The non conformer's Canadian Weblog

October 25, 2010

Chilling facts about cellphones while driving, Insurance rates.

the law (2a)


Despite it being illegal for years, British Columbians continue to use their mobile phones behind the wheel, and nearly one-quarter of all fatalities on B.C. roads are caused by distracted drivers. Distracted driving has been illegal in B.C. for years, but remains one of the leading causes of road fatalities in the province AND NOT SPEEDING..


Drivers more worried about others texting than drinking Vancouver Sun –  Many Canadian drivers see texters as a bigger threat to their safety than drinkers, according to a recent Canadian Automobile Association survey.


Texting now top driving concern The Province
Toronto Sun – 580 CFRA Radio – Lethbridge 

Studies show that approximately one-in-six fatal vehicle collisions have resulted from a driver being distracted while driving. And car crashes are the number one cause of teenager deaths.,,new laws were enacted in BC like other other provinces in Canada on the use of hand-held phones while driving. In BC, it’s a $167 fine, plus three penalty points. There’s a complete ban on cell phone use (including hands-free systems) for novice drivers and they face even stiffer penalties.


A report by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) found that texting while driving not only increased the risk of a crash or a near crash by more than 23 times. Text messaging draws the driver’s eyes away from the road ahead more than any other use of a cell phone.


Just talking on a cell phone can distract a driver, and several studies have demonstrated that, even with a hands-free device. But texting and using so-called smart phones that provide e-mail access and other distracting applications take the problem to a new level.


Free speech firstly does not apply while driving a car..  any person has to be blind not to see  the fact that the people talking on the phone while driving are dangerously distracted, and they can tend to kill, hurt  pedestrians they do not tend to see.. also they can cause serious accidents because they are phone impaired. Note personal safety is always a concern.. and one’s insurance costs now too.. Health costs too… Now there is no such thing as a free automatic right to drive a car especially when you can also now hurt yourself or others.. Do have a car accident while talking on the phone and you will see a serious increase of your insurance premium as well.
Taking drugs, Drinking, road rage and driving now   is also dangerous..

OTTAWA (CBC) – A year after Ontario barred drivers from using cellphones and other handheld electronics while they’re behind the wheel, little has changed . Ottawa police say they issue an average of 400 fines per month to distracted drivers who often appear impaired swerving, braking erratically, or sometimes even veering into oncoming traffic. Samantha Lyman said sending a text message from behind the wheel may have been her daughter Kay’s last act as she drove from Carleton Place to Arnprior, Ont.” She sent out a text to Facebook at around 12:32 (p.m.), and the accident happened at around 12:33,” Lyman said. Kay, 18, was killed on May 20 of this year when her car slid into the path of an oncoming truck. Recent studies estimate drivers continue to risk their lives. Close to 10 per cent of drivers are holding a mobile phone or texting while behind the wheel, one study found. Police in Ottawa are cracking down, but the problem persists. The CBC’s Jeff Semple hit the road and spoke with those affected most by the dangers of distracted driving. Tune in to his reports Wednesday on CBC Radio, TV and online. You can also follow him on Twitter @JeffSempleCBC.


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