Deal with it ASAP

OTTAWA — Canada’s telecommunications useless regulator the CRTC has falsely now taken years to come up with real actions to deal with the Canada’s big bad communications firms that are unfairly, falsely slowing down the internet . The issue of their immoral traffic shaping has falsely even been going on now for years as customers play games , watch TV shows and movies, even all the while the immoral industry Telecommunications do continue to to economically gouge the customers for every kilobyte of band width and they continue to lie as to the reasons they need to do so. Real actions today is needed here and not mere CRTC false buck passing, useless public relationship statements.

Bell has been falsely slowing my ISP, net services still even this week.. all the while while it lies to us all about the modern, great fast speed internet it provides.

“In a letter to the telecom giant, the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission said the company’s own traffic management policy states that online games, such as World of Warcraft, should not be throttled or slowed down, and would only be affected if Rogers misclassifies the games and other peer-to-peer applications were running at the same time. Rogers now has until Sept. 27 to present a plan to the regulator to deal with the issue. “Commission staff considers that Rogers should address and resolve this misclassification problem,” the correspondence. While Internet service providers have said they need to manage online traffic to deal with network congestion during peak hours, the CRTC has instituted a policy stipulating that the noticeable degradation of time-sensitive Internet traffic requires prior commission approval under Canada’s Telecommunications Act. “We are currently getting reports from our members that Shaw customers are also affected … The CRTC has also been aware for quite some time that Bell Sympatico members have also experienced similar problems,” .”We will be asking for the CRTC to broaden its investigation to ensure that solutions presented by Rogers in this case are implemented on those ISPs, as well.””

Ontario’s and Quebec’s clearly corrupted Liberals and political leaders have also now  falsely now allowed Bell to abuse the Ontario and Quebec customers for years as well.

July 14, 2011



The CLEARLY absurd and price gouging, ONE SIDED Bell and Rogers now even trying to justify their false costs increases demand that the persons who use more should pay more DO NOW FALSELY neglect to point out that in that case all the persons who use less that 50 percent or 25 percent of the average downloads quantities, available capacities they all also should thus equally GET A CORRESPONDING monthly PRICE REFUND AS WELL. Something they THE TELECOMMUNICATION GIANTS yet have to do even. WHILE THEY THE TELECOMMUNICATION GIANTS ALL DO WANT TO TAKE MORE MONEY FROM ONE GROUP UNDER FALSE PRETENSES ARE NOW REFUSING TO REFUND any MONIES TO THE OTHERS..

the 10 Commandments are still applicable today for all, corporations and business persons included

Bell Canada  to pay a penalty of $10 million for making misleading advertising claims


June 28, 2011

Bell Canada to pay a penalty of $10 million for making misleading advertising claims

the 10 Commandments are still applicable today for all, corporations and business persons included

but still

Greedy, immoral Bell Canada  lies, misleads, is crooked

Bell and Telus misleading approach adds it’s unrealistic management expectations of making more money, price gouging consumers…

see also

  and now Bell pays in part only for making it’s misleading advertising claims.

Bell Canada pays $10M over misleading ads -Bell Canada has agreed to pay a penalty of $10 million for making misleading advertising claims, the federal Competition Bureau announced ..The Bureau found that Bell had, since December 2007, charged more than advertised for many of its services, including home phone, internet, satellite TV and wireless. Additional fees, such as those related to TouchTone, modem rental and digital television services, were hidden from consumers in fine-print disclaimers and were mandatory, on top of the advertised prices. Customers purchasing any of the services individually were also faced with the same misleading information, as additional fees were excluded from those advertised prices as well, the bureau said.
Bell to pay $10-million for misleading ads Globe and Mail This is not the first time Ms. Aitken’s bureau has targeted big telecom companies: Late last year, the bureau said it was taking Rogers Communications Inc. to court seeking a $10-million penalty over “misleading” advertising related to Rogers’ new wireless rivals, such as Wind Mobile. The telecom sector is infamous for burying additional costs or contractual obligations in fine print, particularly in wireless, where consumers are often hit with extra fees when they try to switch providers. Ms. Aitken said.
This penalty money is still a drop in the bucket as to what Bell should even pay now for it’s unacceptable sins, consumer abuses….

 The country’s competition watchdog is asking an Ontario court to levy a record $10-million penalty to Rogers Communications Inc.for “misleading advertising” that criticized new competitors Wind Mobile, Mobilicity and Public Mobile. The Competition Bureau of Canada is seeking the highest possible penalty from the country’s largest wireless player after a two-month investigation into claims that Rogers had been making since late July..  The bureau said that based on “an extensive review of technical data, obtained from a number of sources,” there was “no discernible difference in dropped call rates between Rogers/Chatr and new entrants.”“We won’t hesitate to seek the maximum penalty against companies that are engaged in misleading behaviour,” Melanie Aitken, the commissioner of competition, said on Friday. “It distorts competition and hurts consumers.” “We take that as a very strong signal that Parliament and Canadians expect us to use the tools they’ve given us, and when there are cases of clear misleading advertising, those penalties are there for a reason,” Ms. Aitken said. The penalty, a civil matter, is different than a fine, a term reserved for punishments levied in criminal cases. The bureau attempted to negotiate a settlement between Wind Mobile, which filed the complaint, and Rogers, as it usually does in cases like this, but said Rogers had refused to address their concerns, leading them to seek action through the courts. The Competition Bureau has asked the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to order Rogers to pay the penalty, to stop making the claims, and to “issue a corrective notice to inform the general public about the nature and provisions of the order issued against them.” The bureau also recommended Rogers pay restitution to customers who chose the Chatr service over that of another because of the ad campaign.

In a lawsuit brought against BCE’s Bell Mobility by Rogers Communications Inc., Mr. Justice Austin Cullen yesterday issued a temporary injunction under the Competition Act forcing Bell Mobility to stop claiming it operates the “most reliable” wireless network. Bell must begin to remove the bulk of its advertisements with the “most reliable” claim by Dec. 22, and have all such material out of the marketplace by Jan. 19, 2010.  “This highlights that companies have to be careful and cautious when making performance claims,” said Steve Szentisi, a Vancouver-based competition lawyer

see also

Majority of Canadians they still just want  all pricing to be simple and fair — and Bell, Rogers, Telus, Shaw and Videtron etc., so far have they all undeniably too done now  anything but that… they give out lies, misleading adds instead  and practise unfair business competetion behaviors..
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