The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

May 1, 2008

Is your ISP still even watching you? or the cops?

First of all… it is not the ISP’s job to become the Big Brother police of the internet and world wide web, and it   such is a serious breach of freedom of speech, invasion of one’s personal privacy still too,  they the ISPs are there to provide a good, decent, reliable high speed service thus the term Internet Service Provider, some thing that Bell Sympatico in Canada clearly and wrongfully  has not be able to do for me often too.,, as you can read on this site often too. This Unauthorized bell watchdog needs to firstly look at itself and deal rightfully even firstly with it’s much too many customer contract violations, abuses and ASAP even in reality.
Practically all ISPs and there employees do read your e-mails and look at the sites you visit, without a wiretap order.
“The network is asserting almost complete control of the users’ ability to use their network as a gateway to the Internet,” said Marvin Ammori, general counsel of Free Press, a Washington-based consumer advocacy group. “They become gatekeepers rather than gateways.”
The ISP wrongfully sees itself as the sole judge of disputes in their contract obligations too.
This sort of contract, where the subscriber is considered to agree by signing up for service rather than by active negotiation, is given extra scrutiny by the courts. Any wiggle room or ambiguity is usually resolved in favor of the consumer rather than the company.
The falsehood, misdirection that the Bells AT&T , Verizon, Sympatico aren’t as concerned about bandwidth hogs, because phone lines aren’t shared among households… is not true as well
I too would rightfully like to see the provisions that made DPI (deep packet inspection) by ISPs to be made illegal not just by the CRTC but also by the federal government now too, including by Bell , the Big Brother’s false invasion of our home, personal privacy. Since we can readily know that the reasons given for the internet downloading inspections, capping are unjustifiable, what are the actual reasons now for these online now inspections too?
Spending more money to overcome a bad a image is a really bad approach, a waste of time, for you still cannot undo all of the damage done already firstly..
Hey I have shared it before, I know even too often firsthand that even the Police, RCMP, at the instruction of their political watchdogs, local politicians now too do collect a whole pile of data, information on the opposition, us ordinary citizens,  even from the net as well in their feeds.. but so does the post office, and  when you now do ask them to do some real work they all seem to be useless, pretentious. and do also have all their many false excuses just like too many of the politicians, civil and public services, etc..   “I would note that the issues raised , you are referring to in your email do not fall within the purview of the.”.  so how is the RCMP coming on the much too many complaints in Canada  that Bell Sympatico itself had this year falsified many of the customer’s renewal contracts without the customer’s prior approval, knowledge even, and mine included as I had rightfully asked them in writing too to do so too? Well? Or are they too still using their budgets to have a good time? Just like the bad others..
or are the police falsely going to harass  , investigate the whistle blowers rather or Taser and kill them and the others defenseless persons? THE RCMP falsely still did not get, convict  those murders who killed, Tasered to death,  the polish immigrant at the Vancouver airport even, too..  nor now most of  the big spenders who steal tax payer’s monies. And why? Don’t tell me they need a bigger budget again too?
Here in Canada I had attended some political meetings   at the request of a neighbor  of mine, a lawyer,  who worked for city hall, shortly after that the same neighbor had told me that the local police had next complied a report on me at the request of the mayor, for apparently it was common practice for the mayor to use the police services to evaluate all of his possible political opponents. No wonder the main jail was across from the mayor’s office too. Next the same lawyer told me that the provincial government also had a RCMP report on me as well done by police..  and apparently I was classified as a religious terrorist because I also do talk about Jesus.  .. there really is no no such thing as privacy in Canada.. I understand that the Post office office has a database on the citizens of Canada in PEI as well.

So what is the government doing about protecting us and our privacy and stopping the invasion of our personal privacy in reality? Nothing again?

MPs call for expanded privacy law The Canadian Press – ‎7 OTTAWA — A House of Commons committee says the federal privacy law should be expanded to cover new technologies such as live surveillance-camera feeds and

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