The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

June 18, 2008

Who looks after the citizens welfare? The pretentious security Minister


One in three hit with RCMP Tasers need medical care: The Canadian Press-CBC analysis The Canadian Press – Tue Jun 17, 6:18 PM  OTTAWA – Nearly one-third of the people the RCMP has zapped with Tasers needed medical treatment afterward, prompting new questions about a potent weapon police consider a safer alternative to conventional guns.

Prosecutors look over charge assessment report on Dziekanski death The Canadian Press – Tue Jun 17, 6:46 PMVANCOUVER – B.C. Crown prosecutors are looking over a police report that will help them determine whether charges should be laid in the death of a man hit with a police Taser at Vancouver airport.

Who looks after the citizens welfare? The pretentious security Minister Stockwell Day MP who could not become a prime Minister firstly too already.

The RCMP also  uses Mickey Mouse PR, Public Relationship to cover the reality it fails often to get their man, most of them and definitely!!
 Spending more money to overcome a bad a image is a really bad approach, a waste of time, for you still cannot undo all of the damage done already firstly..
“In Britain, many police forces are permitted to use Tasers only when there is a threat of serious injury or death, and before that threat has reached a level that would normally allow a gun to be used. The same holds for the police service of Northern Ireland, according to Mr. Kennedy, chair of an independent RCMP complaints body, in his final report on Tasers published yesterday. This should be the policy for the RCMP and other police forces in Canada. Why is that policy needed? Because, as seen in the two archetypal RCMP taserings in Canada – of a distressed Polish immigrant at the Vancouver airport, and of a penknife-wielding 82-year-old man in a Kamloops, B.C., hospital bed – police use the taser as a weapon of convenience.  The problem is not only that the taser can kill, or contribute to killing, as it did in the airport tasering of 40-year-old Robert Dziekanski in October, and in 19 other cases in the past five years. It’s that the overwhelming pain it causes and the total control it asserts (negating the brain’s impulses to the muscles, so that the tasered individual becomes completely locked up from within) are often out of all proportion to the threat”.                 
Since I know with my own dealings with the RCMP many times the RCMP lies, and they too cannot be trusted to keep their promises, so we need independent reviews on the users of Tasers by the police, with reports in full detail at all times. When cops also do  know they have to do a report they will think twice about using Tasers..
Watchdog calls for better medical aid in taser incidents
Globe and Mail, Canada – 18 Jun 2008
OTTAWA — The head of the public watchdog over the RCMP says officers must seek immediate medical attention for people they zap with a taser.
Hey I have also shared it before, I know even too often firsthand that even the Police, RCMP, at the instruction of their political watchdogs, local politicians now too do collect a whole pile of data, information on the opposition, us ordinary citizens,  even from the net as well in their feeds.. but so does the post office, and  when you now do ask them to do some real work they all seem to be useless, pretentious. and do also have all their many false excuses just like too many of the politicians, civil and public services, etc..   “I would note that the issues raised , you are referring to in your email do not fall within the purview of the.”.  so how is the RCMP coming on the much too many complaints in Canada  that Bell Sympatico itself had this year falsified many of the customer’s renewal contracts without the customer’s prior approval, knowledge even, and mine included as I had rightfully asked them in writing too to do so too? Well? Or are they too still using their budgets to have a good time? Just like the bad others..
or are the police falsely going to harass  , investigate the whistle blowers rather or Taser and kill them and the others defenseless persons? THE RCMP falsely still did not get, convict  those murders who killed, Tasered to death,  the polish immigrant at the Vancouver airport even, too..  nor now most of  the big spenders who steal tax payer’s monies. And why? Don’t tell me they need a bigger budget again too?

 Canadians are trimming down on their food, lifestyle and travel habits as costs rise, says a new poll. Three-quarters of the Canadians surveyed said they’ve noticed the price of food increasing in the last three months, and almost half of respondents said they were already buying cheaper products in place of more expensive items.

Who looks after out for our good welfare, the federal government, provinces?  we do that .. for the others are too busy stuffing their own pockets, having a good time still it seems.

RCMP use Tasers too often: report
Calgary Herald,  Canada – 18 Jun 2008
OTTAWA – The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are using Taser electronic stun guns too often and should only fire them at suspects who pose a serious risk,

Ban Tasers if RCMP doesn’t curb use by year’s end: Commons committee – 3 hours ago
A parliamentary committee is threatening to call for a moratorium on the use of stun guns if the RCMP doesn’t begin restricting use of the weapons by the end of the year.
Crack down on Tasers, watchdog tells Mounties Toronto Star
Too much Taser use Winnipeg Sun
CHQR – – Vancouver Sun – The Province
all 289 news articles » 

Saskatoon police lose bid to quash report on teen left to freeze – 4 hours ago SASKATOON – Two Saskatoon police officers and the Saskatoon City Police Association have lost their bid to quash the key findings of an inquiry into the circumstances of an incident that left an aboriginal teen frozen to death outside the city limits
Sask Appeal Court rejects bid to overturn findings of Stonechild The Canadian Press
Hartwig And Senger Lose Appeal 980 CJME News Talk Radio
Globe and Mail –
all 31 news articles »
 Politicians must act to restrict Taser use
Calgary Herald – 5 hours ago
Airport last fall, when Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski died after receiving two jolts from the pistol-like device. He concluded there was: It should be considered an impact weapon and while it had its uses, should only be handled by police officers
The charged issue of tasers Globe and Mail
Crack down on Tasers, watchdog tells Mounties Toronto Star – – Winnipeg Sun – StarPhoenix
all 316 news articles »

Fire all of the bad cops and their bad supervisors  immediately too..

Vancouver  Police Chief Jim Chu called on judges to impose tougher sentences on chronic criminals. They all should start with the bad cops, the bad RCMP too Canada wide.



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